WWE No Way Out 2012: CM Punk (c) VS Daniel Bryan VS Kane [WWE Championship]

I've been pondering this one and actually think that WWE creative might just go ahead and ally AJ with Kane by the end of the match, but do the best they can to keep the crowd guessing during the match. AJ could go with either Punk or Brian and I believe that's what the WWE wants us to believe, with Kane supposedly just in there to add a big man to the mix. However, I do think that the total mental instability of AJ will lead her to betraying both Punk and Bryan in order to side with Kane. Whether it's by accident or on purpose, I think this will happen one way or another.

That being said, I doubt that Kane will accept AJ as an ally. AJ may attempt to side with Kane, may actually try to pursue him in some way. I like the possibility of an angle in which AJ is stalking Kane. I'd like to see that if the WWE is willing to try it. Nonetheless, I get the feeling that, if Kane wins, he's going to have AJ clutching to his boots and he's going to have to do some serious kicking if he wants to shake her loose. The nice thing with this arrangement is, when it comes time for Kane to lose it, they have a ready-made way for him to do so: AJ's interference either accidental or in retaliation for shunting her advances.

I have to say I really like what they're doing with AJ at the time. They're making her distinctive from the other Divas and I'm always in favor of that. She's not the usual bikini model character type, she's different. This is, in my opinion, a good thing.
I don't see much point in AJ siding with Kane, I'm just not sure that it would mesh well with the character they've been trying to present since his return. This leaves Danielson and Punk as the only logical choices, and unfortunately it's pretty obvious that she's going to be helping Danielson to win the WWE Title at some point, with them saying it's been the master plan all along.
That being said, I doubt that Kane will accept AJ as an ally. AJ may attempt to side with Kane, may actually try to pursue him in some way. I like the possibility of an angle in which AJ is stalking Kane. I'd like to see that if the WWE is willing to try it. Nonetheless, I get the feeling that, if Kane wins, he's going to have AJ clutching to his boots and he's going to have to do some serious kicking if he wants to shake her loose. The nice thing with this arrangement is, when it comes time for Kane to lose it, they have a ready-made way for him to do so: AJ's interference either accidental or in retaliation for shunting her advances.

That's pretty much word for word what i'm expecting to come out of this, Kane is in their for a reason. and AJ/Kane will be the reason we get a solo Bryan-Punk match through SummerSlam
By the results of the Smackdown taping, AJ also causes Kane to lose a match. This further convolutes everything and keeps you guessing. My guess is that the one pattern that has been in place stays in place, and that is AJ trying to do what she can to ensure nobody cheats Punk. But it backfires once again, and Bryan does win the title. THEN as a followup, she could align with Kane because Punk is tired of losing by distraction and Bryan still shuns her.
I feel that AJ will side with Punk. She is obsessed with him, although I feel this might end up like the Mickie James/Trish Stratus story where Punk wants some space and she ends up turning on him joining Kane/Bryan.
AJ is the wildcard in the Triple Threat Match for sure. It seems like these past few weeks, she's been trying to play the "cheerleader" role, for lack of a better term, for either CM Punk or Kane. I think she'll either play a role in either Punk retaining the strap, or Bryan to win it. But like the old saying goes in WWE: Anything can happen!
At first, I was REALLY looking forward to a rematch between CM Punk and Daniel Bryan... then Kane made his way into the match. The match won't be bad, but it won't be anywhere near as good as it could have been with just Bryan and Punk -- Kane's going to hold the pace of the match back, but he's not in the match due to in-ring work (more on this later). The result of this match, to me, really hinges on Kane. I feel like the WWE wants to give Bryan the title, but they want to have more rematches set between Punk and Bryan, so they'll use Kane to take the fall or something like that. It seems like the most logical reason to have Kane in the match -- otherwise, I have no clue why they bothered with a triple threat.

There's a chance that Punk retains, too, but I'm just not sure of that. Apparently (according to reports), they almost gave Bryan the belt at the last PPV, so it seems like it's time for Punk to drop the belt. That being said, they could easily stretch this out by having Kane take Bryan out and Punk then pinning him -- meaning that Bryan didn't lose, etc. It makes sense in the storyline, but I just think it's much easier to have Bryan leave the winner. Either way, though, as long as Kane doesn't take the belt, I'm fine with whichever guy leaving the champion; both Punk and Bryan are great.

