The [Official] Smackdown vs. Raw 2008 Thread

Good game but the 24/7 mode is so long i have been playing all week and i am only 81% on the way of becoming a legend . Btw dose anyone know what happens after you have completed 100% of season mode.
Same thing happend to me after the royal rumble they asked me if i want to give up my world heavyweight championship i said no, but after i looked at the magazine bit in the locker room and it said i gave my world title up?

Strange... Anyone else know why Boogyman isnt in the game???

He was in 2007, and I thought he was on all the rosters for 2008, but he isnt in it.

RVS2008 is pretty good, different than 07. The controls are nice after you get used to them, Royal Rumble is fun, I entered in as #1 and was the winner as Batista. Weapons are cool in Hardcore matches, under the ring you can pick what weapon you want.

The announcing is similar, there are times they say a wrestlers name that isnt even in the match... Or they repeat things in even a short match. But it is overall a real good game.

24/7 is good, too much interaction with Diva's and backstage video's I wish you could get through quicker...
I just barely finished that storyline. And I also just had a match with CM Punk and I noticed somthing. He does NOT have his Pepsi logo on his sholder... Very odd...

EDIT: I'd also like to add, that dispite all the ranting I've done, I'm starting to warm up to this game. Simply because my biggest complaint was the fact that the controls were changed again. BTW, does anyone know how to change the Superstar your looking at in match?

they removed the function to choose who you look at

it's all automatic now

Overall I like the game. I'm a big fan of GM mode because I like building my roster and making the people I like major stars.

As far as the small roster goes that isn't an issue for me because I will just create the people I want. It's mainly former ECW guys anyway.

The commentarty is annoying except for when Taz mocks Joey Styles. I don't like that JBL is using Taz's comentarty from last year. I don't know how it sounds on the other systems but everyone I've talked to who has played it on PS2 agrees that it sounds like JBL has a cold when he does the lines, it also sounds like he is just reading the lines off a piece of paper.

My other complaint is not being able to use Dreamer in GM mode.
Overall I think it's a good game though. I was a fan of last year's game and I will play this one until the new one comes out next year.
From the sound of it, most are disappointed. I'm planning on renting it for the 360 over the holiday weekend and trying it out before I purchase it. Does anyone know of any CAW sights for it yet?
This year's game sucks badly. The roster sucks, the wrestlers have less moves to work with. We can't have MPV on the new 24/7 mode.... really stupid. This entire mode is pretty butched too.

I wondering what were they thinking when they made this game. Why couldn't they stick on fixing last year problems? This is a tittle to rent, not to buy. I made the mistake to buy it but I already stop playing it. I've returned to SVR 07, wich is much better.
Just finished 24/7 mode it was totaly poinless i thought i would win somthing or at least get an achivement. But just some crap video of mcmahon giving me a hall of fame plac.
Big Will's "take" on Smackdown vs. Raw 2008: This is for the Playstation 2 version.

The Good: I'm thankful that the G.M. Mode is still left in. I don't care if anything gets unlocked from it or not. I used a "save" to have someone else "unlock everything plus Unplayable Characters." But regarding G.M. mode, I love that you can be any brand.. & you can have more interaction through out the entire week. Such as having your superstars invade other shows, make movies, do interviews, becoming the poster boy for a p.p.v., etc, etc. -- I used to hook up two controllers & play both brands, but now there's 3. I haven't (yet) tried, but can you control all 3 brands?

The updated Create an Entrance is pretty nice, & I love that they have "Famous" by Puddle of Mudd. Its about the only worthy song on the PS2. (I heard on the 360 you can use downloaded music - must be nice, I'm waiting on my 360 to get fixed)

The new hardcore system, for the Extreme matches are amazing. I love playing that match now, more than anything, because it has almost unlimited possibilities on destruction. The fact that if you're the hardcore styled wrestler, you can even bust yourself open, without hurting yourself (to my knowledge) is friggin' sweet too. lol

The Bad: The first thing that comes to mind, is the incredible LACK of CAW. They have the ability to add to it every year, & in a sense, all they do is update some tattoos. Also, they have "templates" where they've already created several guys.. but what the ****?! I mean, come on. If you're gonna have templates, why not have them of actual Superstars, like Eddie Guerrero, or R.V.D., or Kurt Angle?

I'd rather the templates take up worth-using space, instead of seeing 3 different versions of some lame ass guy, in half-shorts, half-pants with a claw arm.

