The WZ Ask a Staff Member Thread

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Consider yourself reported for flaming, hostilities (which seems the norm on these forums) and spam.

Good day Mr Champion of your Neighbourhood, lets hope you eventually become a mature adult in future and learn respect.

NorCal will not be infracted or even warned for flaming. We only warn/infract for flaming if the user responds with no purpose except to insult, taunt, or humiliate the person quoted. NorCal included some advice for you so his intent was not just to insult/taunt/humiliate you.

I understand that the rules of WrestleZone are different from those of other internet forums, but if you want to become a productive member of the site I suggest you familiarize yourself with them.

Here is a link to the rulebook. Please read through the rules before reporting any more posts:
It isn't flaming. He's a member of staff and telling you what the rules are. I'd advise you to calm down. No need to be so defensive and hostile.
He's a staff member replying to your question. Even if he wasn't he wasn't flaming (and I quote):
B. Flaming: This is described as an extreme insult towards another member with malicious words or threats and is prohibited at WrestleZone Forums. Flaming another member may result in an Infraction. Additionally, for remarks of extreme prejudice, an auto-ban may be implemented as well. See Article 2 for more information about auto-bannable offenses.

It's not spam as he's a staff member replying to your request.

Respect staff and members and they'll respect you.

Apparently I spammed by posting that I'm not sure why people believe a word Dave Meltzer says in a thread stating a report by his website that Cabana, Heyman and Lesnar might be returning to WWE and was hinted at during CM Punk's recent Raw promo.
Had you told us WHY you don't understand people take Meltzer seriously, you might have been fine. Ironically, what you posted in this post would have been close to making your post not spam. You said,

Unless it's an issue with my anti-Meltzer stance which, considering what I've heard about the man over the years and the depths he'd sink to get info on a wrestler or make up a story to look cool in front of the kids who buy his baloney

Give an example of what you're talking, and your post is easily considered okay by our forum standards. What you have there is questionable, but likely would be considered okay as well. However, since you only gave a position, without supporting it, your post is considered spam on the WrestleZone Forums, as per the Rules you received when you first signed up, and the same Rules which are listed at the top of every forum.

Rules said:
A. Spamming: Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages. The rules on Spamming at WrestleZone Forums are somewhat different than that of most other forums. We require that you give an opinion on a subject, but also to back up your opinion; simply stating that something is good or bad does not add to discussion. What we want to know is why you feel the way you do about a certain subject, to allow other posters to debate your opinion. We do not require an essay for every post, we simply require that you contribute to the topic. Spamming is allowed in the Forums under the Spam Friendly Sections heading, but not in any other Forums. Spamming in a forum where it is disallowed may result in an infraction.

Please note the bolded underline, where after we state we require you to give an opinion we also require you to back up your opinion. You gave the opinion, but nothing to back it up.

I have an issue with it being seen as spam. I know what spam is,
As does every person who contests a Warning or an Infraction on here, and none of them agree on the same definition. However, on the WrestleZone Forums, we have clearly defined how we determine what is spam, and your post failed our standards. You may not like the standards we have set, and that is fine, but those standards will stay the same. You may choose to follow them, or you may choose to leave. We would certainly hope you would follow them like the hundreds of active posters (and many many more infrequent posters who come by time to time) we already have on this site, but it is certainly your decision.

I've moderated, edited and given warnings for such a thing before on a variety of forums including one for a now retired former WWE World champion. What I posted was definitely NOT spam.
Maybe not on your forums, but it is on this one.

Unless it's an issue with my anti-Meltzer stance which, considering what I've heard about the man over the years and the depths he'd sink to get info on a wrestler or make up a story to look cool in front of the kids who buy his baloney, could be something considering a lot of people are gullible enough to believe that snake oil salesman and would be angry enough at something negative about him to give a warning. Which frankly would be immature to give such a thing over a thing like that.
Your position on Meltzer has absolutely nothing to do with why the Warning stands. I agree completely with your stance on Meltzer. I've been saying the same thing for years, ask any of the regulars. I always criticize those who blindly listen to Meltzer, like he's some god of wrestling, when the truth is he's nothing more than a wrestling fan, with an affinity for Japanese last names to give his snowflakes too.

