WWE Money in the Bank 2012: CM Punk (c) VS Daniel Bryan [WWE Championship]

Was not a fan of this past Raw because of the proposing but it did drive home a point for the go home show because it has everyone guessing on who AJ will side with.

The popular choice is Daniel Bryan and I think finally after creative considering Bryan for the best 2 PPVs that a third time is a charm and he gets the title
I believe that AJ will be walking out of money in the bank with dean ambrose

I do think punk and bryan will get the main event this time go 30 minutes or so and towards the end of the match bryan will look like he is about to win have a pin on punk AJ will count 1.......2....and wont hit the 3 bryan will get up get in AJs face punk turns him around GTS AJ counts 1......2.....AJ doesnt count 3(in J.R voice) and she just laughs and out of the crowd comes Dean and attacks Punk and Bryan revealing that AJ has been playing both of them just to get close to the guys closest to the gold so her real boy friend dean could get into the mix right away.

I dont know maybe it sounds dumb but it could happen.(but probably not just what i want to happen.)
I really can't say with any certainty who wins here, if it were a straight up singles match between the two then I'd give a slight edge to Punk just because of how dominant his reign has been. However with the obvious game changer that AJ as special guest ref is I can't be certain at all. The signs now point to Bryan winning thanks to AJ but at the same time I feel as if it's a ploy and AJ being the crazy bitch she is will stand by Punk or something will happen in the match that makes her change her mind and side with him. Whatever happens it all depends on what is going on in the head of AJ, but I say with very little certainty that Punk retains.
Although I'd love to see Daniel Bryan come out victorious here I'm pretty sure Cm Punk will be winning this and 1 of the major reasons why I think he'll wni is to walk in to the 1000 episode of RAW as the champion as I doubt they would have Daniel Bryan as the champion come time for the 1000 episode.They could have a segment between The Rock and Cm Punk as champion on that episode which would be pretty huge.But that's if Cm Punk's the champ come that time.I could actually see John Cena cash in the briefcase the raw after mitb to walk in as champion on the first 3 hour episode debut of raw lol.

So my pick is my Cm Punk and I go into more detail in my prediction video
Can CM Punk PLEASE get a main event title defense this time? Seriously.

I hope this closes the show, it deserves to. We have two of the best wrestlers in the world (really, not just kayfabe'd best) facing each other for the most prestigious prize in pro wrestling. Oh, and we have a diva involved too. You know, AJ. The most interesting character in WWE lately. I'm interested in seeing what she does here. I can see a heel turn coming. Daniel Bryan will side with AJ and reveal that they were working together all along, which sees them becoming the Edge & Lita of this generation. A power couple who together hold the world and divas titles, helping each other retain.

I'm expecting a fantastic match out of Punk and Bryan, with AJ's involvement making it even better. By far the match I anticipate seeing the most on the card. As much as I think the Bryan/AJ alliance will happen, I still think Punk will retain. His reign really should continue, although I would not be against a Bryan win. Both are great choices for WWE Champion. Punk deserves to have his reign continue long enough for him to get a main event PPV title defense and he is getting close to the 1 year mark. It would also make sense for him to walk into the 1000th Raw still the WWE Champion. Punk wins and both move on to new feuds, Bryan having AJ by his side.

CM Punk will retain the WWE Championship.
My prediction: CM Punk wins with perhaps 'help' from questionable referring by AJ. just when people think AJ her choice, she KO's Punk maybe with a chair or moree likely the belt allowing Dolph, who won MITB, to come down and pin Punk for the championship and AJ aligns with Dolph. Dolph get s the belt, leaves Vicki for Aj and AJ leaves with thechampion
I'm going with a double turn

CM Punk turns heel and Daniel Bryan turns face

AJ will help Punk win, then Punk will reveal he was using her to keep hold of his title and kick her to the curb.

never going to happen but oh well

my other guess is Dean Ambrose comes out and we have a true psycho power couple...probably wont happen either..

my guess CM Punk retains, and goes on to face Cena at Summerslam
I'm going with a double turn

CM Punk turns heel and Daniel Bryan turns face

Interesting thought, and it's indicative of the "You never know what's going to happen in WWE" mantra.......and as effectively as the two wrestlers may perform, this one is going to come down to Girl Power, meaning we'll probably be treated to some fine technical wrestling, but the result of the contest will depend strictly on what AJ does.