I haven't found the "create a p.p.v. mode" I'm assuming they took it out, which pisses me off big time. I loved creating p.p.v.'s & while simply "writing them on paper" would be almost just the same.. (I did that too, for the record) I liked having them saved, so I could go back & see how I lined them up to happen.

Alternate Outfits. They have Alt. attire for DX, & Kelly Kelly (I found them through the "cheat codes" section) but I haven't found Rey Mysterio's alt. attire, does he not have it, or does he simply not have it.. in every system's version!?

The Missing: Deeper Roster. I spoke with a friend, who said Kevin Thorn was in the 360 version. Maybe she was mistaken, or maybe different superstars are in different system versions. Because Thorn is NOT in the PS2 version, yet Sabu is. Sabu had been released well before the cut off, & way before half the other Superstars were even added. So why is Thorn NOT in the game.. & furthermore, more importantly, why aren't his finishers in the game?!

I'm tired of seeing a lame ass "Styles' Clash" & Samoa Joe's "Buster" (forgot the name) outta the corner... yet actual W.W.E. Superstars don't even get their moves put in. And Thorn's "Original Sin" move is one that I was completely hoping for.

The Unknown: I haven't yet tried the 24/7 mode. I've heard its "never ending" then I've heard it does have an ending. So I don't know. I've also heard its repetative, so that sounds bad. I'm awaiting creating my Superstar, then taking him through.. so I can get the full experience from being a "no-name" to becoming a star.

Final Thoughts: When I unlocked stuff with the save I downloaded, it came with a "E.C.W. Legend - Eddie Guerrero" & also "W.W.E. Legend - Sgt. Slaughter & Jim Neidhart." Yet all remain "locked" & I can't find anywhere to unlock them.

If anyone has this same save, or knows of this, whats up with having them IN the game.. if you can't unlock them, or use them?!

I wish they'd attempt adding entrances to every match style, such as Elimination Chamber. I like that they've allowed you to pick either Survivor Series or Wrestlemania (dispite it should be Summerslam, not Mania) for where you'd like to have the match happen at.

Also, does anyone know if they did away with "3 Stages of Hell?" I can't honestly remember it being in last year's version, but I know I can't find it in this year's. I used to have best two outta three falls matches using that.

So, overall.. I'd say this game is an 8/10 rating. It may drop to 7 depending on my approval of the 24/7 mode, & the tournament modes (haven't tried them either) but everything else is either really, nicely upgraded, or unfortunately not even seemingly touched.
Big Will's "take" on Smackdown vs. Raw 2008: This is for the Playstation 2 version.

The Good: I'm thankful that the G.M. Mode is still left in. I don't care if anything gets unlocked from it or not. I used a "save" to have someone else "unlock everything plus Unplayable Characters." But regarding G.M. mode, I love that you can be any brand.. & you can have more interaction through out the entire week. Such as having your superstars invade other shows, make movies, do interviews, becoming the poster boy for a p.p.v., etc, etc. -- I used to hook up two controllers & play both brands, but now there's 3. I haven't (yet) tried, but can you control all 3 brands?

The updated Create an Entrance is pretty nice, & I love that they have "Famous" by Puddle of Mudd. Its about the only worthy song on the PS2. (I heard on the 360 you can use downloaded music - must be nice, I'm waiting on my 360 to get fixed)

The new hardcore system, for the Extreme matches are amazing. I love playing that match now, more than anything, because it has almost unlimited possibilities on destruction. The fact that if you're the hardcore styled wrestler, you can even bust yourself open, without hurting yourself (to my knowledge) is friggin' sweet too. lol

The Bad: The first thing that comes to mind, is the incredible LACK of CAW. They have the ability to add to it every year, & in a sense, all they do is update some tattoos. Also, they have "templates" where they've already created several guys.. but what the ****?! I mean, come on. If you're gonna have templates, why not have them of actual Superstars, like Eddie Guerrero, or R.V.D., or Kurt Angle?

I'd rather the templates take up worth-using space, instead of seeing 3 different versions of some lame ass guy, in half-shorts, half-pants with a claw arm.

I haven't found the "create a p.p.v. mode" I'm assuming they took it out, which pisses me off big time. I loved creating p.p.v.'s & while simply "writing them on paper" would be almost just the same.. (I did that too, for the record) I liked having them saved, so I could go back & see how I lined them up to happen.

