The WZ Ask a Staff Member Thread

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A lot of my posts lately have been getting deleted due to what I can only assume is the board's view of spam

Which I understand and is fine

But then there are other ones that just plain make me scratch my head like in the "Celeb Crushes" thread where I listed in order all the various famous women that I was attracted to

What did you want me to post?

Like how Lori Beth Denburg is reason why I'm attracted to larger women?
A lot of my posts lately have been getting deleted due to what I can only assume is the board's view of spam

Which I understand and is fine

But then there are other ones that just plain make me scratch my head like in the "Celeb Crushes" thread where I listed in order all the various famous women that I was attracted to

What did you want me to post?

Like how Lori Beth Denburg is reason why I'm attracted to larger women?
In any post in a non-spam section, you have to give your position and tell why you have that position. It looks like many times you're not giving your support for that position.

If you said "My celebrity crush is Lori Beth Denburg because she is what turned me on to larger women", that would be okay. You just listed, without giving reasons why.
In any post in a non-spam section, you have to give your position and tell why you have that position. It looks like many times you're not giving your support for that position.

If you said "My celebrity crush is Lori Beth Denburg because she is what turned me on to larger women", that would be okay. You just listed, without giving reasons why.

Okay, thank you for clearing that up for me

I'll be sure to remember that in the future

Thought there was some sort of vendictive mod running around who didn't like what I had to say or some such thing
What is rep power? how do you get more of it?

Rep power is how many rep points you will boost another user when you green rep them. If I were to green rep you, your rep count (not rep power) would increase by 9 points.

To increase your rep power you need to increase your rep count and/or post count.
My post count is 4, last I checked, but I have found more posts I made than that in 1 thread alone. It's not the only 1 I've posted in. What gives?
Post count is not on in the spam friendly sections. When you post in non spam sections you'll see your count go up.
K so, this is a touchy situation at almost any forum like this. So I figure I'll ask it here, and maybe someone else will read this and it'll be useful for them as well.

What's the policy on what a poster can do regarding having a thread/post deleted? Are we going to get the mods panties in a bunch if we start asking questions? And I don't mean, questions like "WTF why'd you do that s**t?" I mean, sincere questions for the sake of learning what does and does not fly here.

Example: I'm fairly certain I've had a thread or two I created deleted, and I don't really mind. I mean I've been around forums like this since the 90's, I get it, s**t happens and in the end mods really don't owe crap to the poster. But sometimes, I'm wondering, was it me? Was my topic a bad topic? Did my thread get hijacked with tons of BS? Or did something else happen? And when I'm left wondering, I can't really learn to adhere to the rules and I'm likely to do whatever I might have done wrong again and again if I don't have the information I need. So if I have a post/thread that gets deleted, is it cool to ask the local mod of that specific forum why?

I mean, let's be honest, some of these rules are simply left waaay open for interpretation. I've already learned that what I consider succinct, some of the mods consider spam because the answer is too short. Yet my interpretation of the dictionary definition of the word spam is endless amounts of un-useful verbage.

I mean, I'm willing to do my best to follow the rules here, and I've obviously got my own opinions about stuff that may or may not conflict with the norm here, so sometimes I'd just like to know exactly what will and will not fly so I can fit in better.
K so, this is a touchy situation at almost any forum like this. So I figure I'll ask it here, and maybe someone else will read this and it'll be useful for them as well.

What's the policy on what a poster can do regarding having a thread/post deleted? Are we going to get the mods panties in a bunch if we start asking questions? And I don't mean, questions like "WTF why'd you do that s**t?" I mean, sincere questions for the sake of learning what does and does not fly here.
If you're respectful, and willing to accept the answer you're given, the Staff here has no problem answering your questions.

I mean, let's be honest, some of these rules are simply left waaay open for interpretation.
Actually, most of them are about as black and white as can be had on an Internet forum. We try pretty hard at keeping it that way.
I mean, let's be honest, some of these rules are simply left waaay open for interpretation. I've already learned that what I consider succinct, some of the mods consider spam because the answer is too short. Yet my interpretation of the dictionary definition of the word spam is endless amounts of un-useful verbage.

I would like to add a little to Sly’s response.

Spamming: Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages. The rules on Spamming at WrestleZone Forums are somewhat different than those of most other forums. We require you give an opinion on the thread subject, but also to back up your opinion; simply stating that something is good or bad does not add to discussion. What we want to know is why you feel the way you do about a certain subject, to allow other posters to debate your opinion. We do not require an essay for every post, we simply require that you contribute to the topic. Spamming is allowed in the Forums under the Spam Friendly Sections heading, but not in any other Forums. Spamming in a forum where it is disallowed may result in an infraction.

