Tell a secret about yourself

What do employers think about when a student who'se never worked before gives 2 teachers as his references in the resume?
That is embarassing.

BUT, they might notice how much you want it, then you'll get it?

Yeah it was embarassing, but the interview was initially meant to be this week, and then they moved it to next Friday, then to next Wednesday, so I got completely mixed up lol.

The guy was pretty cool about, he's a good guy so next week I will just have to make a joke about it and laugh it off. Gives me more time to prepare anyway, so it isn't all bad.

Theres only me and 3 other people they want to see again, so got a good chance I think
Awesome. Good Pay?

My secret is I just received two email this morning.
1) My Audition letter for X-Factor. Probably won't actually turn up. But yeah.
2) My Audition to be new Session Guitarist for Plan B.

My older Brother knows people, so yeah ;)
Awesome. Good Pay?

My secret is I just received two email this morning.
1) My Audition letter for X-Factor. Probably won't actually turn up. But yeah.
2) My Audition to be new Session Guitarist for Plan B.

My older Brother knows people, so yeah ;)

Pretty decent money I think, the salary will probably be discussed next week.

Awesome news about the emails dude, hope they go well for you
Thanks very much.

Don't know why I signed up for X-Factor once I done it. I don't even like the show that much. Unless Sharon Osbourne comes back, then I may turn up.

I'd love to be a Session Guitarist. But it would only be for his Second Album & Studio Recordings. Not Live Appearances, which is what I wanna do.
Made this post about a year ago. Keep in mind, my grammar is utterly terrible. There is many spelling mistakes as well. This was one of my first posts in the slammer. Anyways, I still think Rockstar should do this in their next series, or at least something like it.

I got the urge to watch Harlod and Kumar (The first and second.),after one of you guys posted a video showing me Bubba, and it was the Prison Guard from the second movie, and One of their friends names is Goldstein, or Rosenberg. This reminded me of Ken Rosenburg from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, giving me the urge to replay it. That, and thinking about how great the enviroment for Vice City is. I ended up deciding to not play it, due to being down graded in graphics. The game has great graphics, for its time. Considering it was made in 2002. Compared to the graphics 8 years later though, it's just not the same. But it got me thinking, they need to make another Grand Theft Auto, based in the tropical part of the world. It also got me thinking, they need to bring back..Tommy Vercitti.

Like, Not play as him. Make it modern times. Have Tommy be like 60 years old. You play as somebody who works for Tommy, or possibly his son. Maybe his wife could be Merceades from the first game. Possibly, she could be killed in a mission, or her death mentioned in a cutscene or something.

Have him go to Tommy's Giant skyscraper empire. I picture you going there for missions, with Tommy sitting there behind a desk. Maybe have a big hellicopter on the top of it that has "TV" on it (standing for Tommy Vercetti). Maybe have to take him to the airport in one of the last mission, and have to kill him.

Although, I heard Ray Liotta doesn't want to come back. So maybe you could either have an older voice actor, and Tommy's voice has changed due to age. Or have Tommy die in the first mission cut scene, and you his son trying to get revenge.

Maybe bring Phil back to, maybe have to go to his funerel, after he blew himself up, or had an overdose on bombshine. Then maybe you have to get some guns he had locked away. Lots of great ideas.

I read in a magazine article, about people suggesting great ideas to be a police officer in Grand Theft Auto. I think that'd be a great game for Rockstar to make, but keep it out of the GTA series.

Rockstar is also making a Cowboy game, that's scheduled to be released to April. I cannot wait for that. (Fucking bastards moved the date back to May, RDR was still a fantastic game though :))

So what do you guys think would be a great plot, for the next Grand Theft Auto?
I agree with both of you. Vice City is the best GTA to date. To sequel it somehow would be awesome. Yeah, just bring it back in somehow.
I'd also like to see a character voiced by Robert De Niro though, problem with him though..he may either not be interested in voice acting and/or video games, or he may be too much money to bring in.

