Dark Match Winner
a few friends and myself were pretty livid at how the WWE Title match ended. we didn't see the point in all the build up to this huge match and then a super cheap victory like that. we were left feeling a bit underwhelmed but i looked at the clock and said that it was only 1045. something else is going to go down. right after Punk had his hand raised by HHH the next shot showed a little bit of the far ring corner and you could see the baracade and i saw someone going over the side. i yelled for everyone to check it out but they cut to Punk posing. i was waiting for a crowd reaction but it never came so i just assumed it was some dumbass kid trying to make a break for stardom but damn as soon as i saw long hair in the ring, i knew it was Nash. now just Kevin Nash alone brings so many angles to this storyline and the fact that the ending to the match was meh only allows for the angle to be built as a Triple Threat between Del Rio, Punk and Cena. i'd enjoy the hell out of that match at NOC. the Kevin Nash thing has my heading spinning though. Stephanie involved? Vince involved? a New, and albeit overdone storyline, invasion? so many directions this could go. so considering how over the place WWE put me in the last 15 minutes leaves me feeling very excited for Raw. I'm hoping it delivers. about a C+ PPV WWE.