WWE No Way Out 2012: CM Punk (c) VS Daniel Bryan VS Kane [WWE Championship]

Their just doing random stuff to make up for the fact they haven't even got a storyline in place. I hope not anyway, 3 nerds fighting over a girl isnt what i want to see when i tune into wwe.

Nerds?:banghead: you series, half of the roster are nerds ( guys who play videogames) but what is wrong with that. Kane, byran and punk are some of todays and yesterdays greatest performers and wrestlers. But i have to agree with the guys who said Aj is with Bryan.
Its funny how CM Punk went from fueding with John Cena at Last years's Money in the Bank to this crap.

And this mediocre storyline is for the WWE Championship with three mediocre wrestlers fighting for it.
Punk vs. Bryan is interesting? Really? If it is so interesting then explain why they had to plug AJ and Kane into the mix. If they are so great and so interesting why couldn't they handle the feud themselves? It stays interesting because of a the other two people involved and not because of Punk and Bryan.

So, by your logic, you're saying that The Cena vs. Edge feuds, the Stone Cold vs. Vince McMahon feuds, Cena vs. Orton feuds were nothing when others were involved as well?

I suppose you don't take into account the fact that both Bryan & Punk continuously get strong responses from live crowds WHEREVER they go? I suppose their promo together last night counts for nothing when an arena full of people started chanting "goatface" to Bryan? I suppose fans sitting on the edges of their seats during their matches is no indication interest either?

The involvement of AJ & Kane into this situation has only added a new element to a feud that fans have already been into. The reason why Punk & Bryan continue to get such great responses is because the fans do find them interesting and, just like Kane & AJ, they're playing their parts very well. The fact that it's such an unusual situation, such as AJ possibly having the hots for all three of them & ultimately wondering how it's going to play out, has people curious.

I'm sure that there are some not into the storyline, same goes with every other angle, but it's gotten a very positive reaction week in & week out, it's delivered some very good wrestling matches and all the wrestlers involved are playing their parts extremely. At the end of the day for the vast majority of fans, they don't necessarily care how many people are involved as long as it's entertaining.
I just dont know wwe seems to be trying to be less predictable and AJ going to bryan is just way to predictable .

I love to see Kane come out with the win.

AJ Turns on punk and Bryan goes to pin Punk then Kane grabs AJ Bryan goes for Kane to save AJ Choke Slam Kane wins

That way we have CM Punk V Bryan with AJ but also kane as champ for someone new to challange
What about Kane??? Im suprised not one person had said ANYTHING about him winning. I agree 100% that Bryan could be walking out with the title, but does anyone else think it's a little strange they just all of a sudden brought Kane into the match and gets thrown into this storyline thats really just intended for Punk n Bryan? Like someone mentioned earlier this is WWE's way of throwing us all off until the big finish at the PPV. Think about it. It could be one of those matches where Punk n Bryan are at each other's throats about "meh, I'm the more superior wrestler, wah.." and while there doing that, AJ screws them both and Kanesteals the victory and title! And since we are talking about the fantastic world of the WWE, That could very well happen.:shrug:

It's worked, in my eyes, as all four of them have played their parts quite well and have had surprisingly good chemistry.

Kane is someone that knows how to sell emotions very well, another thing he doesn't often get enough credit for, and AJ is just this wild card that has everyone guessing as to what's going to happen. Her cryptic message to everyone that the "best man" would win at the ppv will obviously have people wondering if she's going to interfere somehow. There've been theories about her simply being Punk's girl from here on out, that she's going to be Kane's squeeze, that it's all an elaborate scheme from Bryan to help him get an edge to become WWE Champion, etc. AJ is someone that's come a long way in a short span of time. The way she's able to go from an innocent, dainty little girl to a playful pixie to a somewhat sexual whack job is so seemless that it's hard to not be impressed with her. Let's be honest, I don't think anyone would've thought she had it in her 6 months ago.

