Battle Zone Tournament General Discussion Thread

Electro would be a pretty good super for electric powers... though we were thinking of using Ash's Pikachu for that.
Nope, you need to be part of a famous, successful franchise from the 80s and have a cool sword. Power is the third most important thing after that and good hype
I'd like to introduce the kirby of next year.


The reason I say she's the kirby of next year is because like Kirby I think many will at first misjudge here abilities but when you think it over she's almost on part with someone as strong as say Goku or Superman. I probably could have gone with any of the powerpuff girls but I believe that she would be the one to go the farthest because I believe of the three she is the strongest.

Another person I would recommend is Tenchi from the Tenchi muyo series. I'm not sure if he would go into the human or super bracket. He's not really a super but he does have extra-ordinary abilities that might keep him out of the humans bracket.

He's got the light hawk wings and also the sword that he uses. I would have to go for the Tenchi from the original OVA series because I don't think he's as strong in the other series as he is in this one. Those are my additions. I think Ryoko might be a good addition too. Not sure if she would be able to use Ryo-oki as well. Granted that might be considered back up but at the same time she's also her ship and someone said that Darth would possibly be allowed to use his ship.

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