There is a new stable in town

Sid did a tremendous job in WWE, even with all of the negativity, kayfabe antics, and anti-WWE bullshit. Love him or hate him, for one person to give the section the care that he exemplified is quite impressive. Even with the new King James Bible that he just wrote a few posts ago...

But as one era ends, another begins. This is the era of greatness... the era of pumping iron and vagina... the era or Southern hospitality... and most important... the era of... POON.

Welcome to the era of the Triangle of Terrible Tempers.
Actually, no Will. That isn't it at all. I'd invite you to come inside the Board Room and review my work if that is honestly what you think. I am damn fucking proud of the amount of work I did in that section and if you think I went over to TNA because I didn't work in the WWE section, you better fucking think again. I'm told my Board Room rants and infractions were longer than yours were. 90-100 infractions a week on average. I edited posts for grammar and fucking spelling even which took a huge amount of time, to make the section look more clean. And I will do the same with TNA. I made thread titles specific so people knew what threads were about before they clicked on the,.

No, I didn't do a damn thing in there and sat on my ass. :rolleyes:

You can ask any single staff Member on here, and I don't care who it is, if I busted my ass in that section, and every one of them, regardless if they get along with me or not, will say "Yes, he did".

Just to lay some things to rest, when NSL stepped down and names from posters were being tossed around to suggest who would be a good replacement, I went to the Admins and volunteered to take over the TNA section.

This was a move I truly wanted and if I didn't want it, I wouldn't have volunteered to leave.

The workload of the WWE section and going at it for 4 months was starting to get to me and modding was becoming more of a chore than it was for fun. I often times would spend my entire sessions online issuing warnings, infractions, and doing other administrative duties and found very little time for actual posting.

After all the warnings and infractions issued, I would often times be in a bad mood over how many I issued. On average it was around 90-100 and often times more a week, and that is extremely excessive. So I was burning out.

And Staff and I would get into a lot of arguments over behind the scenes matters, and me being in a bad mood certainly didn't help and it resulted in a lot of clashing. Some of it was me, and other times I still think some Mods (like NSL) just did some very obnoxious things and we simply clashed.

Some people, a lot of people, have said how much they don't think it made sense to have an Anti WWE Mod manage the WWE section, and I just want to let those of you know that the Admin team here is not stupid. Yes, that was intentional, and it made a great fit because it got people talking. I am someone legitimately who loved the WWE for many years, and I have become infuriated with the direction Vince took the product, and the fans who ate it up.

So I would speak up against it and my views just naturally drove discussion. Everything was a perfect fit. I was honestly fighting for a Pro WWE Mod to be named as a Co-Mod because I thought it would help bring balance to the team. We may have some of that Pro and Anti WWE staff in place now, based on posts I have read from the new team.

I think the new team is a great fit for the WWE section. I have publicly supported D-Man for a long time now in getting that spot, and he was the one I wanted to be a Co-Mod with me when I had the section, to be perfectly honest. We are polar opposite of each other as far as our WWE views go, which I thought would make a great fit.

I am also especially happy to see FTS get a chance at actually modding a wrestling section because he deserves it. I can understand why Non Wrestling Mods are obviously needed, but I mentioned a concern that I feel that current people on Staff in those positions need a chance at doing wrestling sections too if they want to do it, and the Admins are happy with their performance. It isn't fair to not consider the people you already have on Staff when changes need to be made. They are the ones already on Staff and have put forth the work, so I feel they are the ones who have the experience to get first crack at something else, if something else opens up AND the Admins feel they would do a good job with it.

So I am especially happy for FTS as well.

And of course, Norcal brings a lot of experience to the table, as well, from his time as a Mod and G-Mod on the team. He is also a great person to have back on the Mod team.

As far as I am concerned, I am someone legitimately thrilled with the direction TNA is going, so you aren't going to see me really be as Negative. I have no reason to be Negative if I am happy with the direction the company is going. If I see something they do I don't like, rest assured they will be called out on it just like I called out WWE for doing things I didn't like, which I thought were detrimental to fan enjoyment in their product.

So I think great decisions were made all-around, and everyone seems pretty happy with the changes all around.

I have a lot of things on my plate outside of the website going on at the moment, but my activity will be increasing towards the later part of the weekend. And like I said, I am definitely looking forward to it.

Is that what my posts look like? Just non-stop ranting to the point that no one even remotely wants to start it, let alone know what its about?

Sid, I hope you don't mind if I stopped after you mentioned my name. To be honest, thats all I cared about anyways. The mention of me. Thanks, I hope it was nothing but good things.
Is that what my posts look like? Just non-stop ranting to the point that no one even remotely wants to start it, let alone know what its about?

Sid, I hope you don't mind if I stopped after you mentioned my name. To be honest, thats all I cared about anyways. The mention of me. Thanks, I hope it was nothing but good things.

Nice try, but I am not buying it.

Thanks for reading the whole thing, Will. It's so painfully obvious to tell when people like you lie. Your Rep was pretty much evidence that you read the whole thing as displayed below:

For some unknown reason you seem to have thought I actually cared. I apologize. Next time I will remember to post in [sarcasm] tags

And no, it wasn't sarcasm on your part. You were being serious, so don't try that bullshit. The bottom line is that you don't know my work ethic, and if there's anything I do take seriously, that is it. Suggesting otherwise is a sure fire way to tick me off. So congrats.
Yeah, I agree with Sidious.

