tdigle Asks You Questions, And You Answer

7 January 2010

1) Whatever happened to snap-on bracelets?

No Idea.

2) Whatever happened to pogs?

Schools banned them. They should make an epic comeback though I was ace gambling pogs.
3) Do you own any of the following: pepper spray, taser, brass knuckles?

4) Are magnets one of your favorite hobbies?


5) Do you like ghouls?


6) Have you ever told someone to talk to the hand?


7) Do you like hugs?


8) When you're in public and get a wedgie, do you pick it or let it ride?

Let it ride until a safe spot is found to get it out.

9) Have you ever seen that online video of a girl rubbing her crotch in class and then smelling the hand she rubbed herself with?


10) When you scratch yourself, do you tend to sniff the hand you scratched yourself with?


7 January 2010

1) Whatever happened to snap-on bracelets?

Never heard of them.

2) Whatever happened to pogs?

Pretty sure I never played with them. Might have.

3) Do you own any of the following: pepper spray, taser, brass knuckles?


4) Are magnets one of your favorite hobbies?

Love them. Especially the fridge kind. Nothing like sticking something on your fridge without leaving a mark.

5) Do you like ghouls?

More of a poltergeist man myself.

6) Have you ever told someone to talk to the hand?

As a a child, yes.

7) Do you like hugs?

Depends. I suppose

8) When you're in public and get a wedgie, do you pick it or let it ride?

Endure it. Pain over shame.

9) Have you ever seen that online video of a girl rubbing her crotch in class and then smelling the hand she rubbed herself with?

Now I have. Thanks Jane

10) When you scratch yourself, do you tend to sniff the hand you scratched yourself with?

No. I prefer to lick it.
1) Whatever happened to snap-on bracelets?

2) Whatever happened to pogs?

Shrugs at both.

3) Do you own any of the following: pepper spray, taser, brass knuckles?

No, they're illegal and neither me nor my affiliates would ever own something like that.

But this one time I used a taser on myself and I crumpled to the floor in a pool of wee.

4) Are magnets one of your favorite hobbies?

No, I'm normal.

5) Do you like ghouls?

I'm ambivalent towards them.

6) Have you ever told someone to talk to the hand?

That was never cool or funny, or even cool and funny in an ironic way.

7) Do you like hugs?

No, but I do them to placate children, sometimes.

8) When you're in public and get a wedgie, do you pick it or let it ride?

Pick it.

9) Have you ever seen that online video of a girl rubbing her crotch in class and then smelling the hand she rubbed herself with?


10) When you scratch yourself, do you tend to sniff the hand you scratched yourself with?

Depends where I scratch, I know where the prime rib is, if I scratch a certain place I'm going for the sniff.
7 January 2010

1) Whatever happened to snap-on bracelets?

No idea, probably just went out of fashion

2) Whatever happened to pogs?

Banned at school

3) Do you own any of the following: pepper spray, taser, brass knuckles?


4) Are magnets one of your favorite hobbies?

Unfortunately not

5) Do you like ghouls?

They're not too bad once you get to know them

6) Have you ever told someone to talk to the hand?

Yes, I actually did it to a workmate the other day who being rather annoying

7) Do you like hugs?

From certain people

8) When you're in public and get a wedgie, do you pick it or let it ride?

The only time someone tried to wedgie me, they epically failed.

9) Have you ever seen that online video of a girl rubbing her crotch in class and then smelling the hand she rubbed herself with?

Not until it was posted on here

10) When you scratch yourself, do you tend to sniff the hand you scratched yourself with?

Not to my knowledge
11 January 2010

1) Why can't Phoenix drive yet?

2) Do you have a subscription to a newspaper?

3) Do you wear flip-flops a lot?

4) Why do women say "it went right through me" instead of "that food gave me massive diarrhea?"

5) Former strippers, prostitutes, and female porn stars: why do they become all homemaker-ish and docile once they leave their profession?

6) Have you ever farted in front of company and blamed it on someone else?

7) Do a majority of Europeans drive Vespas?

8) Have you ever put a lit Roman Candle between your legs and pretended that you were shooting flaming balls out of either your johnson or asshole?

9) The Butthole Surfers: did they actually surf buttholes?

10) Do you want to have a family?
11 January 2010

1) Why can't Phoenix drive yet?


2) Do you have a subscription to a newspaper?


3) Do you wear flip-flops a lot?


4) Why do women say "it went right through me" instead of "that food gave me massive diarrhea?"

Cos' saying things like "Christ I've got the shits" is unfeminine, it's like farting in bed

5) Former strippers, prostitutes, and female porn stars: why do they become all homemaker-ish and docile once they leave their profession?

No real skills?

6) Have you ever farted in front of company and blamed it on someone else?

No, I am proud of what I produce

7) Do a majority of Europeans drive Vespas?

