The [Official] Smackdown vs. Raw 2008 Thread

Huh, its definately not there. There are also some moves still missing despite the fact I have every character unlocked and all the moves purchased. It must be another glitch. Oh well, I'm done with this game. I picked up an extra class and can't justify spending time at home on this half ass game.

Depending on the fighting styles you choose, some moves are unable to be picked/used. Maybe the Hardcore title could be with a wrestler who has a title already and they are not showing the title next to him.

Anyway, I want to redo some of the Superstar entrances music on the game and I need some ideas on what could fit a wrestler already in the game.

So far I change:
Randy Orton-"Burn in my Light" to "Come On" by Waterproof blonde.

I want to change:
John Cena
CM Punk
Jeff Hardy
Mr. Kennedy

Any ideas on what themes I could/should give them?

also on SVR 2008 if I save CAW's on a memory card, can they face the CAW's on my hardrive?
I'm pretty sure that 24/7 mode is the only way to get money. The only other way I can think is if you get money from Hall of Fame mode. I was pretty hammered when I did those, and I had so much money at the time that I can't remember if it gave me any. Either way, they're pretty boring so it might be less of a hassle to just start over. Depending on how much money you need.
Smackdown vs Raw is a horrible game and not worth the 60 dollars. Its the same damn game they have been putting out since the first raw vs smackdown. Sure the controls are a little different since the first one, but the overall game is still terrible. The story mode is just the same recycled crap with horrible voice overs. And I beat the game twice and I STILL CAN'T START A 24/7 MODE USING ECW. WHY THE F*** NOT???

Until the THQ decides to make a good wrestling game (NO MERCY N64!!!!!) I will not buy another wrestling game from them. I used a gift card I got for christmas on the game and I wish I would have bought assassin's creed instead. Creed was cheaper and one hundred times better..
I hate how the 24/7 mode basicly drags on and on and on with the same storys repeating.

The last 2 smackdown games have been complete letdowns and led me to actually report last years to the Better Buisness Bureau. Surprisingly enough i got my money refunded.

I just hope that the TNA game(it looks awesome by the way!)blows smackdown out of the water when it comes out and makes WWE step up and actually put out a decent game
This is my first Smackdown game since the very first one on PS1, so I'm happy with it as I have it on 360 and you can add music to create wrestlers and change themes in the game and it still helps me burn about three hours so I have no major problems except for whay I can have an Extreme Rules match outside the ECW show, I mean why not at D2D or ONS. And why is a pin allowed on a TLC match and I hate how matches go sometimes, you get pin with weak crap out no where. But for my first by of the Smackdown vS Raw series, I'm happy as I like the 24/7 mode as it's not that bad.

Still I'm a nintendo guy and think THQ needs to look at those games to see how to make a wrestling game.No Mercy, the greatest ever. Copy that game. Thats it. Just copy that game. I mean I have never heard of a company getting so much phrase for one game then saying, we should fuck up everything by abandoning the system of a great game.

I want to see No Mercy 2.
the game is a great game but it has some obvious huge flaws. not being able to play as an ecw wrestler in 24/7 or the fact you cant play as all the superstars liek gregory helms...and the caw system is pretty poor im tired of the same costumes and crap from smackdown 2

with that said anyone know a good caw site so i can edit jonny nitro to change him to john morrison ?
This is a decent game, put pretty good and fairly addictive for me at least.

Struggle Submission: Very good featire to the game, allows applied pressure and everything. It has fantastic usage and is a really fun part of the game.

Finishers: Pretty good, just regular finishers and taunts.

Momentum meter: Obvious useful and neccessary for finshers.

Fighting styles: Absoutely awesome new feature to the game, different abilities, and effects make it feel more realistic.

Match types: There are plenty of different types of matches to play, that don't bore too quickly, many different things you can do in matches especially extreme rules.

CAW: Obviously a must have, and always great. You can custamize them entirely which is pretty useful and adds something else to the game.

Overall a fairly addictive game. It is pretty good and something to pass the time by.
I have a question for Xbox360 users about this game? I bought Xbox360 while ago and was thinking that I'll wait for the new SvR09 and not buy SvR08. But after a while I've been thinking should I buy SvR08 cause it doesn't cost that much anymore. The question is should I wait for SvR09 with updated rosters and stuff or should I just buy SvR08 and create those new wresters? Which leads to my another question, does created wrestlers look as good as the ones already in the game or are the graphics little bit worse or as good? Cause you can get good caws from net but I was just thinking does those look worse when it comes to graphic?
The graphics are pretty solid. You can find a ton of good CAW sites all over the internet. Unless you are particularly picky when it comes to your guys, you're not going to notice a difference with a finely made CAW as compared to the in game roster.

Also, the 360 is bad ass with the custom theme music feature, so essentially any character from any time is available for you, as long as you have the theme music. SVR 09 doesn't sound any different or better then 08, minus an updated roster, but chances are, no huge names have been added to the roster this year that would make it a must own.

If I were you, buy SVR 08 now, skip out on 09 like I'm going to do, and then spend spend spend when the Legends of Wrestlemania game comes out in the spring.
Yes, I might just do that and go out and buy SvR08. And if those caws don't please me then it just costs something like 30€ anyways. Talking about caws, does anyone know good sites where to get them? All I know is which is good but was just wondering are there any other good sites. So this way I could find the best ones :blush: Like Chris Jericho, Ted DiBiase jr. Lance Cade and so on...

Uncle Shocky said:
Also, the 360 is bad ass with the custom theme music feature, so essentially any character from any time is available for you, as long as you have the theme music.

What do you mean with this, are those music already in the game or do I need to upload them somehow? The entrance music ain't that important to me but it's a plus if I can get them.
What do you mean with this, are those music already in the game or do I need to upload them somehow? The entrance music ain't that important to me but it's a plus if I can get them.

What he meant, was more or less you can upload songs to your xbox 360. Smackdown v. Raw comes with the available feature to use custom theme music (music saved on your xbox) as a wrestler's theme music.

So you could take for example, Randy Orton's new theme "Voices" upload it, then use it for Orton.. that way you don't have to live in the past.

Also, you can create any older wrestler or wrestler that isn't currently on the game. (As long as you take the time to do so) And you can download their music, then upload it to your xbox and use it.. thus making it feel as if the actual wrestler was already in the game.

It really is an amazing feature. I have 30 wrestlers, all with their original theme music and most of them have very real-life likenesses.. which makes me feel they're truly in the game. The only downfall is the tron videos, and in some cases the finishing moves. (Hogan's leg drop isn't in, neither is the crossface.)
So I went out and bought the SvR08! Just tried it and it looks great, much better than with ps2 :blush: Whole lot better and no matter what people say about the gameplay, it's enterteining and fun. The roster should only be larger, but I'll make it larger.

I'll try to make my first caw as soon as I have the time and see how those look like. Still talking about the entrace music, in which file format does it need to be that the Svr08 supports them? Mp3 I think, haven't got the time to look it up and thought you might have the answer right away!

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