Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums *Gamethread*


The bWo team of JGlass, Jon Jones Jobber, and Drew Bledsoe are gaining on the Mean Green team of Thrash, Haiku Hogan, and I Heart Wrestling.

Megatron: bWo are making a big push here to gain on Mean Green. Mean Green you are gonna have to PICK IT UP!

Haiku Hogan hears Megatron's warning, but has to stop and take a breather and... DREW BLEDSOE GETS HIM!

Megatron: bWo has caught up after nearly 6 hours of working on this challenge and as a result... BWO WINS IMMUNITY FOR THE SECOND STRAIGHT CHALLENGE!

After all their hard work, the threesome of bWo celebrate their victory, with their teammates running out and joining them. Mean Green is very disappointed with the result, knowing that the reward challenge screwed them hard in important one.

Megatron: bWo, come here and claim your immunity yet again.

Jon Jones Jobber takes the immunity for his team, who are happy to stay safe for another night. They then make their way back to their camp.

Megatron: Mean Green, I'm sorry but, yet again, I have nothing for you. I'll see you later on tonight at Tribal.

There's a few members of the hard working tribe with dejected looks on their faces, but some look happy at getting out the weaker members of the team still.

~You will have 24 hours to cast your vote for tribal council from the time that this is posted.
~Failure to send in a vote will result in a “self vote” aka vote for yourself.
~Failure to provide a rationale for your vote will result in a self vote. It doesn't have to be a 300 word essay, but at least a sentence in why you are voting for so and so.
~If there is a tie, there will be a revote. Only the people that are tied will be voted for. If it remains tied, the tied people will be immune and everyone else will be thrown in a random generator for a game of chance.
~You don't want to run into that scenario. So I'd advise you have your shit straight.

Results may be posted tomorrow around 9ish, but I'm not sure yet.


All 7 members of the Mean Green make their way into the tribal council area, disappointed that they yet again fell short in a challenge and have to make another elimination..

Megatron: Welcome back, Mean Green. I know you hate being here and don't want to make it a common thing, but sometimes that's the breaks of the challenges.

They nod their heads with some disdain, knowing the main reason they lost that challenge was because of the reward challene.

Megatron: Nobody ever likes to be at the disadvantage in numbers, but we do have to vote someone out. So let's get on with the voting...

“[Contestant], due to him rarely being on.”

“Nothing personal at all, but he has simply been the least active on the team. It's not really his fault, the timing of the challenges during the day is tough for people who work, but I've got to vote for someone.”

“As much as he's a nice guy, he's barely been active in any of the challenges so far. The Banner challenge his involvement was minimal, he didn't do anything in the puzzle/swimming challenge, and he did not contribute in this last challenge.”

“I like you man, and it isn't personal, so please don't take it as that. This just is further my game.”

“He just comes over negative about everything the team has done & shows a general disinterest for the challenges we've been put through.”

“His frustration showed in the challenge, and he is still one of the least active on our tribe. Nothing personal, but somebody has to go.”

“Why would I vote for myself? I've not been able to participate in any of the challenges because of work, or not understanding them. Its not really fun to me, if I can't participate.”

Megatron: Once the votes are read the decision is final and the person voted out will be asked to leave the tribe immediately. If you have the hidden immunity idol and wish to play it, now would be the time to do so.

Megatron waits a second, but nobody steps up with the idol.

Megatron: I'll read the votes... First vote...

Uncle Phatso
Uncle Phatso
Uncle Phatso
That's 3 votes for Uncle Phatso. It takes 4 to be eliminated.

Megatron: Third person voted out of Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums...

Uncle Phatso

Megatron: That's enough votes. Please bring me your torch.

Uncle Phatso grabs his torch and bags and makes his way over to Megatron.

Megatron: Uncle Phatso, your tribe has spoken.

Phatso's torch is snuffed, and he doesn't seem to care too much that he's out of the game.

Megatron: You guys may be down in numbers now, but your weak links in the challenges appear to be gone. Hopefully some luck turns back your way so you guys can regain the advantage. Good luck, and head on back to camp.

13 Survivors Remain. Who will be eliminated next?
DAY 10

Megatron: C'mon in guys!

Both teams make their way into the challenge area, ready to compete.

Megatron: I know both teams are looking forward to the next challenge, but first, I have a preposition for both of you...

Both teams look interested, if worried, at what Megatron's about to propose.

Megatron: For the next 24 hours, there will be a mutiny occurring in this game. Some of you may be wondering - “What is a mutiny?”

There are some nods and bewildered looks among the group.

