Money in the Bank - WWE Champion John Cena vs. CM Punk

This match has progressed into something really interesting... after the huge success of CM Punk's promo a few weeks ago, people started cheering him, and I think they've allowed Punk to have an RKO-esque face turn. Last night in his bit with Vince, he was all of a sudden including the "wwe universe" in his concerns, despite the fact that three weeks ago, he was calling them all hypocrites, etc., and it seemed like the crowd was reacting well to it.

Did they do this just because they knew Punk would inevitably get cheered at MitB in Chicago? Or did his promo go way better than expected? Is the championship match really a face vs face match now, or am I misreading it?
I had a crazy thought back when CM Punk was suspended in the storyline. These past 2 weeks have made me hope even more that it may come true. With Mr McMahon being involved in Raw these past 2 weeks, I'd love to see him be there for the title match as well.

If CM Punk and the WWE have come to an agreement to re-sign him, I think it would be awesome if at the PPV McMahon screws over John Cena and aligns himself with CM Punk.

This could always lead to firing Cena temporarily so that he can rest up from his nagging injuries. He could then come back later to continue his feud with Punk and/or McMahon. I think Cena is one of the few faces of the WWE that hasn't had a proper feud with the boss.
I really have no idea how this is going to play out. But, don't be surprised if the outcome is completely underwhelming.

If Punk really is leaving the company, as in, hasn't signed a new contract and hasn't shown interest in doing, he may lose clean. That's right, a straight-up loss. It's possible.

If Punk is planning to take just a few months off, he'll still lose, in some fashion. I'm guessing the MITB winner cashes in, right there, that very night in Chicago.

However, if Vince and Punk have come to some sort of agreement which keeps Punk with the company, full-time.... I still think he loses. I don't think John Cena is going to lose, clean, until after WrestleMania 28. They want him to look as strong as possible against Rock, I firmly believe that.

Whatever happens, I wouldn't put my money on Punk cleanly beating Cena. Again, I could be 100% wrong about this, but that's how I feel. Either way, the crowd is going to be insane (with love for Punk, and hatred for Cena), and this should be one helluva show.
My favorite idea would have Punk take the title, Cena "fired" so he can take some time off. Have Vince work a deal to hel p Ring of Honor a bit like he helped ECW back in the day and allow the WWE title to be defended by Punk on the first tv taping for RoH in Chicago Ridge in mid-August. Hell, maybe even have him face Cena on that show, let the Indy fans crap all over Cena. It would be fun, however unlikely it may be.
Oh man, how much the shape of this story has changed over the last three weeks. Initially, things were black and white. Punk was the vindictive heel looking to steal the belt for his own personal gain while Cena was the All American defender of the Punk is essentially the face with Cena the heel. Punk is our anti-hero, Cena our villain, perhaps reluctantly, but a villain none-the-less. He's out of touch with some of the audience if not the majority. He's the enemy to the people, while Punk is the defender of them. It's a confusing situation, but we're almost all universally behind the story. This is an incredible story so far, and one that has so much life in it. Money in the Bank is a great opportunity for WWE to try something new...whether they seize the opportunity is another question.
I am fully expecting to be disappointed by the ending of this match. I really hope that Cena doesn't win clean. But he probably will.

I had an idea for an ending to this whole thing that probably won't happen, but here goes. Sorry if anybody else has said this before.

Have a face win the Raw MITB. Preferably Riley, but any would work, I guess. The MITB contract guarantees a title shot anytime, anywhere. So we have Punk beat Cena, he gets fired and takes time off. The PPV goes off the air with Punk walking out.

On Raw the next night, we start the show with the MITB winner....but he has the title. He says he cashed in on Punk after the PPV and shows footage of it happening backstage or something. The new champion instantly gets a HUGE push as the "savior" of the title.