Punk & Bryan also know each other really well and their chemistry inside the ring is undeniable. They've put on some of the best matches of the year.

On one hand, I'm not crazy about Punk dropping the title at No Way Out. He's had a great run and I'd just like to see it continue. On the other, it's an intriguing notion that AJ has been a willing part of some sort of grand scheme of Daniel Bryan's to give him his second World Championship run in WWE. I think as long as Kane doesn't walk out of the ppv with the title, people will be satisfied. I'm not looking for that to happen, however, as AJ's involvement has definitely gotten Kane off of his game. When's the last time Kane just walked away in the middle of a match looking downright confused and even a little lost?
I wouldn't be surprised to see Kane choke slam AJ on sunday, I can see AJ trying the same thing on sunday to stop Kane from winning the match only to be choke slammed.
But then again I can her going back to bryan to help him win, there is also a chance she is playing all of them and is planning to jump on board with whoever wins.
Although with Kane being the master of the mind fuck this could be something he has done to AJ to help him win.
I wouldn't be surprised to see Kane choke slam AJ on sunday, I can see AJ trying the same thing on sunday to stop Kane from winning the match only to be choke slammed.
But then again I can her going back to bryan to help him win, there is also a chance she is playing all of them and is planning to jump on board with whoever wins.
Although with Kane being the master of the mind fuck this could be something he has done to AJ to help him win.

Any female, let alone a tiny one like AJ, getting chokeslammed is not going to happen in PG WWE.

It looks bad to have male on female violence (but apparently it's ok to have John Cena verbally abuse females).
Maybe Bryan wins at No Way Out only for Punk to regain the title at Money in the Bank, just in time to unveil the new WWE Championship a week later at the 1000th episode of RAW. That's probably where the title unveiling will happen. As for why Bryan should win the title, I figure Punk's push won't be tarnished by losing the title for a month, whereas it would help maintain Bryan as a main event player in the long-term by just holding the title in the interim.

I know some people really want Punk to have a super long reign, but we're almost at seven months as it is and I don't think WWE's aiming to break any records with this reign, not that it's necessary. Plus, WWE might still be in crisis mode and like when Cena randomly dropped the title to Del Rio, they might want to have a title change to potentially improve viewership. And if the want to prolong this feud between Punk and Bryan, fans will be less interested in seeing Bryan challenge for a third time after already losing twice. They'll be more invested when the face has to regain his title, rather than fending off a challenger he's already bested twice.
These match could definately be the sleeper hit of the night if all four people involved play their roles correctly. I mean, AJ Lee doesn't have one particular man in this match that she has the most affection for, she made it clear on Raw that she has something to love in all of those men, so at NWO she could side with DB, and regain his trust by helping him win the WWE Championship, she could side with The Big Red Machine and Recreate a sort of Lita/Kane relationship, or she could side with "The coolest guy shes ever met" And help him retain his WWE Championship against overwhelming odds. Either way, there better be a live sex celebration on the June 18 Raw for the winner. I'm serious.
Punk vs. Bryan is interesting? Really? If it is so interesting then explain why they had to plug AJ and Kane into the mix. If they are so great and so interesting why couldn't they handle the feud themselves? It stays interesting because of a the other two people involved and not because of Punk and Bryan.

Go look at stone cold steve austin's greatest feud, it was not rock, it was his feud that went on in 1998, the McMahons, undertaker kane and mankind feud, and I will give the details of what went on in that feud.

Austin undertaker kane and mankind fight for the gold
We would get the 4 fight over the WWF title all summer, from taker destroying mankind in the hell in a cell, to austin and kane beating the crap out of each other over the title, to the 4 guys fighting over the WWF title and the WWF tag team titles.

