Who is the best mic worker ever?

I am going to go with mick foley, he is one of the few guys that could make you laugh, but then make you feel is pain and scare you. The interview with jim ross when he was talking about childhood, his anti ecw prom he was cutting after turning on tommy dreamer. The work he did with randy orton before wm20
Wow, this isn't even close. The Rock, hands down. His friggin DVD has an entire 1+ hours of his best promos. Consider that...his BEST promos. It doesn't even include his "worst". No need to even debate further.

A nod to Vince McMahon...he created mic skills. No one is good on the mic without Vinnie Mac.
Foley as Mankind caught my attention well.

Raven always was one of my favorite's.

RVD when he was a cocky heel always could get the crowd going(ECW glory days)Of course WWE thought he would serve us better as a stoner/surfer dude so his cocky heel persona never was used in WWE really.

Austin and Rock are no brainers.

Jericho has to be one of the best all around wrestlers/entertainers.He has the mat skills to have great matches and whether hes a heel making us hate him or a face and make us laugh at him making fun of anyone he sees fit he keeps us interested.

If i have to pick my favorite hands down its Jericho just for his ability to keep us entertained either match wise or promo wise over the year's.

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