The Raw LD lacks a creative title because I'm a moron

"So Swagger... um... that stuff with Riley was sloppy. Not blaming any of you in particular. Just there was some sloppy sequences like when you tried to lift for that Gutwrench. So we're going to put you with someone else... How does Botch Cara sound?"
YES, Sin Cara! That's Hunico, yes?

Damages from Ike in U.S. coastal and inland areas are estimated at $29.6 billion (LOL Wikipedia).
Ike also killed more than several people. Many people in Houston were without power for a few days too, luckily my family got power after two days - don't know about Galveston and surrounding areas affected by Ike.

People on the east coast are *****es when it comes to natural disasters. I don't blame 'em, though.

And people in the south are *****es when it comes to cold weather.
I'm not gonna get into this because I don't want to kill the mood in the LD nor do I feel like debating it, but I assure you that most people that died were probably just ill-prepared. A category 1 hurricane is little more than a bad rainstorm in these parts. I've been through a ton of them, I should know. I've also been through quite a number of Cat 3+ storms that did extensive damage. I saw New Orleans firsthand just days after Katrina when I went to help and I could tell you horror stories about that and other storms that would turn you white. Those are images I will never get out of my head. The fact that the government and media is making Irene out to be as destructive as that is disgusting. I feel for those who have lost persons or property in the storm, but I'm sure people in the Gulf Coast would tell you that they would gladly trade a storm like that for one of the big ones that we get almost every year. I wouldn't claim to know about earthquakes or anything like that and people in the northeast don't know about hurricanes just because of this. There, I'm done with that and moving on.

On a wrestling note, Mistico really needs to come back...this faux Cara is just not all that interesting to me
Sin Cara gets his own lighting sequence for his matches? Hey if it is working, don't fix it. He is over with fans and the kids love him.
Hunico seems to be doing better than Mistico was, despite what most of you trick ass marks are saying. Shows what you know.

Neat show.
I'm not gonna get into this because I don't want to kill the mood in the LD nor do I feel like debating it, but I assure you that most people that died were probably just ill-prepared. A category 1 hurricane is little more than a bad rainstorm in these parts. I've been through a ton of them, I should know. I've also been through quite a number of Cat 3+ storms that did extensive damage. I saw New Orleans firsthand just days after Katrina when I went to help and I could tell you horror stories about that and other storms that would turn you white. Those are images I will never get out of my head. The fact that the government and media is making Irene out to be as destructive as that is disgusting. I feel for those who have lost persons or property in the storm, but I'm sure people in the Gulf Coast would tell you that they would gladly trade a storm like that for one of the big ones that we get almost every year. There, I'm done with that and moving on.

On a wrestling note, Mistico really needs to come back...this faux Cara is just not all that interesting to me

Damages from Ike in U.S. coastal and inland areas are estimated at $29.6 billion (LOL Wikipedia).
Ike also killed more than several people. Many people in Houston were without power for a few days too, luckily my family got power after two days - don't know about Galveston and surrounding areas affected by Ike.

People on the east coast are *****es when it comes to natural disasters. I don't blame 'em, though.

It's not a contest dude... people died, lost a lot of possessions, and there are areas of the country that are hurting.

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