The feud takes another twist, but vince and shane control the destiny of the gold
Then we get the bombshell that undertaker and kane are in cahoots while kane and mankind were still tag team champions, kane made his feelings clear for mankind at summerslam crushing mankind's skull with the sledgehammer, JR's quote on kane, GOD OH MIGHT, THAT DAMN DEMON IN RED. Taker and kane made a deal with vince for a shot at the WWF title, but taker and kane had to protect vince from austin. We had austin and vince come up with some of the best moments on TV, from austin destroying vince's car, and throwing beer over the entire corporation. taker and kane would defeat austin at in your house PPV, Vince pisses taker and kane off, and they crush Vince's ankle, and then at JD bearer turns his back on kane and taker and bearer are together

Judgement Day PPV totally switches the dynamics of feud, the ministry begins
Undertaker and Bearer are together has heels, they totally destroying kane's mental well being, they explain their reasons on why they have abandoned kane, and kane is left rudderless and out of control destroying anyone in his path, and all this time, austin is targeted by the undertaker for costing him the WWF title at JD, but austin still has vince shane and the stooges to deal with. Kane and Austiin put their differences a side, and work together to fight against the undertaker and paul bearer, they throw bearer down a sewar and take undertaker to a mental asylum by dressing undertaker in kane's outfit, the feud between the 4 ends at buried alive PPV, where kane helps austin bury the undertaker alive

I have showed you an example on what a storyline can do, when you layer a PPV, add other factors, and it makes a straight forward feud, into a feud where it has so many twists and turns. Obvious this feud is nowhere near in the league of the big feud, that went on between everyone involved in the summer of 1998
I say Daniel Bryan gets the win here because of AJ interfering on his behalf. I think AJ is playing CM Punk and really got back with Bryan behind the scenes. Whenever a woman gets involved, the face loses. You never know with Kane lurking though...
I would like Bryan to get the win here, but not an AJ heel-turn - have her inadvertenly distract Punk, allowing Bryan to beat Kane. Punk refuses to blame her and she says she'll support him in the rematch at MITB, where she costs him the match and turns heel.

However, whatever ultimately happens, I wouldn't have Bryan & AJ together again. AJ could help Bryan win the belt, but he just rejects her afterwards now that he's got what he wanted. It would give Bryan heat and would allow Punk v Bryan at Summerslam without any distractions
It's worked, in my eyes, as all four of them have played their parts quite well and have had surprisingly good chemistry.

Kane is someone that knows how to sell emotions very well, another thing he doesn't often get enough credit for, and AJ is just this wild card that has everyone guessing as to what's going to happen. Her cryptic message to everyone that the "best man" would win at the ppv will obviously have people wondering if she's going to interfere somehow. There've been theories about her simply being Punk's girl from here on out, that she's going to be Kane's squeeze, that it's all an elaborate scheme from Bryan to help him get an edge to become WWE Champion, etc. AJ is someone that's come a long way in a short span of time. The way she's able to go from an innocent, dainty little girl to a playful pixie to a somewhat sexual whack job is so seemless that it's hard to not be impressed with her. Let's be honest, I don't think anyone would've thought she had it in her 6 months ago.

Punk & Bryan also know each other really well and their chemistry inside the ring is undeniable. They've put on some of the best matches of the year.

On one hand, I'm not crazy about Punk dropping the title at No Way Out. He's had a great run and I'd just like to see it continue. On the other, it's an intriguing notion that AJ has been a willing part of some sort of grand scheme of Daniel Bryan's to give him his second World Championship run in WWE. I think as long as Kane doesn't walk out of the ppv with the title, people will be satisfied. I'm not looking for that to happen, however, as AJ's involvement has definitely gotten Kane off of his game. When's the last time Kane just walked away in the middle of a match looking downright confused and even a little lost?

