Summerslam 2011 - CM Punk vs John Cena - WWE Championship w/ HHH as Special Ref

I think Triple H plotting with Cena and screwing Punk is a great way to finally turn Cena heel. I can totally see that too. I saw a kid in the crowd on RAW holding a "CM Punk Best In The World" sign. So I think he's slowly getting the younger crowd behind him too. If a screwjob happens and Punk keeps telling Cena that he's hypocrite and then Cena says that he doesn't care about the fans anymore and he only cares about himself I think that would be a moment that will live on in WWE history as John Cena's heel turn.
Man, I really hope Triple H doesn't walk out of SS with the WWE title. It would be like i believe 2002/2003? (not to sure on the dates) where Triple H was champion for the majority of the time. Its not his time to so an he should focus on his job.

My prediction is an I dont know if this has been said already but, i see Triple H helping Punk win the title an then after the post match celerbration out come Alberto Del RIO!!!! (but you already knew that) An then Punk looks at Triple H an he gets kicked in the gut an eats a Pedigree from Triple H an ADR comes in 1 2 3 new champion. Thus causing a new feud between ADR an Punk as for me Punk would be the Face an ADR the heel.

And ADR will join Triple H among others to be the corprate type champion. An leading to a feud a some good matches between CMP an ADR.

I say this as my predicition becasue Cena going heel seems to not be happening an we all know everyone wants it but this will give him his good rest he needs to be ready for WM against The Rock (name fits him now truly for he is as boring as a rock) Maybe a good kayfab injury for Cena to write him off t.v.

These are my predicitions an bash if you want but NO I DON'T WANT TRIPLE H NEAR ANY TITLES...:lmao:
This is what WWE wants! :D

People desperate to know what is going to happen, the unpredictability of it all!

Personally, I see a number of possible outcomes from this Sundays ppv.

1. Triple H screws Cena, assisting CM Punk becoming the Undisputed WWE Champion.
2. Triple H screws Punk, assisting John Cena becoming the Undisputed WWE Champion.
3. Somehow, Triple H uses his power as COO to put himself in the match, and win the Undisputed Championship.
4. Cena wins clean
5. Punk wins clean
6. Alberto Del Rio cashes in after or during the match, becoming Undisputed Champion.

We can only guess, Once again WWE has pulled it off
as soon as i saw triple h named himself the refree for the match...i had a feeling that someone was getting screwed weather it be punk or cena...then i saw the contract signing to end raw and now ill be surprised if punk doesnt get screwed out of the title this sunday :banghead: i thought punks promo was genius BUT cena did make a good matter what happens this sunday HE IS going to face rock at mania and punk DOES NEED this win sunday more then him! if vince,steph and triple h are smart they will have punk win (without a screw job ending) and let punk hold the title for a long time possibly until rumble or EC or even till mania (and yes that includes del rio cashing in money in the bank and LOSING the guy isnt wwe title ready by a long shot but thats not for this thread) but this is just my thoughts
I see a HHH heel turn. For so long people have been wanting HHH to be heel again (for he's far more better as a heel) but he's been waiting for the right time, plus he's been saying he wanted to be heel one more time anyway. This plays into his favor for a heel turn and screw on Cena due to the fact that Punk keeps assuming HHH is out to get him and that he's in on the fix (remember how Punk was yelling at HHH & Cena about "the fix"?). I want to see Punk walk out with the title. Having him lose would totally kill his steamroll he's been on. It would destroy all he's been working toward. Plus Cena now has HHH & Punk to contend with. Here's to wishful thinking...
Its interesting to see Triple H as the special guest ref. As soon as he announced a special guest ref for the main event, it was pretty predictable that he would announce himself. Although, I was secretly anticipating a Mick Foley appearance even if it didn't make sense. Triple H said this will change the landscape of WWE. I don't think Cena beating Punk will change that landscape. Cena said Punk has everything to lose and he is right.

