Money in the Bank - WWE Champion John Cena vs. CM Punk

Well in my opinion, you cant blame CM Punk because he was once a main eventer but now he is baby sitting rookies (New Nexus), i am sad to see CM Punk defonatly leaving but now WWE need a return of Triple H & Chris Y2J ericho even more, but i think Punk will finally win the WWE title, i hope he does. Punk leaving will be another huge blow to WE, 1st Edge now Punk - All we have now is Orton & Cena as the main ones. Hopefully WWE finally push younger stars such as Ryder, Bourne, DiBiase, Rhodes & Cara
I sincerely hope Punk does not leave the company after MITB and I rarely say that about wrestlers who are said to be leaving. I'm very much looking forward to this. The match should be very good. Both men know how to carry a match very well, have fought each other in solid matches in the past, and can both work the mic in promos building up towards their match. This has the potential to be feud of the year. In addition, you know the Chicago crowd will be smarky and energetic for this match. Pretty obvious the vast majority will be pro-Punk. I'm predicting a Cena victory here but it would be interesting to see what happens should Punk win. All I know is that regardless of who wins, I don't want Punk to go.
As has been said previously this really is an unpredictable match and situation, that being said I would have it go down like this.

Have punk win at money in the bank, have a new belt debuted the next night on raw and start a tournament to find the new champion. have the final the week before summerslam with Cena winning and then have punk return and GTS him (as punks contract reportedly ends in september) and then have a match at SS for the Undisputed WWE championship. Which Cena wins (he needs the belt for WM)

Again this is just what I want to happen, but I think it might be pretty cool and they really need to ditch the spinner title
Punk has always been good, but wasn't very noticeable until he feuded with Cena after becoming new leader of nexus. He is gold on the Mic and performs well in the ring, but i never took him seriously until this announcement. Something tells me that i will miss Punk if he is not in WWE Rooster, and i feel this is exactly what was required for Punk character to be taken seriously. I don't want him to leave WWE, but I know that this is a storyline. I am excited about this match, and do not want to predict the outcome.

I would love to see another Screwjob, done by Vince without the consent of Cena, but this time Punk will stay and line up his team against Vince. Cena will be conflicted whether to support/save Vince from this or not. Any action by Cena could be interpreted in different meanings. This will give more feul to Punk's mission (to expose Cena's hypocrisy) and R-truth (to vindicate his stand on WWE favoring Cena, and everybody against him.). It will bring more heat to Cena from his omni-present bashers, and some arguments back and forth from Cena fans. It will elevate Punk's character to a new level and i see a alliance happening with R-truth, with R-truth being convinced that Punk is his saviour.
If this is the storyline being planned by WWE, then we are in for some exciting time ahead.
This match, this fued, really had me interested. I was hoping they would have had this fued @ WrestleMania, but Vince went in another direction. So now this match is going to happen at Money in the Bank, which I think in time could become a major PPV. (Hopefully taking the place of Survivor Series)

As for the match, Punk has stated he is leaving the WWE after MITB. I read somewhere that his contract isn't actually up yet, and actually runs out in September, don't know how true that was and will assume that MITB will be his last WWE date (for a while). I expect him to take some time off after and return around the Royal Rumble.

I expect him to win the WWE Championship at Money In The Bank. Although I do think that a MITB Winner will then come challenge him and win the WWE Title. If this would happen I'm guessing it will be Alberto Del Rio. Once Punk leaves it will make him or R-Truth the main heel on Raw. So doing this to Punk in Chicago will put whoever cashes in (if it happens, the ultimate heel, even for just 1 night).

I expect a good build up to this PPV, hopefully they don't just forget about The Nexus, maybe this can be Otunga's push. Over the next few weeks he can question Punk's leadership or maybe they will pull a Triple H with Otunga and have him cut a Promo the night after about how Punk dropped the ball. Either way I just hope they don't forget about The Nexus. I like Mason Ryan and Mr. Perfect Jr.

