WWE Over the Limit 2012: CM Punk (c) VS Daniel Bryan [WWE Championship]

no way in hell will this beat the HIAC from mania Punk and Bryan shouldnt even be allowed to share a locker room with Taker HHH and HBK

While that may be true, I still think this will be the IWC's wet dream match. I'm excited for it, and I wish the rest of the card was strong enough to warrant a $55 price tag. I just can't justify spending that kind of money for 1 match that, as you said, may be marred by an unclean finish.
This deserves to close the show and could be absolutely amazing if they are given a decent amount of time. It without a shadow of a doubt can be the match of the night, with only the fatal fourway having the potential to be better. I am fine with either guy winning and think both are great choices for holding the federation's top prize. With that being said, I think Bryan will emerge victorious here. WWE had to have seen the huge mistake they made at Wrestlemania and now that Bryan is as over as ever, he would benefit more from being champion than Punk. I would love to see this be extended into a summer feud like Orton and Christian got last year. I can't wait!

Daniel Bryan will win the WWE Championship.
I think this match is getting overrated as shit because both guys are overrated as shit. Sure, CM Punk has gotten very big in the WWE over the past few years, and DB has certainly gotten over in a big way (for no apparent reason) to his credit. But if this match is really gonna be as good as people are saying, then why is OTL looking so shitty overall? Well, besides the fact that the whole card looks weak, this (possibly the main event) looks weak.

Now look, before you internet darling-lovers get all fumed, I'm sure it'll be a decent to good match. Just not as amazing and godly as people are saying. You know why? Because they versed each other on Raw. And it was decent at best. But I know, you'll say "it wasn't their fault/they weren't given time/etc etc etc." Well, I don't buy it. They had a chance to blow the roof off of Raw that night, and their effort was mediocre. You can't explain away that fact. So until I see otherwise, there's no reason to think their OTL match will be exponentially much better. Better to a degree? Well, it better be. But by a substantial amount? Get real.

It'll be a decent match by two over guys. I don't think it deserves to be the main event (which it probably will be), and the fact that it is the main event is a part of the reason why OTL is getting the rap of shaping up to be one of the weakest PPV's of the year.

Just the facts.
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Punk's reign has been lengthy and successful, but it's gotten stale. I would be happy if Bryan took the title (with a heel AJ at his side), and had Punk chase the title for a while instead.

This had better not be the only match we get, anyway.
I think this match is getting overrated as shit because both guys are overrated as shit. Sure, CM Punk has gotten very big in the WWE over the past few years, and DB has certainly gotten over in a big way (for no apparent reason) to his credit. But if this match is really gonna be as good as people are saying, then why is OTL looking so shitty overall? Well, besides the fact that the whole card looks weak, this (possibly the main event) looks weak.

Now look, before you internet darling-lovers get all fumed, I'm sure it'll be a decent to good match. Just not as amazing and godly as people are saying. You know why? Because they versed each other on Raw. And it was decent at best. But I know, you'll say "it wasn't their fault/they weren't given time/etc etc etc." Well, I don't buy it. They had a chance to blow the roof off of Raw that night, and their effort was mediocre. You can't explain away that fact. So until I see otherwise, there's no reason to think their OTL match will be exponentially much better. Better to a degree? Well, it better be. But by a substantial amount? Get real.

It'll be a decent match by two over guys. I don't think it deserves to be the main event (which it probably will be), and the fact that it is the main event is a part of the reason why OTL is getting the rap of shaping up to be one of the weakest PPV's of the year.

Just the facts.

Are you referring to their champion vs. champion match on Raw in February? I thought that match was pretty good. Sure, the ending was mired by the asinine Teddy/Johnny feud, but they worked flawlessly in the ring together. Bryan is much more over than he was then, and this time it's for a title, not just a random champ vs. champ match with little meaning.

That being said, I agree with the rest of what you said. This is shaping up to be one of the weakest PPVs on paper in quite a while. These few months are typically filler PPVs, so I'm not surprised. I do hope this feud extends another few matches, however. They need to be given some proper mic time to add the personal elements.
I think this will be match of the night, I'm slightly disappointed with the build however I know these two will deliver. A huge factor in this match could be aj after she was seen speaking to punk on raw and with her spiral out of control recently she could help Bryan win. However I think punk will come out on top as he is one of the top guys now.
So far this year 2 matches to me seem like match of the year candidates to me: HHH Taker III or Punk vs Jericho....

