Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums *Gamethread*

Updated list.

Tiger Chaos Theory
The Crock
Jon Jones' Jobber
Mr. J. O'Material

Rated R Nightmare
Invader Skoodge
I Harm Walrus
Uncle Phatso
Jake Smizzy

Captain Morgan Freeman
Updated list. IHW chose Uncle Phatso for green.

Tiger Chaos Theory
The Crock
Jon Jones' Jobber
Mr. J. O'Material

Rated R Nightmare
Invader Skoodge
I Harm Walrus
Uncle Phatso
Jake Smizzy

Captain Morgan Freeman
Blue selects Captain Morgan Freeman.

Tiger Chaos Theory
The Crock
Jon Jones' Jobber
Mr. J. O'Material

Rated R Nightmare
Invader Skoodge
I Harm Walrus
Uncle Phatso
Jake Smizzy

Captain Morgan Freeman

We come back with two contestants, Captain Morgan Freeman and Tiger Chaos Theory, still to be picked.

Rated R Nightmare: The blue team selects Captain Morgan Freeman.

CMF picks up his bags and walks to the blue teams mat, leaving Tiger Chaos Theory by himself.

Megatron: Tiger, this means that you are the final member of the Green team. You may step onto their mat.

TCF slowly picks up his stuff and begins walking over, head slightly down, before Megatron stops him.

Megatron: Hold up Tiger, since you were the last pick, here's a consolation prize.

Megatron hands him a paper slip rolled up. Tiger is unsure of what he has just been given.

Megatron: That, Tiger, is a clue to a hidden immunity idol. This should help you find the hidden immunity idol, which needs a clue to be found. If you find the hidden immunity idol, you can play it at tribal council when you feel you are on the chopping block and want to save yourself. You can keep the clue to yourself, or you can share it with your tribe. That choice is up to you.

Tiger, now knowing some of the power that he has, shows a little smile.

Megatron: Now, let's get down to the real fun and begin your first immunity challenge!

A few audible hoots and hollers are able to be heard, with some contestants chomping at the bit to get this game going.

Megatron: Here's how this challenge will work:

This is a tribal banner challenge. Your team should work together to make a banner representing your tribe. Everyone's name should be featured on it somewhere. Your tribe's color should also be the base color used in your banner. Finally, you are up for making your own tribe name. No, 'Blue team' and 'Green team' are not your permanent names. It is up to your tribe, as a team, to make a new name. You will be judged on three criteria:


In order to win the challenge, you have to win two of the three categories, and must have something for all 3 (for example: you can't ignore a theme and just plan on winning the other two). If you don't, the other tribe will be rewarded the win automatically. I'd advise you all to communicate with each other one way or another to get everyone's input on the project, but that is up to you.


The posters will be due Monday, May 27th, at 8:00 PM ET. That is over 50 hours from now. I know some of you may be away for the holiday weekend, which is why I built in a little extra time for this challenge. Don't expect this to occur regularly. You can PM me with a picture of your banner when you have it done, but it must be to me no later than 8 on Monay.

Now good luck, and start making a banner!

Both tribes make their way back to the challenge area, carrying their banners with pride. They soon get over to their mats to present their banners to Megatron.

Megatron: Well well let's see what we have here for banners. Blue team, show us yours first...


Megatron: A fantastic banner, bWo (OOC: you'll be referred to by your team names from now on, in case you were wondering). It should be tough to beat. Green team, let's see what you got...


Theme: We are the Green team, and we kept with that Green theme, cause we're raking in all that green (money). We are MEAN GREEN!

Megatron: A worthy submission, Mean Green. You guys aren't going to make it easy on me, but let's get on with the judging.

Theme: bWo kept their theme short and sweet, and while it isn't intimidating, it is clever and gave me a chuckle. Mean Green's was a little more trash talky which I like, but it was longer than I would want in a theme and wasn't on the banner. Point to bWo.

Creativity: bWo kept with the wrestling theme and name with Cena/Hogan/Austin tinted blue, which also fit into the theme. I see they have the Finland flag as the background which I don't understand it's connection unless it was a mere coincidence. Mean Green's creativity really showed in this banner. I loved them using everyone's name into a haiku and having Hulk/Mean Gene holding the Survivor Logo (even if it's a bit scrunched). Nothing bWo did wrong here, just a whole lot of right for Mean Green. Point to Mean Green.

Appeal: Toughest category for me to pick. bWo's looked more crisp (thanks to having people that work on sigs regularly) although the text was quite small. While for sigs that's probably preferred, for a team banner I wanna see that name given some light. Mean Green's font was a little meh for me and some of the players names blended in with the Hulk (making it green on green and hard to read certain names). If I was on the show and we had to make a banner, I'd want one that looks at least a little intimidating. Because of that, I'm going to make the tough decision and award the Point to Mean Green.

Megaton: Due to winning two of the three potential categories... MEAN GREEN WINS IMMUNITY!!!

The eight Mean Green members jump up and down and hug each other in celebration, while bWo is stunned. Particularly Smizzy, who's hard work in making the banner is for naught.

Megatron: Mean Green, get over here and get this trophy.

Stormtrooper runs over and grabs the trophy, before bringing it back and letting everyone get a hand on it.

Megatron: Mean Green, congrats on your tough victory. You guys do not have to worry about Tribal Council tonight. Enjoy the rest of the night off and head back to camp.