Not that I've seen, I'd love a vespa though

8) Have you ever put a lit Roman Candle between your legs and pretended that you were shooting flaming balls out of either your johnson or asshole?


9) The Butthole Surfers: did they actually surf buttholes?

You'd better ask them

10) Do you want to have a family?

Not if I can avoid it
1) Why can't Phoenix drive yet?

Hair is too spikey.

2) Do you have a subscription to a newspaper?

Why would I do that when I could read it online?

3) Do you wear flip-flops a lot?

Occasionaly in the summer.

4) Why do women say "it went right through me" instead of "that food gave me massive diarrhea?"

Cause they're *****es.

5) Former strippers, prostitutes, and female porn stars: why do they become all homemaker-ish and docile once they leave their profession?

You can only take the feeling of a sore, bloody asshole for so long.

6) Have you ever farted in front of company and blamed it on someone else?

Not, I just stand there quietly.

7) Do a majority of Europeans drive Vespas?


8) Have you ever put a lit Roman Candle between your legs and pretended that you were shooting flaming balls out of either your johnson or asshole?


9) The Butthole Surfers: did they actually surf buttholes?

Not sure. I've heard they give a mean mustasche ride though.

10) Do you want to have a family?

I guess.
1) Why can't Phoenix drive yet?

Because, like me, he's aware that the bus is cheaper and driving is boring.

2) Do you have a subscription to a newspaper?

No, I pick them up myself.

3) Do you wear flip-flops a lot?


4) Why do women say "it went right through me" instead of "that food gave me massive diarrhea?"

It's never said, but women have diarrhea more often than men, and it reeks.

5) Former strippers, prostitutes, and female porn stars: why do they become all homemaker-ish and docile once they leave their profession?

I might know the wrong stripper/prostitutes/porn stars, I've never seen this.

6) Have you ever farted in front of company and blamed it on someone else?


7) Do a majority of Europeans drive Vespas?

Italians, maybe, Europeans, no.

8) Have you ever put a lit Roman Candle between your legs and pretended that you were shooting flaming balls out of either your johnson or asshole?


9) The Butthole Surfers: did they actually surf buttholes?

No, too much sand.

10) Do you want to have a family?

Got one, but it's not my thing.

1) Why can't Phoenix drive yet?

If he's anything like me, it's because he's dyspraxic and has failed four driving tests.

2) Do you have a subscription to a newspaper?


3) Do you wear flip-flops a lot?


4) Why do women say "it went right through me" instead of "that food gave me massive diarrhea?"

To spare embarrassment. They don't like it when you follow it up with "so you had the shits then?"
5) Former strippers, prostitutes, and female porn stars: why do they become all homemaker-ish and docile once they leave their profession?

The ex-stripper at my work is pretty fun-loving. She's Japanese though, so maybe it's different there.

6) Have you ever farted in front of company and blamed it on someone else?

Almost certainly.
7) Do a majority of Europeans drive Vespas?

8) Have you ever put a lit Roman Candle between your legs and pretended that you were shooting flaming balls out of either your johnson or asshole?

I don't know what a Roman Candle is. I am reluctant to set my farts on fire, after a flaming arse pubes incident for someone I know.
9) The Butthole Surfers: did they actually surf buttholes?

No, I think it's more like caving than surfing.

10) Do you want to have a family?

Absolutely not.
11 January 2010

1) Why can't Phoenix drive yet?

:lmao: Simply because I never tried to learn, nor did I think it needed given all I needed to get to were within good walking distance.

2) Do you have a subscription to a newspaper?


3) Do you wear flip-flops a lot?

Only in summer, if that!

4) Why do women say "it went right through me" instead of "that food gave me massive diarrhea?"

Because they can't pronounce the syllables in diarrhea

5) Former strippers, prostitutes, and female porn stars: why do they become all homemaker-ish and docile once they leave their profession?

So they keep their profession going when the husband comes home.

6) Have you ever farted in front of company and blamed it on someone else?

Only when I get accused of doing it.

7) Do a majority of Europeans drive Vespas?


8) Have you ever put a lit Roman Candle between your legs and pretended that you were shooting flaming balls out of either your johnson or asshole?

I don't need a candle because fire comes out of my ass already!

9) The Butthole Surfers: did they actually surf buttholes?

Probably. Must be some of internet lingo to translate as "Butthole Searchers"

10) Do you want to have a family?

I do, but if I don't get one, I'll accept Ty's or NSL's as compensation.
1) Why can't Phoenix drive yet?
Because he doesn't have his licence? I can't drive either, you know.

2) Do you have a subscription to a newspaper?
Yeah, but I don't read it. It gets delivered Thursdays and Sundays.

3) Do you wear flip-flops a lot?
During the summer, yeah.