Your views on Meltzer have nothing to do with why this Warning was given, nor why I am upholding it. The Warning was given, and upheld, because it was deserved, not based on your opinion, but on your content.

Now I've heard a lot of horror stories about and seen evidence of mods and admin here bullying members
Those horror stories exist only in the minds of those incapable of following our rules. We understand our Spam rules are different than others, that's why you first received a Warning, which carries no real weight. When I first joined this forum, your post would have been given a straight Infraction, three of which would have resulted in a one week banning. We give people Warnings, we explain our definition of Spam, I believe I have even provided examples in the FAQ on how to interpret our definition of Spam. The Rules are PM'd to everyone who signs up.

People who have horror stories do so only because of their inability to follow our rules. Those who can follow our rules, never have to worry about us. There are many active posters on this forum who can attest to what I am saying, many of which originally started out thinking the same way you are.

some of whom are innocent wrestling fans wanting to join a discussion and others are people actually in the business whose truthfulness about something disagrees with a staff member enough to be hounded out due to that staff member believing lies etc but I'm willing to give the WZ forums the benefit of the doubt by remaining here as long as the warning is removed.
The Warning will not be removed. However, I assure you no poster is ever Warned/Infracted/Banned for disagreeing with a Staff member. I am the highest ranking Staff member on these forums, and people disagree with me all the time, insult me all the time, without repercussion.

Disagreeing with Staff does not, will not, and has not been the reason anyone has ever been disciplined.

Trust me, I could provide as much insight and intelligence as other members here do on a regular basis and don't mind admitting that there are others I know who are watching how I'm treated before deciding to join and add their thoughts and insight too
We don't beg for posters, we have plenty of new registrations all the time. We don't try to keep people from posting either.

As a Staff, our only goal is to make sure the Rules we have set forth are followed, in order to protect the atmosphere of the forum we feel has the best quality of any wrestling forum around. That's it. If you follow the rules, you never have to hear from us, unless it comes in a discussion about a topic.

Having again helped close friends run the above mentioned former World champion's forums some time ago as a moderator myself with a membership that has higher numbers than WZ's forum members
Even though we have many active posters on this site, membership numbers are often misleading. For example, every few months, I go through and delete accounts of people who signed up, never posted, and haven't logged into the forum in over a year. I routinely wipe out hundreds, sometimes thousands of accounts.

Even then, assuming you have a high active member count, it doesn't tell the full story. You can peruse through our Archives lower on the main page. Go look at some of the oldest threads on the board since the crash of 2006. What you'll find are posts of incredibly awful quality. Here at WrestleZone, we want active members, happy members, and QUALITY posts. That is what our Rules are designed and enforced for.

In conclusion, stay if you want, go if you want, but understand two things. First, understand the Warning stays, and second, understand it was given not because of your opinion (which, as I said, I agree completely with), but rather because of the content of your post.

Have a happy day.
Consider yourself reported for flaming, hostilities (which seems the norm on these forums) and spam.

Good day Mr Champion of your Neighbourhood, lets hope you eventually become a mature adult in future and learn respect.

Reported to whom, exactly? The two guys who I am responsible for being on staff in the first place?

and lets hope YOU become an adult someday, and understand rules and regulations of any place you may visit, and that world does not revolve around you.
I recently made a thread entitled "The Sig-Maker's Community" in the Digital Arts & Graphics section. It was brought to my attention that it will get pretty spammy. Can I please have it moved into the Requests section of the DA&G?

Everybody that's posted there agrees that it's a good idea. I'm very hesitant to post in there though and I'm guessing everyone else is too. I think it would be a shame for it to sit around with no-one posting there.

Thanks guys, I hope one of you can help :)

Can anyone help me with this?
Didn't work. I'll just uninstall firefox, restart the computer and reinstall it. That seemed to work with the tiny boxes.
Yes. Thank you.

Okay good, I was beginning to worry. There is an option in Firefox which will turn off automatic updates. It's under Options -> Advanced -> Updates

That will keep your browser from updating without your permission. Firefox 4.0.1 was the last version before 5.
If in paint I draw a poor depiction of a penis ear-fucking someone and post that picture, would it violate the porn rules?
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