So Punk wins, Cena is "fired" and off for a while, and a face gets a nice push. But once again, I'm not getting my hopes up for this match. I can only hope that WWE does something interesting with this storyline.
I could see CM Punk having Cena beat, but the ref stops the count at 2 and won't continue. Then Triple H or Vince or the Rock, etc, interferes, the ref lets it go and then Cena gets the pin.
I could also see CM Punk getting the win. When he tries to leave with the belt, he is surrounded by all the wrestlers and they destroy him.
Zevon you are Correct....This is Wrestlings last chance.....If Punk loses to Cena and the WWE remains PG and the same thing happens every week.... WRESTLING IS DONE.... This is It... I have not been this excited for a PPV.....Since Triple H Beat Cena at Night of Champions 2008...and CM Punk cashed in the next night on Raw on Edge...

Raw has been Very Good for Many weeks in A Row...I hope its a trend...and it starts with Punk Beating Cena IF CENA WINS WE RIOT its worked for RVD lmao
I could see this match going several ways.

A) Cena wins cleanly and decisively.

Obviously that is the worst and lamest option. But can you say with absolute certainty that that won't happen?

B) Punk wins somehow but then the MitB winner snatches the belt away from him before he can leave the company with the belt.

C) They go the Montreal route. Vince screws with the outcome, ensuring that Cena keeps the belt. Punk leaves, is out of the picture, and Cena is pissed at Vince, starting a sort of feud between the two.
IF JOHN CENA WINS CLEAN I, for one, will be done with the WWE!

No joke. If the WWE botches this moment in history I will no longer have anything to do with their product. I know Vince could careless, but I do. The WWE product is stale. We have seen the same thing for the past 6+ years, Cena overcoming the odds and winning. Enough! The WWE has lost many stars over the past few years, Edge, Batista, HBK and has seen Triple H and The Undertaker become part time performers. There has beeen little to no effort to replace them, the only thing they have done is push Cena and Orton to the moon. The closest thing we have had in terms of creating new stars is Sheamus, but they wouldn't let him beat anyone so no one takes him serious. Now they have a major chance to do something special with CM Punk, please don't squander it.

I'm not saying Punk has to win the title, they could have a screw job finish and I could be ok with that, but please I do not need or want to see a clean Cena win!
Lil Jimmy may want to screw Truth, but he doesn't give a fuck why Punk is so pissed off. Most of Cena's feuds have been about the other guy being pissy that he isn't John Cena. Why did they need to go any further with it? Why did they feel the need to alienate their core demographic? They have tried to forced so much drama into this match that I changed my mind on ordering the PPV.

I just need to get this off my chest but how in freaking Hell is the only sensible way to end this fued with Punk winning clean. How is that sensible that the Heel on what might be his last day win clean over the Greatest Wrestler in the World Today. That would not only look bad for Cena but everybody who Cena has ever beaten clean. So Punk is somehow better then Batista, Randy Orton, and Triple H and deserves to win clean.

I'm watching this Pay Per View as Punk has been doing his best work in years and I fully expect a Dusty Finish, but please get your head out of your ass for anybody who says Punk should win clean because he shouldn't plain and simple.
I just need to get this off my chest but how in freaking Hell is the only sensible way to end this fued with Punk winning clean. How is that sensible that the Heel on what might be his last day win clean over the Greatest Wrestler in the World Today. That would not only look bad for Cena but everybody who Cena has ever beaten clean. So Punk is somehow better then Batista, Randy Orton, and Triple H and deserves to win clean.

I'm watching this Pay Per View as Punk has been doing his best work in years and I fully expect a Dusty Finish, but please get your head out of your ass for anybody who says Punk should win clean because he shouldn't plain and simple.

Punk shouldn't win clean necessarily, but Cena can't win or at least win clean. Sure he is the best booked wrestler in the world and it's the evil guy last day in the company, but you have a VERY hot angle, one that is bringing a lot of fans back into WWE (been watching on an off and I prefer TNA lately, but this angle will make me order my first PPV in 4 years.) and if you have Cena win clean you just spit in the face of every single person who will decide to give a another chance to your product.

WWE is stale, Cena always win clean, overcome the odds and all, if Cena win again you go with the predictable finish (well from Vince smart point of view if he wants to screw us he will have Cena win and we didn't see it coming because we were expecting something specials, but would be the same as me giving you an awesome soup and salad only to give you a pile of shit for dinner just to say you never saw it coming).