Alternate Outfits. They have Alt. attire for DX, & Kelly Kelly (I found them through the "cheat codes" section) but I haven't found Rey Mysterio's alt. attire, does he not have it, or does he simply not have it.. in every system's version!?

The Missing: Deeper Roster. I spoke with a friend, who said Kevin Thorn was in the 360 version. Maybe she was mistaken, or maybe different superstars are in different system versions. Because Thorn is NOT in the PS2 version, yet Sabu is. Sabu had been released well before the cut off, & way before half the other Superstars were even added. So why is Thorn NOT in the game.. & furthermore, more importantly, why aren't his finishers in the game?!

I'm tired of seeing a lame ass "Styles' Clash" & Samoa Joe's "Buster" (forgot the name) outta the corner... yet actual W.W.E. Superstars don't even get their moves put in. And Thorn's "Original Sin" move is one that I was completely hoping for.

The Unknown: I haven't yet tried the 24/7 mode. I've heard its "never ending" then I've heard it does have an ending. So I don't know. I've also heard its repetative, so that sounds bad. I'm awaiting creating my Superstar, then taking him through.. so I can get the full experience from being a "no-name" to becoming a star.

Final Thoughts: When I unlocked stuff with the save I downloaded, it came with a "E.C.W. Legend - Eddie Guerrero" & also "W.W.E. Legend - Sgt. Slaughter & Jim Neidhart." Yet all remain "locked" & I can't find anywhere to unlock them.

If anyone has this same save, or knows of this, whats up with having them IN the game.. if you can't unlock them, or use them?!

I wish they'd attempt adding entrances to every match style, such as Elimination Chamber. I like that they've allowed you to pick either Survivor Series or Wrestlemania (dispite it should be Summerslam, not Mania) for where you'd like to have the match happen at.

Also, does anyone know if they did away with "3 Stages of Hell?" I can't honestly remember it being in last year's version, but I know I can't find it in this year's. I used to have best two outta three falls matches using that.

So, overall.. I'd say this game is an 8/10 rating. It may drop to 7 depending on my approval of the 24/7 mode, & the tournament modes (haven't tried them either) but everything else is either really, nicely upgraded, or unfortunately not even seemingly touched.

This is possibly the best Wrestling game ever created by THQ i'd say even better than Smackdown: Here comes the pain which was my old favourite. the controls are so much better, the movment of the wrestlers is fantastic and YOU CAN LIGHT TABLES ON FIRE!!!! no seriosly though as soon as I put this game into the PS2 I new t was going to be awsome but I do have some issues with it

The story lines repeat them selves I found myself doing the mcmahon angle over and over again 3 times on my count it got very fustrating.

another thing is some of the glitches in the game

and to answer some of your questions the Rey oufit I'm pretty sure it only for the next gen consoles also that save is hasked it is impossible to get "E.C.W. Legend - Eddie Guerrero" & also "W.W.E. Legend - Sgt. Slaughter & Jim Neidhart." there only for the PSP version from what I've heard the PSP has the biggest roster
This is possibly the best Wrestling game ever created by THQ i'd say even better than Smackdown: Here comes the pain which was my old favourite. the controls are so much better, the movment of the wrestlers is fantastic and YOU CAN LIGHT TABLES ON FIRE!!!! no seriosly though as soon as I put this game into the PS2 I new t was going to be awsome but I do have some issues with it

My biggest issue is with people only loving the game because of the flaming tables bit. Hey, don't get me wrong.. it definately up's the play-value of the game, likewise does the multiple functions of the weapons. Con-chair-to's, Leg/Neck breakers with the chair, Guitar smashes, Fire torched Barbwire & Tables, etc, etc.. but overall, this game has too many steps backward in the span of this franchise to make it "the best."

The story lines repeat them selves I found myself doing the mcmahon angle over and over again 3 times on my count it got very fustrating.

