Best Mic Worker in the Company- Now it's Chris Jericho, but who's next???

I'm gonna go with CM Punk as well. He is a great heel. If he ever goes face though, I don't think he will be as good as he was as a heel. I remember CM Punk as a face and he wasn't all that great on the mic as he is now.
Jericho is good on the mic but with the character he's got now he repeats himself every time which makes me lose interest quickly.

As for the best IMO it's The Miz, I've been watching his career since day 1 and he's gotten much better. The way he uses real emotion and actually responds to the people who say he shouldn't be in the WWE makes me want to listen to him andhe's quily becoming one o my favorites.
Love him or hate him, CM Punk is the best on the mic. As pointed out above, Jericho is still good, but his current character is stale and thus becoming boring. CM Punk always cuts great promos. Loved the one he did at Night of Champions in Chicago. Then I happened to catch him on NXT last week as an announcer, and I actually watched an entire episode of Divas NXT because he made it so entertaining. And he claimed he would be back next week, so I'll be tuning in to NXT again Tuesday night.

Punk's material is always great, but the main thing is his believability is through the roof. Rumor has it that there isn't much room for improvisation in the WWE these days and things are scripted to the letter, and many guys are obviously struggling with that, and making it very obvious how scripted their lines are. They sound incredibly fake, just the typical "bad actor" wrestlers. CM Punk sounds so authentic. I guess he benefits from the fact that his gimmick is really who he is. Other guys might be working with material that isn't quite so natural to them.

Whatever the reasons, Punk is miles ahead of anyone right now. Despite being a heel and pretty much saying the same things every time, he doesn't get boring like Jericho and others.
Uh... are we forgetting about HHH? Triple H is easily the best guy on the mic, especially as a heel. He would eat Jericho for breakfast if they were going back and forth. Miz is also better than Jericho on the mic.
For me i think that the Big show is good on the mike. He can be funny as he takes the piss not just out of his opponent but himself as well if needed. He does not use mike that often but when he does its usually good and has some sort of humour included
CM Punk
The Miz

I love Morrison, but his lacking point to me seems to be microphone work. Would love for some serious development to occur there. He's got everything else set - character, charisma, look, individuality, ability. Just have to start talking more, and better.

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