tdigle Asks You Questions, And You Answer

1. No I don't, only the hot ones with a pretty face.
2. I don't know, I don't think they exist.
3. I would fuck hotties if I could stop time.
4. Frencg Fries
5. I don't do either, I just watch bootleg online.
6. Yes I have
7. As much as I'm required to
8. I don't know I live in the US.
9. No they didn't
10. I never cut class

Fucking creeper.

1) When you're in a relationship, are there certain days that you expect to get laid (e.g., today, or your birthday)?

Not really, just regularly.

2) Why do people fap it to someone as fugly as Shyla Stylez?

Fuck knows, most porn stars are incredibly ugly, but y'know, they get their rat out, so it's all cool.

3) Michael Buble's "Haven't Met You Yet:" is it just me, or does this song sound very similar to Sara Bareilles's "Love Song?"

I don't know the second song.

4) Why does jmt225 have such an obsession with trying to own me?

Lots of people have this kind of obsession on here.

5) I can't change my name D-Man's Karate Beltdigle because it's too long. What do you suggest instead?

No idea.

6) Do you have a television in your bedroom?

Yes, but no aerial. Still, it's a VCR combo, so it's good for something.

7) If you wear latex pants, will you smell like a condom?


8) Do you get the drunchies (drunken munchies)?

I buy a kebab when I'm hammered.

9) Have you ever shot a bow-and-arrow?


10) Do you like Renaissance Festivals?

Not really

1) What is the most you've ever eaten in one sitting (don't forget to provide a list of what you remember!)?

I always get my money's worth at anything that is all you can eat, especially Pizza hut. It was probably when they got my order wrong three times at Burger King and let me keep it so I had a triple XL bacon and cheese, two doubles, two chips and their McFlurry thing.

2) Do avocados turn you on?


3) If they were to make a movie of you losing your virginity, which actor/actress would play you? Which actor/actress would play your v-card snatcher?

I was pulling a lot of funnies, far too many, so any of those downbeat comedy guys. As for her, Drew Barrymore maybe, I don't know. It wasn't really that negative an experience to be honest with you.

4) Have you ever bitten off your toenails?


5) When you are annoyed that someone is bothering you, do you sigh/growl?

I sigh sometimes, but when I'm really pissed off, I am pretty good at mean silences.

6) What is your current cell phone ring tone?

My phone is always on vibrate, but I think it is a recording of the Microsoft Sam voice singing supercalifrajilisticexpicaledocious. As I said though, I haven't heard it for about two years.

7) Are you ticklish?


8) Do you have curly hair?

Not on my head

9) What's your favorite candy bar?

It varies, but Kitkat Chunky, Minstrels and Wispa Gold are always up there.

10) I have a feeling I've asked some questions you find that to be a problem?

Not at all, this is easily the best bar thread.

1) Do you wish you could fuck every girl in the world?

Not if I was obliged to do so.

2) Do time travel machines have the ability to clone their users as well?

No. If the two clones saw each other, the events that led to the clone being made would be undone.

3) If you had the ability to stop time, would you cop feels on random hotties?

Who needs the ability to stop time? In all seriousness, no.

4) What is your favorite word for sex (e.g., fucking, making whoopie, gettin' in them guts)?


5) Do you rent or buy all of your DVDs? If you rent, do you use an online rental service?


6) Do you frequently use the Lord's name in vain?

I say Jesus Christ all the time.

7) How much do you walk a day?

Quite far, 2 miles on average probably.

8) Supposedly, they have bubblegum soda in the this true (it's called "Iron" or "Steel" something or other)?

You've confused two things. There's bubble gum flavoured Panda Pops, which is blue. There's also Irn Bru which tastes like Scotland.

9) As a kid, did your parents ever give you bubblegum cough syrup when you were sick?


10) How ofter did you cut class when you were in high school/college?

In school never. When I was young, I didn't really want to and when I was older I either wanted to be there, took the piss, or just got booted out. In university, less often now because I have hardly any lessons, but I rarely went in my early years.
1) Do you wish you could fuck every girl in the world?