Now, be all know bryan and punk are amazing workers, probably the 2 best workers the wwe right now, and we know they are both capable of amazing matches, but will they deliver a match of the year candidate?

We saw them a couple of time earlier on the year and they never had a definitive finish, this will probably change. Let's remember Punk had a MOTY last year with cena. Can he do it again?

no, WWE will have you believe Undertaker vs HHH is the greatest match of the year and possibly of all time. Never find the fact it wasnt a lick on their previous Mania matches, but when two 4o odd year olds wrestle in a cage, it has to vbe tjhe greatest in Vinces eyes, so unfortunately Bryan and Punk could burn the house down with their match, it will be to nothing.
Not even on their best days could they ever top HHH v Taker at Mania from this year. No way.I dont care if they got 6 straight days to work the match,they wont top it.They wont even top Cena v Brock from E.R. Just a bunch of indy loving smarks already calling it MOTY hype.
Given how well they know each other and having seen the matches they have had, I would say, yes. It will depend on what they are allowed to do and how long they are given. My guess is that they will not be allowed or be given the time to have the match we would all expect and like to see. I do, however, expect the feud to continue through Summerslam where I'd expect a submission match which will be given time.
This match reminds me of all the hype that the Jericho/Punk match received for Mania. I personally thought it was going to be great but it was over shadowed by Taker/HHH. Then they had their match at Extreme Rules which I felt was a better match anyways. Now Bryan/Punk is for the WWE Championship and yeah it should be an instant classic because they are two of the best pure wrestlers in WWE right now. Their stuff from ROH is really good but thats ROH and not WWE. It will depend on how long the match is and well hopefully it comes off as very strong. The matches they had on Raw and Smackdown were good and hopefully their PPV match just improves on it. It can be MOTY but it depends on how the match comes off. I just hope it's a really good match which it should be.
In the WWE a lot of what makes good matches great includes the fans reaction and the emotion the wrestlers put across in their matches. It's what made Punk vs Cena so good and what made Taker vs HHH so brilliant. I think on the best of days it would be hard for anyone to top that HIAC but especially seeing as Bryan and Punk have had no real feud and no reason for the fans have no reason to feel involved with this match, it'll be extremely tough to put on a "match of the year." They could put on a really good technical match no doubt, but I dont think it will be one that people will remember for years to come.
I think that Punk-Bryan will suffer from people's expectations being too high if anything. If it's not amazing people will be disappointed, if it is then it's just what people expected anyway. It definitely could be match of the year, but I just think it will struggle to live up to a lot of people's expectations.
Not even on their best days could they ever top HHH v Taker at Mania from this year. No way.I dont care if they got 6 straight days to work the match,they wont top it.They wont even top Cena v Brock from E.R. Just a bunch of indy loving smarks already calling it MOTY hype.
Gotta make a snide comment just because some people might actually prefer a wrestling match over a fight, eh? Don't get me wrong, I think Taker-HHH was amazing and is so far the best match I've seen (Punk-Jericho and Bryan-Sheamus from Extreme Rules are tied for second), but calling other people "smarks" makes you sound like an asshole.

Whether Punk-Bryan can be a MOTY candidate will depend on how much time they are given. If they get 25-30 minutes, it absolutely can. But if they get 15-20, then probably not. But I think even if the match is one of the best we've ever seen, it will have a hard time topping Taker-HHH. I guess we'll have to wait and see. Should be fun tomorrow night, to say the least.
No, it won't be the match of the year. It should be match of the year, and we all know it will be an amazing match to boot. But the thing is, creative and wwe did not put that much effort into promoting this match, it was rushed too quickly, apart from the guys who are in the match, we don't really have another reason (like a compelling story) to believe that this match will be good. It will be a fantastic wrestling match no doubt. But without a good (or in wwe terms, a somewhat decent) story behind it, it lacks heart. That's why hhh vs taker was great.

At least that's my opinion.
Just read the article on the site and I noticed CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan is NOT the main event :banghead:

How can you have John Cena vs Johnny Ace a main event Cmon now, they better have something good planned for that match otherwise I feel bad for anyone who ordered it.

