Smackdown vs Raw 2009

I've read a lot about this game. Other than the tag team storylines and a few other things, I've heard next to nothing about it. It being the GM mode. However there is something that I have read quite a bit about and looks very interesting. Ladies and Gentlemen I bring you some details on the Create A Finisher mode! From what I understand it will be a ten step process with a mix of strikes, taunts, slams, and clutches. You'll be able to select from a very wide variety of moves and will be able to preview it in a few different speeds so it's just to your liking. Also the create a finisher is NOT JUST FOR CREATED CHARACTERS. You'll be able to use your created finisher for anyone you want including Divas. The create a finisher looks to be one incredible addition to the SVR series. My next post will reveal some more about the main aspect of the game... The Tag Teams!
The create a finisher thing looks good and the graphics for the ps3 version look sharp. I'm liking the characters so far i'm looking forward to at least renting this game
Mark Henry has now been confirmed for the game and his entrance is pretty much spot on and the character looks exactly like him. The wrestler's likeness to real life is something I love about the Smackdown vs Raw games as it brings realism into play. I hope the story mode for this year's game will be good as last year's story mode was the same year after year and that made it boring and repetitive.

Allright everybody IGN has started their Smackdown vs Raw countdown. So I guess I'll fill everyone in on a daily basis as to which characters are in the game. All credit to the info I give out goes to*****STOP READING NOW IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW!!!!!*********

The next person set to be in the game is the former ECW Champion, Mark Henry. Mark's best attribute as one may expect would be his strength at a 97. His weak attribute is his charisma at a 69. Overall Mark Henry is rated as an 86. His finishers are World's Strongest Slam and Bearhug. His signature moves include Big Splash Pin and a Headbutt. His abilities are K.O., Lock Pick,
Hammer Throw, and Submission

Mark looks pretty dead on with his attire and general look. His entrance is pretty accurate as well with the exception that he has the ECW title. I would assume that if they wanted to change that, it would be a quick fix. We'll see though. Later today when I have some more time I'll be posting a little bit about the tag teams and also about The Road To Wrestlemania!

Allright everybody IGN has started their Smackdown vs Raw countdown. So I guess I'll fill everyone in on a daily basis as to which characters are in the game. All credit to the info I give out goes to*****STOP READING NOW IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW!!!!!*********

The next person set to be in the game is none other than John Cena. Cena is rated as a 93 with his charisma being his highest stat at a 93 and his Hardcore being his lowest at an 80 (which really isn't low). Cena currently does not have listed abilities, but he does have the FU and STFU as finishers. His signature moves include a diving leg drop and 5 knuckle shuffle.

Cena looks okay as far as his apperence goes. His entrance though is pretty dead on, and from watching the Wii video you can clearly see that what you do as far as moving the controller at certain points will give you early momentum. Interactive entrances... SWEET
I have a Create-a-Wrestler website I've went to since about two years ago, and each year they run information little by little on the next year's game. They also have pictures and screen shots.

Thus far, I can confirm the following list of wrestlers..

Beth Phoenix
Chris Jericho
Jeff Hardy
John Cena
Kelly Kelly
Kofi Kingston
Matt Hardy
Mr. Kennedy
Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio
Santino Marella
Shelton Benjamin
Triple H

It's also going to focus on Tag Team's, with 'hot tags' being a big feature. It'll introduce Inferno matches into the mix, and finally it'll introduce a Create-a-finisher setting.

All in all, I'm very excited for this game to come out.. but I'm becoming increasingly disappointed that not much is being mentioned of General Manager mode. That's the one mode I play more than anything, and I really don't even know for sure if it's IN this game. I can only assume and hope it will be though.

Now then, my opinion on the Tag Team focus is this. Why? Jake said it a couple pages back, and I'll remention it.. why focus on something that you really don't have anything to focus ON?!

You want my attention in this game to go toward Tag matches? Then give me the ability to have Triple Threat Tag Team Elimination matches, that aren't hardcore only. I want the ability to have regular tag matches, with more than two teams. I'd also love to have Tag Team turmoil matches.

Finally, it said "more" Double team moves will be installed, but what are the odds "more" actually means "ALL.. .. of the Hardys moves". :rolleyes:

Some individuals not yet mentioned for being in the game, that I hope make the cut..

Ted DiBiase
Cody Rhodes
Cryme Tyme
The Miz
John Morrison

You'll notice all of those individuals, JUST HAPPEN TO BE TAG TEAMS! Shocking, I know. I bet Miz & Morrison make the cut, but the other four are left out. I'm willing to bet hard money on it. Or Cryme Tyme will be transfered from the old game, to this one, without any updates to them.

