Smackdown vs Raw 2009

I can't wait till this comes out, Smackdown vs Raw 08 was the worst of the lot i really hope they fix all the flaw's in it. They could also make creer mode alot better so your not stuck playing the same fued over and over again. as of who is in there i dont really care as long as HBK, Jericho, Santino is in it i will be happy. This tag team function they are talking about sounds great, I always wished that it was possible to start from the beggining, Competing for the cruiserwieght Championship then the tag team championship Etc. I hope they go back to the old 07 version GM mode as the 08 version sucked.
I always wished that it was possible to start from the beggining, Competing for the cruiserwieght Championship.

Um, the Cruiserweight Championship is defunct... remember the WWE retired it after Hornswoggle's reign (which he NEVER defended it). So you can forget about that, as for Santino he is most likely included on the roster... if he's not he'll probably be a DLC.
This is the first SvR game I am NOT buying the day it comes out. I bought 08, and was so upset at it, I havn't played it outside it's first 2 weeks. They need to make drastic improvments to alot of aspects to this game in order to gain any new players. Roster, Gameplay, customizable controls, as I HATE the new ones. I can't stand them. It's the same as the last games, only X and O are reversed, making it so much more confusing for no reason.
With more and more info coming in on this game I have a few concerns as well as some things I am excited for.

Positives start with the fact that they are focusing on tag wrestling. When my roommate and I played GM Mode, he never wanted to do normal tag matches because one person is always doing nothing. So, we always did tornado tags. I didn't like that because how often is that match actually used? This year, the man on the apron will be useful. It seems dumb that it took them almost a decade to give the second man the ability to walk the apron. The other thing I'm excited for is the apparent expansion of the roster. As you all know, 08 was a significant downgrade from 07 in roster size. This became apparent when people not only had to make characters just to fill out the GM mode rosters, but they had to create lower card wrestlers because the game only has one or two guys that are not big name wrestlers. The result was either make three or four jobbers and a few midcarders, or job out guys like MVP and Umaga so that Cena and Taker can stay on top. This should be fixed this year, but we will have to wait and see.

The biggest negative I see is that after ten years, we are still running on the same engine. That more than likely means, the collision detection will still be horrible (i.e. swinging a chair on a downed opponent and having it miss) and the AI will make Forrest Gump look like a world champ. I really don't see the point of focusing on all of those features above if the AI will ruin the experience again. Try it out for yourself. Take a controller and battle the CPU. Don't do anything other than kick out of pin falls and escape submissions. Watch how long it takes them to beat you. The AI difficulty has always been the rate at which they reverse your moves and nothing else. I would like to see smarter opponents that wrestle like their real life counterparts. They claimed to have this last year, but all that meant is they would use their signature abilities based on what superstar type they were.

Of course, all of these are mute points if they exclude GM mode this year. I have heard nothing of it in any of the previews. As NorCal and Danmen can tell you, this is the game for me. They only reason I play season mode is to unlock stuff to use in GM. Now, if it stays, I'm afraid it won't have any upgrades because it hasn't talked about them. I want to see things like, every character available (Vince, Shane, JBL, and Dreamer were excluded), the ability to add the old titles like WCW, and the ability to switch belts between shows. This seems like a laundry list of exceptions, but its not for a franchise this storied.

I am waiting for more info on this game before I get too excited. Some of the additions sound fun, but the videos show that this is the same game we have been playing for nearly a decade.
Not sure if any of you have read this yet, but the inferno match is going to be on this game this year. My question of course about this would be....


Um. please raise your hand if you are absolutely clamoring for this, or think its the most pressing issue of this franchise....yea thats what I thought. I think this year may be entilted "the year of misused development time"...I mean seriously...the tag team stuff, fucking inferno match?? How damn dumb can you BE?? 60 wrasslers on the roster?? I dig it. Create a finisher?? I dig it. while unecessary, I dig it.

but fucking A. Can we not use time to improve GM mode?? Give us different arena for every show??? Let us customize our sets for PPVs in GM mode?? A lil map to schedule out or own road schedule in GM mode??? Theme music and pyro to open our shows?? Easier rivalries to run, without having to adhere to face/heel dispositons, or having to have them be in a match together EVERY week.... I mean seriously this shit is SO simple, but no, we need inferno matches LOL. In fact, I havent read ANYTHING about GM mode ANYWERE. which really saddens me, since if we cant have that, this game will be a rental AT BEST for me, if its even THAT. I cant even imagine one of these games WITHOUT GM mode now, but im really becoming worried.
Yeh they havent said anything on GM mode which is very suprising considering the fact alot of customers buy the actual game to play that particular mode, if it isnt in i doubt it will sit well with the majority and just looking at Norcal's response it looks like ill be right.