on AJ putting kane off his game, this is an interesting point to why AJ has started to target kane. Before she got involved with kane, kane was a one man wrecking machine with one simple goal, destroy punk and bryan and take the title, AJ seems to have put a spanner in the works for kane and his plan, but still, punk and bryan have not been able to stop kane. When Ace announced the triple threat match, have a look at how devastated the 3 were, punk and bryan knew they fucked up by opening up Pandora's box, and AJ seemed very concerned for the 2. I think in her mind, Punk and Bryan need her help, because she probably thinks they cannot stop kane without her help, she thinks she can be the one to stop the fire from taking the title. Because throughout the whole feud, kane has owned in this feud, he beat punk, he destroyed punk and bryan with the chair, and give the 2 countless chock-slam's, kane even did the double chock-slam on kane and he did it again to the 2, even with 26 chairshots bryan did to kane, and punk taking kane out with the chair, kane keeps on coming after them. Its like a mental block they have with the masked monster, that kane seems to have that fear factor, that his shear presence, along with his RAW power and mean streak is a daunting task for the 2, so AJ could be the key to stopping the machine from winning the WWE title. Because in the matches punk and bryan have had with kane, kane has had the edge. And I think AJ has watched this destruction kane has caused, and she may think she can stop this anarchy kane is causing, because she is crazy enough to get in the path of the monster

This is not a fact, me saying it will happen, unlike bleacher-reporters who come to some stupid conclusions, when they write their columns. But it is a possibility, that she is trying to help either punk or bryan, because they cannot do it alone. Who knows
SHould be a good match. Im a fan of Kanes involvment as it gives a twist to the fued and with the AJ factor I don't know how this match could end.

I think Punk will retain and fight Daniel Bryan att the next PPV in a submission match or something like that
I really REALLY hope this closes the show. It is the most interesting match on the card, it's for the top belt of the federation, and nothing else on the card would make sense to main event. With that being said.... This is honestly the only match on the card that I am excited about at the moment. Punk's reign has been good and it would make sense for it to continue. Out of the challengers, Bryan's got the better odds of winning. Kane does deserve a WWE Championship run, but I don't think it will happen right now. Punk's reign should be ended by either Bryan or the winner of Money In the Bank. The addition of Kane does make things more interesting though. I've gotta go with Bryan winning here because as much as Punk retaining would make sense, if Bryan wins then their feud is more likely to continue. Plus he would make a great WWE Champion.

The match should be rather good and one of the better matches of the evening. One factor to consider is AJ. Who will she side with? Punk for his interest in crazy girls? Perhaps Kane helped her embrace her hate? Or was she working with Bryan all along? Any outcome is possible. I'd say that she turns heel by siding with Bryan. Bryan wins the WWE Championship, has AJ by his side (who will move on to win the Divas Championship) and the feud with Punk continues while Kane goes on to some random filler feud no one cares about. I'm fine with any of the three winning, so we will just see what happens, although I think it will be a Bryan win and an AJ heel turn.

EDIT: Just found out this may not close the show. Disappointed. My prediction still remains the same though.

Daniel Bryan will win the WWE Championship.
Glad Kane is involved, great wrestling is hard to watch over and over again!

AJ cant screw everyone, so i see her hooking up with the ref and the lads having to abandon the match because of bad weather...

Or i see punk retaining!! I'm jst not feeling a loss! I would love Kane to win and dominate for a bit, a little change to the title hunt could do a world of good, maybe having Punk and Bryan needing to team up to get it back, but AJ stirring the pot, rocking the boat and... Something else!
I really REALLY hope this closes the show. It is the most interesting match on the card, it's for the top belt of the federation, and nothing else on the card would make sense to main event. With that being said.... This is honestly the only match on the card that I am excited about at the moment. Punk's reign has been good and it would make sense for it to continue. Out of the challengers, Bryan's got the better odds of winning. Kane does deserve a WWE Championship run, but I don't think it will happen right now. Punk's reign should be ended by either Bryan or the winner of Money In the Bank. The addition of Kane does make things more interesting though. I've gotta go with Bryan winning here because as much as Punk retaining would make sense, if Bryan wins then their feud is more likely to continue. Plus he would make a great WWE Champion.