PREDICTION: CM Punk wins WWE Championship, Raw Money in the Bank winner cashes and wins (Alberto Del Rio or R-Truth).
Hmm.....I think that punk will win , then hv the Mitb winner e.g. Del Rio , come out and hv punk get himself intentionally DQ'ed and leave with the title. Have a tournament to decide a new wwe champion with a new belt cullmunating at SS. A couple months later hv punkk return say he never lost the title have a match aganist current champ at lets say TLC.
John Cena will win this one...
There is no way that Vince will let CM Punk go away with a victory over John Cena (the face of the company) for the WWE Championship.

CM Punk is the most loved guy by the IWC fans, but he isn't the guy that draws money for the company and you know it.

If he wins, he will reveal that he had re-signed with the WWE a long time ago, and that we were stupids for believing in him.
I really hope that Punk starts hyping up how this match is in his hometown of Chicago and how much Chicago hates Cena. The atmosphere in the Allstate Arena is gonna be Wrestlemania esque and every punch thrown will get a reaction (much like the Cena-HHH match from Mania 22 in Chicago).

If Punk starts cutting promos about how much of an advantage he's going to have with the Chicago crowd marking hard for him, I think it will add that much more drama to the match and make people believe he just might beat Cena.

Love all the opinions on here and might fall from the balcony in celebration if Punk actually pulls it off haha
This is probably one of the most intriguing main events in recent memory due to the way Jeff Hardy went out a couple years ago. If not for that, we absolutely would be fully expecting Cena to walk away. But for some reason, we all have this idea that Punk could end up winning. It's been a while since we've had a good shocker and this could be it.

The obvious outcome would be for Cena to win and for Punk to go on his merry way out of the company. I wouldn't necessarily be disappointed with that outcome, but it would seem a little flat. But if Punk is actually leaving, it may be their only option. You can't put your biggest title on a guy that's going to leave the company. I'm holding out hope that Punk at least has signed a little extension and will stay whether or not he wins the title. But if he were to win, it could lead to some awesome programming for a few months.

I know a lot of folks keep saying that someone will cash in their MiTB briefcase that night or the next on Raw, but personally, I think it would be much better if Punk was forced to defend the title at Summerslam in a last chance kind of match. Then Punk wins again and it seems like all is lost only for the MITB winner to come out and take it then, sending us home on a happy note.

As for the match, I fully expect it to be absolutely awesome. These 2 have had very good TV matches in the past and giving them more time is only going to make them better. Couple that with the fact that Punk has been at his absolute best over the past few months with no bad matches in months and Cena being one of the best in ring performers in the business, you have the ingredients for a good to great match up.

I'm way into this match and I can't wait for Money In The Bank. Hell, I might actually pay.
I like the angle going into this match. Punk wanting to take the WWE title with him when he leaves. It also gives us smark fans a little hope that Punk will win. This match is probably the most important this year. It will prove if WWE values Punk as a topdog heel. What could be interesting would be too see The Nexus target the MITB contestants in order to make sure they "don't interfere" with the WWE title match.
This is what I call unpredictable! The match and PPV could end in 50 different ways. There are endless possibilities, I just hope they don't do the same ol' same ol' with Cena winning clean and Punk left alone in the middle of the ring. That'd be a disappointment to say the least. I don't want to predict this but it'd be a nice throwback to do a "Chicago Screwjob". I highly doubt Punk is genuinely leaving though.
Can't wait til Punk taps out. If he is a main eventer heel, it is his role to job to Cena. Everyone does. I hope the guys are able to click.

Cena usually like awesome, but since the chairs match, it just seems like Cena has been coasting. When the New Nexus vs Cena stuff started, he got hurt. Meantime, the New Nexus stuff just fell flat as expected when you remove a leader from a stable. Whatever he was suppose to have with the Miz got unimportant before it even started. That and it just kept going and going and going without any real drama or tension. And while Truth has been entertaining in his promos, I think that is more credit to Raw not being interesting. Oh, and Truth sucks.. But Cena has even made Khali look "okay" in that monster role.
I just had a thought that hadn't crossed my mind until now.

