tdiglÉric Rohmer;1317403 said:
6) Are you self-conscious about pooping in someone else's house?
7) Have you ever been bungee jumping and/or skydiving?
8) Have you ever made your girlfriend cry?
9) How do you feel about mudbutt?
10) Have you thrown up in anything besides a toilet or trashcan?
no, no, yes, lame, yes
tdiglÉric Rohmer;1319938 said:
1) Have you ever threatened to pull someone's endocrine system out of their body?
2) Have you drunken victory juice before?
3) Have you ever flagged someone or been flagged?
4) Do you like school cafeteria food?
5) Why does hospital food suck so much?
no, no, flagged?, yes, I like it
tdiglÉric Rohmer;1380136 said:
16 September
1) What do you think of Thievery Corporation?
2) Is Justice now more important to French House than Daft Punk?
3) Do you listen to German Rap?
4) Do you like fruit snacks?
5) Do you have any friends that are women that you don't want to have sex with?
6) Do you like rice?
7) Have you ever jerked off to a picture of an ugly woman (or an ugly woman getting boned in a porno) only to be ashamed of yourself once you look at her again after orgasm?
8) Do you have a unibrow?
9) Do you like station wagons?
10) Have you ever banged your head against a table to try to impress a woman?
never listened, no, no, yes, yes, yes, no, no, no, no
tdiglÉric Rohmer;1381678 said:
17 September
1) Do you frequently wear sunglasses?
2) What are you favorite shoes?
3) Do you like hard cider?
4) Is Depeche Mode one of the most important musical acts of the past 30 years?
5) Should convicted felons be allowed to vote?
6) If you had to live in a major world city for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?
7) Are you afraid of spiders?
8) Are you afraid of snakes?
9) Do you like to be scared?
10) Do you like stadium seating in movie theaters?
no, yes, yes, no, yes, vancouver, yes, no, no, yes
tdiglÉric Rohmer;1383931 said:
18 September
1) When you drink, do you tend to: a) drink other people's shit; b) buy and drink your own shit; c) buy enough so everyone gets a little somethin' somethin'?
2) Have you ever called a woman a **** because you were pissed that she would sleep with other guys, but not you?
3) Have you ever been to a really good Chinese buffet?
4) Do you like to occasionally slap your girlfriend/fiancee/wife/significant other on the ass?
5) If there was a cannoli by your computer right now, would you eat it?
6) Did you actually like Tony Sopranos, or did you think he was a worthless, albeit interesting, piece of shit?
7) Do you like the art of Thomas Gainsborough?
8) If you could have a sloth as a pet, would you jump at the opportunity?
9) Do you wear your seat belt?
10) If you walked your dog (or a dog) at night and no one could see you, would you still pick up its shit?
c, no, yes, yes, yes, like, no, no, yes, yes
tdiglÉric Rohmer;1387503 said:
19 September
1) What do you think of the TLC song, Red Light Special?
2) Should I turn Vincent Irizarry into a cross-dressing werewolf in my Bar Room e-fed, Martin Sheen Championship Wrestling?
3) Sunrises or sunsets?
4) Have you ever swam with a dolphin?
5) Do you aspire to live in a McMansion?
6) Why doesn't Mike Epps do more stand-up?
7) What is, in your opinion, the most overrated fast food chain?
8) Did Albert Camus deserve the Nobel Prize For Literature over Nikos Kazantzakis?
9) Is Barry Sanders the greatest runningback of all time?
10) Do you like cruises?
never heard it, yes, both, no, yes, not sure, hes alright, burger king, 50-50, dont know, no
tdiglÉric Rohmer;1410212 said:
29 September
1) Women with hairy "ass cheeks" (not hairy ass "cheeks"), is their hirsuteness a deal breaker?
2) Are you scared to have sex with a woman on her period, or do you rejoice at the opportunity?
3) How do authorities in Spain cut down on illegal immigrants coming over the Straits Of Gibraltar?
4) Will you still want to have sex when you're a senior citizen?
5) How do you feel about dating people who already have children?
6) Do you think you're a good cook?
7) Is there actually naturally sparkling mineral water, or is the mineral water just carbonated?
8) Do you talk to yourself?
9) Do you like Kool-aid?
10) Do you crack/pop your joints?
yes, neither, they allow it and train a larger workforce, yes, not sure, yes, not sure, yes, yes, yes
tdiglÉric Rohmer;1413594 said:
1 October
1) What do you plan on doing for Halloween this year?
2) Have you ever egged a house?
3) Do you use ChapStick, or any other kind of lip balm with a generic name?
4) Do white strips really make your teeth whiter?
5) Do "really ethnic" restaurants freak you out (e.g., Chinese restaurants with chicken feet, blood tofu, and shark fin dim sum)?
6) Do you think it would be awesome to have a hot tub in your backyard?
7) Has a woman ever told you "no," when she really meant "yes" (or vice-versa)?
8) What is the dumbest thing you have fought about with a woman?
9) Are you afraid of going bald?
10) If someone cheats on you and you decide to stay with them, is it reasonable for you to get one free pass for a sexual indiscretion in the future?
scary movies, no, yes, im not sure, yes, yes, yes, not sure, yes, wouldnt happen to me
tdiglÉric Rohmer;1415772 said:
2 October
1) Do you think it would be badass to own an uzi?
2) Have you ever listened to music with headphones on, sung the music aloud, and taken the headphones off partially, only to find out that you're just making unintelligible sounds that are an approximation of the lyrics?
3) Jean shorts, are they a fashion faux-pas?
4) Will Obama get a second term?
5) Is Labour on the way out in England?
6) Do you put a pillow between your legs when you go to bed?
7) Have you ever eaten the core of an apple?
8) Do you like 7-11?
9) Have you ever faked an orgasm?
10) Do you like origami?
yes, no, yes, no, yesx2, yes, no, yes, partially, yes