The match should be rather good and one of the better matches of the evening. One factor to consider is AJ. Who will she side with? Punk for his interest in crazy girls? Perhaps Kane helped her embrace her hate? Or was she working with Bryan all along? Any outcome is possible. I'd say that she turns heel by siding with Bryan. Bryan wins the WWE Championship, has AJ by his side (who will move on to win the Divas Championship) and the feud with Punk continues while Kane goes on to some random filler feud no one cares about. I'm fine with any of the three winning, so we will just see what happens, although I think it will be a Bryan win and an AJ heel turn.

EDIT: Just found out this may not close the show. Disappointed. My prediction still remains the same though.

Daniel Bryan will win the WWE Championship.

I do not see kane leaving the feud until at-least MITB, but with the roster so thin, he will remain in the main event for the summer.

2 things I got from SD, that says to me kane will be in the title hunt still

1 it may have nothing to do with the outcome at NWO, Why was AJ wearing red shorts and red trainers? which resembled kane's colors, especially his red mask

2 AJ was about to explain to us on SD, why she kissed kane. So clearly there could be a huge hint kane wont leave this feud until MITB. He usually hangs around in a feud for 2 months, cena and orton feud's lasted 2 months. And this feud has so much depth, why end it? keep this feud going until MITB, and then let Punk and Bryan finish it off at summerslam

If AJ does side with Bryan, kane is going to go mental, that he has been used by all 3 for their own means, and it cost kane's hope of becoming champion, has he does want to end his 14 year wait for the WWE title. I could see kane going on another rudderless run, like his 1998 rudderless destruction, when one to many PPL piss him off. Hunting down punk and especially Bryan and AJ. But AJ could really bring out the beast in kane, if she pisses kane off and helps Bryan, even more than his return in 2011. Because one thing kane will not have, is being used
I really REALLY hope this closes the show. It is the most interesting match on the card, it's for the top belt of the federation, and nothing else on the card would make sense to main event. With that being said.... This is honestly the only match on the card that I am excited about at the moment. Punk's reign has been good and it would make sense for it to continue. Out of the challengers, Bryan's got the better odds of winning. Kane does deserve a WWE Championship run, but I don't think it will happen right now. Punk's reign should be ended by either Bryan or the winner of Money In the Bank. The addition of Kane does make things more interesting though. I've gotta go with Bryan winning here because as much as Punk retaining would make sense, if Bryan wins then their feud is more likely to continue. Plus he would make a great WWE Champion.

The match should be rather good and one of the better matches of the evening. One factor to consider is AJ. Who will she side with? Punk for his interest in crazy girls? Perhaps Kane helped her embrace her hate? Or was she working with Bryan all along? Any outcome is possible. I'd say that she turns heel by siding with Bryan. Bryan wins the WWE Championship, has AJ by his side (who will move on to win the Divas Championship) and the feud with Punk continues while Kane goes on to some random filler feud no one cares about. I'm fine with any of the three winning, so we will just see what happens, although I think it will be a Bryan win and an AJ heel turn.

EDIT: Just found out this may not close the show. Disappointed. My prediction still remains the same though.

Daniel Bryan will win the WWE Championship.

I do not see kane leaving this feud yet, especially if AJ screws Punk and Kane over, I expect some sort of rudderless kane on our hands, because that may not only push kane over the edge, he will just snap at not only all 3 of them, but maybe allot backstage. But realisticly, I do expect kane to go on one hell of a path of destruction on all 3 of Punk Bryan and AJ. I just think if there is any kind of screwy finish that does not help kane, he will go after them all. Because he will not allow anyone to use him has a vehicle to help someone else win the WWE title, because they could not do it themselves, like what Bryan may do, use AJ to win the title, because perhaps Bryan knows he made a huge mistake bringing kane into the title picture the past month, and we have seen kane look completely unstoppable in this feud
I think that Bryan will win the WWE title here. They may have Kane take the fall so Punk can lose the title without being pinned or tapping out.
I think that Bryan will win the WWE title here. They may have Kane take the fall so Punk can lose the title without being pinned or tapping out.

