Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums *Gamethread*


Justin Verlander > You

~There will be immunity challenges every 3 days (of game time). For those who haven't watched the game of Survivor, winning immunity keeps you from being eliminated during Tribal Council and buys you at least another 3 days in the game.
~There will be occasional reward challenges (probably less than half of the time). A win in reward challenges may give you an advantage in the next immunity challenge, clues to the game, etc. It won't be the same every time, but winning reward challenges will help you in immunity challenges.
~At Tribal Council you will have to PM me your vote with a legitimate reason why you are voting that person out. It doesn't have to be more than a sentence, but it just can't be a persons name. Failure to do so will result in your vote being thrown out and you being given a self vote. If you do not send me a PM in the designated amount of time (likely between 24-36 hours, with some exceptions) you will also receive a self vote. I will not show who votes for who, but I will read your message at Tribal. Your vote may not be changed when it is PMed to me, so you better make sure you know who you are voting for.
~In case of a tie at Tribal, there will first be a revote where only the tied participants are eligible to be voted for. If there is still a tie after that, the tied participants and the user will immunity will be ineligible to be voted for and the others will be thrown into a random generator to see who is eliminated. In other words, don't get tied twice if you want to stay in the game.
~At the final 4 this will different, though. If there are two consecutive ties at the Final 4 the two being voted for will participate in a challenge to stay in the game. This only begins at the Final 4.
~I will not inform you when the merge is coming or of any other twists. That is apart of the fun of the game!

~You are not allowed to communicate with anyone other than your own tribemates. This is because each tribe is living on its own island, so it only makes sense you cannot communicate with anyone on another island.
~You are not allowed to communicate with the Jury if you are still in the game.
~You are not allowed to influence the game after you have been voted out. Even though some of you may be bitter over your departure, you are forbidden from sharing any info with anyone or making posts in the thread that will have an impact on the outcome of the game.
~You are not allowed to bribe the Jury in order to get their vote at the end. I don't really know how you would bribe one (unless you're kb...) but don't be a dick.
~If you have been online and not submitted something in for the challenge/TC (Tribal Council), I will move on without you. If you are experiencing computer problems or stuff like that, let me know in advance so I can be as patient as possible.
~Please appear online for the game and not invisible. If this is a problem, let me know and we can try to work something out, but I don't really see it getting in the way of any religious values, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Any other questions can be addressed in this thread.

Now, without further adieu, let the games begin!!

Megatron: Several weeks ago 16 contestants expressed their interest in going where no Wrestlezoner has gone before. For 39 days these contestants will be stranded on a deserted island with no food, no shelter, and no clothes but the ones on their backs. For 39 days they will have to live together, sleep together, and play together. They will have to not only outplay each other in the challenges, they will have to outwit them in tribal councils to outlast them in the game. I now present to you Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums!

[16 eager participants make their way off the boat and onto the island, excited for what will come in the game. Some come out in attire suitable for an island – shorts, wifebeaters, tennis shoes, swim trunks, etc. - and others seem like they've never watched an episode of Survivor, wearing suits, loafers, and nice pants. Nevertheless, all 16 competitors get out of the ocean and make their way onto the mat, only a few feet away from Megatron.]

Megatron: Nice to see everyone make it out here today. Who's all ready to make history and participate in the first ever Survivor: Wrestlezone edition?*

*Run by Megatron, of course*

[There are some wild hooting and hollering from a few of the younger, lesser known members. Some of the older participants save their energy.]

Megatron: I know you are all excited to find out what tribes you are on and to get this game going, but before we do that I need you all to do two things -

1. Tell me three unique characteristics about yourself. They can range from what type of breed your dog is to what you do for a living. You can choose to keep it as detailed as you want. Just know that these may be used later on in the game.
2. Answer the following trivia question: Who was the first Survivor TV Show contestant to have a perfect game during his season.*

*No google please. Send your responses to me through PM.*

Megatron: Once I receive these answers, the games will truly begin...
Also you should know that I likely won't respond to many of your PMs because I need to save as much space as I can and if it's a legitimate question it can be asked here.
And if you don't know the answer to the trivia question don't beat yourself up over it and just send in IDK. Just for future reference to those of you that don't follow the show.
I have received 11 of 16 responses in a little less than 8 hours. Solid work. Hopefully the rest get them in soon so I can get the rest of Day 1 up today.
I figured with all the views on the thread everybody would have sent them in.

Perhaps you should remind people via PM?
Note: I am willing to continue with the day because I have gotten 13/16 responses already and I sent PMs to the other 3. I will still be expecting PMs about 3 facts from those 3. Now the show must go on...



The participants finish submitting their questions to Megatron, who now gets back up and explains what is to happen next.