Mean Green takes their challenge winning banner and cannot contain their excitement as they make the long walk back to their camp. bWo, meanwhile, remains dejected at the result.

Megatron: Tough loss guys. I wish I had something for you, but just remember this is only the first challenge and if you guys bring forth that effort each challenge the luck will fall your way at least a few times. I'll see you guys at tribal.

bWo takes their banner as they slowly line up and make the trek back to camp. They know, that for someone, this game will soon be over.



~You will have 24 hours to cast your vote for tribal council from the time that this is posted.
~Failure to send in a vote will result in a “self vote” aka vote for yourself.
~Failure to provide a rationale for your vote will result in a self vote. It doesn't have to be a 300 word essay, but at least a sentence in why you are voting for so and so.
~If there is a tie, there will be a revote. Only the people that are tied will be voted for. If it remains tied, the tied people will be immune and everyone else will be thrown in a random generator for a game of chance.
~You don't want to run into that scenario. So I'd advise you have your shit straight.

That's all I got. Results of bWo's Tribal Council will likely be posted tomorrow at night on the east coast (10-11 PM).
I'll be more than happy to listen to your complaints. Let's just take it to the other one (sign up thread) since I'd like this thread clean for challenges/tribal only.
I don't think he meant it as a complaint, he just meant that it's pretty funny considering we had like, 4 or 5 guys that are pretty solid sigmakers and the other team didn't really have anybody that could use Photoshop (as far as I know).


All 8 members of the bWo make their way into the tribal council area, some still upset that they are even here after the results of the challenge earlier in the day.

Megatron: Welcome, bWo. Grab a torch and light it on fire. Fire represents life in this game. No fire means you're out of the game.

They oblige and light their torches on fire before sitting down.

Megatron: I know you all want to be out of here as soon as you can, so now that we have the torches set up, it's time to vote.

“[Contestant] on account of lack of pep and participation this round. I would have expected more enthusiasm considering this was the first challenge. I don't believe in second chances.”
“Nothing personal, he just didn't really play the game at all this week. Everybody else contributed something – it just comes down to finding someone to eliminate, since we didn't anticipate a loss this week.”
“In all fairness he contributed the least to the task. Nothing personal.”
“You have not been active in the survivor threads at all up to this point. I didn't even know you were on the tribe until it was time to vote someone out. It is pointless to keep someone around who isn't going to be active so therefore I have no use for you.”
“The reason being because I think voting him out causes the least amount of backlash towards me and raises the least amount of eyebrows regarding alliances.”
“[Contestant] simply because I have to vote for someone on the team and he didn't seem to contribute.”
“He was very inactive and didn't really put in any input with the challenge.”

Megatron: Once the votes are read the decision is final and the person voted out will be asked to leave the tribe immediately. If you have the hidden immunity idol and wish to play it, now would be the time to do so.

Megatron waits a second, but nobody steps up with the idol.

Megatron: I'll read the votes... First vote...

Captain Morgan Freeman
Captain Morgan Freeman
Captain Morgan Freeman
That's 3 votes for Captain Morgan Freeman. It takes 5 to be eliminated.
Captain Morgan Freeman

Megatron: First person voted out of Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums...

Captain Morgan Freeman

Megatron: That's enough votes. Please bring me your torch.

Captain Morgan Freeman grabs his torch and bags and makes his way over to Megatron.

Megatron: Captain Morgan Freeman, your tribe has spoken.

Captain Morgan Freeman's torch is snuffed. He gives his team a goodbye wave and good luck wish before walking off the set.

Megatron: It's clear tonight that this tribe won't take inactive players very far. That's good to see. Maybe it'll be addition by subtraction. I have nothing else for you all. Gather your stuff and head back to camp. Good night.

15 Survivors Remain. Who will be eliminated next?


We were cutting into under a half hour and I am doubting we would get a vote during then and it was quite unanimous anyways. Expect the next challenge to be up sometime tomorrow in the afternoon. No promises on time, but it'll be up sometime.

Megatron: Come on in guys!

Mean Green makes their way in first, still beaming with confidence after winning the first immunity challenge.

Megatron: Mean Green, it's time to take a look at the new bWo, who voted out Captain Morgan Freeman in the last tribal council.

bWo comes with their game faces on, knowing they can't fall down another person this early in the game.

Megatron: You guys ready for today's immunity challenge?

Some nods and claps are made before Megatron continues.

Megatron: For today's challenge, all but 1 of your tribe members will be positioned out on a floating pontoon in the water. One person will have to dive in the water and move a bag of puzzle pieces along a course in which the bag is fastened to a rope that twists and turns its way through different objects in the water. To begin the relay, you must post this:

[Name] dives in the water.

Following this, you will have to move the bag by posting this:

[Name] moves the bag along the rope, passing the [name of object/station].

The objects/stations appear in this order: Floating Kayak, Hitching Posts, Wooden Fence, Block Tunnel, Large Buoy.

Once you have made it through each object/station, you must post this:

[Name] swims to shore and drops off the puzzle bag.

Once this is done, the next person can go. Note: You must wait 2 minutes between each post.

Once all 6 puzzle bags have been brought to shore, the remaining tribe member can work on the puzzle. I will PM that person the puzzle once his team is done with the relay to insure there be no working ahead. It should be specified who's doing the puzzle ahead of time.

Please use your tribes colors when in here. So Mean Green post in Green font. bWo post in blue font.

Mean Green, since you have one extra person you'll be sitting one out. Figure out who that is and then we can begin.

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