I have a feeling HHH will make this about him more then anything else. The line on TV about "Im the referee, which means Ill do any damn thing I please", worries me. Forget MITB, that was about the belt and Punk leaving with it. This is about unifying the WWE title, and determining who the best is. I think Punk needs, and will win this match. I am a humungous Cena fan, hes been my favorite wrestler since I started watching again in 2005. But as much as I mark out for Cena, which my wife never fails to laugh at me for, I want to see Punk win here.
Everything goes back to the status quo if Cena wins, and it doesn't benefit Punk in the slightest. Im hoping Im wrong about HHH making himself the major attraction of the show, and Cena propels Punk into the upper echelon of stars by putting him over again. Will this be the ***** classic we got at MITB? Likely not. But there's no reason why the two can't create magic here. Ive heard alot of theories thrown around. HHH hits Punk with the sledgehammer, and Cena refuses to cover, so HHH hits Cena as well, and throws him on top of Punk. HHH and Punk have been in cahoots the entire time. Cena's promos leading up to this have been a little "heelish", so hes going to turn into a full heel. Id much prefer to see a clean finish, but with HHH as the referee, i dont see that happenning. I do believe one way or another, Punk will win this match. They've gone too far with his character not to give him the win here, tainted or not. He loses, and his push is essentially wasted, unless the aforementioned scenario with HHH hitting both with the sledgehammer is what we get. I dont think that's going to happen, but this is as tough a call as it gets. Im going with Punk here with the tainted victory.
LSN's prediction: CM defeats John Cena to become the Unified WWE Champion.