Every girl in the world? No. I can't see me dickin' down an ugly broad just for the sake of getting a nut. Now I know what you're going to say, "But, Fresh, that's why the Lord invented paper bags." Yes, you would be correct. But not all girls are up on this things we call hygiene. I'm not sticking my cock in an ugly, filthy pussy. "But that's why the Lord invented blowjobs, Fresh." Again, you would be correct. But there are a bunch of ****es out there as well, and I'm not trying to catch any sexually transmitted diseases. "Fresh, you silly boy, that's why the Lord invented condoms." WRONG! The Lord did no such thing, he likes hittin' it raw dog just like the rest of us. But he's also wise, which is why he follows the same rules I do. Next question please...

2) Do time travel machines have the ability to clone their users as well?

That's a very good question. But from what I can remember from Back To The Future, no.

3) If you had the ability to stop time, would you cop feels on random hotties?

Without a motherfucking doubt, son!

4) What is your favorite word for sex (e.g., fucking, making whoopie, gettin' in them guts)?

"Watch these rap *****z get all up in your guts
French-vanilla, butter-pecan, chocolate-deluxe.."
- Method Man

5) Do you rent or buy all of your DVDs? If you rent, do you use an online rental service?

I buy all of mine.

6) Do you frequently use the Lord's name in vain?

Yes, yes I do. The Lord and I have an understanding...

7) How much do you walk a day?

Not nearly as much as I should.

8) Supposedly, they have bubblegum soda in the this true (it's called "Iron" or "Steel" something or other)?

I have no idea if this is true or not. But more than likely, it's a conspiracy.

9) As a kid, did your parents ever give you bubblegum cough syrup when you were sick?

No, my parents gave me Nyquil so I would quit my bitching.

10) How ofter did you cut class when you were in high school/college?

Cuttin' class ain't gangsta. I'm such a nerd.

Note: I'm quite aware I skipped over a set questions. I just felt spiritually drawn to these. Sorry.
1) Do you wish you could fuck every girl in the world?


2) Do time travel machines have the ability to clone their users as well?


3) If you had the ability to stop time, would you cop feels on random hotties?


4) What is your favorite word for sex (e.g., fucking, making whoopie, gettin' in them guts)?


5) Do you rent or buy all of your DVDs? If you rent, do you use an online rental service?


6) Do you frequently use the Lord's name in vain?


7) How much do you walk a day?

QUite a bit

8) Supposedly, they have bubblegum soda in the this true (it's called "Iron" or "Steel" something or other)?

There is blue bubblegum pop called panda pop
Then there's irn bru a scottish drink.

9) As a kid, did your parents ever give you bubblegum cough syrup when you were sick?


10) How ofter did you cut class when you were in high school/college?

1) Do you wish you could fuck every girl in the world?

No, I don't have the hips for it.

2) Do time travel machines have the ability to clone their users as well?


3) If you had the ability to stop time, would you cop feels on random hotties?

Yes. Seen Cashback? I'd do that, but it'd be sleazier.

4) What is your favorite word for sex (e.g., fucking, making whoopie, gettin' in them guts)?

I don't really mention it, I just do it.

5) Do you rent or buy all of your DVDs? If you rent, do you use an online rental service?

Buy, I get most of them for the same price people pay to rent.

6) Do you frequently use the Lord's name in vain?

Why would I use my own name in vain?

7) How much do you walk a day?

Very little.

8) Supposedly, they have bubblegum soda in the this true (it's called "Iron" or "Steel" something or other)?

Bubblegum soda is cheap horrible shit and nothing like Irn Bru, which I think is what you're on about.

9) As a kid, did your parents ever give you bubblegum cough syrup when you were sick?

Calpol, sweet, delicious, Calpol.

10) How ofter did you cut class when you were in high school/college?

Not very often, I did so little at school I didn't feel the need.
1) Do you wish you could fuck every girl in the world?
No. Mainly because some of them look hideous and I happen to be related to a few females.

2) Do time travel machines have the ability to clone their users as well?
I don't think so, because when Desmond went back in time in Season 3 of Lost he didn't have a clone. Just himself in his own body.

3) If you had the ability to stop time, would you cop feels on random hotties?
Yes. I might even place them in provocative situations.

4) What is your favorite word for sex (e.g., fucking, making whoopie, gettin' in them guts)?
Spelunking The Bat Cave

5) Do you rent or buy all of your DVDs? If you rent, do you use an online rental service?
A mixture of buy and rent from Netflix.

