The Survivor Series LD on 11/21 Will See Where The Winds of Change Blow John Cena!

this last deployment of mine had me doing ecps at the VBC in Baghdad so I had a set schedule that worked out good for me to see all the PPVs, ufc and wwe...

I was in the Herat province of Afgahnistan (the one they named, LOL) and we just sorta went for as long as was needed out and about the local area. You know how it goes. Lulz.

I was damn happy for those shows though, good times.
I think they are gonna wait, what matches a ton of time?

Two hours left, four matches? Uh, Orton and Barrett are an incredibly shit combination....and I dont see Edge and Kane being a house of fire either...

Well Orton and Barrett should just be a hardcore brawl. Can easily eat up time without being terrible.

Also the SS tag match should get a ton of time.
I'll take that ending, fit the mood of the match. Ziggy won here and should of, Kaval has had no push or build so him winning didnt quite fit.
Swaggers promo could be summed up like so;

"Guys I was champion! I'm an All American American. Everyone remember me!" Oh thank god Cody's here.
Intercontinental Title: Dolph Ziggler vs. Kaval

Basically this is happening because Kaval got his first win over Ziggler on Smackdown and is using his win of his choice. Cole runs Kaval down of course. Vickie does her usual thing. Kaval has some slightly new tights here. And so does Ziggler. Kaval kicks a lot to start and in other news I’m watching wrestling. A snap mare gets one. Who covers after a freaking snap mare?

Ziggler gets some basic grappling to take down Kaval. Striker wants Vickie and Kaitlyn. He must be hardcore. Handspring into a cross body (think Tajiri) gets two for Kaval. Vickie distracts Kaval and down he goes. The title has never changed hands in Miami. I don’t get the point of those things. They don’t really mean much but they’re better than nothing I guess.

The announcers exchange movie and TV references including Cagney and Lacey as not much is going on here. Kaval takes over with strikes of course, some of which aren’t even strikes. Kaval is the World Warrior apparently. NICE moonsault press gets two. A handspring sets up a BRUTAL kick to the face for two. That was awesome looking.

Warrior’s Way is avoided and Ziggler gets the sleeper on the middle rope. He gets knocked off and Kaval busts out a moonsault into a 450. No worries though as he lands on his feet. Well of course he does. Backslide gets two and a Fameasser (NOT THE ZIG ZAG COLE!) gets two. Both guys down now as this show has been SWEET from a wrestling perspective so far. SWEET enziguri from the top gets two.

They slug it out some more and Ziggler can’t put him away. Kaval goes for a school boy but Ziggler grabs the ropes. A small package for Dolph gets two as this is getting very good very fast. Another rollup from Kaval is reversed into a rollup by Ziggler to retain. Nice pinfall reversal into the ending there. May have been some tights grabbed too.

Rating: B-. This has been a SWEET show from a wrestling perspective as this is the third solid match in a row. When’s the last time you get that from a WWE show? Kaval shouldn’t win a title yet so this is a good ending for it. Ziggler is very good in the ring and has been getting to show us that lately. I liked this as I have every match. Good match again.

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