Who Cuts the Best Promo's? (Best Mic Skill)

the Hollywood verson of the Rock was the same, would tell the fans to shut up and not say his catchphrases, and would still be cheered. same thing as jericho now, can call us whatever he wants, and a lot of us are going to cheer for him still
I'd have to vote for The Rock as well. Even today, he'd still be able to make the scripted crap sound entertaining, he's just that damn good.

Before Rock I'd have said Ric Flair. For years he was the man in the ring and on the mike. Sadly though he seems to have lost it in both aspects. I can't get people praising him for his mike work nowadays. Flair finished for me the minute he threw down the mike and started speaking into Foley's book, because he was confused. I was gutted as he'd always seemed dynamite up until the late 90s
Mike "The Kid" Killam;2257684 said:
Ric Flair and Jay Lethal's promo from last month is the funniest promo I think I've ever seen. I keep re-watching it and I almost cry from laughing so hard every single time. It's pretty much becoming a hobby to watch that video before every wrestling event both TNA and WWE... :lmao:

Slick Ric cuts the best promos ever, who else turns red, has the veins popping out of their neck and their eyes bulged out during a promo. It doesnt matter if its "stylin' & profilin", "space mountain", tearing his jacket off,
or calling himself "a Wrestling God", its the best thing going today. And it been going on over 30 years. His promos have been consistantly great throughout his career.

I have to agree with The Kid, Lethal's Ric Flair promos were funny as hell. He had Flair down to a "T". I just wish it would have continued for a little longer, it was one of the best gimmicks in a long time.

A lot of people have said The Rock, but I disagree, Austin was much better. I like to see a little anger and passion in a promo.

im going to have to go with the rock. no his promos werent basically doubles week in week out. th rock could make the fans hate him and could make them love him, chris jericho is close but dont take cake in this one. the rock is by far the best jericho i think is 2nd but along ways away from the jobroni beatin, lalalalalow pie eatin, not a fraid to sweat, not afraid to bleed, gunna beat that bald bastard guarandamnteed.
Damn this is a tough one. Either Jake Roberts, Foley or Flair. I think I'' have to lean towards the snake man. Here's a guy who didn't have to yell, scream, or act like a jackass to get you to pay attention to what he was saying. He could such a great in ring psycholist but that abilty carried over to his mic work too. Man he could tell a story. As far as people saying The Rock, I personally fond his promos to be very repeatitive stale after awhile. I'd pick Austin over Rock any day because atleast with Steve, you knew you wernt going to hear the same crap every time he picked up a mic.
Vincent Kennedy McMahon. He's wrestled a total of, what, maybe a dozen or so matches in his entire career? He is one of the greatest heel characters of all time with the least amount of ring time. That, in and of itself, makes him one of, if not the greatest mic worker in sports entertainment history.

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