6) Do you frequently use the Lord's name in vain?
Surprisingly often.

7) How much do you walk a day?
Average. I walk when I get out of the care only because Wal-Mart will ban you if you drive a car in there.

8) Supposedly, they have bubblegum soda in the this true (it's called "Iron" or "Steel" something or other)?
Did you know that if you Google Bubblegum Soda Iron, that this thread appears #5 of there?

9) As a kid, did your parents ever give you bubblegum cough syrup when you were sick?
Yep, but I still hated it.

10) How ofter did you cut class when you were in high school/college?
Not once.
28 February 2010

1) When British people are annoyed with other people for interrupting a conversation, do they ask the interrupter, "Did I ask for a chat with you?!" (It may be "Did I ask to have a chat with you?!," I forgot which one I heard on Da Ali G Show.)

2) Have you ever opened your eyes when you were kissing someone and thought, "Whoa, that's fucking weird!"?

3) Do you avoid eye contact when bumping uglies with your boyfriend/girlfriend?

4) If someone let one rip in front of you, would you yell at them, laugh at them, or pretend that nothing happened?

5) Do you like the group Talking Heads?

6) Do you own a balaclava?

7) Have you ever pissed in a sink?

8) Have you ever visited a prison?

9) Was there something you really wanted to do only to find out that you fucking hated it minutes after doing it/trying it (e.g., playing the guitar or learning calculus)?

10) What ever happened to voice dictation software (i.e., that shit where you could verbally dictate to your word processor program instead of typing)?
28 February 2010

1) When British people are annoyed with other people for interrupting a conversation, do they ask the interrupter, "Did I ask for a chat with you?!" (It may be "Did I ask to have a chat with you?!," I forgot which one I heard on Da Ali G Show.)

Ali G sucks.

2) Have you ever opened your eyes when you were kissing someone and thought, "Whoa, that's fucking weird!"?
Yes, but only when I felt her penis.

3) Do you avoid eye contact when bumping uglies with your boyfriend/girlfriend?
Never. I enjoy it. I avoid it when bumping an ugly though.

4) If someone let one rip in front of you, would you yell at them, laugh at them, or pretend that nothing happened?
Depends on who it is.

5) Do you like the group Talking Heads?
Not especially.

6) Do you own a balaclava?
No, I left it at the bank. I do like the pastry of the same name though.
7) Have you ever pissed in a sink?
8) Have you ever visited a prison?
Only for the family reunion.
9) Was there something you really wanted to do only to find out that you fucking hated it minutes after doing it/trying it (e.g., playing the guitar or learning calculus)?

10) What ever happened to voice dictation software (i.e., that shit where you could verbally dictate to your word processor program instead of typing)?
It still exists. still sucks.
1) When British people are annoyed with other people for interrupting a conversation, do they ask the interrupter, "Did I ask for a chat with you?!" (It may be "Did I ask to have a chat with you?!," I forgot which one I heard on Da Ali G Show.)

I'll ask the Queen.

2) Have you ever opened your eyes when you were kissing someone and thought, "Whoa, that's fucking weird!"?


3) Do you avoid eye contact when bumping uglies with your boyfriend/girlfriend?

Not at all. But if you were bumping an ugly then I see why that would be an option. Perhaps a paper bag might work better?

4) If someone let one rip in front of you, would you yell at them, laugh at them, or pretend that nothing happened?

One time somebody sharted right beside me and was like... WHO JUST SHARTED? and then nobody admitted it obviously so everybody though it was me :(

5) Do you like the group Talking Heads?

I do, especially with Brian Eno.

6) Do you own a balaclava?

Initially thought you meant baklava and being Greek I was like well fuck yeah... but then I realized I can't read. No, I don't own one but during my brief stint as a burglar I considered it. I decided otherwise though:


7) Have you ever pissed in a sink?

Not that easy for the ladies. If I ever pop a squat on a sink I'll let you know. Or maybe not.

8) Have you ever visited a prison?

We went to one on a school trip once. It was pretty fucking gross.

9) Was there something you really wanted to do only to find out that you fucking hated it minutes after doing it/trying it (e.g., playing the guitar or learning calculus)?