That is the spamming rule straight from the rulebook. Notice the bold part. It would be extremely helpful if people realized that. Many times people have argued a spam warning by giving me a dictionary definition or comparing the rule to another website. You need to adjust your definition based on where you are. I’ll give you an analogy. It is illegal to smoke indoors in Illinois but not in Indiana. If I was visiting Illinois from Indiana I would not be permitted to smoke indoors because the place I’m accustomed to allows me to do so. I would have to follow the rules of the place I was visiting.

You can always feel free to ask questions. The staff likes to help people because the more competent posters we have that understand and follow the rules the more enjoyable the forums are for everyone.
If you're respectful, and willing to accept the answer you're given, the Staff here has no problem answering your questions.
Thank you. I've gotten b**ched at elsewhere for asking those kinds of questions. And as moderator at other forums I know full well how annoying it is to deal with those kinds of questions too. So I just wanted to clear it up in my head where you guys here stand on the issue, as I intend to stick around this site. I love the discussions you have here and the standard of discussion you guys hold.


Shall we have the discussion about reading every single term and condition and rule? That's been a hot debate the last several months everywhere. :P

Nobody actually does, it, we just recognize that we're bound by it and say ok to that and then deal with whatever consequences as they arise.

That said, at this point now I have read most of them. I've seen that specific sub-forums have their own rules, and I haven't read them yet, but I think I'm pretty up to speed.

As for the backing up your argument with why, some things are just axiomatic, and the person that I am has a hard time being redundant simply for the sake of following your rules on spam, when they're conflicting with the real definition. My issue, not yours, I get that. I'm just saying, I'm likely to spam a time or two because I think nothing more need be said. It'll take some getting used to, but since I agreed to the TOC it's on me to do so.

As for thread/post deleted I don't even really care that much about what I've had deleted (or at least I think I have, sometimes I just browse away without hitting post reply) I was just noticing some other poster getting pretty pissed off and saying stupid crap like 'stop deleting my posts' so I thought before I ever brought up the subject in that same vein I'd see what was acceptable and what wasn't.
If I have a Book This related question (or several such questions), who on staff should I ask?
Hey I just came here to ask if this really deserved a one week ban? Heres the email sent to me, which I couldnt read until a week after being banned might I add...

D-Man said:
Dear H33LTurn,

You have received an infraction at WrestleZone Forums.

Reason: Spamming
This thread is not about Zack Ryder.

This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:
The most overrated IWC wrestler is Zack Ryder. Punk is on such a higher level mic skill wise and wrestling wise it's not even funny.
I have yet to see anyone call Ryder the best every. Hes just fun to watch. Maybe hes not the guy I would want cutting a CM Punk style promo but its great to see someone on TV that you would hang out with in real life.

All the best,
WrestleZone Forums

I dont see the problem with replying to the guy's comment. It was still on the topic of being overrated and if anyone should've been banned it should've been the one who initially mentioned Ryder if this wasnt "about Zack Ryder".

I mean its no big deal, its just a website, a website in which I rub a lot of people the wrong way so its no surprise when I check my inbox every other week and see an infraction, but I think this was a bit out of line.
Hey I just came here to ask if this really deserved a one week ban? Heres the email sent to me, which I couldnt read until a week after being banned might I add...

I dont see the problem with replying to the guy's comment. It was still on the topic of being overrated and if anyone should've been banned it should've been the one who initially mentioned Ryder if this wasnt "about Zack Ryder".

I mean its no big deal, its just a website, a website in which I rub a lot of people the wrong way so its no surprise when I check my inbox every other week and see an infraction, but I think this was a bit out of line.

You weren't banned for your comment, you were given an Infraction for your comment. Since it was your third Infraction to your profile, the system automatically kicked in the one week ban. Since you currently have three Infraction points, if you pick up another Infraction point, the system will automatically set your ban for two weeks.
This is more of a suggestion than a question, but can there be a "Be the Booker" forum? A forum where people would create storylines or shows out of WWE and TNA.
Today I was repped (given 15 points.) But my rep power still says zero. And the PM inbox still says 1 unread even thou I went to the user CP and saw it.
I guess my laptop was acting up a bit but in the Is Christian a future HOFer thread I posted twice, however you guys wanna deal with that. Thanx.
Mine is not a question. But I guess someone needs to know if something like this is happening to anyone. Today I made a post, and someone else added on the post without my knowledge. Or in other words, I wrote 2 paragraphs, soon after I posted it there were 3. I didn't tell my password to anyone. Strangely enough, it didnt even say that my post was edited. It was as if I wrote 3 paragraphs. I swear I didn't. I am still shocked. Now I edited and deleted it. It was just weird, and I thought I needed to tell it to the moderators.
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