It wouldn't hurt Cena to lose this match considering Triple H's involvement. I don't know what to expect, but I wouldn't expect a clean fair fight with Cena's hand raised at the end of the night.
OK, so where will Triple Haytchh go from there. He can't defend the belt and be the boss.

Sure he can.

I wouldn't have him as champion for long. We already know Rey is getting his rematch next Monday. HHH could beat up on him to write him off TV if reports of him being injured is legit. The next week Cena gets his rematch, but loses. Later in the night, Punk gets his turn. Cena comes out and costs HHH the title. This sets up Cena vs HHH at NOC. You have Punk fight with a filler at NOC when Del Rio cashes in and wins( as according to a report here on WZ, the WWE wants to put the title on Del Rio for their Mexican tour) setting up a Punk vs Del Rio feud.
I see one of two things happening:

1.CM Punk wins, leading to a long term angle with him getting under HHH's skin, Del Rio constantly trying to get the belt off him, and Cena staying focused on The Rock

or (and my gut is telling me this is it)

2. CM Punk wins, only to have Del Rio cash in and HHH screw Punk over to get the belt on someone who will stay in line with what he wants. This leads to dual feuds: Punk going after HHH, and Cena going after Del Rio.
The buildup for this match has been amazing.Between the promos, Punk's early return and somewhat face turn. HHH becoming COO (I count it as the buildup because he's playing a huge role in the match and the buildup. After such a fantastic match at MITB, which isn't one of the huge 4 PPVs (RR, WM, SS, and Survivor Series) I really hope these two are able to top that match in this match because of the fact that this one of the big PPV's of the year. Hopefully, I can get Summerslam and sit down to watch this match. Or stand up, because that's what their last match had me doing. I think it should be easy to top their last match because that match had several major botches. Hopefully this match is given as much ,if not more, time as MITB. I really want to see Punk win and have two victories over Cena. But I just know either Triple H will do something or Vinnie Mac can't have his golden boy lose cleanly on back to back PPVs.
After seeing RAW, I am 100% convinced that ADR will cash in MITB and leave SS as the Undisputed WWE Champion.

For one, they kept talking about how one man, CM Punk or John Cena will leave as champion. They kept harping on that. Then they put up a poll, who will leave Summer Slam as WWE champion and the only choices were CM Punk and Cena, not "someone else." Finally, it was announced that Mysterio gets his rematch against the undisputed champion on RAW after Summer Slam.

To me, this all adds up to an ADR cash in and win. They've got everyone thinking that either Punk or Cena will leave Summer Slam as the undisputed champ when the reality is, ADR will be a "surprise." He'll then feud with Mysterio when they go to Mexico on tour (how convenient). If Miz somehow interferes then maybe we'll get ADR vs. Mysterio vs. Miz at the next PPV or something.
I see HHH getting involved in some shape or form. Especially after watching RAW and hearing him say to Cena "I'll make the decision on what I want to happen" or something along those lines. What i see happening is this, Punk wins, HHH counts the win cleanly, but is furious at the result. ADR comes down, looks like he is about to lose, when HHH attacks punk, causing ADR to cash in successfully. The next night on RAW, HHH explains he cant stand seeing punk as champ, and he wasnt a huge fan of cena either, and sees ADR as a great champion to carry the company. Then we start a ADR-Punk fued which I think would be great. Thoughts?
i see Punk walking out with the unified belt at Summerslam. i mean, they did give the 1st unified heavyweight title to one saw that coming...this is Punk's time to be on top, Cena is getting very stale, very fast

also, what im hoping happens at SS is that cena and punk are fighting their asses off and then HHH gets knocked over by accident by cena (just like on RAW) and maybe pedigree's cena or causes Punk to go for the GTS and lands it, and gets the pin on cena, then ADR comes out and gets kicked in the face again like MITB...i just want to see ADR keep coming out to try and cash in his contract, but something always happens to him where the match never "officially" starts...that way you can maybe ease ADR into a triple threat at either HITC or NOC
People are saying that Punk has one shot at Summerslam...