One time I really wanted to make out with this guy so I did only to find out that he was an awful kisser and proooobably a serial killer. I would say I fucking hated it minutes (well actually seconds) after trying it.

Also sushi. I hate sushi.

10) What ever happened to voice dictation software (i.e., that shit where you could verbally dictate to your word processor program instead of typing)?

Pretty sure it still exists. Michael Scott uses it. Offi5e.
19 February 2010

1) Do you wish you could fuck every girl in the world?

It's nothing like collecting Pokémon, so not really.

2) Do time travel machines have the ability to clone their users as well?

In terms of a time paradox situation, then technically yes. Just depends on how the effect occurs, like you're not able to touch your clone because the same matter can't occupy the same space.

3) If you had the ability to stop time, would you cop feels on random hotties?

Now that you mention it...

4) What is your favorite word for sex (e.g., fucking, making whoopie, gettin' in them guts)?

I don't think I have one.

5) Do you rent or buy all of your DVDs? If you rent, do you use an online rental service?

Mix of both, depends if I've seen the film or not. Haven't tried online rental, though I've heard good things.

6) Do you frequently use the Lord's name in vain?

Only when I'm not in the local cathedral.

7) How much do you walk a day?

A lot pending on the situation. I like walking.

8) Supposedly, they have bubblegum soda in the this true (it's called "Iron" or "Steel" something or other)?

We don't take kind to stuff like that around here.

9) As a kid, did your parents ever give you bubblegum cough syrup when you were sick?

No. But there was this epic cough medicine that a brilliant taste, better than bubblegum.

10) How ofter did you cut class when you were in high school/college?

Only really tried cutting the most boring one which was a Key Skill in ICT, we spend most of our time searching the net if we where there and there was no benefit to the lesson tbh.

28 February 2010

1) When British people are annoyed with other people for interrupting a conversation, do they ask the interrupter, "Did I ask for a chat with you?!" (It may be "Did I ask to have a chat with you?!," I forgot which one I heard on Da Ali G Show.)

Depends on the person. But think we're more than likely to say "Excuse Me"

2) Have you ever opened your eyes when you were kissing someone and thought, "Whoa, that's fucking weird!"?

You said you liked it :disappointed:

3) Do you avoid eye contact when bumping uglies with your boyfriend/girlfriend?

Kinda mix, try not to stare, try not to look away too much.

4) If someone let one rip in front of you, would you yell at them, laugh at them, or pretend that nothing happened?

If your my brother, then you know the consequences.

5) Do you like the group Talking Heads?

Not really.

6) Do you own a balaclava?

I do.

7) Have you ever pissed in a sink?

Trying to think if I have or just remember reading it in Jericho's book...

8) Have you ever visited a prison?

Think I did in France, like an old one that's no longer in use.

9) Was there something you really wanted to do only to find out that you fucking hated it minutes after doing it/trying it (e.g., playing the guitar or learning calculus)?

Playing the guitar.

10) What ever happened to voice dictation software (i.e., that shit where you could verbally dictate to your word processor program instead of typing)?

My guess is people didn't get as lazy as they use to.
1) When British people are annoyed with other people for interrupting a conversation, do they ask the interrupter, "Did I ask for a chat with you?!" (It may be "Did I ask to have a chat with you?!," I forgot which one I heard on Da Ali G Show.)

I don't know, it's a southerner thing to ask questions when annoyed. "Do you want a smack?". Err... no thanks.

2) Have you ever opened your eyes when you were kissing someone and thought, "Whoa, that's fucking weird!"?

Not really

3) Do you avoid eye contact when bumping uglies with your boyfriend/girlfriend?


4) If someone let one rip in front of you, would you yell at them, laugh at them, or pretend that nothing happened?


5) Do you like the group Talking Heads?


6) Do you own a balaclava?


7) Have you ever pissed in a sink?


8) Have you ever visited a prison?

Not one that's still a prison.

9) Was there something you really wanted to do only to find out that you fucking hated it minutes after doing it/trying it (e.g., playing the guitar or learning calculus)?

Vegetarianism. Though I carried on for two years.

10) What ever happened to voice dictation software (i.e., that shit where you could verbally dictate to your word processor program instead of typing)?