WWE need to go back to anything can happen and that's what we hope to see. Personally, here's what I hope to see...

I would like Vince to screw Cena and align with Punk, Cabana, Gallows and others. You could then have a big evil stable even Hollywood Rock could come in. Cena would lose all the time to that big stable so he will feel fresh again without having to go heel.

Then Cena could feud with Vince and Punk. You then bring Hollywood Rock with Vince to shift the feud. Cena could go through the smaller wrestlers in the group before facing the Rock at Mania. To keep Punk busy at Mania you then bring Vince nemesis... STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN to wrestle Punk at Mania and Mania becomes a MUST watch show.

That or Punk just win and they do an angle with him with the belt, but bringing back the evil boss would really be good in my opinion.
Punk shouldn't win clean necessarily, but Cena can't win or at least win clean. Sure he is the best booked wrestler in the world and it's the evil guy last day in the company, but you have a VERY hot angle, one that is bringing a lot of fans back into WWE (been watching on an off and I prefer TNA lately, but this angle will make me order my first PPV in 4 years.) and if you have Cena win clean you just spit in the face of every single person who will decide to give a another chance to your product.

WWE is stale, Cena always win clean, overcome the odds and all, if Cena win again you go with the predictable finish (well from Vince smart point of view if he wants to screw us he will have Cena win and we didn't see it coming because we were expecting something specials, but would be the same as me giving you an awesome soup and salad only to give you a pile of shit for dinner just to say you never saw it coming).

WWE need to go back to anything can happen and that's what we hope to see. Personally, here's what I hope to see...

I would like Vince to screw Cena and align with Punk, Cabana, Gallows and others. You could then have a big evil stable even Hollywood Rock could come in. Cena would lose all the time to that big stable so he will feel fresh again without having to go heel.

Then Cena could feud with Vince and Punk. You then bring Hollywood Rock with Vince to shift the feud. Cena could go through the smaller wrestlers in the group before facing the Rock at Mania. To keep Punk busy at Mania you then bring Vince nemesis... STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN to wrestle Punk at Mania and Mania becomes a MUST watch show.

That or Punk just win and they do an angle with him with the belt, but bringing back the evil boss would really be good in my opinion.

I have no problem with CM Punk winning. I do have a problem with Punk winning clean. It wouldn't make since I posted just because, I couldn't stop going into a WWE Forum and seeing people say CM Punk HAS to win clean. No he doesn't it would be bad buisness Punk hasn't proven to draw and beating Cena clean would only lower Cena's Draw.

I would love to see Punk join up with Vince in a screwjob like ending. The only problem is Chicargo will most likely be heavily behind CM Punk. Well that won't go over so well in the CM Punk evil video packages but considering Austin has said he would like one last match who knows we just might see it happen.
No doubt it will dissapoint
heres the predictable lame ending, cena wins clean, and after the match gets on the mic and sings the na na na hey hey good bye song along with the crowd as cm punk leaves and starts to cry
it will be awesome, kings of wrestling and colt cabana come down to the ring after a ref bump and help punk win the title, then they stay on in the wwe where punk goes to roh and new japan to defend the title, now that would be shit hot
the predictable slighty entertaining but not quite as good as the one i just said ending, punk wins but one of the money in the bank winners (probably del rio) cash in on him and win which means cause punk does'nt leave chicago as champ cena dont get fired which would just kill one of the best wrestling angles in the last 10 years dead in the water we would forget the angle pretty damn quckly.
One of these in my opinion will happen, most likely the 3rd one 1st, 1st one 2nd, and the 2nd one 1st, sorry if that confuses you.
I believe CM Punk is going to win. It's a 70% chance they won't fuck up on that, because they know CM Punk will make them money in the future. If they play their cards right, CM Punk could have as much of a face turn as he could possibly get. Here's how:

<late match>
CM Punk gets laid out by John Cena, who does the five knuckle shuffle. However, CM Punk, not being completely beaten, reverses it and turns it into the Anaconda Vice. Cena breaks away, fight continures from there, and John Cena and CM Punk give as good of a fight as you'd see in a house show, only better for the cameras, and it ends with CM Punk giving Cena the GTS, or perhaps even an AA as if mocking the now-former champion and wins the match. He takes the mic, and says something to the effect of, "John Cena, I told you I don't hate you. But there was no way an entertainer was gonna beat a wrestler." CM Punk begins to walk out, and something happens, which no one expects.