They have stated that there is another mode in the game which will be revealed later on. Now they already have Road to Wrestlemania, Create a Finisher so by the sounds of it this mode will be a totally different one cause if it was GM mode they wouldnt keep it a suprise as its been in the game for the last couple of years.

The inferno match is a nice little addition, but it was not needed. There are many other things to improve in this game, and adding an inferno match was not at the top of the list. Improved tag team i am happy with, and create a finisher just going to have to wait and see what this other mode is. But by looking at the game so far it looks like a general improvement from last years game...
As I only bought SvR2008 more or less recently when it came on Platinum hereabouts, I can only say that I have little more than a glimmer of hope for the 2009 version. SvR 2008 was easily the worst Smackdown ever... and I agree with what someone said, the series has been going downhill ever since they changed the title to Smackdon vs Raw... Here Comes The Pain was plain awesomeness, with a huge roster, many matches, for the time great graphics, extensive backstage areas, new move animations and grapple systems and so on and so forth...

Fastforward to (meanwhile) 2008: In this game of utter crapness, not only did they leave out what seems like half the WWE roster; it also seems like one half of the roster that's actually in the game isn't with WWE anymore either, including some core players (Booker T, Bobby Lashley). Agreed, this has been the case with v2007 as well, and even though Kurt Angle leaving WWE probably hurt them a lot more than Booker and Lashley, it somehow didn't seem as bad to me as this year's installment does. Anyway, then they have more glitches in the game than ever before, terrible clipping issues (goddamit can somebody PLEASE finally fix that damn Back Superplex where the opponent seams to float down to the mat like a metre away from the executing superstar), weapons you can hardly move around once they're lying on the mat and the worst commentary in forever, considering the fact how the commentators just break off in midsentence when you executed a "power" move, instead of just finishing the one sentence and THEN commencing the next. And what I particularly hate about them is how they keep on talking about "how great this match is and we don't know which way it's going" even after you've already scored a pinfall or submission and the bell is rung. Argh...

And the list just goes on, the worst features probably being the drastic reduction of grapple moves for each character... I mean, come on - last year, everyone had 4 sets á 4 moves each for grapples (Clean/Dirty, Submission, and 2 more to be selected freely), and this year they for some reason have to put those Ultimate Control grapples (which in my opinion worked perfectly with clicking on the right stick in SvR2007) on two of those 4 grapple moves, leaving each wrestler with only 2 sets á 4 moves of regular grapple moves. WTF?!?! I thought including that grapple system was the best thing that happened with Here Comes The Pain, and they had been improving at least this one pretty much every year, and now THIS?! They REDUCE your basic move arsenal?! And then that ultimate no-go... the way you just can't switch from one opponent to the other (or can you somehow and I'm just too stupid to figure it out?); that makes any match type with more than one opponent essentially unplayable imho. Bleh, terrible, terrible stuff.

And once again they cut back on the backstage areas. Why can't we get some of the freely accessible ones again like in HCTP?! It's just that much cooler to walk from one Backstage area to the next and use everything as a weapon on the way, instead of being limited to that one small parking lot with only those ultimate grapple spots to be used?!

The 24/7 mode is kind of too long winded for me, as the storylines quickly repeat themselves and you always get the same pre- and post-match cutscenes, which do not even have anything to do with the storylines or match outcomes most of the times (I just hate it when I just destroyed my opponent, but in the next cutscene my wrestler rolls out of the ring in agony while my supposedly crushed opponent celebrates in the ring... stupid). And the list just goes on and on.

The only good thing about SvR was the use of your own music for theme songs, that is awesome indeed.