What if Nexus, as a previous poster wrote, does everything in their power to prevent others from winning MITB? Maybe they set it up for Mason Ryan to be the winner. CM Punk and the Nexus all agree they should do this to prevent anyone from cheating him out of the title after he wins it.

Then after the match, Nexus comes out to celebrate with Punk, only for Mason Ryan to destroy Punk, cash in the MITB, and take the title.

That would definitely come out of nowhere and would make things a little interesting. Not sure Ryan could handle being the champ, but it would shock the heck out of people at the PPV.
-once cm punk leaves the whole atmosphere of the wwe changes. it will suck, he isnt a draw, but he is a good wrestler/performer (whatever you call it nowadays).

-even though i think it might very likely not happen, i hope that cm punk wins the title from cena at MITB, and then either gets an extension onto his contract or he leaves with the belt. he worked his ass off and i think that would be a good way for him to leave.

-the nexus, i think it will disband, maybe mason will get mad and destroy all the new nexus members lol, go on a *roid rage* lol (storyline speaking of course, but i doubt it would happen though it would be amusing). i hope mason gets pushed and the other guys, i dont overly care bout.

-if punk leaves, it will be similar to how edge left, just, minus the injury and edge gave up the title (which sucked, i mean edge having to leave). sorry, just kinda noticed that when i think of the guys that have left the wwe recently in the last 2 years.
-once cm punk leaves the whole atmosphere of the wwe changes. it will suck, he isnt a draw, but he is a good wrestler/performer (whatever you call it nowadays).

You say Punk isn't a draw, but why is that?

The WWE can make anyone they want a draw. Punk is pure dynamite. Awesome on the stick and awesome in the ring. The promo he had to end Raw tonight was amazing! If the WWE pushed him (marketing) like they do with Cena/Miz/Austin/Rock/etc. he could draw. Give the man a chance to showcase what he's got. I'm hoping that after MITB we find out hes resigned with the WWE. I've heard he wants a break, but not now.

I can't remember the last time I was this excited for a PPV not named Wrestle Mania.
This will be a great match for sure. I think Cena will beat Punk after a hard-fought match. Cena will hold up his title and leave Punk in the ring for the last time while the crowd embraces Punk.
I can't say I am looking forward to the match as I haven't enjoyed a Cena match in a very long time (if ever). However I am very much looking forward to how they work the Punk leaving story.

What I see happening is Punk beats Cena in a long hard fight, maybe even with interference from Nexus. Cena is beaten so badly that he gets written off TV for a while so he can heal is injuries. Punk also takes a beating but prevails to become the Champion. As he is celebrating Del Rio (My pick to win Money in the Bank) comes out and cashes in his title shot and beats Punk to become the Heavyweight champion (his destiny).