Megatron: A mutiny, in essence, is a get out of jail free card. You feel you're on the bottom of the totem pole? You feel you don't have the numbers advantage you'd like? You feel like making a move? Well, a mutiny allows you to move over to the other tribe and become a member there, with absolutely no repercussions. If you want to change how this game looks for you, by all means mutiny to the other tribe. Please note that this will only last 24 hours, and after that you will be on your tribe permanently. So go back to camp, think about it, take the night off, come back here, and we'll discuss this tomorrow.

OOC: If you wish to move to the other tribe, PM me. DO NOT POST IT IN HERE. I will take any PMs until 8 tomorrow, when the post comes up. It's your call. Enjoy.
Do the teams need to be balanced post mutiny (I know blue currently has a numbers advantage but say two people from green wanted to switch sides, and no-one from Blue did. would that mean Blue would have nine people and green four or would it mean two of the blue team were randomly switched?)
There does not need to be any balance. Your latter scenario, in this case.

EDIT: Excuse me, I meant your former scenario is how this works out.
DAY 11

The tribes make their way back into the challenge area, eagerly anticipating how this mutiny will go down.

Megatron: So now that you guys have had some time to think about what you want to do, it's time to make that decision. If you choose to go to the other tribe, do so now.

Both tribes look at the other tribe waiting for someone to move over when...

Nobody moves to the other tribe.

Megatron: Alright, nobody wants to change tribes. It's clear everyone wants to remain loyal to everyone on their team and I respect that.

Both tribes breath a small sigh of relief, knowing that everybody on their tribe is staying strong.

Megatron: However, tonight is the night to drop your respect and loyalty for your tribemates, because tonight... both of you will be going to tribal council.

A few jaws fall out, not expecting a surprise like this right after the mutiny surprise.

Megatron: Indeed, there will be two separate immunity challenges going on simultaneously. However, instead of competing against each tribe... you will be competing against your tribemates.

Many mouths remain shocked, while others are preparing to get their game face on.

Megatron: One member from each tribe will win individual immunity and be safe from tonight's voting. Here is your challenge:

Everyone will be given 5 ropes. One at a time, each person will go and chop 1 rope of someone. Once you run out of rope, you are eliminated from the challenge and cannot continue to cut rope. Last person with at least one rope remaining will be rewarded with immunity. Here's the template for you to use:

[Contestant] chops [Competitors] rope. [Competitor] now has [x] ropes remaining.

Both tribes seem a little perplexed that they have to turn on their teammates this early, but that's some of the TWISTS~! and TURNS~! of Survivor.

Megatron: Maybe this is where we see how the alliances are drawn. Maybe this is where we see where the pecking order in tribes is made. I don't know myself, but I find this to be one of the more interesting challenges we do in this game. Take your spots and we'll begin the challenge.

OOC: I will use a generator to determine the order of how the ropes will be cut. Give me 10 minutes to sort them out between tribes and then you may begin.
Here are the orders in which you will be chopping

1. Jon Jones Jobber
2. Rated-R Nightmare
3. Red Skull/Drew Bledsoe
4. Jake Smizzy
5. Jglass
6. The Crock
7. Shotaro

Mean Green
1. Stormtrooper
2. hatehabsforever
3. klunderbunker
4. Mr. J.O'Material
5. I Harm Walrus
6. Thrash

Don't forget to post in your tribe colors when doing so. Not that it affects much in this challenge, but it'll be easier to separate the two that way.

No. Once you're at 4, you can't get back to 5. Once you're at 1, you can't get back to 2. etc. etc.
No. I know some people have expressed complaints about time themed challenges, so I decided to change it up. Plus I wanted to have some fun with ya'll. Couldn't make it boring with a bunch of tribe challenges. Killing two birds with one stone, essentially.

So, yeah, this will probably take a decent amount of time.

EDIT: Cannot do so Crock. giveth me that order, and that's how it's sticking.
No. That wouldn't be fair to the other members that are given a good spot and aren't here because they're busy on a Sunday night. Patience is sometimes needed in this game. This is one of those times.

EDIT: Gah, I forgot to mention, on the offhand chance that someone gets eliminated without going (fat chance, but there is) they still get one cut. After that, though, it's when you're out you're out.
Any chance we can have people put which person is up next/reposting the list so we don't have to keep going to the list?
If that helps, by all means do so. Just post [x] is now up after your chop.

And with Mean Green now beginning, hhf is now up. Carry on.
So we don't have to wait for the other team to go? Sweet.

Considering you guys aren't competing against them I don't see why you thought you would :p

This is killer, really. I have no problems with my team, so y'know, I'm not gonna like this.

Time to take the panties off Thrash. This is Survivor in a nutshell. You didn't think it'd be all sunshine and rainbows, did you?

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