Now I really hope SvsR 2009 will be better - if only a little. But I agree - I don't think we need an Inferno Match. Just give me a Falls Count Anywhere with decent Backstage areas. I hope they include some DLC (wrestlers, moves, arenas, whatever) this time, and maybe the roster will remain halfway stable until the thing comes out in winter lol. But I just don't see it happening... Unless they really completely revamp the game engine at some point, the series will probably continue the decline WWE had been on the past few years. But seeing as WWE is trying to pick up the pace these days again, I just hope THQ makes use of that.

However, what do you guys think - I believe THQ's WWE license will run out by 2010; who do you think will make WWE games then, and what do you expect?

I mean, I still remember when everyone was so hyped about Acclaim's WWF Attitude back in the day, and looking back now, that game was really bad lol. Unfortunately, I think that THQ was the only publisher ever to put out worthwhile Wrestling games (thinking back to No Mercy, Here Comes The Pain as prime examples); agreed, they also put out some crap (WCW Nitro/Thunder for PSOne, Wrestlemania 21 for XBOX), but EA just completely screwed up with their WCW license back with WCW Mayhem for PSOne as well, Acclaim's (I believe?) Legends of Wrestling wasn't good either... and I'm personally not really familiar with many japanese Wrestling games (at least I haven't yet heard about THE ONE ultimate wrestling game from there), aside from the Fire Pro Series which I absolutely love - but that doesn't count since it's 2D and we really should have a contemporary looking wrestling franchise, heh.

TNA Impact should be interesting though, I will definitely get this game just to see what Midway does.
Allright so after reading some more about the upcoming SVR, I've been really into seeing who is going to be in the game, and with the big thing being tag teams this year I was hoping to find a few tag teams already confirmed... So far we have confirmed for SVR 2009... Chris Jericho, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Randy Orton, Mr. Kennedy, Undertaker, John Cena, HHH, HBK, Batista, Rey Mysterio, John Morrison, and the Miz. So far we just have these 13 guys confirmed and one tag team. I'm a little surprised that Edge has not yet been confirmed, but I'm sure he will be soon enough. Also interestingly enough no Divas have been confirmed, but one would have to assume that this year ECW can go through season mode

Though there are no details yet I found out that this years story mode will be called "Road To Wrestlemania" and it looks like it will have co-op storylines. Also the box art looks pretty sick with HHH and HBK gracing the cover. Everything I've read can be found at (see I give credit to my sources)
Yeah, hopefully this Road to WrestleMania mode will be a lot better. Last year's storyline mode took a huge step backwards IMO. There was a hell of a lot of repetition in that mode and it got boring, I think I went through 3 years and only got to 50%. Added to that, it was frustrating that you couldn't run GM mode and Season simultaneously.

It seems strange this year that the game is focusing on tag teams when the WWE is doing anything but. However, the tag team mode does need a lot of improvement, anyone else find it impossible to do tag finishers? Hopefully that will all change and the AI of your tag partner will be a lot better in the next game, i.e. your partner will actually help you instead of standing there like a dumbass.
Yeah, hopefully this Road to WrestleMania mode will be a lot better. Last year's storyline mode took a huge step backwards IMO. There was a hell of a lot of repetition in that mode and it got boring, I think I went through 3 years and only got to 50%. Added to that, it was frustrating that you couldn't run GM mode and Season simultaneously.

It seems strange this year that the game is focusing on tag teams when the WWE is doing anything but. However, the tag team mode does need a lot of improvement, anyone else find it impossible to do tag finishers? Hopefully that will all change and the AI of your tag partner will be a lot better in the next game, i.e. your partner will actually help you instead of standing there like a dumbass.

Thats what I mean when I say that they need to fix the AI before any of these features become cool. Whats the point in putting all this time into implementing tag team finishers if you cannot pin your opponent after them due to the other team breaking up the pin fall while your guy does nothing. When you called your partner in the 08 version, half the time he would attack the guy you were pinning breaking up the pin fall for your own team.