4) Why do women say "it went right through me" instead of "that food gave me massive diarrhea?"
Girls I'm around don't talk about their bathroom habits, unfortunately.

5) Former strippers, prostitutes, and female porn stars: why do they become all homemaker-ish and docile once they leave their profession?
They're sick of he other lifestyle.

6) Have you ever farted in front of company and blamed it on someone else?
I tend to walk away and ignore it.

7) Do a majority of Europeans drive Vespas?
Well, there were certainly a lot in Italy, but most people there drove these weird cars that looked like someone had taken out the back half and smushed it all together.

8) Have you ever put a lit Roman Candle between your legs and pretended that you were shooting flaming balls out of either your johnson or asshole?
No, but that sounds hilarious. And dangerous.

9) The Butthole Surfers: did they actually surf buttholes?
Gave a whole new meaning to "hanging 10".

10) Do you want to have a family?
Meh. I can take it or leave it.
20 January 2010

1) Where is jmt225?

2) Have you ever turned the subtitles on on an English-speaking DVD so you could watch it 1.5 to 2 times faster?

3) Do you own a Bowflex? If you don't, do you want one?

4) Do you have a foot fetish?

5) Do you check out books from the library often?

6) What's the difference between Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese?

7) Have you ever flicked off the cameras they put on roller coasters?

8) Naked Eyes' "Always Something There to Remind Me:" is this song about genital herpes?

9) Did you have a huge crush on any of your high school teachers?

10) For those who have seen one of their high school teachers outside of school, did you initially find it strange that they actually existed outside of school?
1) Where is jmt225?

I like him, but fucked if I care.

2) Have you ever turned the subtitles on on an English-speaking DVD so you could watch it 1.5 to 2 times faster?

I don't get it, the subtitles don't make my films faster.

3) Do you own a Bowflex? If you don't, do you want one?

No, whatever.

4) Do you have a foot fetish?

The opposite, get those fucking things away from me.

5) Do you check out books from the library often?

No, I read books at the library, I never take them out.

6) What's the difference between Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese?

Too many to mention, probably.

7) Have you ever flicked off the cameras they put on roller coasters?

As well as flash my boobs.

8) Naked Eyes' "Always Something There to Remind Me:" is this song about genital herpes?

Wouldn't know, I don't pay attention to song lyrics.

9) Did you have a huge crush on any of your high school teachers?

Yeah, Mr. Hodgkinson.

10) For those who have seen one of their high school teachers outside of school, did you initially find it strange that they actually existed outside of school?

I was more shocked when he felt the need to strike up conversation.
1) Where is jmt225?

Don't know.
2) Have you ever turned the subtitles on on an English-speaking DVD so you could watch it 1.5 to 2 times faster?

No, but in order to get away with watching films in school I've seen several on mute with subtitles.
3) Do you own a Bowflex? If you don't, do you want one?

Don't know what that is, so no to both.
4) Do you have a foot fetish?

5) Do you check out books from the library often?

I'm a student, so all the time
6) What's the difference between Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese?

Mostly to do with symbols. I asked the boy from Hong Kong in my year, but I can't really remember. The spoken differences are akin to regional accents, if I recall correctly.

7) Have you ever flicked off the cameras they put on roller coasters?

I stuck the Vs up at one.
8) Naked Eyes' "Always Something There to Remind Me:" is this song about genital herpes?

Presumably this is the same song as the one from the sixties. "I will never be free, you'll always be a part of me" would suggest an incurable STD, and that was the days before AIDS, so you're probably right.

9) Did you have a huge crush on any of your high school teachers?

No, but there's one a two that I wouldn't have said no to, if for nothing else than the kudos.
10) For those who have seen one of their high school teachers outside of school, did you initially find it strange that they actually existed outside of school?

One of my teachers at school is a stand up comedian who's act focusses on him being gay, which is certainly an odd idea, but my sister in law is a teacher, so I was used to the teachers outside of school situation.
3 February 2010

1) Have you ever drunkenly had sex with someone, and regretted it the moment the act began, but couldn't stop because you were wasted-face and just thought, "What the fuck?," at that point?

2) Why is Lee sporting a faux-hawk now?

3) Where did Phoenix (:() and Dave (:D) go to? Why didn't Dave take Blade with him when he left?

4) Have you ever told someone that "That's a you, not a me, problem?"

5) When IrishCanadian25 posted that video of him dancing that goofy-ass dance at his wedding, did you laugh with him or laugh at him?

6) Do you give a shit about the music videos or poems Shadowmancer posts?

7) WTF is poutine?

8) Should I finally stop being lazy and post tdigle's Haus Und Hof?

9) Whom should I interview for tdigle's Haus Und Hof?

10) Is Macca an alt? If yes, who do you think he is?
3 February 2010

1) Have you ever drunkenly had sex with someone, and regretted it the moment the act began, but couldn't stop because you were wasted-face and just thought, "What the fuck?," at that point?