At any rate, I'm excited for this game.. with a slight bit of disappointment put away on the side because they've yet to produce a Smackdown franchise game, that isn't without flaws. (SD #2, for the original PS was the best. Season mode that never ended.. 2 player at that.. great times had by all)
John Morrison & The Miz have long since been confirmed to be in the game. If the website said otherwise, they've got the wrong information. Rhodes could appear, but it could be with either Holly or DiBiase as far as I know. Anyways, having been tag champion for nearly the whole year (minus that one bullshit week) so far, he should be a dead cert if the focus is tag team wrestling.
There is a bit on information up at IGN about Road To Wrestlemania. In this mode you can take control of either HHH, CM Punk, Undertaker, Chris Jericho, John Cena, or the tag team of Batista and Rey Mysterio. Despite only being able to use these guys, the road still looks pretty good. You'll have to deal with a lot of things backstage, as well as match objectives such as beating your opponent in a certain time frame or putting them through a table. There also will be a different storyline for each of the characters. IGN will be posting more info on this mode on Monday.

My overall thoughts on the little details. I think that RTWM is going to be very interesting. Kinda sucks that there are only like 6 characters for it, but it still should be good none the less. I hope there's another season mode or something though for created characters.
**** Spoiler Alert ****
Well, through happenstance, some more characters were revealed for the final game, unless what I saw was an unfinished build. A video show on GameSpot (I believe it was On The Spot) showed some footage from the Wii, showing Cody Rhodes on the selection screen and the names of Jimmy Wang Yang and Chuck Palumbo on a loading screen.

Oh yeah, and also it pretty much confirmed alternate attires for the game, but it is unknown in what quantity these will appear and who has them. Chris Jericho has been confirmed to have at least two.
**** Spoilers end here ****

Definitely diggin' it so far...exceeding my expectations. Heck, it's most likely gonna be the first game I'll buy for the PS3, as I get the money for my work somewhere around that time and my plans are to buy a PS3 either way.
This is looking pretty good. Yeah the gameplay will be the same boring old shit that they've had for years. But it's got stats. Win percentage, number of victories, stuff like that. Awesome if you ask me. I'll play all year long just to build that shit up.

And another great bit of nes, although I don't know if it's been confirmed but, no legends. Isn't this awesome? I'd much prefer mid carders and jobbers to the same legends you get each year and some that noboy even cares about.

But I'm still guessing that the WWE Legend game is exactly the same as this. But with different arenas, blue bar cage etc. Nothing intresting. It's just a money spinner.
My only concern about the game is Road To Wrestlemania. I like the idea of the story mode but what concerns me is the fact that only 6 storylines are available for the story mode as not everyone is going to like any of the wrestlers involved. I would've liked the story mode to include all the wrestlers as I normally use a created wrestler in story mode, but this year I won't be able to
Don't drop a tear in your beer just yet, there are many rumours about an alternate Season Mode for superstars/CAWs who don't have a RTW storyline.
From what I've seen on, the graphics are awesome and I can't wait to face someone in an Inferno Match. The feature I'm looking forward to the most is definitely the Create A Finisher as it's going to be very interesting to see what variations of moves can be put together for an amazing finisher
Create-a-finisher is what i'm looking forward to the most. Sadly it's only from the front groggy position currently, but hopefully as future games are made, they'll incorporate other stances into that mode. I really want to create a top rope 360 degree flipping tombstone piledriver. That would be uber-epic!!!

Highlight reel looks like a pretty good feature as well i guess.

I don't particularly care about the Inferno Match, would prefer a Casket Match or Buried Alive that wasn't a stupid combination of the two.
The roster seems to be larger than last years and thats a big positive by my book. There are roughly about 10 wrestlers from ECW, from what I can remember from the roster. Last year only had about 6 superstars from the brand.

The Inferno match might be a little difficult to play but I am looking forward to the new match type. I hope they improve on the GM mode and the season mode as last years was pretty lackluster.

The big focus is obviously on the tag team matches, and I think its about time they improve the tag matches as they have gotten extremely repetitive and boring over the past few years. The Create-a-Finisher will be good, but I probably wont use it much.