It couldn't cope with accents. Unless you talk like a newscaster, it wouldn't work.
1) When British people are annoyed with other people for interrupting a conversation, do they ask the interrupter, "Did I ask for a chat with you?!" (It may be "Did I ask to have a chat with you?!," I forgot which one I heard on Da Ali G Show.)

It happens sometimes here too but mainly just in the North. Threats can be put forward in the form of a question. I.e Do you want me to come over there and kiss you?

2) Have you ever opened your eyes when you were kissing someone and thought, "Whoa, that's fucking weird!"?

Kinda- but moreso when I was younger.

3) Do you avoid eye contact when bumping uglies with your boyfriend/girlfriend?

Not generally- I just do whatever feels right. Somtimes you need vision and sometimes not.

4) If someone let one rip in front of you, would you yell at them, laugh at them, or pretend that nothing happened?

Depends on the friends or the situation.

5) Do you like the group Talking Heads?

Always meant to listen to them becuase of Radiohead but havn't yet.

6) Do you own a balaclava?

Its part of the survival kit to go up to the North. "Balaclava's on the line" and all that.

7) Have you ever pissed in a sink?


8) Have you ever visited a prison?


9) Was there something you really wanted to do only to find out that you fucking hated it minutes after doing it/trying it (e.g., playing the guitar or learning calculus)?

While working in France I went out with the younger brother of a friend of mine there. He really was a bit young and became annoyingly persistant afterwards. That and sending an ex a message after a chance meeting with him out.

10) What ever happened to voice dictation software (i.e., that shit where you could verbally dictate to your word processor program instead of typing)?

My brother has been using it for his essays for the last few years- apparently its still in use for people with strong forms of dyslexia.
28 February 2010

1) When British people are annoyed with other people for interrupting a conversation, do they ask the interrupter, "Did I ask for a chat with you?!" (It may be "Did I ask to have a chat with you?!," I forgot which one I heard on Da Ali G Show.)

2) Have you ever opened your eyes when you were kissing someone and thought, "Whoa, that's fucking weird!"?

3) Do you avoid eye contact when bumping uglies with your boyfriend/girlfriend?

4) If someone let one rip in front of you, would you yell at them, laugh at them, or pretend that nothing happened?

5) Do you like the group Talking Heads?

6) Do you own a balaclava?

7) Have you ever pissed in a sink?

8) Have you ever visited a prison?

9) Was there something you really wanted to do only to find out that you fucking hated it minutes after doing it/trying it (e.g., playing the guitar or learning calculus)?

10) What ever happened to voice dictation software (i.e., that shit where you could verbally dictate to your word processor program instead of typing)?

1. I couldn't tell ya

2. No

3. yea, generally. Hard to make eye contact when your doing doggy style. I usually just stare at the tits in an attempt to help wrap things up. I dunno, whatever feels the right thing to do at the time.

4. Depends on who it is

5. never heard of em

6. Don't know what that is

7. Yes, hell yes. ten times yes :lmao:

8. Tis were I spent Christmas, 2007. Fo'sho.

9. The first, and last time I put it in a girl's ass.

10. I hope its still around
1) When British people are annoyed with other people for interrupting a conversation, do they ask the interrupter, "Did I ask for a chat with you?!" (It may be "Did I ask to have a chat with you?!," I forgot which one I heard on Da Ali G Show.)

You stop, look at them, then turn back and carry on with your conversation.

2) Have you ever opened your eyes when you were kissing someone and thought, "Whoa, that's fucking weird!"?

I've opened and thought ''Help me!'', but that's it.

3) Do you avoid eye contact when bumping uglies with your boyfriend/girlfriend?

I hold her hair so I have control of her head.

4) If someone let one rip in front of you, would you yell at them, laugh at them, or pretend that nothing happened?

Depends on the situation.

5) Do you like the group Talking Heads?

Ohhh yeah.

6) Do you own a balaclava?


7) Have you ever pissed in a sink?

Sure, I only have one toilet in my house,two children and a live in girlfriend.

8) Have you ever visited a prison?

Not that I can remember.

9) Was there something you really wanted to do only to find out that you fucking hated it minutes after doing it/trying it (e.g., playing the guitar or learning calculus)?
Lots of stuff, but I stick with them until the end. With the exception of CSI: NY.