Right now, in WWE.......she's everything. The fates (and possibly the future direction) of the two guys in the match are totally dependent on her. After all the build-up these weeks, does anyone believe she's going to call the match down the middle? What would be the sense of that?

Because she's the random element thrown into the mix, I couldn't even hazard a prediction as to the result of the match. Heel/face changes could result.....or not. The title could change hands......or not. Jeez, someone could wind up married to her after the match......or not. The little girl has the fates of two (possibly three) big men in her hands.

Girl Power.

You poor guys don't even have a chance.:icon_twisted:
I'm going with a double turn

CM Punk turns heel and Daniel Bryan turns face

AJ will help Punk win, then Punk will reveal he was using her to keep hold of his title and kick her to the curb.

never going to happen but oh well

Perhaps AJ is "knocked out" because of (probably not literally) CM Punk. He retains and Bryan takes care of AJ? If done right it could easily switch them both.

However, unlikely because I don't see either switching sides yet. Bryan is great as a heel and his YES! gimmick might not work as a face. And we all know CM Punk vs. Cena as a face vs. face works because they're such different faces.
If the WWE MITB is prior to this match I see Big Show grabbing the case, maybe doing a backstage bit where he announces he'll cash it in at the 1000th raw or WM because he's a giant and doesnt need to ambush someone he'll give warning.

Cut to Punk vs Bryan, Bryan wins, big show comes out and it all comes full circle.

Lieing about when you're cashing in
Ruining someones moment of finally winning a title they've wanted for years.

WMD punch to Bryan and Show closes MITB as WWE Champ, triple threat @ SS with Punk/Bryan/Show due to rematch clauses and somehow cena enters so its a fatal 4 way of some sort at SS.

The 4 way sounds convoluted and rushed... but this IS wwe, it's summerslam, it's cena, it's the wwe title.
It seems to me a lot of folks have already decided that this match is cut-and-dry, and are already looking ahead to SummerSlam with the presumptive thought that it's going to be Punk-Cena one way or the other. I'm not so sure about that.

This match will likely been last on. I am guessing as much because I think the WWE will want to leave the anticipation open for a MITB cash-in possibly happening after the match. I like people's predictions of AJ helping Bryan in the end to make up for WM. That would be a clever twist in the story and make AJ look even better for being so calculating and executing such an intricate plan. I also liked a prediction someone else made; that Kane will win MITB, cash in on either Punk or Bryan, and AJ assists Kane in winning the title and leaves with him. That too would be one hell of a curve ball ending. It would be interesting to see Kane with both a woman at his side and the title over his shoulder. The most obvious outcome from peoples assumptions is that CM Punk retains and goes on to face Cena at SummerSlam. This may be just the case, but I would frown on it for simply being too obvious. I'm also not so sure that with AJ in the mix it ends so cleanly or in Punks favor.

The one problem I have with this match and the build to it though, has been the whole storyline with AJ. She has become more important to the storyline than the WWE Championship itself, which is the most important catalyst in the story. The title and the fact that it's on the line has become completely overshadowed by "Who will AJ choose?" and all the focus has switched to her. I like that they've created this odd love triangle, but I think they've put the emphasis in the wrong place making it all about her and who she leaves with. I think it should be more along the lines of "Will AJ Leave with Whoever Walks Out of MITB as WWE Champion?" to keep everything in proper perspective that the title is the main crux of the story.

One big thing I think people are overlooking in this whole ordeal is the fact that the 1000th episode of Raw is quickly approaching, and I think it a very strong likelihood that the whole WWE title picture gets shaken up quite a bit coming out of that show. It's already known that The Rock will be there and if memory serves me correct, The Rock vowed to once again be the WWE Champion. I will not be shocked at all if Bryan wins tonight only to have Cena cash in on him to win the title, then on the 1000th Episode of Raw, The Rock challenges Cena for the title at SummerSlam but Punk and Bryan rightfully deserving a rematches of their own get thrown in the mix as well, and we go into SummerSlam with a Fatal Four Way for the WWE Title, CM Punk vs John Cena vs Daniel Bryan vs The Rock.

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