Vince McMahon is at the end of the aisle, backed up by like six or seven lawyers, and explains that he managed to sign the contract before CM Punk tore it up. CM Punk protests, saying that it doesn't matter because he ripped it up. Then an educational moment shall pass, with Vince explaining quite plainly the fact that ripping up a contract doesn't nullify that contract, and CM Punk is now forced to work for the company, meaning that this is the perfect set up for CM Punk to turn from full-heel to anti-hero, a face that behaves quite like a heel but he's on the good side, setting up a fun Vince McMahon feud much like the Stone Cold vs McMahon battles of WWF. Granted, this is all dependent on whether or not CM Punk agrees to stay with the company, but this is a great way to manage "keeping the title in the company," explaining CM Punk staying in WWE, and keep the cash flowing in for more Punk.

Also, one of the better results would be Vince McMahon firing John Cena. Cena will need a break, as he's been overbooked and I've heard reports that he's been hurting for some time. This would be a perfect opportunity to give him that long-deserved break, maybe for two or three months. We get CM Punk, a great feud, and we get a break from John Cena for a while. Everybody wins!

We may even get ice cream on top of that.
I don't see how WWE can have Cena leave Chicago with the belt. That said, it wouldn't totally shock me.

I was thinking for awhile that Punk wins then Cena destroys him and the MITB winner comes down and cashes in MITB but now I'm thinking the show ends with Punk as champion. They want that uncertainty there. They want us to tune in on RAW to see what's going to happen. Is Cena going to be "fired?" Who is champion? Is there a new belt?

I could see a scenario where Punk wins, Cena destroys him, MITB comes down to ring to cash it in but then Punk somehow finds a way to roll off the mat and escapes into the Chicago crowd. Show ends with a the camera showing Punk leaving the arena and a shocked Cena and MITB winner (Del Rio? Miz?) in the ring.
Now that I pay attention to everything I've confirmed one thing. No way what so ever Cena's going to get lose the title and CM Punk leaves with the belt. Just for the fact that who else would challenge Punk.

Fact 1: As of July, 15, 2011 CM Punk isn't a major draw.

Fact 2: Summerslam is billed up as the second biggest Pay Per View of the year.

Fact 3: CM Punk would have no challenger which the crowd would buy into as a threat. If they don't believe thier is a threat they won't buy the pay per view.

Those three mean that Cena is most likely to retain tonight as with CM Punk just working a program with Rey Mysterio a month ago that leaves him with no challenger. Heel vs. Heel won't work and the fans would most likely shit on Cena coming back a week later to challenge for the title again.

So put it down thier is no chance what so ever CM Punk leaves Chicargo with the title. 100% sure I would bet my house down on it. Otherwise though I expect a great match with most likely a cheap way to keep Cena with the belt.
What's really great about this match is the unpredictability of it all and it being in Punk's home state, so Cena for one night only will undoubtably be the heel in that arena which is a great prospect already. So many possibilities.