Also, I can't wait to play this game on Xbox Live as I've never played online with a wrestling game before. I'll definately be buying this game next month and I am personally looking forward to it.
There is also the Highlight reel which allows you to save certain replays of your matches and then share them online. You can edit the replays also, add special affects and camera angles. There is career mode to build your CAW's up and use any superstars. This along with Road to Wrestlemania unlock other things in the game. There is CAF which is massive, two new match types, Roster Manager where you can set superstars to clean/dirty, to different brands to reflect real life, tag team is improved and THQ have said there are 66 playable characters. That is a massive improvement from last year. Should be good.
Any news on General Manager mode? Because that was the one mode in the entire game that would keep me playing the last three games throughout the year instead of setting it aside like the games before SmackDown vs. RAW 2006 because there was nothing else interesting to do. I've heard rumors they may have scrapped GM Mode but I'm hoping that's just a terrible misunderstanding.
Thought you guys might like a report from the demo. I picked it up on the PS3 today (the demo is only available for PS3) and I like it a lot. The first thing I noticed when I got into the match was that everything looked better. It's crisper and cleaner all around, and movement is way more fluid. It looks great all around, and the models I checked out (HBK, HHH, and the Hardys) all looked great, entrances were perfect. I can't speak for the enemy AI, as I usually play on the hardest difficulty and the demo only had the regular one, which I suspect is either easy or normal. So I dominated the matches, but that's just because I'm skilled. I can vouch that the AI is more aggressive, as when I beat down HHH with HBK, Triple H lunged at me from the start, instead of circling dumbly. I expect on the rougher difficulties the game would be much better balanced.

Moves always connect if you set them up right. You won't get shoddy hit detection anymore, as long as you aim right. HBK's signature flying forearm was problematic, as it was hard to line it up. But every other move connected fine, and you rarely get the rapid movement jump to set it up. Way more fluid.

So far I've had a lot of fun, haven't checked out tag matches yet. I beat down HHH with HBK and then took out Matt with Jeff. I'm probably going for the obligatory DX vs Hardys now. Game looks great all around, I'm pretty excited for it.

Edit: Here's some info on the tag team features.

Looks good, there's definitely more stuff to do than last year. Hot tags are interesting and can really shift momentum if you mess up in your beatdown. I had DX going up against the Hardys and as HHH was controlling Jeff, but he got in a hot tag and Matt wailed on me. There are now also tag team finishers, and DX's is kind of weird. It's not the SCM/Pedigree combo you might expect, but it's...well, it's almost like a 3D. Weird. Looks kind of cool. So there are some features that make it feel less like a match where you can switch characters and a genuine tag team match.

Also, I wanted to note that commentary is way better. The guys don't go off on tirades about how brutal the two wrestlers are to each other 1 minute in, and will often call moves as they happen. Sometimes they're just quiet, but that can be an improvement over last year's rants. They're usually on spot with finishers and signature moves, and will always call the pin. There is also post match commentary, but it's usually kind of bland. The story mode will probably have better commentary.

So all in all the game is shaping up to be a big improvement over last year.
The game was released in Australia today, so I purchased it and played it for a few hours. If you don't want to be spoiled, look away now. Here are my thoughts on Smackdown vs Raw 2009:

The roster is better than last years. I also find it refreshing without the Legends in the game actually. The entrances are spot on and the graphics are amazing, but some characters do look much better than others. The loading times on my Xbox 360 version are pretty damn fast, which is a great thing. The commentary is also an improvement from last years including post match commentary.

The matches are more fluent than last years, but not too dissimilar. I have only lost 1 game out of about 11, so I changed the difficulty to hard, and I still kicked ass. I see that as a bad thing because I want to be challenged. I will most likely play on Legend within the next few days, and I pray it's much harder than the other easy difficulties. The tag matches are overrated. The hot tags are a good idea, but they aren't utilized very well.

The hot tags in the tag team matches works like this: say my superstar is getting his ass kicked, my teammate will try to get the crowd pumping and will want me to tag him desperately, when I do tag him, he hits about two to three moves on the opponent and knocks the other opponent off the apron, right before hitting his finisher for the 1,2,3. When this hot tag happens, neither you nor your opponent has any control over it, so it's just a mini scene. So technically, you have a better chance of winning if you get your ass kicked for most of the match so that you can hot tag in your partner so he wins the match for you. Quite ridiculous if you ask me.

The career mode so far for me, is a massive disappointment. Theres no storyline, no emails, no phone messages, no anything. It's just a menu screen which tells you your accomplishments and it gives you 4 options for the opponent you want to face for that particular week. After you beat 4 different opponents OR just win 4 easy matches, you get a chance to wrestle for the Intercontinential Title (if you choose a Raw superstar like I did). So I won the title easily, then it gives me two options. Whether I want to go down the ECW Championship route or the United States Championship route. So I am forced to switch brands after only a month. After each match, theres no post match beatdowns or anything, theres no storyline to it whatsoever. I expected so much more from it. It's just so bland, theres a chance it might improve later down the track but I doubt it very much. Also, you can even choose a Diva in Career Mode, but I am confused as to how that would work as theres only about 10 Divas on the game to wrestle.

