Smackdown vs Raw: Storyline Designer

Yea, i like it. I just wish they would infuse a few of the better things from GM mode with this. Like

TV ratings and buyrates

Popularity ratings for wrestlers and shows

I enjoyed the ratings thing as well, but it was slightly glitched. It gave you 5 star ratings for Superstars with higher popularity.

And every time a Superstar lost a match, his popularity went down. That, to me, was always stupid. When Triple H and John Cena lose matches - fans don't fucking boo the shit out of them, or rate them any less than they did before they lost.

And I don't care how much of a winning streak Chavo Guerrero goes on as Cruiserweight Champion.. he doesn't deserve, nor does he need, a Heavyweight Main Event title match at Wrestle-fucking-Mania.

I can't tell you how much I've just allowed him to "jump shows" because him bitching about not getting Main Event matches annoyed the shit out of me. (Ironically, I still loved the Wrestlers complaining if they didn't get selective things, like wins, money, title matches, etc.)

Give me pyro openings for EVERY show, not just WM, SD, ECW, and RAW (I was highly confused why they just decided "eh, fuck it, thats enough")

I questioned that as well. :lmao: I noticed the "opening pyro" was for those 4 shows and thought.. Okay, what about the rest? Am I suppose to just open everything else straight into a match?

LOL Because Summerslam and Survivor Series have often just went from start of ppv directly into a Superstar entering for their match. :lmao:

Let me use the music from the soundtrack and my own hard drive for show, and for segments involving CAWS (dont you love not being able to have your CAWS interrupt promos properly?)

Since I hadn't begun using CAWs yet, I wondered if they had the option to use music on your hard drive. I'll take this as a strong NO. That, indeed, does suck.

and of course, get rid of the CAW limits (although I dont think they can, AND its very easily gotten around, you just have to break your shows up more)

I'm sure as long as you don't plan on using 6 CAWs in the Main Event, such as an Elimination Chamber, and want to have each cut a promo, you'll be just fine. LOL

I still think they need to at least just the 10 limit up to like 20 or 30 even. Why put in 50 slots, up from the original 30, if you're only going to limit us to 10 per story. What a stupid thing to do.

The only reason I can even see it as not being able to add more is because I've noticed the more CAWs you use in a match, the longer load times you have. So 50 CAWs in a single show would probably give your xbox 360 an instant red rings situation. :lmao:

Yea, the mid card is a damn bitch, especially the dire lack of faces. Like if I want 2-3 competitve matches, and then two matches to make a couple of heels look strong, im pretty much fucked. and this is WITHOUT a tag division.

The individuals I use as pure jobbers are..

Cryme Tyme (singles matches), Chavo, Santino, Mike Knox, Jesse (singles matches), Goldust, and possibly a couple others.

Also, if you notice, if a CAW is a champ, and comes to the ring wearing a robe/jacket, the belt clips like a motherfucker. How the FUCK do you let a game reach the shelves like that? Ugh, man.

LOL Yeah, I don't put coats on CAWs anymore due to the fake look it gives them.

Hopefully, the Wii edition will have as in depth a create a story as the PS3 and Xbox

:wtf: Now I feel bad for talking this game up so greatly, since you're going to seemingly buy it for a system thats graphics are worse than the PS2.

I highly doubt the wii version has even half the stuff the PS3/xbox 360 version has.
I used to just shut off bitching and complaining and money. Like Vince can be bothered with such things. yea fucking right :lmao:

You can use custom music for CAW theme music, but thats it, and it dont work for anything other than match entrances. Once again, something that seemingly they just forgot. Like, I cant think of any other reason why you would release something so incomplete, unless you just simply forgot to put it in there
:wtf: Now I feel bad for talking this game up so greatly, since you're going to seemingly buy it for a system thats graphics are worse than the PS2.

I highly doubt the wii version has even half the stuff the PS3/xbox 360 version has.

Any reviews I have read state that SvR2010 has most if not all of the modes that PS3 and Xbox have. I doubt that CAW and storyline mode will have the same depth and the graphics will undoubtedly be of a lower standard but as long as the playability that the Wii does so well is included, I don't care.

I have also read that the flailing about style of controlling from SvR2009 has been done away with. Apparently the best way to play is with the Gamecube controller, which is a bonus as I have two
Im just doing my first RAW...but a question for anyone who has put in CAW's in their stories..i put in two of my CAW's and during their cut scenes and all that they dont have their ring gear, only underwear/trunks? can anyone clear it up.
Im just doing my first RAW...but a question for anyone who has put in CAW's in their stories..i put in two of my CAW's and during their cut scenes and all that they dont have their ring gear, only underwear/trunks? can anyone clear it up.


When you create CAWs, you're given 3 ring gear options. In-ring gear, Entrance gear, and "cut scene" gear.

The reason they're in trunks and nothing else, is because you didn't copy your in-ring gear to everything else. You need to go re-edit your CAW and give them cut scene gear.
Also, I'd like to add my Story has been added to the Online community.

Title: Will's WWE

Keywords: TheOneBigWill, wz, Book This

Will's WWE has two weeks currently. Week 3 should be available later today (Sunday) and it'll be likely titled "Will's WWE Pt. 2"

From what I'm told, the original story I uploaded had a ton of "****" as random words were considered "unfit", such words included but weren't limited to..

"have", "and", "Cody". Yes. Apparently those words were unsuitable for some. :disappointed:
I sorted my mid card problem, Will.

I disbanded ECW. LULZ.

"but NorCal, how the fuck do you get new guys on PPV?"

Ah, glad you asked, m'boy. Went back to brand specific PPVs. With the roster you get on this game, its totally doable.