10) What ever happened to voice dictation software (i.e., that shit where you could verbally dictate to your word processor program instead of typing)?

28 February 2010

1) When British people are annoyed with other people for interrupting a conversation, do they ask the interrupter, "Did I ask for a chat with you?!" (It may be "Did I ask to have a chat with you?!," I forgot which one I heard on Da Ali G Show.)

I would prefer if they say "Did I ask for a chat with you" rather than the other option. It sounds more British to me.

2) Have you ever opened your eyes when you were kissing someone and thought, "Whoa, that's fucking weird!"?


3) Do you avoid eye contact when bumping uglies with your boyfriend/girlfriend?

No. My boyfriend has some crazy sex faces. They amuse me.

4) If someone let one rip in front of you, would you yell at them, laugh at them, or pretend that nothing happened?

laugh. It's still funny.

5) Do you like the group Talking Heads?

Meh, not particularly

6) Do you own a balaclava?


7) Have you ever pissed in a sink?

Only once

8) Have you ever visited a prison?

Numerous times.

9) Was there something you really wanted to do only to find out that you fucking hated it minutes after doing it/trying it (e.g., playing the guitar or learning calculus)?

Playing the guitar. Of course, I was 9 when I started taking lessons. I didn't realize you actually had to practice. I wanted to go straight to making my muisc video.

10) What ever happened to voice dictation software (i.e., that shit where you could verbally dictate to your word processor program instead of typing)?

I never knew it existed
3 March 2010

1) Have you ever inserted random fucks into a song you were singing, like that wedding singer in Old School and The Hangover?

2) Have you ever been bitten by someone?

3) Have you ever bitten someone?

4) Do you know anyone with breast implants?

5) Have you ever been proud of yourself for something really fucking stupid (e.g., dropping a huge deuce or eating a whole large pizza)?

6) Where did jmt put his whamburgers and french cries?

7) Why does smoking meth fuck up your teeth?

8) Do you like bagels?

9) Do you look old or young for your age?

10) Do you have a DVR or Tivo?
3 March 2010

1) Have you ever inserted random fucks into a song you were singing, like that wedding singer in Old School and The Hangover?


2) Have you ever been bitten by someone?

Yes. Last school year in the middle of Twilight-mania. Bitch was trippin. But I made out with her later that day so it was all good.

3) Have you ever bitten someone?

Is the sky blue?

4) Do you know anyone with breast implants?

My grandmother.

5) Have you ever been proud of yourself for something really fucking stupid (e.g., dropping a huge deuce or eating a whole large pizza)?

One time I *********ed, and it took my a while for my nut to bust. Then when I finally jizzed, it was watery and thick at the same time. It was alot too. I was proud of myself for my stamina, amount of sperm released, and the texture and quality of my nut juice.

6) Where did jmt put his whamburgers and french cries?

The MMA Section?

7) Why does smoking meth fuck up your teeth?

Because by default, most meth smokers suck dick?

8) Do you like bagels?

Who doesn't? Probably a douchebag like that TDigle kid.

9) Do you look old or young for your age?

Young. How do you think I get into those hip, teen clubs?

10) Do you have a DVR or Tivo?

DVR. I can't stand to watch Raw all the way through anymore. I have to skip some parts or I might fail the SAT.
3 March 2010

1) Have you ever inserted random fucks into a song you were singing, like that wedding singer in Old School and The Hangover?

2) Have you ever been bitten by someone?

3) Have you ever bitten someone?

4) Do you know anyone with breast implants?

5) Have you ever been proud of yourself for something really fucking stupid (e.g., dropping a huge deuce or eating a whole large pizza)?

6) Where did jmt put his whamburgers and french cries?

7) Why does smoking meth fuck up your teeth?

8) Do you like bagels?

9) Do you look old or young for your age?

10) Do you have a DVR or Tivo?