All of these new features seem great. However, if they can't fix the franchise long issues its pointless.
The problem I see is that with THQ's WWE license running out in 2010, I highly doubt they'll invest tons of time and money in completely revamping the entire franchise, head to toe, but instead will try to run with this engine to the very end, doing the same amount of small updates (and downgrades, too) they do every year for the next two installments, before WWE eventually seeks their new publisher of choice and we get a completely new generation of WWE games by other developers.

I would really love to see a completely revamped SvsR this year, but in all honesty, I don't see it happening with THQ anymore if their license runs out.
I can't be arse to read anybody elses posts. My bad if it's been mentioned. But there's going to be an Inferno Match option. It'll add a little bit more intrigue to the series. New matches always get people excited. Even though they usually end up being a little disappointing. They then get bashed.

I thought the new match type this year would be a Last Ride/Ambulance match. You can do a similar thing in the Parking Lot Brawl as it is, so I don't see why they can't add it.

But why concentrate on tag wrestling when there aren't any tag teams?
SvR 08 sucked for one reason. i got my record really high at the beggiinning then people learnt this glitches online with the fists of fury first of all. where they finish and leave you stuunned giving them time to climb the turnbuckle and jump at you with a flying kick or spear. this got annoying which cause me to lose a bit. so i learnt this then used it to my advantage and upped my record. then along came a glitch where after the fists of fury (brawler) you would be stunned for a second or two while slowly falling to the floor but as you are falling any move your opponents execute is COMPLETELY IRRIVERSABLE.!!!!!! i mean come on THQ what the hell were you thinking.?!?!?!?!?

Another glitch came along after this which is the floor drag glitch. you could drag you opponent and any grappling move you then do is completely IRRIVERSABLE!!?!?!?!?! i learnt that shortly and was able to do it soo fast it didnt look like i dragged you then grappled because i mastered it. just looked like a normal ground grapple that was irriversable. then there was a glitch which completly freezes you on the floor using a pin and a cup of soda. then a glitch which freezes you in the corner involving a ladder. after mastering all these i got my record really high and then quit playing ranked matches.

I started playing player matches with my m8 and found out "wwe clans" were glitching on Player matches for the win!!!!! i mean WTF"?!?!?!?!!? what sad people. then i stopped playing al together. it was a gr8 online game until glitches were uncovered. i mean you find yourself in a match with a guy 1 star rating and he glitches you like crazy. on SvR08 online you really need to know how to glitch or you will not win. there are a lot more glitches but cba naming them all you get my point.

These glitches were not in smackdown vs raw 07, maybe a few glitches liek escaping the cage yes but didnt really affect gameplay that much. so the reason for svr08 suckiness? fighting styles. they ruined the whole game. Technical and brawlers combo is unbeatable. you run towards your opponent and no matter what they do you duck under them and immediately you have the advantage to glitch them. i hope in SvR 09 they remove the fighting styles thats my dream. i enjoy having a laugh on SvR07 now because of the lack of glitchers.

Also LMAO at the fact that WWE have no idea about what they are doing with the tag division yet they devote 09 to tag matches?? wtf. also with the co-op ccareer wil you only be able to go for the tag titles? how will you both go for the WWE or world title? maybe one could be a manager or something i dont know. the create a finisher looks great and very sequential customization. this game is looking good atm but so did 08. i just hope they dont fail AGAIN.
Well playing online was already pretty bad with S vs R 2007, considering it had a couple of moves that were pretty unfair and hard to counter (the feared "head attack" which at some point everyone used and which you had to block damn early; people used to spam that; and also the grapples which everyone would start even before your wrestler got up, making it very hard to counter) - but considering the really really aweful gamplay deficiencies S vs R 2008 has, with the inability to switch opponents, the tons of glitches, the annoying Fist of Fury and so on and so forth, I didn't even try playing online as I was pretty certain that would be basically impossible, since the game just offers way too many backdoors for cheap players to capitalise.

I mean, I personally see no reward in exploiting glitches in order to win match after match; I'd rather have a fair fought match and win that - or even lose, it still would be a ton more fun instead of just exploiting the lackluster game engine. I guess the only way you can enjoy SvR online is in private games with a couple of buddies who you know. But you can pretty much forget ranked matches as you'll just get screwed over and over again I believe.
Well yeah exactly. but still with your buddies i have had some friends fall out with me sometimes when i dominate them so when you do play with friends make sure you try and make it fun and give them achance. i learnt that the hard way. im not even bragging. i really did have fallouts cos of me winning my m8s.