Anyways opinions on CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan not being the main event ?
I've got to say, Daniel Bryan is the most talented in-ring performer I've seen in WWE since Chris Benoit. That match was simply riveting. But CM Punk is a BORE. And what the hell is next for Bryan? With the A.J./CM Punk promos, hopefully a lengthy feud with Punk that one, will bring relevancy back to his character and two, eventually lead to the face run Daniel Bryan must be heading straight for. If you saw the fans tonight, and how many yes signs there were, how many yes t-shirts and the Daniel Bryan/CM Punk chants back and forth, WWE has something GOLDEN here. Have CM Punk turn heel and then let the two have a lengthy summer feud leading to Daniel Bryan winning the title at Summerslam and CM Punk moving on to his feud with Austin.
Such an amazing match, just a shame it ended the way it did.

No way in hell were DB's shoulders down, and I don't really see where he can go from here. Punk is really starting to grow boring, so I thought a change of title here would have been nice.

Regardless, the match was outstanding.
how is Punk boring?? it takes two to make a match great and Punk was part of the reason the match was great, the shoulders down thing (or lack of) leads me to believe that we will see a re-match with these two likely this time with AJ actually getting involved.
Anyways opinions on CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan not being the main event ?
my best bet is WWE wanted to have the guy with a ton of heat in Big Johnny vs. Cena as the main event and wanted the heel turn to be in the main event, though personally, it should've been this match. it was a great match and i expect them to do a rematch based off that finish.
how is Punk boring?? it takes two to make a match great and Punk was part of the reason the match was great, the shoulders down thing (or lack of) leads me to believe that we will see a re-match with these two likely this time with AJ actually getting involved.

Boring as in stale. He's hard to get behind anymore, especially against Daniel Bryan, who is really coming into his own character-wise right now. CM Punk went from being the unpredictable mouthpiece from last year to just being a generic champion with a sense of humor a few notches better than Cena. He hasn't had a solid feud in his entire reign and he as champion is consistently pulling mid-card matches for the belt because Cena and Laurinitis are drawing more. He needs to go heel to set up a summer angle with Bryan, which would guarantee us more great matches and some more relevancy to the WWE championship.

By the way, none of this is at all a knock against CM Punk in the ring. He always goes out and delivers, I'm solely talking about his character.
Boring as in stale. He's hard to get behind anymore, especially against Daniel Bryan, who is really coming into his own character-wise right now. CM Punk went from being the unpredictable mouthpiece from last year to just being a generic champion with a sense of humor a few notches better than Cena. He hasn't had a solid feud in his entire reign and he as champion is consistently pulling mid-card matches for the belt because Cena and Laurinitis are drawing more. He needs to go heel to set up a summer angle with Bryan, which would guarantee us more great matches and some more relevancy to the WWE championship.

By the way, none of this is at all a knock against CM Punk in the ring. He always goes out and delivers, I'm solely talking about his character.

You can't blame CM punk if the put a muzzle on him, and they put all there effort on Cena and now Lesner, and the Rock when he comes back. I don't count HHH, he just puts himself next to the people who are hot.
You can't blame CM punk if the put a muzzle on him, and they put all there effort on Cena and now Lesner, and the Rock when he comes back. I don't count HHH, he just puts himself next to the people who are hot.

When did I blame Phill Brooks? I blamed CM Punk, the character, who is told what to do by creative.
Boring as in stale. He's hard to get behind anymore, especially against Daniel Bryan, who is really coming into his own character-wise right now. CM Punk went from being the unpredictable mouthpiece from last year to just being a generic champion with a sense of humor a few notches better than Cena. He hasn't had a solid feud in his entire reign and he as champion is consistently pulling mid-card matches for the belt because Cena and Laurinitis are drawing more.
i dont think he's boring because boring would mean that he cant wrestle or speak and he CAN do both. stale, maybe, but i think that will change when Punk has his match with Big Johnny and eventually he will and should because Cena having a match with him, still to me, makes no sense as Cena insulted him kinda, but CM Punk has flat out called him, a middle management suckup who sucked in the ring and sucked up to get the position he has now. he still has a tad bit of unpredictable promos like when he went off on Jericho and when he usually sounds off on Johnny. there are a few times where he does Cena it up (like calling him, ugly, stupid, has no friends and calling him a toolbox), but he Punks it up when he calls him, boring and trashes on his wrestling career. i agree though with WWE holding him back, but to me that doesnt make a guy boring.

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