This way both Cena and Punk can leave and for a while to rest up (Cena) or just take a break (Punk).
Should be an entertaining bout with this mega epic storyline heading into the show. I'm curious as to what happens and will likely dish out some money just for this match alone.
For the first time in a very long time I am actually impressed by the build up to this match. Punk leaving WWE in his hometown, shooting the most awesome promo in a very long time dissing the WWE. It was purely honest and for once you heard reference of another wrestling company, which WWE hates to do. No one could have done it better than Punk, not The Miz not The Rock and not even Chris Jericho could have done a better job at delivering it with hate and honesty like Punk did. I might be over hyping but holy fuck did he do a awesome job at this. Sure there was the generic hate of Cena for being on magazine covers, movies and shit similar to Batista, but fucking hell that was a fucking great shoot, scripted or not. This has to be the best buildup to a ppv match in a very long time just for the awesome shoot he did. It makes Punk look very unlikely to win, but holy shit it makes you want Punk to win like hell, even though I already did when the match was confirmed.
Does anyone see a "screwjob" type deal coming here? Maybe I'm insane but I could see it. It could sort of morph into the fact that Punk is "telling the truth" and "being honest" with the fans like in his epic, classic, historic, promo. I don't necessary think this will happen but I could see Punk winning "cleanly" by actually winning the match. Knocking Cena out cold so that he actually puts him down for the 1-2-3 or applying the Anaconda Vice so intensely that Cena has no choice but to tap out. In any way, shape, or form; actually winning the match. Maybe he even pays off the referee to make a fast count or call a submission alla Montreal Screwjob. Once again I'm not saying this will happen, I'm saying that it would be a pretty cool thing to see and would be the greatest moment i wrestling history since the formation of the Nexus or even before that; it will take the WWE Universe, Vince McMahon, and the world by storm.
Of course Vince would find obvious ways to combat this deception of Punk not honoring the booked decision of Cena winning (should Cena actually be booked to win) and send the RAW Mr. Money in the Bank winner out to cash in and win. But who says that Punk won't use the same measures on Mr. Money in the Bank that he did on Cena? Maybe Punk actually puts the Money in the Bank winner out as well. This surely puts the idea over the top but I was just saying that it could happen. Punk has become one of the WWE's most controversial superstars since announcing his departure (and before that) and this would shoot Punk to superstardom.
I just wanted to see what you guys thought of that one.
I could actually see a REVERSE screwjob and have Vince screw Cena?

Why? That's the would make no sense for Vince to screw Cena...but it would just be Vince being Vince. Vince going back to the way he used to run things. Have Punk be Vince's Austin.
I could actually see a REVERSE screwjob and have Vince screw Cena?

Why? That's the would make no sense for Vince to screw Cena...but it would just be Vince being Vince. Vince going back to the way he used to run things. Have Punk be Vince's Austin.

Actually screwing Cena would make perfect sense. After Cena basically threatened Mr. McMahon to walk away from WWE because "This wasn't what he signed up for" It would make sense for Mr. McMahon to say that "nobody threatens me, not Hogan, not Brock, not you!" "YOU'RE FIRED!" and if the reports are true that Cena is banged up it would allow him a month or two off to recover from those nagging injuries and make a surprise and refreshing return.
After the Australia incident, I'm not sure Punk has a near/long-term future with the company. I have the feeling that the Powers will try to put as much distance between themselves and Punk as possible. Will he walk out as champ? Depends on if he even makes it into the match.

IF, Punk does make the match, I see something like this happening.

Before the match, VKM struts out to the announce desk, kicks Cole to the curb and it's Vince and Ross, just like the early days long past. King as well.

Match starts, some nice back-and-forth, then Punk get's the upper hand for the better part of the match. Super-Cena makes his appearance and Vince leaves the desk and get's Cena's attention (not interfering) and Punk get's the upper hand again. VKM screams at Punk to punish Cena for extortion (getting Punk back in the ME). Punk finishes with the GTS, wins the belt, Vince jumps in the ring and before he can utter "You're Fiiiiiiiiired"

Del Rio runs into the ring, MITB case in hand, yelling to the ref. Hits Punk with the Arm Bar and wins the WWE Championship title.

Monday on RAW, Vince announces that even though Punk didn't walk out of the company as champ, Cena is still going to face the consequences of crossing the boss and get's suspended indefinitely.

Is it all predictable? Hell yes, but that's what the company has been doing for years now. But it keeps the title belt in the company (what VKM wants), Punk get's to leave (what he wants), Cena is off TV for a couple of months (what most fans want) and there's a new champ with nearly unlimited options for new feuds (what all the fans want!).
COuld be MOTY material but we all know creative will make it as predictable as possible if it comes out surprising I will eat my words but i dont see it happening

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