I think the worst thing that could happen with him is winning. If he wins, it sets up a very big 'The Fix is In, Cena is the Product' angle that would work as a producer of storylines and angles for every wrestler in the WWE universe...
Sure he can.

I wouldn't have him as champion for long. We already know Rey is getting his rematch next Monday. HHH could beat up on him to write him off TV if reports of him being injured is legit. The next week Cena gets his rematch, but loses. Later in the night, Punk gets his turn. Cena comes out and costs HHH the title. This sets up Cena vs HHH at NOC. You have Punk fight with a filler at NOC when Del Rio cashes in and wins( as according to a report here on WZ, the WWE wants to put the title on Del Rio for their Mexican tour) setting up a Punk vs Del Rio feud.

No, he couldn't do both. The only way he could pull that off is if Vince comes back or it wouldn't be believable and would totally just about kill all of CM Punk and Cena's work over the last two months. And The Miz already took out Mysterio. As far as Del fruity goes, he's no way near ready for the title. He's stiff aka GTS on Raw, rented car routine is getting stale and he hardly gets a reaction But as you said with the Mexican tour coming up, the may have to force the title on him. Only scenario i see is cashing it in on Smack-down. Their not going to give him the prestigious WWE title.
I want to say Punk wins, but now with Triple H as referee, i dont see that happening. Its blatantly obvious that this match isnt ending clean. Triple H is getting involved in some form. This frustrates me because either Punk is getting screwed or Punk doesnt get a clean win over Cena. i dont get why they added Triple H to this match. This match was already big as it was, but they need to add the feeling that The games "ego" is so big....
BUT.....this match will be very good and definetly steal the show.
Triple H being the special ref does throw an aspect of intrigue into the match. Everyone is expecting some sort of a screwjob ending, though that might not happen at all. It's a natural assumption given the on screen tension that's been going on between Punk & Trips.

However, this past Monday on Raw, it looked as if there's on screen tension between Cena & Triple H. They had "words" prior to Cena's match with Swagger and they almost get into an altercation as Cena went after Punk.

The IWC will absolutely love this match as long as CM Punk walks out with the WWE Championship. That and that alone will dictate the reaction of huge numbers of internet fans and dirt sheet writers even if the match itself actually somehow manages to surpass their effort at MITB.

I'm not sure who'll walk out as champ to be honest and that's a good thing. Since Punk has a huge, high profile victory over Cena, it's entirely possible Cena wins here to even things up. At the same time, it seems to me that Triple H has demonstrated some slightly heelish characteristics as of late. Nothing major, just mostly by his behavior. His announcement of himself as the special ref definitely had a hint of arrogant heel about it, especially when he said he casts a shadow over the entire WWE and won't make any "mistakes" as the special ref. So that could also very well mean that Punk walks out as champ and we see something of a fully fledged heel turn from Triple H. It's been said for several years now that Triple H has wanted to go back to being heel, so here's his chance.

One thing I hope doesn't happen is for Alberto Del Rio to try and cash in his MITB briefcase. The guy's a star and draws a ton of heat, but he hasn't been all that strong as of late. He lost clean to CM Punk this past Monday on Raw in a 5 minute match that was designed to give Punk momentum going into SummerSlam. There's plenty of time to build Del Rio back up to where he needs to be, it wouldn't take much effort really, but cashing it in this Sunday I think would be a mistake. It'd be starting his reign off on the wrong foot, just like what happened with Swagger. Del Rio isn't anywhere near as weak as Swagger was when he cashed in his MITB briefcase and won the WHC, but he's definitely not at his peak right now.
Mixed feelings. On one hand, if Cena wins cleanly and gives Punk his come-uppance, I'd cheer.......but at the same time, I'd wonder what the whole program had been for. If things are just to go back to what they were before Punk won the title and quit the company, then they're prematurely cancelling one of the most intriguing programs in years. Yes, eventually Cena is going to take the measure of Punk, but they should hold off on it for a long time.