SvR08 is fun with m8s yes.

I will brag i have all the achievements on SvR08 tho cos thats how much i played it. even the GM of the year for 300G took me a while.
Does THQ not ask the fans what they want to see on the game? because im guessing if they did them it would be a much better game.last years was rubbish there was hardly any choice of roster when you started a career it was very dissapointing.They should also make the rumble the same as it used to be,throw them over the rope and if they stay there then you punch or kick them to eliminate them. Simple. I'm also hoping that they make the GM mode better if they decide to keep it
I always scratch my head when people have such hate for the Smackdown vs. Raw games, such as 2008, or they call it "rubbish". Sure the roster was shorter and could've been extended, but the game overall wasn't that bad and it certainly wasn't rubbish. It was the first time ECW was incorporated and had some ECW originals which was entirely unique. The game play was finer tuned, the specialization of your wrestler was a great touch on so many levels, and the ECW style match added something even more to game play. The Hall of Fame was a fun addition, the GM Mode was good and I liked how you could actually build up your populatarity far better then previous games on a weekly basis, and its always a fun game to play with friends. Sure there's negatives about it, but I really disagree with the bandwagon that seems to make it out as if its a horrible game.
Hm I guess the problem many people have with the 2008 incarnation (including myself) is not that it is a bad game in and of itself - it is just that so many version BEFORE it were actually a lot better.

If there had never been a Smackdown game before 2008, 2008 would be AWESOME. But even Part 2007 was a lot better in my opinion, and I've pointed out the issues I have with 2008 - take alone the fact that you can't switch from one opponent to another on the touch of a button which had been in EVERY SD! game since the start of the series just RUINS the playability of every match with more than 1 opponent... that sure doesn't count as "finer tuned gameplay" for me. And there are a lot more issues (I won't repeat myself here, I've posted a ton of my problems with 2008 in my earlier post) - 2008 just seemed more like a devolution instead of an evolution, let alone a legit "revolution" of the series all in all.

Hall of Fame was nice indeed - but then again, the concept had already been there in previous parts, in the form of the "Challenges". The GM Mode is ok, but a bit long winded - and I also think there have been better ones in much earlier incarnations of the series. To me, Here Comes The Pain is still the best version to date (and the series still uses most of the move animation from that installment), since it was really the last time THQ completely reinvented the series. Ever since that game, the series has been on a (sometimes more, sometimes less steep) downhill slide; I personally found 2007 pretty good again, but 2008 did not show enough positive new developments for me to outweigh the negative ones (which it unfortunately had many of, when it should have none). To me, THQ would need to learn to distinguish "good" new ideas from "bad" new ideas; a thing which they more often than not seem uncapable of.

Allright everybody IGN has started their Smackdown vs Raw countdown. So I guess I'll fill everyone in on a daily basis as to which characters are in the game. All credit to the info I give out goes to*****STOP READING NOW IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW!!!!!*********

The first star announced is none other than SANTINO MARELLA!
Santino is rated with an overall 83 with his charisma being his best attribute and his submission and hardcore rating coming in at the lowest of a 70 each. For finishers he has two different neckbreakers, and his abilities include dirty pin, ref. shield, move theft, possum pin, and steal taunt.

Santino's entrance looks pretty dead on as well with him acting like he's going to acknowledge the fans, only to wave them off. Overall he looks just like Santino as well including the mohawk thing he's got going on. I'll probably post later today with another star once they are released. Santino was posted yesterday, I just didn't get around to posting him.
Well now that Santino is in the game I have to get it. Is it going to come out for the PS2 as well cause that's the only system I own. I'm hoping there will be bigger changes and more improvement between this one and 08 than there was between 07 and 08. I went out and bought 08 because my friend owned 07 and it was good, but 08 really wasn't, so I'm hoping 09 will be good. What I'm really curious about is the create-a-finisher option. This could either be really awesome, or very limited and not that useful. I'm hoping for awesome.
I think it's out on PS2, PS£, XBOX 360 and Nintendo Wii. I can't wait for this game as there are quite a few news wrestlers like CM Punk and Santino so it'll be interesting to what they wrestle like. I hope they actually have either the World or WWE tag-team champions as it is pointless in having a GM Mode if you haven't got all the wrestlers