At the very least I hope for a great wrestling match. I am of the opinion that Punk will leave after MITB and won't wrestle again for at least a year, plus he's in his hometown, he's going to work especially hard in this one to impress and also show the WWE why they should have worked harder to keep him. This is not to say he will lose the match though, there are so many different permutations as to how it can play out. Perhaps I'm wrong and Punk won't leave... all I know is that this is the most excited I've been about a WWE title match in a long time.
Punk may win or lose, he's not walking out with the belt, or maybe he is. That's why it's awesome. So many possibilities and they're all awesome. However, the BEST thing about this match is what it sets up. This is not the end, this is the beginning of something else.
The match everyone in the wrestling world is talking about. It without a shadow of a doubt will close the show. Will Punk win? Will he leave WWE? Will there be a controversial screwjob finish? Will the winner of the red briefcase cash in afterwards? Questions such as these and more will finally be answered. The build up to the match has been brilliant and I'm certain the match will live up to the hype that the promos have given it. Cena usually overcomes odds larger than this, and he's not getting "fired". Even if for some odd reason he did, he'll show up on Raw again in a week like he did last year. The winner of this match more or less determines who wins the red briefcase as well, so if Punk does win then someone like Kofi could cash in. Should Cena win, it favors heels. I don't think Punk is winning. Cena will win because he usually does overcome the odds, even when they are stacked against him like this. As for if Punk is leaving or not, we will find out at the PPV. I'm looking forward to the match as well as finding out what happens.

John Cena will retain the WWE Championship.
I might be exaggerating at the moment but this to me is the most anticipated match in nearly a decade since Hogan vs Rock took place at WM 18. This match has got all the wrestling fans buzzing. The way in which this feud has been built up, you would believe that anything is possible. Cena may win, Punk may win and there is the MITB winner in the reckoning as well. The future of the very title is at stake and there may even be a double turn when the dust settles. This has probably been one of the most flawlessly executed angles in wrestling ever.

I do believe that Punk is going to win. I think one poster( JJYanks, I think) said here once that this whole angle has been based around not taking the safe route. This angle could have easily been booked in a more staid, boring and uncontroversial manner. But the WWE has chosen not to go down that route. Punk's win would fit in with the way this angle has been booked. But what do you do after that? It's OK to think that the MITB winner, in all probability Alberto Del Rio would cash in on the briefcase to some big heel heat. There is already a ready-made storyline in place if that happens with Del Rio, the upper class heel taunting Cena how he saved his God-damn job for him.

But what happens to Punk? After looking like this ultimate badass for the past three weeks it just does not fit in for him to take the defeat quietly. That is why I do believe that Punk has indeed signed back with the WWE. Maybe he will return in two or three months, maybe with a stable this time round consisting of Cabana and Gallows. As TWJC: The Beginning mentioned, this could be the start of something new for everyone involved: Punk, Cena and maybe even the MITB winner.
After reading through some predictions I agree with those that say that CM Punk will win only to have the MITB winner cash in (plz let it NOT be Del Rio). The next night people will be buzzing that Cena was fired only to have VKM say he was not because Punk didnt leave Chi-Town with the title.

Winner: CM Punk (only to lose it to MITB winner)
I don't see CM Punk leaving Chicago as the champion. Funny enough, I don't see Cena leaving there champ either. I think someone's gonna cash in MiTB on Punk. CM Punk sold this PPV. A good majority of the buyers are tuning in to see what's gonna happen between Cena and Punk. Will Punk finally get his comeuppance on the ass-kissers? Will Cena defeat that dastardly Straight-Edge Superstar and shut his mouth once and for all? What will Vince McMahon do if CM Punk leaves with the championship?! I can't wait for this match. I know the two will put on a spectacular match. I don't hate Cena, at all. I think it'd be an outrage for him to win clean in Punk's hometown. Here's hoping the WWE doesn't drop the ball on this one, but we know it can be done..
I haven't looked forward to a PPV, and more specifically a match like this for a long time. The build has been great and as Cena stated on his twitter, I think people will be talking about the events of tomorrow night for years to come. There are so many possible outcomes and scenarios that I feel as if I shouldn't even bother posting what I believe will happen, but I will anyway.

There's a thread that I saw earlier talking about the Biggest disappointments in WWE history, and how tomorrow night could well prove to be another of those big disappointments. Over the last couple of years there have been many shows/PPVs/moments that have fallen into this category, and as much as it pains me to say it, my gut is telling me that this match will be one of the biggest disappointments in recent memory. I have no doubt in my mind that this will be a very good match, with both men giving their all, but I just can't shake the idea that Cena will defy the odds and defeat Punk in Chicago, and that will be the end of it. I hope I'm wrong, I really do.

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