They have turned a straight forward feud between punk and Bryan, and turned into on of the most unpredictable story-lines in a long long time. This feud has so many layers to it, it is quiet brilliant. I see punk retaining, but the added layers of kane and AJ has given us so many options, and allot of twists and turns. This feud if it continues to be done right, could really stretch beyond NWO. The idea of punk and Bryan yet again, would just lose that interest. The unpredictable nature of AJ and the dominating masked demon, has given everyone so many different endings. kane showed everyone, just how good of a worker he is, his matches with Punk have continued to be solid 3 star matches, kane and Bryan put on a very good match. So far the punk Bryan kane and AJ storyline has been WWE's best storyline of 2012, just because of the layers and creativity of the feud
She has to pick D-Bry it makes th most sense for the story line if she does and adds more heat to Daniel Bryan, giving him more inputus into becoming this geniunine main eventer that can continue to create heat like all great heals
Well that has been the beauty of this entire feud, everyone has had a different opinion. And that is what has made this feud so damn unpredictable

for me if AJ try's to screw with kane and punk, to help Bryan win the WWE title, no question kane is not going to leave the feud. That is why it makes sense if kane is to leave the feud after NWO, for punk to pin Bryan, or Bryan pin punk with AJ costing one of the 2 the match by pinfall. I do not see kane leaving this feud after NWO, they have come across a gem of a storyline, and if done right, these 3 could extend their feud beyond NWO. With perhaps the 3 put into a ladder match at MITB. But it is pretty obvious, if she screws kane and punk, its just going to piss the 2 off even more that she cost kane and punk the WWE title
Kane is in this match for some reason? Yup, he is tere to stare up at the lights and gt his ass pinned. The money feud is Bryan vs Punk. The way to keep it going through SS is by having AJ end up costing Punk the title by screwing with Kane's head and having Bryan pinning Kane after the distraction. Then do something to sideline Punk through the July PPV, MITB. most likely guess would be that Punk says he wants Bryan the next night on Raw, and Bryan attacks him and puts him out with the Labelle lock. That PPV sells itself based on the ladder matches, so having Kane challenge and lose to Bryan would be fine, which leads to Punk's return and submission match at SS.

If we go by your logic, and she costs kane the match, there is not a chance in hell kane will leave the feud. Do you really expect kane to lay down after NWO with AJ just cost kane's chance to win the strap, it is just going to fuel the fire of kane's rage. Say this happens what you said, kane is just going to be involved deeper into the feud. To see kane's involvement end after NWO, the match has to be down to punk and Bryan, with AJ costing either punk or Bryan the WWE title. But even that, I just do not see kane letting this slide. He is not going to allow AJ to get away with it, it is just going to piss kane off even more
CM Punk v. Daniel Bryan seems to be the IT pairing in the WWE right now. The 2 top talents in the company should be pitted against each other, I have no problem with that... but they've already faced off 5 or so times on TV and PPV. My question is how long can this rivalry stay fresh with todays sub par booking/writing? Creative today is not capable of making a Bret Hart/HBK or Rock/Austin type rivalry. I cant even see this one coming close to the Cena/Orton rivalry. Can this pairing stay fresh much longer?
I say yes.

Feel free to disagree, but these guys know each other inside and out. They've wrestled each other time and time again. Now all this rivalry needs is something to cause pure hatred. Like Jericho/Punk and the alcohol thing. (Minus the dropped angle part of it).

I think that this rivalry will build into a Cena/Edge type deal.
I think they should have one, maybe two more matches on PPV and then cool it. I was watching the SCSA set the other day and the rivalry between Austin and Rock reminded me of Punk and Bryan. They had a great rivalry, but didn't meet in the ring much. Indeed, the matches most people think of are their WM matches. Austin and Rock was always a big match. Punk/Bryan is already like that now...a big match whenever it's announced. But if they do it way too much, it'll get boring.
AJ just made out with Kane, that is the single strangest thing I've ever seen. AJ has all 3 guys in her hands, now this makes me wonder, what do you guys think will happen Sunday?

Bryan, Kane, or Punk?