I have never agreed with most of his philosophy on the WWE and the way they are going. In fact, we have clashed on more than one occasion over this subject. However, I could tell that he was a great WWE mod and did care for the product. I tend to think of myself as one of the people he would describe as being a shareholder and I always felt that what he said always made me want to go in there and make a hell of a post in the WWE section. He did a good job and I am sure that he will do a similar thing in the TNA section.
Actually, no Will. That isn't it at all. I'd invite you to come inside the Board Room and review my work if that is honestly what you think.

Firstly, you're right, I did read more.. the above statement is entirely and only what I read the first time. Then I figured you went on some long winded tirade at bitching and moaning over something regarding something other than the actual compliment I gave you.

Then, when I read your reply of accusing me of reading it all, (which I literally did not do, whether you wish to think so or otherwise.) I read the below portion and stopped after whats quoted.

I am damn fucking proud of the amount of work I did in that section and if you think I went over to TNA because I didn't work in the WWE section, you better fucking think again. I'm told my Board Room rants and infractions were longer than yours were. 90-100 infractions a week on average. I edited posts for grammar and fucking spelling even which took a huge amount of time, to make the section look more clean. And I will do the same with TNA. I made thread titles specific so people knew what threads were about before they clicked on the,.

No, I didn't do a damn thing in there and sat on my ass. :rolleyes:

You can ask any single staff Member on here, and I don't care who it is, if I busted my ass in that section, and every one of them, regardless if they get along with me or not, will say "Yes, he did".

... Then I realized you really are a fucking idiot. And I'm not saying that to be saying it, I truly believe it now. After reading the rest of the paragraph that I view as you trying to talk down to me.. I have come to the conclusion that you have no fucking idea what a compliment is, because you probably rarely get them.


In other words, he did so much work.. he's been put on temp. vacation? me giving you credit, you fucking idiot.

Now, whatever was in the rest of that shit you typed is likely none of my business. I know it began with something about you wanting to explain - but regarding what I don't know. And I don't care. You skipped a bunch of lines, indicating you were done talking to me specifically.. and I rarely read your work before, why would I give a shit about something you posted in the bar room?

Now.. once again, whether you are inclined to think I did so or not, my comment was meant in a positive, upbeat and complimentary type of way. Not in the alternative, negative and downsided "he doesn't do anything" sort of response.

I'm sure you do something otherwise you wouldn't be on Staff.

Now I get the rest of your little rant may have been you trying to stick to your little "loner, bad ass, do things to the beat of a different drum" type of gimmick. And hey, I'm not here to judge. You beat that drum however you want. But under no circumstance should you ever think that I am trying to bad mouth you - unless I specifically say I am. And to make things even more clear for you, because to me you seem like a person who doesn't always get the overall picture..

I'm just blunt enough, to fucking tell you, when I think you're a fucking moron. Which, is now, what I'm doing. So take this.. process it up.. rehash whatever you feel you need to.. dwell for hours if you must.. and go fuck yourself, because in the end, you're still a nobody to me.
Firstly, you're right, I did read more.. the above statement is entirely and only what I read the first time. Then I figured you went on some long winded tirade at bitching and moaning over something regarding something other than the actual compliment I gave you.

Then, when I read your reply of accusing me of reading it all, (which I literally did not do, whether you wish to think so or otherwise.) I read the below portion and stopped after whats quoted.

... Then I realized you really are a fucking idiot. And I'm not saying that to be saying it, I truly believe it now. After reading the rest of the paragraph that I view as you trying to talk down to me.. I have come to the conclusion that you have no fucking idea what a compliment is, because you probably rarely get them.

This... me giving you credit, you fucking idiot.

Now, whatever was in the rest of that shit you typed is likely none of my business. I know it began with something about you wanting to explain - but regarding what I don't know. And I don't care. You skipped a bunch of lines, indicating you were done talking to me specifically.. and I rarely read your work before, why would I give a shit about something you posted in the bar room?

Now.. once again, whether you are inclined to think I did so or not, my comment was meant in a positive, upbeat and complimentary type of way. Not in the alternative, negative and downsided "he doesn't do anything" sort of response.

I'm sure you do something otherwise you wouldn't be on Staff.

Now I get the rest of your little rant may have been you trying to stick to your little "loner, bad ass, do things to the beat of a different drum" type of gimmick. And hey, I'm not here to judge. You beat that drum however you want. But under no circumstance should you ever think that I am trying to bad mouth you - unless I specifically say I am. And to make things even more clear for you, because to me you seem like a person who doesn't always get the overall picture..

I'm just blunt enough, to fucking tell you, when I think you're a fucking moron. Which, is now, what I'm doing. So take this.. process it up.. rehash whatever you feel you need to.. dwell for hours if you must.. and go fuck yourself, because in the end, you're still a nobody to me.

And you think you're a somebody to me? Despite your pathetic attempt to claim it was a compliment, no sir ... it was obviously an insult.

"He did sooooooo much work" was completely sarcastic, and that was what you were implying on why I went to TNA instead.

Was the ground cold when you crawled out this morning?
So. Anyone else see how ironic it is when Will says he won't read Sid's long posts? The fucking inventor of the Word Fort? Hell, he broke one out just to say that Sid was long winded.

Fucking hilarious.

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