Also, no more big 3, tis now the big 4. Night Of Champions gets both brands, obviously. Also, I moved MITB to Night Of Champions. Needed another way to get people on the card since I only have 6 titles now, and MITB is directly connected to the deisre to be a champion, so I figured it fit.
I sorted my mid card problem, Will.

I disbanded ECW. LULZ.

"but NorCal, how the fuck do you get new guys on PPV?"

Ah, glad you asked, m'boy. Went back to brand specific PPVs. With the roster you get on this game, its totally doable.

Also, no more big 3, tis now the big 4. Night Of Champions gets both brands, obviously. Also, I moved MITB to Night Of Champions. Needed another way to get people on the card since I only have 6 titles now, and MITB is directly connected to the deisre to be a champion, so I figured it fit.

NorCal, I literally busted out laughing when I read the disbanded ECW bit in relation to figuring out your mid-card problem. Its actually the perfect way to go about it, shy of downloading a bunch of guys to basically do nothing other than job. LMAO

I've always had a soft spot for the 1-hour program. Thats why ECW is going to get attention in my stories, yet I can't comment without ruining it, other than to say - ECW may not always be the title the show goes by.

Also, I'm a bit disappointed looking on the calendar that some events aren't on the PPV calendar.

Yep, no more;

Extreme Rules or No Mercy. Fuck, I just realized they don't even have an Extreme Rules arena. How could this have passed?

Is it true you can't say "title" or "basement"

Yeah, I was majorly upset that they dropped the ball on using the term "title". But its no different than knowing I'll never download Yoshi Tatsu, because they won't allow you to properly spell his name. (Yoshi Tatsu)

ahh... then yea the censor will catch that. idiots <_<

You'd think they'd smarten up and just allow you to post "adult" content through text - assuming the individual's downloading it agree to a disclaimer that reads..

"The following story may offend you. If you're a pussy, don't download it. Simple as. Click I agree, or sell this game - because you're a bitch."

I'm sure they can re-word the disclaimer for the super sensitive, but you get my overall point.

Wait, you can't have vulgarity? Well fuck, mine are hardly worth posting then :lmao:

Yeah, you have NO idea how upset I was to learn I had to edit my text. And yet, get this.. the word "Hell" and "Holy Crap" somehow made it past?!

Mind you, I don't actually use foul language in my stories - shy of downloading a Scott Steiner CAW :lmao: So its not a major thing for me to get around, but when it tells me to edit the following text..

"plus Legacy's Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase, squaring off against the Colons!" .. .. and you come to learn apparently the word they wanted taken out was "off", or "against" because it combined to spell the word "***"..

Yep.. it got old, and stupid, really fucking fast.
:lmao: I guess it was too much of me to assume JR's comment of "Ziggler's goofier than a pet coon" would get past the censors. :lmao: But I think its ******ed I can't even say "tricks.. excuse me", without it believing I intended for the term "sex" to be involved. :disappointed:

Also, my next story has been uploaded.

Title: Will's WWE Pt. 2

Keywords: TheOneBigWill, wz, Book This

Once I get past the Royal Rumble, I'll be changing the title to something more regular like.. "February Wk 1", etc, etc.
I liked the part with Edge and McMahon where Edge sang his own theme music. Good story so far. If I had a keyboard to use for my Xbox, I believe my stuff would flow more seemlessly rather then. Scene here, scene here, match, scene, scene.
Let me use the music from the soundtrack and my own hard drive for show, and for segments involving CAWS (dont you love not being able to have your CAWS interrupt promos properly?)

Yeah, that's right annoying. I was making a storyline where Barack Obama bought RAW from McMahon, and when I found I couldn't have "Hail To The Chief" playing as Obama walked down the aisle, I stopped. Then I tried having him appear on the Titantron in the GM office, but I couldn't do that either.

One day I need to sit back down, reinstall the game on my PS3, remake my CAWs, and try and bang out a real story.
I liked the part with Edge and McMahon where Edge sang his own theme music. Good story so far. If I had a keyboard to use for my Xbox, I believe my stuff would flow more seemlessly rather then. Scene here, scene here, match, scene, scene.

Thank you. Did you have any opinions on either of the other shows and their storylines?

Also, if I didn't have a keyboard with my controller - I would NOT be doing this. It takes me almost 2 hours to finish 1 show, and thats just because I'm trying to add as much detail, and to-a-tee perfection to everything. Without the controller, you'd likely see a lot of..

(Edge)- "Hey, I mtch pls"
(McMahon)- "lol no"
(Edge)- "wat?!"

:lmao: I'm damn sure not typing all that out using the xbox controller. Thats for sure.

Let me know what you think of the second part. Also, if you're uploading your stories let me know - I'll check them out. I also encourage everyone to check out Stormtrooper's (Big P from the Madden league) "Vintage Raw" story. Its hilarious.
Well I played through week 1 and thought it was pretty good. I like the vacated titles and everything. I haven't really uploaded anything yet, because everytime I go into it I want a different storyline. For example, the one I recently did involved Legacy's break up among other things.

I should use my xbox controller keyboard. I just need to find it first.
With the in game roster it's hard to have a tag division, two midcard divisions and two heavyweight divisions. The thing that angers me though, is when you do a match to unify titles. It doesn't but both belts on the line.
One thing I dislike in SvR10's CAW mode is the removal of giving clothes patterns like the American flag or tye-dye. I'll never be able to make America Man accurately again. :(
Im glad you enjoyed that Will. I mean, for fucks sake, they have a silver title belt, afterall.

What did you think about going back to Brand exclusive PPV, and "the big four" ?? And intergrating MITB into NOC instead of WM?

I feel like with the roster available on the game, plus CAWS, its easily feasible for you to go brand exclusive PPVs again

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