1) What is the most you've ever eaten in one sitting (don't forget to provide a list of what you remember!)?
Granted, it was a long-ass sitting and I can't even remember the occasion anymore, but I do remember the food. It went on for about eight hours. In that period of time I ate a club sandwich (a ½-foot club, yum) for starter, a chicken (not one of them baby ones either) with mashed potatoes and some kind of wine-based sauce, about a quarter of a salmon with sour cream, an onion and fresh asparagus, then came the soup (some kind of broccoli/turnip jam spiced up with cream and tabasco), then there was time for some drinks and cigarettes; some time to stretch the legs and let the food settle, if you will. After the break we had fermented pickled herring (a Swedish delicacy, just Google "surströmming") in a soft-bread wrap with potatoes, sour cream, tomatoes and onions. Then a buffet of all sorts of delicate meats - filet mignon, lambchops, etc, with a choice of vegetables and sauces. For dessert I had an enormous load of fruit and ice cream and I rounded it all off with coffee, a slice of cake and some cheese and crackers. I was full.
2) Do avocados turn you on?
I prefer melons, although oranges does have a certain charm, too.
3) If they were to make a movie of you losing your virginity, which actor/actress would play you? Which actor/actress would play your v-card snatcher?
Me, probably someone like Jaquin Phoenix (sort of good-looking, but still fairly run-of-the-mill). My snatcher would, I'm sad to say, have to be played by that chick who was/is the star of Ally McBeal (can never remember her name).
4) Have you ever bitten off your toenails?
Scissors are for people with no flexibility. Ptui!
5) When you are annoyed that someone is bothering you, do you sigh/growl?
I growl, actually. Sighing is mostly reserved for when they can hear me, lest they think I'm more of a looney than they already do. It's a low rumbling in my throat, not that fake growling that sounds more like a gargle than anything.
6) What is your current cell phone ring tone?
Some standard crap that came with it out of the box. Called "Rock", I believe.
7) Are you ticklish?
Yes, but I always make a point out of hiding it. That way, people (the ladies) stop trying to tickle me after a while of persevering (since it's no fun if you don't react). Strategy, fellas <tap nose>
8) Do you have curly hair?
Do pubes count? If not, then no.
9) What's your favorite candy bar?
Pigalle. I have no idea if it's only available in Sweden and/or Scandinavia, though. It's like... buttery and airy chocolate with little cracker-balls. All covered in sweet milk chocolate. Yum.
10) I have a feeling I've asked some questions twice...do you find that to be a problem?[/QUOTE]
Not for me, but if your memory is failing, I recommend either picking up some pills with Omega-3 in them or finding a suitable retirement home to spend your golden years in peace and quiet.