I started season mode with a created Superstar, & just couldn't find myself interested in it. I started out, feuding with M.V.P., Gregory Helms, Mr. Kennedy, & Mark Henry wanted to be my partner.. I had NO way of saying no, so I was stuck in a handicap match everytime I had a Tag Team match. Fricken Mark Henry.

another thing is some of the glitches in the game

I've never experienced any yet. But the one thing I DO hate, is how you have NO control over picking the other people involved in the tournaments, or beat the clock. I haven't YET attempted a Royal Rumble, but if I can't select the 29 other wrestlers, I'm saying F-U to this game & going back to last year's.

and to answer some of your questions the Rey oufit I'm pretty sure it only for the next gen consoles also that save is hasked it is impossible to get "E.C.W. Legend - Eddie Guerrero" & also "W.W.E. Legend - Sgt. Slaughter & Jim Neidhart." there only for the PSP version from what I've heard the PSP has the biggest roster

Go figure, the biggest roster is on the smallest system for it. T.H.Q. loves irony.
I've never experienced any yet. But the one thing I DO hate, is how you have NO control over picking the other people involved in the tournaments, or beat the clock. I haven't YET attempted a Royal Rumble, but if I can't select the 29 other wrestlers, I'm saying F-U to this game & going back to last year's.

I'm pretty sure you can change the wrestlers in the tounaments, u just have to click the matches and change people involvled and match type, well that worked for me. Its at the part before u have to press accept for the tournament, if u just highlight the match and change it, it works.
I recently got the game for the Xbox 360. So far, I have mixed feelings about it. As usual, it's the same old formula but slightly tweaked and variated. I decided to try out some of the newer wrestlers, namely MVP and CM Punk. I can't quite decide whether the new styles system is incredibly intrusive or a nice innovation, probably a bit of both. Either way, it works nicely and Punk and MVP are now my two favourites. Imagine, then, my disappointment when I discovered that I could play as neither of them in "24/7" mode. Instead, I reluctantly chose to play as Carlito. After finally figuring out that the calendar was the key to actually playing a match, the horrifying mess that's been made became apparent. Skill exercises? Events? Invading other shows? What the fuck is all this!? When I finally figured out what show I was on, I went to my match and chose to play it, only to find, to my great annoyance, that the default setting is to watch two CPU players go at it! I get a "storyline" which doesn't even make sense (and involves Randy Orton eye-raping my interviewer girlfriend and Shawn Michaels taking offense to it and attacking both of us only to find out later that he's in love with me or something). It's Godawful, and the only reason I'll play it is to unlock extra stars.

However, the actual gameplay of matches has become something more refined than previous outings, not only graphically but with smoother animations and less (although there's still a barrel full) glitches - the collision detection is still pretty atrocious. The new styles system has it's ups and downs, but I think it's just more confusing than anything. Multiplayer between two or more people that understand how to play is the best, especially considering that the AI is moronic and any difficulty comes from the fact that they can seemingly predict any move, no matter how unpredictable. A Jeff Hardy vs. MVP match, replayed afterwards, between me and my friend was fun and strategic, each of us stringing together massive strings of reversals, something which probably wouldn't even take place accidentally on single player.
I have a question about this game. Ok well I've gotten 100% legend status on 24/7 mode. Is there really a point to continuing other than another story line? I really want to start GM mode so I can get Vince but I don't want to go over my Season mode if there is more.
That actually sounds like a very sick but very good ratings winning storyline. Randy Orton eye-raping the interviewer, only to have Shawn Michaels attack him & you, and then he falls in love with you. Great.

BTW, how the hell do you eye-rape someone?

Strangely enough, it was, again, because of the bad collision and height detection. I, as Edge, was in an interview an ended up kissing the interviewer (what? Todd Grisham is HAWT) and then Randy Orton pushed me out of the way to get his fill for some odd reason (what sort of freaky pervert does that sort of shit!?) and bingo! Eye rape. The story mode is quite probably the worst I've ever seen in a wrestling game, and I've been playing since the N64.

I recommend they spend a lot more time on the voice recording for the next one, even starting from scratch and telling JBL not. To. Talk. Like. A. Ro. Bot. And have a much more linear experience, with no confusing calendar (doing an interview gives me +3 popularity but taking a day off because of all the tiredness 5 minutes of talking incurs takes away five times that much, even when I'm not scheduled to compete). And please, finally have the outcome of the match reflected in the fucking cutscenes! I don't want to beat five guys to a pulp on legend difficulty only to have it appear that they all beat the shit out of me, it just takes the point (and any satisfaction) out of it. Also, I don't want to punch with CM Punk and hear an oddly deep "urgh!". The wrestlers get paid e-fucking-nough to record their own "urgh!" sounds, don't they?