One caveat: The whole thing could work if Cena turns full heel at this PPV and wins the championship. Then, we've got a whole new direction for the company to go and it would be exciting as hell.

There are two elements that make this feasible: (1) Triple H's involvement. Perhaps he and Cena turn heel together and pull the rug from under Punk. (2) This makes Punk a total face, and it accomplishes it immediately. Then, we'll have good guy Punk pursuing the title from bad guy Cena.

Many folks have predicted Cena will eventually turn heel, but it never seems to be the right time, because who replaces him as the top face? Now, we've got a guy who can do it.....and if it happens, I'd have to believe it was planned this way from the beginning of Punk's "rebellion." Yes, he's only "half-a-face" right now, but I can see him continuing to morph into a smart-ass good guy who speaks for the people (the "Voiceless"). Steve Austin perfected the role of the anti-hero; Punk could add a new dimension to it that rocks the house.

The possibilities that could spring from this are really exciting.
I cannot see HHH siding with Punk. Punk's selling point in this feud has been to get the crowd on his side despite being a totally different to Cena. Siding with HHH would make him a full fledged heel and would in turn kill his heat. It would make him an opportunistic heel just like everyone and kill the uniqueness of his character. Punk's character is that of a rebel and that is why he is getting cheered. And rebels do not side with authority figures. Besides, Punk has already beaten Cena clean once. He should certainly feel confident about his chances. And if there is something that Punk does not lack, it is confidence.

I can see something like this happening. HHH will knock Punk down with the sledgehammer and ask Cena to pin him. Cena will refuse and badmouth HHH. Trips will then knock Cena down as well and throw Cena on Punk and make the count. That way the only person turning heel after Summerslam will be HHH and that is how it should be. Someone needs to be a heel in this angle but niether Punk nor Cena can be one without killing their heat. The only one who can do it is HHH.
At Summer Slam I think Cena Punk fued has to end. WHY?? Because it's bad for the company. John Cena is supposed to be there head star and there shouldn't be any booes from the addiuence. That why CM Punk should win at SS and get Cena out of the fued to start with The Rock and have a big fued to led up to WM 28. Then Triple H will start a fued with CM Punk that may lead into NOC in a WWE Championship match; whoever wins will take home 1 WWE Championship so they can get rid of the 2 WWE Championship thing. Triple H fued with CM Punk could maybe led up into WM 28 but probly whoever could with at NOC would bring it to the Royal Rumble with talk about Stone Cold Steve Austin wining and facing CM Punk aat Mania??
I know I'm in the minority here, but I really do not care who wins this match. While I don't have anything strong against either one, this Punk/Cena feud for me has not been interesting at all.

That being said, if I absolutely had to pick, I'd have to go with Cena, because of three things. First, I don't currently buy punk as a credible champion because before winning the belt he hadn't won a match or come out ahead in a feud in a long time. And second, I don't think there's really anything that Punk can do with the belt right now based on his current persona. He doesn't need the belt. Third, there is not really anyone else good for him to feud with for the title. So unless they pull a swerve and have him align with HHH as a "corporate punk" similar to what rock did way back in the day with mcmahon, there's not anywhere interesting this can go with Punk as champion.
It's going to be a very interesting match, with lots of different possibilities. The deciding factor in the match is clearly going to be Triple H at guest ref. From one perspective, there's no way he'll side with the guy who tried to screw the company, but from the other side, he's had lots of issues with Cena. It's gonna be a very unique finish for sure, but I'm certain it'll be a dirty finish, but I can't guess a winner. I mean, I don't think they'll take the belt away from Punk this quickly, but I just don't know... anything is possible.

One thing I really hate is the idea of Punk somehow siding with Triple H. I enjoy Punk's current path, with him really not on the same page as the WWE. It would stop all his momentum if they decided to work him with Triple H against Cena. I mean, sure, Cena's the face of the company and they would want to put him in a rewarding path back to the belt, but I don't think the focus needs to be on him or Triple H. This is CM Punk's time and they need to come up with a creative way to work this match.