Like I said a year ago, I don't think they should bring by big ol' Tommy as the player. I mean if they do, that'd be great...but then again...they'd have trouble slipping past the wires..they'd have to go back and make sure history is good, make sure nothing is messed up. They did three GTA III era games. GTA III, whitch is based in 2002. GTA Vice City, which is based on 1986, and GTA San Andreas, based in 1992.

They have to write the dialoge and storyline perfectly so they don't mess up the Canon. Which leads me to another problem, Rockstar North said themselves, that the GTA III canon is over, and GTA 4 was the result of a new Canon and Storyline. This could prevent Tommy Verictii, or any past character from ever reappearing in a Grand Theft Auto. Now just because they said this, doesn't mean they're going to keep their word. Maybe they'll get too tempted for another storyline..or maybe they're just trying to throw people off.

Another thing I want to talk about, is the location. In GTA San Andreas, they took us to Las Santos (Los Angeles) San Fierro (San Fransisco) and Las Venturas (Las Vegas).

I'm not interested in either of the first two cities, but I love Los Vegas. There is so many things you can do with that area. There is the city, and the desert. So many good storylines, and such a great atmosphere for a GTA game. Not that it's a city full of crime, but it just stands out. And with Rockstar talking about a new Canon series, they don't have to keep things exactly the same as GTA San Andreas (Buildings, distance between cities) They can easily scrap the whole city Las Venturas. Only thing they should keep, is the name.

The storylines they can do...I'm sure you've all seen the 1995 movie "Casino"? With Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci? The plot of that was perfect. Have the main character go around..doing jobs for the mafia. Buring bodies in the desert, that sorta thing.

Now supposedly the Mafia isn't in Las Vegas anymore, but so what. Maybe tommorow they'll stand up to the FBI and sneak back in. Who knows, anything can happen in fiction. But whatever the do, don't bring the game back in time. Keep it modern day, or go a year or two into the future. Then again, with a new Canon...why not go back into the 90s.

Hell...with Rockstar saying there's a new Canon, that makes me think their going back into a 90s, 80s era. The first big GTA was modern day, then they went back in time. GTA 4 was modern day.

There are so many things they can do with Grand Theft Auto. Such a fantastic franchise game, so many storylines. I can't even wait to see what Rockstar North brings us next.

Speaking of Rockstar, it's not a Rockstar North game, but L.A. Noire looks godly. If only they'd release it now. We all know it's playable, they're probably just dealing with money issues, contracts with stores, downloadable content, that sort of thing.

Then we have the PS3 exclusive game Agent. No idea what it's about, the only thing I know, is that it's by Rockstar..and that means it's gonna be a hell of a game. said:
The game is set during the Cold War and will take players into "the world of counter-intelligence, espionage and political assassinations", according to a Rockstar press release. Rockstar has yet to reveal any details regarding the setting for the title other than the fact that it will be set in the late 1970s. Take-Two has confirmed that, as of 2010, Agent is still in the development stages.

Reminds me a little bit of a Burn Notice type of thing. It could also be highly similar to Call of Duty Black Ops. These games are only going to get better and better.
:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao: What was his name?

if my above post is correct how about this for a event. next week on raw undertakes does his slow enterance towards the ring, he challenges hhh to wm rematch. then everything turns green as the fans cheer. dx's music hits with a flood a cheers, out comes dx x-pac(if he can come lol) kane (with long mask ) barrett and the rest of corre chyna and the new age outlaws aswell , they all look up as a flood of slime falls on taker, they all rush to ring and brutally assult taker ( bring blood in the mix ) everyone starts roaring with boos, next comes cena miz cole and riley to help the new dx(good for a cena heel turn , also it was all a plan that cena vs miz so dx steal the show) next comes king(same with the plan with cole), next nexus come and hit taker (again with the plan). then the lights go off, stings most epic music (wat ever the f'k that is) plays and sting is on the rafters with his bat , the crowd roar that loud that sting allmost falls of , also what happens is a kid in the crowd says "who is this man?"

The second coming...

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