Even the styles system is a bit crappy. Carlito is a high flyer and technical wrestler, but can't perform dirty moves? Bullshit. Edge can only use hardcore and dirty moves, making him pretty much ineffective in any sort of match that doesn't involve fighting a blind ******? Bullshit. MVP gets momentum drained for using strike moves, but using only grapples is a good way to get your face reversed off? Bullshit. They should have implemented a primary, secondary and tertiary style system, there's still plenty of strategy (for a game that's pretty much about pressing the right trigger at the right time).

And to go into further depth about 24/7 mode, not including legends, especially dead ones, is acceptable, but having the likes of CM Punk and MVP absent? Bullshit. This games is unrefined, unfinished and rarely fun. Still, I prefer it to the "Oh, they've hidden the exit. Again. This is fun, yea..." system of the Orange Box, which is why I traded in the latter for the former.
Strangely enough, it was, again, because of the bad collision and height detection. I, as Edge, was in an interview an ended up kissing the interviewer (what? Todd Grisham is HAWT) and then Randy Orton pushed me out of the way to get his fill for some odd reason (what sort of freaky pervert does that sort of shit!?) and bingo! Eye rape. The story mode is quite probably the worst I've ever seen in a wrestling game, and I've been playing since the N64.

I think I know the story your talking about. It's the same on on Smackdown. Except it's Maria interviewing you. You go in for a kiss, Gregory Helms goes in for the kiss, then MVP tackles us both. Another negative. Same storyliune on both shows. And you can't even do an ECW storyline, even though thats one of the key elements in the whole game.

This game bombed really bad, and I hope the people that released it realize that. And on a slightly unrelated note, I actually kinda hope that in the next game, for the season mode, I want them to do somthing like they did with Smackdown Shut Your Mouth. That story was kind of taken from a real one, but the progress you made was realistic! I mean, it was continus, it went from April 2002 to March 2004, and it was realistic! You didn't have one storyline, then a completely different one, it was all evenly flowing. It made sence. It was easy to follow. And if you wanted to, you could lose a few matches and get out of the main story and do a few undercard months. But enough about promoting SYM, I'm just saying I think it would be neat if the next game did somthing like that. Even if it was the same story every time you played it, it would make so much more sence.
I'm pretty sure you can change the wrestlers in the tounaments, u just have to click the matches and change people involvled and match type, well that worked for me. Its at the part before u have to press accept for the tournament, if u just highlight the match and change it, it works.

I have to admit, I was so pissed off that I didn't even attempt checking everything out fully. I'll look into it to see if I overlooked anything.
I think I know the story your talking about. It's the same on on Smackdown. Except it's Maria interviewing you. You go in for a kiss, Gregory Helms goes in for the kiss, then MVP tackles us both. Another negative. Same storyliune on both shows. And you can't even do an ECW storyline, even though thats one of the key elements in the whole game.

I've yet to encounter that, unless (again) I simply didn't pay complete attention. The stupidest thing I've had, is still within my first two monthes (I'm the show after Judgment Day - on Smackdown's brand)

I was stuck in some twisted #1. contender's match (because yeah, apparently dispite JUST debuting, I'm already great enough to be a Heavyweight contender?!?!?) So I was stuck in a warped mess with Mr. Kennedy, Gregory Helms, M.V.P... then Mark Henry was my partner for one show, before apparently getting injured by "?!?!?!".... then, Kennedy wants to switch matches.. so I agree, & face Matt Hardy. THEN, the week later, it says I'm facing the guy I didn't want to face the week before.. &.. ITS MATT AGAIN?!?!

So, Judgment Day comes.. I face off against M.V.P.. beat him, then B*tch slap him.. which Kennedy sends me a phone message, saying I have his respect. LOL And now, somehow, I'm STILL not #1. contender.. I didn't get it.

I want them to do somthing like they did with Smackdown Shut Your Mouth. That story was kind of taken from a real one, but the progress you made was realistic! I mean, it was continus, it went from April 2002 to March 2004, and it was realistic! You didn't have one storyline, then a completely different one, it was all evenly flowing. It made sence. It was easy to follow. And if you wanted to, you could lose a few matches and get out of the main story and do a few undercard months. But enough about promoting SYM, I'm just saying I think it would be neat if the next game did somthing like that. Even if it was the same story every time you played it, it would make so much more sence.

Was that SYM, or HCTP?? Because I loved the one, where it followed actual storylines.. like the Triple H./Steve Austin Survivor Series 2000 ordeal, where Austin drops HHH in a car, off a forklift.

