Tell a secret about yourself

What do employers think about when a student who'se never worked before gives 2 teachers as his references in the resume?

Not sure, but personally I would think that a person did decent enough in class, paid attention, and didn't screw off for them to be confident enough to list 2 of his/her teachers on a resume. Hence, I would call them for reference checks.

Ok, to respond to the thread.

I once won 1st place in the school social studies fair (while in high school) w/a project I (literally) threw together the night before about professional wrestling. I also won county w/it, but was 2 or 3 points shy of going to state.

For my class, it was either do a project or write an essay on your choice of limited (I think 3) topics. And I hated writing essays about things that don't interest me (especially long, researched, referenced, drawn out ones) so I opted for the project.

Needless to say, I forgot about it until the day before when, sitting in class, the teacher told us not to forget our projects/essays tomorrow. My stomach sank. I went home that day and couldn't think of anything to fit into any of the categories. I then realized I should do it on something I was familiar with and loved; pro wrestling.

I went into some history, made a display w/pics I had from a local event, had some of my old WWE rubber wrestlers (man, I miss those things) for props, and even had a small, REAL old style cassette player (the ones that laid flat, w/one door that popped up, with the big buttons underneath? Yeah, those.) w/my WWF fan club cassette in it to play theme songs with. It was pretty damn good for something so last minute.

I remember my buddy talking to me about it and asking me how long it took, and also him giving me hell when I told him "I threw it together last night" because he had taken 2 weeks to put his together. lol Then I went on to win 1st place in county as well but didn't have the required points to go on to state. That would have ruled if I had made a clean sweep, though.

By the way, for all you youngsters out there, this was done before the internet so research was something that had to be done through books, interviews (if you were lucky), etc. I was fortunate enough to have a number of books and magazines to pull enough info from at home. If I hadn't, I would probably have been doomed.

(Sorry so long, but reminiscing does that to a person...)
but sully, gta 3 is set in 2001 when it was released, there are 5 games in the gta 3 era(gta 3, gta vc, gta advance, gta sa, gta lcs, gta vcs) , rockstar loves sony and we get a soon to be epic exclusive game, AGENT!
Are you talking about Disturbed & Jackiz?

Well, Disturbed is banned temporarily & Jackiz is perma-banned, also known as gone for good.

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