Kane maybe pinned, but they will not have him tap out, like I said, AJ and Bryan may unleash some sort of rudderless kane on our hands, if AJ screws kane out of the WWE title
I was thinking about this, Bryan does say quiet allot that AJ cost Bryan the world title at WM28, could AJ pick up on this? and help Bryan win the WWE title? that kane was about to beat Bryan, and her distraction by just smiling at kane, we would see Bryan pin kane by using the chair. We would see kane sit up, and he finally snaps. AJ gets back with Bryan, but kane continue's to chase them throughout the arena, and one more backstage segmant would see Bryan and AJ leave together running in Bryan's car, kane destroys everything in frustration.

Next night on RAW, Bryan and AJ cut a promo telling punk and kane it was their plan all the long, and it makes kane and Punk look stupid, Punk interrupts and says his thing about how deluded AJ getting back with Bryan, that it took a crazy chick to get the belt on Bryan, kane interrupts and destroys Punk and Bryan, AJ looks at kane and he goes after AJ, Bryan goes to find AJ and helps her. And all night, anyone gets in kane's way has he hunts down AJ, he destroys them, then back in the ring AJ runs, kane is about to chockslam AJ and Bryan hits kane with the chair and rescues AJ, but kane would continue to go after them before they manage to leave the arena.

It is just a possibility, it may never happen, and we get no screwy finish. But if AJ does cost kane and Punk the WWE title? and it helps either Punk or Bryan, could AJ unleash some sort of rudderless kane? where kane's actions are destructive, and PPL get badly hurt. They could play it out, where kane is banned the following week on RAW, but at the same time Punk and Bryan continue to feud.
does anyone else see AJ winning the wwe championship

If it was like WCW 1999, hell yea LOL.

I dont understand your question. Thats definately whats going to happen though, without a shadow of a doubt. All the eggs, and only one basket.

It was a question, I was asking if AJ is playing mind games with kane, and it costs kane the match, which would see Bryan pin kane, would we see kane go after them all? including Punk. Has I always asked the question? if there is a screwy finish which does not help kane? could we see a kane destruction like his rudderless run in late 1998? For me if AJ does cost kane the match, its just going to make kane more angry. Has I do see kane in this feud until MITB
I'd let kane win, have the other two boys need to work together to get the title off him. But AJ gets turned on by chaos, she'll rock the boat, cause the two to fight, so they cant get it back. Let Kane kick some ass. Give him single matches on raw defending against each guy, some clean wins, some where the third man gets involved. Lead to maybe an elimination triple threat match, kane goes out first, maybe highjacks the whole thing, steals the belt and brings it to hell or whatever he normally does. Drama, action, entertainment and wrestling.... Thats what id want.

Sorry, what is your question?
Is everything you say a question? Not sure what you actually meant? Seems sort of confusing?

its a question, about what will kane do after NWO? if AJ does cost kane the match? and she helps Bryan win the title by pinning kane, will we see kane go on his rudderless destruction? like late 1998, when taker and bearer turned their back on kane. And the next night on RAW, kane is after AJ and bryan, but at the same time Bryan is feuding with Punk for the WWE title. Is it a possibility we see this happening. Because I cannot see kane leaving this feud yet, if AJ costs kane the WWE title.

Sorry I asked to many questions, which may not have lead to a point which got confusing. But the point is, the way AJ has acted towards kane, if she does help Bryan win the strap, where her plan was to mess with kane's head, which sees kane get pinned because of AJ, AJ may unleash an even destructive monster, because she has played allot of mind games with kane. And there is that saying, when you play with fire, you usually get burnt

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