I created tons of W.C.W. guys.. & it ended up being Sid Vicious, dropping Sting. lol I LOVED how you could do all that. Also, what about where you can intentionally LOSE a "retirement" match.. then it asks you to come back at Vengeance, & shows you in a bar.. & you can opt to come back & it'll show you rushing the ring, whipping ass.. OR, it'll simply show you (declining it) by continuing to drink.. then you return at the Royal Rumble as a special entrant. I LOVED IT!
I think I know the story your talking about. It's the same on on Smackdown. Except it's Maria interviewing you. You go in for a kiss, Gregory Helms goes in for the kiss, then MVP tackles us both. Another negative. Same storyliune on both shows. And you can't even do an ECW storyline, even though thats one of the key elements in the whole game.

This game bombed really bad, and I hope the people that released it realize that. And on a slightly unrelated note, I actually kinda hope that in the next game, for the season mode, I want them to do somthing like they did with Smackdown Shut Your Mouth. That story was kind of taken from a real one, but the progress you made was realistic! I mean, it was continus, it went from April 2002 to March 2004, and it was realistic! You didn't have one storyline, then a completely different one, it was all evenly flowing. It made sence. It was easy to follow. And if you wanted to, you could lose a few matches and get out of the main story and do a few undercard months. But enough about promoting SYM, I'm just saying I think it would be neat if the next game did somthing like that. Even if it was the same story every time you played it, it would make so much more sence.

i aggre about the story problems espicaliy since your cant play and ecw guy aw i wanted to play as cm puck or elijah burke

also as a whole theres not alot of sturstars to pick in 24/7 mode they dont even have mvp

but if theres one part of the story that i hate its the freaking movie role story
how the heck is getting a movie role gonna make you a main eventer

also another thing i hate is in general manager mode and in the superstar mode when you do a R&R it takes a crap load of poplarity away what wwe films the sesion for all the fans to see or something

and one last thing playing ecw on gm mode 3 things 1 why is tommy dreamer the gm 2 if you play it with the predertimitened roster you only have 8 guys and 3 weres ecw extreme rules thats my favorite match for gods sake

other then those problems svr08 is great to play
The story mode was ok. I didnt like the intro that had before each show you did. You would smack hands/fists with the guy you were feuding with. It made no sense. Graphics were cool. I just wish they had more commentary! other then that i really did enjoy the game!!
I was hoping that the NWO belt would be in the game, or t-shirts!! They have signs but thats it i think. IF they are in the game please post!!!! Cause it would make my day!!!
The more I play this game, the more I think it's pretty atrocious. The actual gameplay isn't awful, particularly if you have friends. However, I'm not a fan of the single player. The only real challenge is on Legends difficulty - and it's not because of well-programmed or complex AI, they're still freakin' ******ed - it's because they reverse pretty much anything that's not a basic kick or punch, and that half the time. They're programming probably reads something along the lines of "reverse, reverse, reverse, reverse, reverse". I don't know about anyone else, but I don't find being beaten by an opponent simply because he's an all-reversing freak fun. That, and it just takes away any variety. Want to throw your opponent to the outside and perform a dive? Sorry, this isn't that one time in a million where you can actually irish whip someone without them reversing on the apron or without being kicked in the balls. I've already mentioned the other problems really, except one...

Why, oh why are they still using the same engine they used in 2001!? It's 2007, this is supposedly the next gen, I don't want the nice shiny superstars to be ruined by blatant jagged edges and them being impaled by their own hair... and pretty much anything you get close to. It's very, very poor that they're still using that same engine.

This just makes me all the happier for the arrival of the first alternative in about five or six years, TNA iMPACT! Even if you can't play as MCMG. It's just not fair!!
I have only had the game three days (I borrowed it from my friend, who then told me I could just keep it) and I have already noticed a ton of glitches.

In 24-7 mode, it asked me if I want to trade opponents (like Will mentioned in his post) and I declined. Next thing I know I have a message from Shawn Michaels saying "thanks for agreeing to trade opponents." After that I went online to Gamespot (were people beat games in one day) and everyone was saying the choices don't matter, the game ends up picking the same thing everytime. Thats a huge flaw that is inexcusible.

