Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums

My plan failed.

It was to get immunity in every challenge because I knew the blue alliance was too strong once IHW was voted off. My alliance had a chink in the armor thanks to miscommunication (or sabotage).

Good luck everyone. See you at the jury, when the green team chooses a winner.
My plan failed.

It was to get immunity in every challenge because I knew the blue alliance was too strong once IHW was voted off. My alliance had a chink in the armor thanks to miscommunication (or sabotage).

Good luck everyone. See you at the jury, when the green team chooses a winner.

If only I had flipped over to the Green tribe like I was considering huh?

Oh well. You played a damn good game stormy.
The 5 of us got into an alliance right as the game started and saw it through until the end. This is where it gets interesting, though.

EDIT: Weren't you extremely against the idea of flipping, Nightmare? It seemed to me like it was more us trying to convince you to flip teams, rather than you were actually considering it.
The 5 of us got into an alliance right as the game started and saw it through until the end. This is where it gets interesting, though.

I think it was a day or two after the tribes were picked. I think this next tribal council will be the most important vote of the entire game. I'm happy that our five stayed together through the game.
Weren't you extremely against the idea of flipping, Nightmare? It seemed to me like it was more us trying to convince you to flip teams, rather than you were actually considering it.

Honestly I always had my suspicions that you 5 were gonna stick together but in the end I decided to take my chances.

Plus I thought Thrash would flip to working with blue right after the merge.
If only I had flipped over to the Green tribe like I was considering huh?

Oh well. You played a damn good game stormy.
Thanks Nightmare.

It would have been interesting had you flipped. However you may have been voted out at the green tribal council due to lack of trust.

The 5 of us got into an alliance right as the game started and saw it through until the end. This is where it gets interesting, though.
We had our alliance right away as well, and was strong during our entire team tribals. The issue was the IHW elimination once we merged. We miscommunicated our votes. It should have been you and IHW each getting 4 votes forcing a tiebreaker, which would have gone either way. Instead there was a JJJ vote which gave you guys the advantage (which you rode to eliminate all of us).
I do probably plan on doing one in the distant future, but definitely not for a while. Even as a host, this kind of game can drag on you. Now that we're nearing the end I'm getting eager, but I'm not gonna do something silly like go right back at it a week later. Probably will wait until winter at the earliest to do that.

And there will probably be a mixture of new and returning players. The returning ones will be up to my discretion.
We had our alliance right away as well, and was strong during our entire team tribals. The issue was the IHW elimination once we merged. We miscommunicated our votes. It should have been you and IHW each getting 4 votes forcing a tiebreaker, which would have gone either way. Instead there was a JJJ vote which gave you guys the advantage (which you rode to eliminate all of us).

I knew about that vote in advance, for the most part. I had JJJ playing the fence, while I reached out to a green team alliance member just to make sure I was good. Honestly, I was worried about getting eliminated that week, but I was pretty sure nobody from my alliance would flip on me and vote me off.

You played one hell of a game, though.
I knew about that vote in advance, for the most part. I had JJJ playing the fence, while I reached out to a green team alliance member just to make sure I was good. Honestly, I was worried about getting eliminated that week, but I was pretty sure nobody from my alliance would flip on me and vote me off.

You played one hell of a game, though.
Oh I knew there was sabotage of some sort in that vote. I have an idea who did it too. One of 2, if not both.

You guys earned the spot in the final 5, great job guys. Just remember who is voting for the ultimate winner.
Question is, are you guys 1 of those juries that votes for who deserves it or one that's trying to get one last bit of revenge?
Question is, are you guys 1 of those juries that votes for who deserves it or one that's trying to get one last bit of revenge?
Stay tuned to find out! ha ha ha I don't know yet, depends on who the finals are and how the rest of the game plays out. I do have my own 1-5 in my head as of now, but that could change based on what happens from now on and obviously my winner right now could get voted off before I can vote.
Question is, are you guys 1 of those juries that votes for who deserves it or one that's trying to get one last bit of revenge?

Revenge for sure, it's all about the revenge.

Unfortunately I assume that I received votes from most if not all of the remaining guys, so revenge goes straight out the window.

I have the remaining five guys ranked from 1-5 in terms of who I plan to vote for, based upon involvement in the game, challenges, etc., and will vote for the highest remaining guy still standing at the end.

Hint: he's on the original bWo team :)
If you guys could, give me a roll call to let me know you're here. I want as many of the 5 of you (wishfully I'm hoping all 5 of you) to be here when I post the challenge as possible.
I should note that this challenge requires everyone to be here. I know that may sound rough for the two non USers, but if we're able to get the challenge going the challenge should last no longer than maybe an hour or hour and a half, give or take.

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