Unfortunately yes.

2) Why is Lee sporting a faux-hawk now?

Why not?

3) Where did Phoenix (:() and Dave (:D) go to? Why didn't Dave take Blade with him when he left?

Phoenix is around, I was talking to him all afternoon. Dave recently moved and is getting his internet issue sorted out. Not sure why Blade would go with Dave.

4) Have you ever told someone that "That's a you, not a me, problem?"

5) When IrishCanadian25 posted that video of him dancing that goofy-ass dance at his wedding, did you laugh with him or laugh at him?

A little of both.

6) Do you give a shit about the music videos or poems Shadowmancer posts?

7) WTF is poutine?

The fuck is that?

8) Should I finally stop being lazy and post tdigle's Haus Und Hof?

The anticipation has been killing me.

9) Whom should I interview for tdigle's Haus Und Hof?
My evil yet charming alter ego.

10) Is Macca an alt? If yes, who do you think he is?

Really could give a fuck less.
3 February 2010

1) Have you ever drunkenly had sex with someone, and regretted it the moment the act began, but couldn't stop because you were wasted-face and just thought, "What the fuck?," at that point?
Nope, never been drunk.

2) Why is Lee sporting a faux-hawk now?
Because of The Miz?
3) Where did Phoenix (:() and Dave (:D) go to? Why didn't Dave take Blade with him when he left?
Unsolved Mysteries

4) Have you ever told someone that "That's a you, not a me, problem?"
Not that I can remember...of course I tune a lot of people out.
5) When IrishCanadian25 posted that video of him dancing that goofy-ass dance at his wedding, did you laugh with him or laugh at him?
Have not seen
6) Do you give a shit about the music videos or poems Shadowmancer posts?
Quite frankly no.
) WTF is poutine?
I have no clue.
8) Should I finally stop being lazy and post tdigle's Haus Und Hof?
What is it?
9) Whom should I interview for tdigle's Haus Und Hof?
10) Is Macca an alt? If yes, who do you think he is?
Who cares?
1) Have you ever drunkenly had sex with someone, and regretted it the moment the act began, but couldn't stop because you were wasted-face and just thought, "What the fuck?," at that point?

Fortunately, no.

2) Why is Lee sporting a faux-hawk now?

'Cause Lee can do whatever the fuck he wants to do.

3) Where did Phoenix (:() and Dave (:D) go to? Why didn't Dave take Blade with him when he left?

Phoenix seems like the type who actually has a life, so he's probably dealing with that right now.

Dave, either he got pissed at Macca and decided not to come back for a while, or he's simply having computer problems or something like that.

4) Have you ever told someone that "That's a you, not a me, problem?"

Nah, I will now though.

5) When IrishCanadian25 posted that video of him dancing that goofy-ass dance at his wedding, did you laugh with him or laugh at him?

Haha... I'll say with him.

6) Do you give a shit about the music videos or poems Shadowmancer posts?

Usually, no.

7) WTF is poutine?

Probably something Becker likes to eat.

8) Should I finally stop being lazy and post tdigle's Haus Und Hof?


9) Whom should I interview for tdigle's Haus Und Hof?


10) Is Macca an alt? If yes, who do you think he is?

Not too sure. If he were, I'd put my money on Downward Spiral.
Love that second one. It's got a nice fast pace to it without it sounding like everything's running together. I'll rep you later after I find a good 6 more people that I need to rep before I can give you more. :P
1) Have you ever drunkenly had sex with someone, and regretted it the moment the act began, but couldn't stop because you were wasted-face and just thought, "What the fuck?," at that point?

Regret something whole drunk, never.

2) Why is Lee sporting a faux-hawk now?

It must be the new look for computer geeks.

3) Where did Phoenix (:() and Dave (:D) go to? Why didn't Dave take Blade with him when he left?

I'm only aware of Dave because of the simplicity of his name.

4) Have you ever told someone that "That's a you, not a me, problem?"

Well, it's never me, so yeah.

5) When IrishCanadian25 posted that video of him dancing that goofy-ass dance at his wedding, did you laugh with him or laugh at him?

Didn't watch it, but I wouldn't laugh with that man, ever.

6) Do you give a shit about the music videos or poems Shadowmancer posts?

No, but if it makes him happy, it can't be that ba-aa-d.

7) WTF is poutine?

Is it similar to poteen?

8) Should I finally stop being lazy and post tdigle's Haus Und Hof?

It's somewhere between Shadowmancer music videos and Bar Room posters I don't know on my radar.

9) Whom should I interview for tdigle's Haus Und Hof?

Me, I'm the only intresting poster here. I'm joking obviously, the focus of your interview should be somebody else.

10) Is Macca an alt? If yes, who do you think he is?

I don't think anything relating to Macca, whoever taht is.

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