The other flaw that pisses me off to the extreme is the fatigue system. I did strength training three time in a row. Each time I passed without being hit and it probably took me a combined one minute. After the third session I apparently got a concussion, from what slamming Marcus Cor Von three times? The system is set for your fatigue to go up at a set amount no matter what, beating Carlito in 2 minutes takes just as much stamina as going 40 minutes with the Undertaker, bullshit!

Also, I agree totally with Sam about the cutscenes. I beat Carlito and Nitro in a hanicapped match, only to see the cutscene have Nitro celebrating while JR said I couldn't overcome the odds and Lawler called me a whipping boy.

EDIT: Does anyone know if there is an unlimited attribute unlockable in this game? I want to fill the GM rosters but i don't wanna build everyone up.
EDIT: Does anyone know if there is an unlimited attribute unlockable in this game? I want to fill the GM rosters but i don't wanna build everyone up.

All I know, is I used a gave save that had everything unlocked.. & you pick a certain style for your wrestler's attributes. (I think) therefore, none of your created wrestlers can be maxxed out. (to my knowledge - unless you have to do it in 24/7 mode)
All I know, is I used a gave save that had everything unlocked.. & you pick a certain style for your wrestler's attributes. (I think) therefore, none of your created wrestlers can be maxxed out. (to my knowledge - unless you have to do it in 24/7 mode)

I'm not really concerned with maxing everyone out, its more just getting all my created wrestlers above an 80 overall.

My friend, brother, and I play GM mode and with three brands this year we can all play separte shows. The problem is the roster is so thin that we only get 14 people each so we want to create a bunch of people. However, the only way to get their stats up is buy the attribute packs which put them to an 80, then do those boring training sessions from there. Considering each exercise puts up one stat point at a time, this would take far to long to complete and would feel more like work than a video game.

I'll try copying a superstar once I get him high enough (i'm a 86 right now) and see if the stats stay.

EDIT: If anyone knows a quick way/cheat to get your stats up, please let me know. We really just want to start GM mode, we don't care about playing 24/7 to see all the different storylines. I know if you sim a bunch of years you get the money your superstar earns but that only helps me a little.
For kicks I went back and played Smackdown: Here Comes The Pain. All I can say is holy shit how can SVR 2008 suck so bad compared to this. Besides the graphics, HCTP Just is so much better. The glitches are less, and overall I just find it more entertaining to play. The stamina system in 24/7 mode in 2008 really pissed me off, like someone before mentioned you get the same fatigue in a two minute match as you would a 40 minute match. 24/7 modes cut scenes are just so repetative, while season mode in HCTP rarley repeated. I lost a lot of faith in this series due to 2008, and seeing how good the older games were, I wish they'd do away with the voice overs and make it a customisable season again...
Let me just tell you people a little story which I think demonstrates just how unbalanced SVR 08's gameplay is, and how the styles system is ludicrous.

OK, I've been playing a friend for about a week now. It's normally me as CM Punk vs. him as Rey Mysterio. OK, so Punk's not a high-flyer and his technique, durability and strength are oddly low, so what? I'll tell you what, I had 18 (yes, 18) finishers out of 20 reversed, and he won over half the matches we won. Well, he could have just outperformed me, I hear you say. Wrong again. Each match, I battered him to the point he could barely stand. Reversing several finishers and using several of Mysterio's almost irreversible moves, he wore me down to a slight orange and got his finisher within, oh, four moves, much less than about the twenty Punk has to pull off in quick succesion. I knock him to the ground and think "I may as well drag him to the middle and try and win". But oh no! POSSUM PIN! POSSUM PIN! And I'm on orange. Instant loss to me of course. Another disadvantage is how Mysterio has ultra-speed, allowing him to grapple and strike faster than anyone in the game, as well as the ability to roll (meaning he literally can't be touched) and run for ages. What does Punk get? He can hold onto submissions slightly longer than others and can punch without being reversed, not useful when your opponent just runs and rolls away from you really. How is that a balanced system?

To prove to my arrogant friend that it was his character and not him who bested me, I chose a similarly high-ranking player, Shawn Michaels, and promptly beat the living shit out of him four times in a row. It was so easy, I kept pulling off Super Kicks and letting him out of pins, as he no longer had the ability to automatically reverse all my finishers. Case closed.
does anybody know whether there are some sites that tell you how to build certain wrestlers as CAW's.. i would greatly appreciate it if somebody found one because for example, even though i can build my own RVD i cant make him look just right, i dont understand why WWE doesnt have superstars as templates.

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