I haven't played online and I haven't tried the Road to Wrestlemania mode yet, which I'd imagine would be full of great storylines, but you can only choose from about 8 superstars in that mode. I still have no idea why they removed the GM mode. I made two finishers in the Create a Finisher Mode, and I must say that I personally love that mode. And thats coming from a guy who rarely creates anything on the WWE video games. The roster management is a good idea. It allows you to change the brand of a superstar (Raw, Smackdown or ECW), add or remove a title from him/her, and change his tactics from clean to dirty or vice versa. You can even turn a superstar into a free agent so that he doesn't belong to any brand in the WWE. Good idea there.

So overall, even though there are negatives in the game, it still is fun to play. I do find it an improvement over last years game. The inferno match is average, but fun to play. The career mode is a disappointment, but I hope the Road to Wrestlemania mode makes up for that. The Create a Finisher is a wonderful addition to the game, the tag matches are actually more fun to play, even if the ending is sometimes bullshit. If you really like the WWE which obviously most of you do, I would recommend you buy this game. I bought the game with high expectations, which is never a good thing to do. I still love the game though and I can see myself playing it for a few months, before eventually wrestling others online.
So Career Mode is nothing like GM Mode, huh? Thanks for the review, greatly appreciated. I'm in no hurry to buy this game anymore. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if I end up renting it. I know I wouldn't be playing it all year long like the three previous games. Best thing to do now is wait for SDvsRAW2010 and hope they'll put GM Mode back in it.
Well, after SvR08, and the major disappointment that it was to me, I'm very thankful for the review. I'm all over this game when it comes out on Sunday, and I'm glad to hear that the Create-A Finisher is worth the effort.

I'm also happy to hear that there is downloadable content for this game. It will hopefully be supported for the next few months to keep things fresh, as I always hated the out of date rosters in the past. I'm likely going to use the codes on WWE's site to unlock stuff, unless that stuff is unlockable in the game anyways.

There is a small amount of disappointment from me on the poor Career mode, but that isn't what I'd be buying this game for anyway. I'm all about the titles and multiplayer.

And, is there still a Create-A-Title in this game? I haven't seen that come up anywhere.
You guys are aware that there is a fully fleshed out story mode, 6 of the min fact, for real WWE Superstars (I believe Triple H, CM Punk, Chris Jericho, Undertaker, John Cena, and Batista & Rey). So it's not like there's no storyline, just none for CAWs. And considering last year's shitty story, it's an improvement.
There is a small amount of disappointment from me on the poor Career mode, but that isn't what I'd be buying this game for anyway. I'm all about the titles and multiplayer.

And, is there still a Create-A-Title in this game? I haven't seen that come up anywhere.

I'm afraid no. I checked today and you can only create a finisher, moveset, superstar and an entrance. No creating titles in this game. Sorry to disapoint you. The multiplayer looks good, but I haven't played it yet due to my online subscription running out.

So Career Mode is nothing like GM Mode, huh? Thanks for the review, greatly appreciated. I'm in no hurry to buy this game anymore. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if I end up renting it. I know I wouldn't be playing it all year long like the three previous games. Best thing to do now is wait for SDvsRAW2010 and hope they'll put GM Mode back in it.

I think it's worth buying. Career mode is totally different to last years 24/7 mode. You don't go to interviews, press conferences and all that other stuff that was included in last years game. You basically wrestle once a week, and thats about it. I'm now a Smackdown superstar, but yet I still hold the Intercontinential Title. I have no idea how that works. I could be wrong, but I think the Divas Title is unlockable in Career Mode if you play as a female. Tournament Mode is still in this years game (King of the Ring and Beat the Clock).

Also, I thought I'd mention that Randy Orton is suprisingly the best superstar on the game with an overall of 95. Theres plenty of Divas in the game (about 12 including the unlockable Layla and Jillian) and the Cruiserweight Title is unlockable.
I got it about 3 days ago. Overally it's exactly the same as last year. Yet more enjoyable. Probably down to the fact I'm a total geek and I enjoy looking at the stats between loading. It's a small touch, but it'll keep me playing the game for a while at least. The roster is good, I was never that fussed about Legends anyway. I had no desire to have Triple H vs. Bret Hart type matches. I'd much prefer some jobber. I was glad that WWE included my two fave jobbers of all time Tony & Masked Man. Although Jamie Noble & Maryse would have been better.
I'm here to give out the codes.

AltJerichoModelSvR09 (Jericho Attitude Era)
VinceMcMahonNoChance (Mr. McMahon)
UnlockECWDivaLayla09 (Layla)
UnlockSnitskySvR2009 (Snitsky)
BoogeymanEatsWorms!! (The Boogeyman)
UnlockECWTazzSvR2009 (Tazz)
PlayAsJillianHallSvR (Jillian Hall)
FlairWoooooooooooooo (14 o's) (Ric Flair)
Ryder&HawkinsTagTeam (Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder)
HornswoggleAsManager (Hornswoggle Non-Playable Manager)

All passwords are CASE SENSITIVE.

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