1. Yes, definately

2. Uh, yea. Lots of people. Er, girls rather. and babies.

3. Definately. Im a savage.

4. Does "fucked" count as "know"??....then yes, I know 3 of them lulz.

5. Hell yea, shooting cum far, and all over. Last weekend My GF informed me it flew over her shoulder at the end of a BJ, and I was like "Hell yea it did"

6. At the whusspital

7. The chemicals

8. Only the ones that IC25 is all pumped about in North NJ

9. I think I look VERY old for my age. Weathered you see.

10. No this week most likely though. Fuck ya.

1) Have you ever inserted random fucks into a song you were singing, like that wedding singer in Old School and The Hangover?

Yes, I tend to go with motherfucker.

2) Have you ever been bitten by someone?


3) Have you ever bitten someone?

Not really

4) Do you know anyone with breast implants?

I think so, but I can't remember who.

5) Have you ever been proud of yourself for something really fucking stupid (e.g., dropping a huge deuce or eating a whole large pizza)?


6) Where did jmt put his whamburgers and french cries?

In a time capsule

7) Why does smoking meth fuck up your teeth?

The chemicals rot the enamel, and they're too fucked to brush their teeths.

8) Do you like bagels?


9) Do you look old or young for your age?

About right

10) Do you have a DVR or Tivo?

Is that Sky+? Because I have that.
3 March 2010

1) Have you ever inserted random fucks into a song you were singing, like that wedding singer in Old School and The Hangover?


2) Have you ever been bitten by someone?


3) Have you ever bitten someone?

Yes. I bit the person who bit me.

4) Do you know anyone with breast implants?

I think I do...

5) Have you ever been proud of yourself for something really fucking stupid (e.g., dropping a huge deuce or eating a whole large pizza)?


6) Where did jmt put his whamburgers and french cries?

Certainly not here.

7) Why does smoking meth fuck up your teeth?

Cause there's like over 60 different kinds of chemicals in them.

8) Do you like bagels?

Not really tried them.

9) Do you look old or young for your age?

Mix, some say I'm old, some say I'm young

10) Do you have a DVR or Tivo?

1) Have you ever inserted random fucks into a song you were singing, like that wedding singer in Old School and The Hangover?

A few times

2) Have you ever been bitten by someone?

Yes, in both a bad way and a nice way

3) Have you ever bitten someone?

No, atleast I don't think so

4) Do you know anyone with breast implants?


5) Have you ever been proud of yourself for something really fucking stupid (e.g., dropping a huge deuce or eating a whole large pizza)?

It occurs at times.

6) Where did jmt put his whamburgers and french cries?

I don't know.. aww now I got a craving for a burger :(

7) Why does smoking meth fuck up your teeth?

Wouldn't know, never done it

8) Do you like bagels?


9) Do you look old or young for your age?

Somewhat in the middle I guess, I've been told I could easily go for being older than I am

10) Do you have a DVR or Tivo?

I believe I got a DVR somewhere.
1) Have you ever inserted random fucks into a song you were singing, like that wedding singer in Old School and The Hangover?

Only when I harmonize.

2) Have you ever been bitten by someone?


3) Have you ever bitten someone?

I don't lose fights because I bite people. If I'm losing I need a way to win, a bite will turn the fight into my favour. It'd frowned upon, but I must've missed the meeting where we went over the rules of our street fight that they started.

4) Do you know anyone with breast implants?

Don't think so.

5) Have you ever been proud of yourself for something really fucking stupid (e.g., dropping a huge deuce or eating a whole large pizza)?


6) Where did jmt put his whamburgers and french cries?


7) Why does smoking meth fuck up your teeth?

Smoking anything does, so I think it must be the smoke.

8) Do you like bagels?


9) Do you look old or young for your age?

I'd say I look older than 25, but not in a bad way.

10) Do you have a DVR or Tivo?

3 March 20101) Have you ever inserted random fucks into a song you were singing, like that wedding singer in Old School and The Hangover?
2) Have you ever been bitten by someone?
3) Have you ever bitten someone?
4) Do you know anyone with breast implants?
5) Have you ever been proud of yourself for something really fucking stupid (e.g., dropping a huge deuce or eating a whole large pizza)?
The pizza
6) Where did jmt put his whamburgers and french cries?
I killed them
7) Why does smoking meth fuck up your teeth?
Because you forget to clean your teeth?
8) Do you like bagels?
Love them unless they have raisins in them
9) Do you look old or young for your age?
10) Do you have a DVR or Tivo?

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