Allright everybody IGN has started their Smackdown vs Raw countdown. So I guess I'll fill everyone in on a daily basis as to which characters are in the game. All credit to the info I give out goes to*****STOP READING NOW IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW!!!!!*********

The second superstar that has been announced is Finlay! The fighting Irishman comes in as an 87 ranking with his technique of 87 being his best stat and his hardcore and speed stats coming in at his low 76. Finlay has for his finishers the Celtic Cross and the Celtic Knot. His abilities include dirty pin, ref shield, hammer throw, durability, and submission.

Finlay's entrance looks pretty good. The last time I saw him he was a face, but the crowd booed him. Oh well. During his gameplay video I got a little worried. The match was Finlay vs Santino... The fans were chanting Hardy Hardy as Finlay locked in a submission move. God I hope they fix stupid stuff like that. Overall though Finlay much like Santino looks very impressive on the PS3

Allright everybody IGN has started their Smackdown vs Raw countdown. So I guess I'll fill everyone in on a daily basis as to which characters are in the game. All credit to the info I give out goes to*****STOP READING NOW IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW!!!!!*********

Number 3 in Smackdown vs Raw 2009 is..... BETH PHEONIX

The Glamazon comes in at a 79 ranking with her Technique coming in at an 85. Her lowest stat is her Hardcore coming in at a 50. Her signature moves include a sidewalk slam and a body press drop. Her finishing moves include Northern Lights Driver, Michinoku Driver Pin. Her abilities Dirty Pin, Hammer Throw, Durability.

Unfortunatly I think they could have done a better job on her entrance as well as looks. She does more of her old stuff then her recent. Overall though her move set seems pretty close and her stats allow her to contend with actually both Finlay and Santino.
Sorry for the delay but...************SPOILER WARNING: CONTAINS INFO ON SUPERSTARS BELOW*********************

Allright everybody IGN has started their Smackdown vs Raw countdown. So I guess I'll fill everyone in on a daily basis as to which characters are in the game. All credit to the info I give out goes to*****STOP READING NOW IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW!!!!!*********

IGN has added a few more superstars to the SVR 2009 roster. The first is another diva by the name of Kelly Kelly. Kelly is ranked as a 69 with her charisma being her highest stat at a 86. Her lowest stat is her submission at a 44. Her finishers are the Fame Kisser and a DDT. Her signature moves include a Hurricarana and a Headscissor takedown. Her abilites include ref. shield, move theft, and fan favorite.

Kelly looks pretty good. Her entrance is very close to what she does now. Apperance looks fine as well.

Next we have the U.S.A. Champ Shelton Benjamin. Shelton is ranked as a 86 with his technique at an 88 being his highest stat. His charisma and hardcore are both at his low 70. His finishers include the jumping complete shot and super kick. His signature moves include Powerslam Pin and Dragon Whip. His ablities are Dirty Pin, Hammer Throw, Ladder Match, Outside Dives, Springboard, and Possum Pin.

Shelton looks pretty good and his entrance looks great. Why they still have the superkick as his finisher I don't know. I haven't seen him use it for quite some time as a finisher, but then again I haven't seen much of him.

Finally we have Kofi Kingston. Kofi is rated as a 85. His speed and stamina are his best attribute at 86. His worst area is his hardcore at a 70. His finishers are Trouble in Paradise and Twin Leg Drop. His signature moves include Double Back Chop, Flying Forearm Smash. His abilites include Object, Fan Favorite, Outside Dives, Springboard, Possum Pin

Just like everyone else, Kofi looks pretty good. His entrance looks a little off though and there is no pyros. Stay tuned right here for the next superstar when he/she is announced.
i just hope the gm mode is better and i glad to see that tag team carrer is back thats a start and in singles all the superstars are diffrent which is also a plus. the gm mode needs to be more realalistic where you make decisions live and get to talk to the superstars because 08 was ust plain dull in my opinion. i hope the entrance videos are better to whitch they do appear to so thats good

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