Money in the Bank - WWE Champion John Cena vs. CM Punk

All the Cena haters... give credit where it's due. Best worked match of his career I'd say. Both guys put on a hell of a show and Punk damn sure didn't carry Cena. Raw will be interesting to say the least.
WWE got everything right with this match, absolutely brilliant with the ending as well! i don't think anyone was surprised when Vince and ADR came out, but what followed completely blew me away. Match of the Year definate
Meltzer is calling it a match of the year candidate and I absolutely agree with him. I know Cena can work when he is in with the right guy, this could turn into one of the hottest series of matches in company history depending on what they decide to do with Punk
I honestly still cant feel my legs. But ive always watched Raw no matter what happened so yes im gonna watch tomorrow. I have a bad feeling Punk wont be there though...I mean its fine since this is how its supposed to go, at least i think it is, going by the storyline.

But yes, it was a fantastic mainevent. Ill tell you man Chicago is amazing, they are a hell of a crowd and CM Punk is a legend. Its hard to express in words how great this ppv was. It had a small card with featured matches and all delivered.

Last thing is Cena. I dont hate you that much anymore. The way it all went down was great for Cena too. He wa a man who should be respected. There aint no damn screwjob this time Vinnie!
In my mind I figured that was how the ending would go down. So I wasn't shocked which sucks because I was hoping I was far off and they went a different route and totally made me to WTF. Still though from what I'm reading the match was pretty good and the crowd was obviously very into it.
Cena is a typical WWE face. Not an attitude era style face, like Rock & Austin & the rest, but a traditional old-school WWF face, lame boring, but the kids love him so he'll be remembered as the best ever by this newest generation of fans.

Even Bret Hart was boring as the "New Generation" face of the company champion. It wasn't until he turned heel again during the attitude era that he got interesting again.

I hate to break it to the Cena haters out there but when (not if) Cena turns heel it's going to be epic, and the longer it takes the more likely it is that it supplants even Hogan's heel turn as the most memorable heel turn of all time. I still remember where I was when Hogan turned heel (friend's house watching Bash at the Beach on PPV, duh), that was just over 15 years ago, and he had been THE FACE of all wrestling until that day. Cena is going to do it too, the question is, how long do they draw it out, and how well can Cena compare to Hogan?
Def a great way to catapult the career of CM Punk, we all know he will come back on Raw but the build up to it is gonna be great, Vince will be watching the ratings for Raw this week to see if it was all worth the hush hush contract negotiations, a cash in on Punk woulda been to predictable of a finish so we got the next 24hours to sit and enjoy the outcome of a feud without already waiting for the next big angle.....CUZ THIS ANGLE IS NOT OVER.
This was a brilliant PPV, and i really do mean brilliant.

I loved the ending, i loved everything to do with the match. Punk kicking out of the AA Twice, Punk reversing the STF on few occassions, the crowd mostly cheering for Punk, l thought everything was perfect.

I saw Vince walking to the ring and i thought uh oh, he almost tried to cause another screwjob, and i liked how Cena stoped Vince from doing so. But Punk is the WWE Champion, and i can't wait to watch Raw to see what happens.
I hate to break it to the Cena haters out there but when (not if) Cena turns heel it's going to be epic, and the longer it takes the more likely it is that it supplants even Hogan's heel turn as the most memorable heel turn of all time. I still remember where I was when Hogan turned heel (friend's house watching Bash at the Beach on PPV, duh), that was just over 15 years ago, and he had been THE FACE of all wrestling until that day. Cena is going to do it too, the question is, how long do they draw it out, and how well can Cena compare to Hogan?

I'm not really a Cena hater, just a guy bored with him to the point where I don't want to see him main event for a while. But I completely disagree with the idea of his heel turn being epic or the most memorable heel turn of all time. You obviously don't know how huge the Hogan turn was, or other's in history, like Rocky(V1 and V2), or Austin.

People already hate Cena, and a heel turn will only change some of them, because some fans will still feel like it's too forced. But it will lose most if not all of the kiddie fans, because he would then become the opposite of what he is now, the anti role model and that crap he keeps talking about, loyalty, respect yada yada, would go out the window, much like it did recently. How loyal is trashing your boss and beating up his yes man, on top of losing the company gold.

A heel turn would be great, and refreshing more than anything, but it won't be Hogan epic. Not ever, because the crowd will always be split on Cena, where with Hogan, it was a completely unified event for EVERY, and I do mean EVERY single fan in the business at the time. It was like the sun of the company turned into a big ball of ice. It changed life as everyone knew it... forever.
I'm not really a Cena hater, just a guy bored with him to the point where I don't want to see him main event for a while. But I completely disagree with the idea of his heel turn being epic or the most memorable heel turn of all time. You obviously don't know how huge the Hogan turn was, or other's in history, like Rocky(V1 and V2), or Austin.