That being said, if I absolutely had to pick, I'd have to go with Cena, because of three things. First, I don't currently buy punk as a credible champion because before winning the belt he hadn't won a match or come out ahead in a feud in a long time. And second, I don't think there's really anything that Punk can do with the belt right now based on his current persona. He doesn't need the belt. Third, there is not really anyone else good for him to feud with for the title. So unless they pull a swerve and have him align with HHH as a "corporate punk" similar to what rock did way back in the day with mcmahon, there's not anywhere interesting this can go with Punk as champion.

See, I completely disagree with you on that. Punk DOES need the belt. Punk's "holding the WWE hostage" by being their WWE Champion, it's giving him the freedom to do what he wants. Take that away from him and it'll just look bad, it'll completely destroy all the work that has been put into the angle. Why would anybody care about Punk anymore? No, he needs the belt, after a lengthy reign he can drop it, because by then he'll have the ability to be a focal point of the show without it, but to take the belt away from him this early in his reign would cripple him moving forward.
John Cena. I love you bro, I really do. Unlike a lot of the other internet wrestling fans, I am really entertained by you. But do you need a win here? Will your credibility die down if you lose here? Do you need another accolade to solidify your spot as a legend in the WWE? You don't need this. Punk does...big time. The WWE has been far more interesting since CM Punk stepped up his game. It would make no sense to build Punk into a phenomenal force only to have him lose this Sunday. Punk is the best thing to happen to the WWE. It's Punk's job to lead the WWE into this new era. Now is the time to see exactly what Punk can do without Cena carrying him in a excellant feud. John Cena doesn't need this at all. Punk does. If Punk doesn't win, not only will he likely fall from his glory but the last few months or so would have been a complete waste of time.

Hamler's Prediction - CM Punk will win the WWE Undisputed Championship
See, I completely disagree with you on that. Punk DOES need the belt. Punk's "holding the WWE hostage" by being their WWE Champion, it's giving him the freedom to do what he wants. Take that away from him and it'll just look bad, it'll completely destroy all the work that has been put into the angle. Why would anybody care about Punk anymore? No, he needs the belt, after a lengthy reign he can drop it, because by then he'll have the ability to be a focal point of the show without it, but to take the belt away from him this early in his reign would cripple him moving forward.

Those are some good points. Of course, it wouldn't be the first time the WWE completely blew an angle after putting work into it.

I also agree with you and Hamler that Cena does not personally need a win here the way that Punk does. But I would argue that Punk chasing a belt (and eventually obtaining it) could fuel this story more than giving him a belt now. Once he gets it, what happens next? He'll be at the top, what does he have left to do? And I'm still not sure that there is anyone besides Cena right now that would make a legitimate challenger for him if he does have the belt, whereas if he's not the champ he has more options for folks he can feud with.
I know I'm in the minority here, but I really do not care who wins this match. While I don't have anything strong against either one, this Punk/Cena feud for me has not been interesting at all.

That being said, if I absolutely had to pick, I'd have to go with Cena, because of three things. First, I don't currently buy punk as a credible champion because before winning the belt he hadn't won a match or come out ahead in a feud in a long time. And second, I don't think there's really anything that Punk can do with the belt right now based on his current persona. He doesn't need the belt. Third, there is not really anyone else good for him to feud with for the title. So unless they pull a swerve and have him align with HHH as a "corporate punk" similar to what rock did way back in the day with mcmahon, there's not anywhere interesting this can go with Punk as champion.

Great points, but i disagree with one of them. Punk needs the title. Without it, he will die down and go back down to mid card.
Three things will happen in this match and you can put your house on it!

1. Punk will win
2. HHH will attempt to screw Punk
3. There will be a run in to aid Punks victory

Now I will return on Sunday night (or Monday morning in my case) to gloat and post my "told you so" message explaining how I knew it would all go down like this!

PS. If for some reason ie force of nature or unexplained act of God, things do not play out as I have predicted then ill just wish everyone a Happy Christmas right now!

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