Megatron: Now that you all completed the first task of Survivor, it's time to get down to the fun stuff: picking out tribes. I know you all are eager to figure out how the two tribes will be swapped, so allow me to explain. The trivia question that we asked – Who was the first Survivor TV Show contestant to have a perfect game during his season? – was asked because that is how we would determine who the captains would be. The first two people to send in the correct answer would be declared captains of their tribe in an old fashioned schoolyard pick'em. The correct answer to the question was J.T. during his first season on Survivor: Tocantis. Very few got this answer correct but, ironically, the first two players to respond did. Because of this result, The Crock and Mr. J. O'Material will begin the pick'em to split up the two tribes. Crock will begin picking for the blue tribe while O'Material will begin picking for the green tribe.

Both Crock and O'Material step onto the blue and green mats, respectively, to a polite round of claps from their future tribemates. Both men are looking at the roster side to side, potentially scouting who they will take in the early rounds.

Megatron: Before we get started, let me lay down a few ground rules. First of all, since Crock was the first to respond, he will be given the first pick. Also, to take the pressure off of these two men sitting here, once they make a pick, the person they pick is up to make the following pick for his tribe. So if Crock were to take Thrash (the third person to get the answer right), Thrash would make the following pick for his tribe. Essentially, everyone will make a pick for his tribe aside from the final two. Now I know you are all eager to get your tribes figured out and truly begin the game, so let's get picking!

The 14 available competitors eagerly await where they land, as Crock and O'Material plan out who they will take with their picks...


OOC: The template I want everyone to use for the picks are:
[Blue/Green] selects [insert posters name]

For everyone's benefit, here is the list of participants available to be picked:
Captain Morgan Freeman
I Harm Walrus
Invader Skoodge
Jake Smizzy
Jon Jones Jobber
Rated R Nightare
Tiger Chaos Theory
Uncle Phatso

Since I figure this will take a day+ to complete, the challenge may not come until either this weekend or Memorial Day. I am not sure which, since I know many of you may be gone during this time. If there is a substantial amount of you gone over the weekend I will likely save it until Monday Night/Tuesday afternoon. So if you are unavailable for the weekend, let me know. I won't stop the game if only 1 or 2 people are gone, but if a majority of you are I will wait it out.
Geez you go out to cut your grass one time and everything stops. I'll take Habs.

Tiger Chaos Theory
The Crock
Jon Jones' Jobber
Mr. J. O'Material
Rated R Nightmare
Invader Skoodge
I Harm Walrus
Uncle Phatso
Jake Smizzy
Captain Morgan Freeman

Copy this with every pick to keep things easier to follow.
Lots of guys in this list I don't know so I'll pick a guy from the fed who should've stuck around longer.

Blue selects Jake Smizzy

Tiger Chaos Theory
The Crock
Jon Jones' Jobber
Mr. J. O'Material
Rated R Nightmare
Invader Skoodge
I Harm Walrus
Uncle Phatso
Jake Smizzy
Captain Morgan Freeman
Green is pleased to welcome Stormtrooper to the team.

Tiger Chaos Theory
The Crock
Jon Jones' Jobber
Mr. J. O'Material
Rated R Nightmare
Invader Skoodge
I Harm Walrus
Uncle Phatso
Jake Smizzy
Captain Morgan Freeman

Here's hoping his team has more success here than in other contests he's involved in :)
Blue selects Invader Skoodge.

Tiger Chaos Theory
The Crock
Jon Jones' Jobber
Mr. J. O'Material
Rated R Nightmare
Invader Skoodge
I Harm Walrus
Uncle Phatso
Jake Smizzy
Captain Morgan Freeman
I've taken the liberty of changing the font color so we know who is Blue (A/K/A the losing team) and who is Green (A/K/A the Winning Team)

The Green Team selects Thrash

Tiger Chaos Theory
The Crock Stormtrooper
Jon Jones' Jobber
Mr. J. O'Material

Rated R Nightmare
Invader Skoodge
I Harm Walrus
Uncle Phatso
Jake Smizzy

Captain Morgan Freeman
Blue selects Jon Jones' Jobber

Tiger Chaos Theory
The Crock
Jon Jones' Jobber
Mr. J. O'Material

Rated R Nightmare
Invader Skoodge
I Harm Walrus
Uncle Phatso
Jake Smizzy

Captain Morgan Freeman
Green selects I Harm Walrus

Tiger Chaos Theory
The Crock
Jon Jones' Jobber
Mr. J. O'Material

Rated R Nightmare
Invader Skoodge
I Harm Walrus
Uncle Phatso
Jake Smizzy

Captain Morgan Freeman
On my phone so i can't do the colours or quote, if someone could update the list after my post that would be great. Blue selects Rated R Nightmare.

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