Explain your reasoning.
Ok, this is my first thread created, so please bear with me on this.

So while watching Raw tonight, I couldn't help but get a few "Laughs" out of this scenario. I've found this angle (storyline, whatever you want to call it) to be somewhat impressive. I was just wondering what some of you think about it.
Now i dont know if its just me but I'm really liking this feud its an actual story, simple, refreshing and best of all its not meaningless the WWE title is on the line! the story progresses and I think kane is doing great, punk as well, and tonights promo by Bryan was gold but I'm more surprised AJ she's amazing at that crazy chick thing!! I cant wait for more!

What are your thoughts on this feud people does it have you as excited as I am?? How would you change it? and would you like it to keep going after No Way Out??

this feud could stay interesting with interesting matches. there's a triple threat that can easily be made to make Punk and Bryan look good. have Bryan pin Kane and win the title with the help of AJ who turns on Punk and Kane as well. then have a rematch with Punk vs. Bryan in a TLC match, then maybe have a final encounter type of match, that's what "I" would do, dont know if that happens, but i would do it like that.
but what if she is getting forced to do this by cm punk and he turns heel and start a stable like s.e.s cause daniel bryan is gonna still be over with the yes and kane is still gonna be kane and this be a way cm punk could bring in some frsh new guys like kassius ono and seth rollins and then in the long run aj starts flirth with kassius ono and seth rollins and we end up with some of the greatest 3 way matches in wwe recent history.. just a thought
I love this feud so far! It's one of the most creative storylines we have seen in awhile and getting Kane and AJ involved makes it even better. I wouldn't change a thing to be honest. They have done a great job by adding all these layers onto this storyline that started out as nothing more than a simple singles match after Bryan won the Beat the Clock Tournament. I think AJ will end up going back to Bryan at No Way Out and she is really still on Bryan's side, but she will screw Punk and Kane this Sunday, so Bryan takes her back. Or I could see this as a way to debut Dean Ambrose and have him be revealed to be AJ's new lover and she will screw Bryan out of the match on Sunday when Ambrose interferes and takes him out. This will turn Bryan a face. Either way, I am really enjoying this storyline too and can't wait to see what happens next! And it seems like they were teasing a Bryan face turn tonight, so maybe the Ambrose assumption isn't too far-fetched after all?
Its all a setup. Aj is only doing this so that Daniel Bryan can win the belt. Its gonna happen just watch!

I'm actually expecting something like that to unfold. Why? I've been watching this stuff since I was 10. Anytime a chick gets involved the face is gonna get screwed in the end.
I have to say that I would not change a thing with this feud, and it has been one of the best, and my favorite feuds in a long time. To me this is head and shoulders above Punk/Jericho. AJ is a big part of this to in I am very interested in seeing which way she goes. The WWE title is also the centerpiece of this feud which is a step in the right direction, and I really really really hope this is the main event of No Way Out. Now that Vince is involved with Big Show/Cena I have a feeling though that once again the WWE title will take a back seat to that match. All in all though this is a great storyline, and a step in the right direction as far as booking the WWE title as the center of the show.
I'm actually expecting something like that to unfold. Why? I've been watching this stuff since I was 10. Anytime a chick gets involved the face is gonna get screwed in the end.
And, in all my years of watching, the guy who losses on Raw the week before a PPV usually wins at the PPV, and Bryan was pinned by Punk tonight.
but what if she is getting forced to do this by cm punk and he turns heel and start a stable like s.e.s cause daniel bryan is gonna still be over with the yes and kane is still gonna be kane and this be a way cm punk could bring in some frsh new guys like kassius ono and seth rollins and then in the long run aj starts flirth with kassius ono and seth rollins and we end up with some of the greatest 3 way matches in wwe recent history.. just a thought
because most of us dont see WWE going that route, it would be great, but i dont see it happening. i see it being very simple, BRYAN had a deal in place with AJ to get the title and basically, uses AJ to get the WWE title off Punk and likely by pinning..............kane. i see Kane as the guy that takes the pinfall to set up a re-match with Bryan and Punk in a ladder or TLC match and i see AJ likely somehow scrwing Punk, maybe low blowing him or hitting him with a chair or belt, then giving it to Bryan. all i know is this should be a great match and a great story.

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