If you're respectful, and willing to accept the answer you're given, the Staff here has no problem answering your questions.
Thank you. I've gotten b**ched at elsewhere for asking those kinds of questions. And as moderator at other forums I know full well how annoying it is to deal with those kinds of questions too. So I just wanted to clear it up in my head where you guys here stand on the issue, as I intend to stick around this site. I love the discussions you have here and the standard of discussion you guys hold.
Shall we have the discussion about reading every single term and condition and rule? That's been a hot debate the last several months everywhere.
Nobody actually does, it, we just recognize that we're bound by it and say ok to that and then deal with whatever consequences as they arise.
That said, at this point now I have read most of them. I've seen that specific sub-forums have their own rules, and I haven't read them yet, but I think I'm pretty up to speed.
As for the backing up your argument with why, some things are just axiomatic, and the person that I am has a hard time being redundant simply for the sake of following your rules on spam, when they're conflicting with the real definition. My issue, not yours, I get that. I'm just saying, I'm likely to spam a time or two because I think nothing more need be said. It'll take some getting used to, but since I agreed to the TOC it's on me to do so.
As for thread/post deleted I don't even really care that much about what I've had deleted (or at least I think I have, sometimes I just browse away without hitting post reply) I was just noticing some other poster getting pretty pissed off and saying stupid crap like 'stop deleting my posts' so I thought before I ever brought up the subject in that same vein I'd see what was acceptable and what wasn't.