People already hate Cena, and a heel turn will only change some of them, because some fans will still feel like it's too forced. But it will lose most if not all of the kiddie fans, because he would then become the opposite of what he is now, the anti role model and that crap he keeps talking about, loyalty, respect yada yada, would go out the window, much like it did recently. How loyal is trashing your boss and beating up his yes man, on top of losing the company gold.

A heel turn would be great, and refreshing more than anything, but it won't be Hogan epic. Not ever, because the crowd will always be split on Cena, where with Hogan, it was a completely unified event for EVERY, and I do mean EVERY single fan in the business at the time. It was like the sun of the company turned into a big ball of ice. It changed life as everyone knew it... forever.

Yeah I look at Cena like a solid mid-carder as far as his performance in front of the camera is concerned. But you underestimate his massive fan-base. Now, even I am too young to really say how things were back in Hogan's day from an adults perspective. He was MY John Cena. You couldn't help but like the guy, if for no other reason than that you were watching THE man in wrestling, which is exactly what Cena is today, love him or hate him. People suggest that Hogan was looked at a lot like Cena is today by the adult audience, but I'm not convinced. I think it was just a different time then.

However, if Cena gives us his best, and he probably will, him turning heel will at the very least be the second most talked about heel turn ever. Heel turns are usually not very big events from the fans perspective. Austin, & Rock... I know I saw it happen, but I don't remember them very much anymore. Granted some of that might be because I wasn't all that interested in the attitude era at that point in time yet. I was more of a WCW/nWo fan then.

Hogan's heel turn is arguably in the top 10 most memorable events in pro-wrestling history. Cena however gets so much flack for his tv persona and the older crowd hate him so much as a face that when he turns heel... sorry it's gonna be huge, and potentially even bigger than Hogan's. Not saying it will be, just that it has the potential. If Cena stays face for another 5-7 years, and then at the right moment commits the ultimate betrayal, yeah it could be bigger than Hogan at bash at the beach.

You are comparing apples to apples when you talk about the fanbase and what it means to them. Cena & Hogan have some similarities to compare, but they are NOT the same guy in any way shape or form. Cena IS a goody goody face of the company just like Hogan was. Hustle, Loyalty, & Respect has already reached the same heights as Say your prayers, eat your vitamins. You can't see me is just as iconic as that hand flip thing to the ear Hogan does. But Cena still shows signs of his 'thuganomics'/heel roots from time to time, and he says and does things Hogan never would have.

Hogan was, is, and always will be cheese, incredibly lovable cheese, but cheese none-the-less. Hogan reminds me of Ozzy Osbourne, yeah sure Hogan is one of the biggest stars of all time and remembered as a badass beyond all badasses, but in real life he's a bumbling goof. Not only that but when Hogan turned heel, his career was signed sealed and delivered as going down the toilet in terms of in-ring ability. Sure it was a massive boost that made him the most talked about guy in wrestling, and for some, I guess Hogan as a heel was a big success. But, (and I think this would apply to Cena as well) for the people like me who grew up in the 80's with Hogan as their iconic super-hero we got to see on a weekly basis on prime-time wrestling, Hogan turning heel sucked ass. I still to this day f**king hate Hollywood Hogan, and am just about the biggest mark you'll find for The Immortal. I get that it was great for business and caused big buzz and all that, but man. Hollywood Hogan as a gimmick (while successful) sucked from a Hulkamaniac's perspective.

Cena will probably deal with the same thing there. It doesn't matter whether the wrestling fans like or hate him before his heel turn, it'll be talked about and create massive buzz, and will be one of the most talked about heel turns of all time. Maybe even more than Hogan.
I finally got to see this match that everyone is talking about and got the elusive 5 Stars! I would have to disagree.

First if all the crowd at the start for CM Punk was magical, and the fact that Vince allowed the reaction to go on as long as it did was amazing. Really great stuff and for that I guess the build had to be up there at a 5 star level.

But as I watched the match and maybe it was ruined by knowing that someone had already given it 5 Stars I would have to say I was quite let down.

How many botches were in this match? At one stage both guys botched a cross body and it looked like Cena injured his knee. This obviously looked like not a planned spot at all. From here it seemed the two men wanted to make sure the match went for 30 mins so they spent the whole middle of the match lyinga round on the mat, which started to really bore me and then frustrate me as they kept doing it.

the edning was great and well booked, and the crowd was fantatsic, but I've got to say that a match has to be great from bell to bell and this was not the case.. I'd give the match iteself 3 stars.

I guess its true a crowd really does make a match. If the match was done in Boston would it have gotten 5 stars? I doubt it.

Well done to Vince for booking a match while looking at what city they are in to contribute to a match. That gets 5 stars.

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