The [Official] Smackdown vs. Raw 2008 Thread

to me this game this year seems quite interesting. I love having ECW in the game and higher ratings this year. Except the fact that MVP is only an 85 and the Sandman is an 86 and Matt Hardy is a 90. This is one of the select few games i buy each year except for madden and NCAA football. I think the New 24/7 mode or what ever it is called sounds great. Now the bad things are, are the move animations, and the predetermined dives. The Superkick pin looks great and so does some of the entrances that i have seen so far. I read that there is a 3rd person view for the ps3 and IMO looks bad. I cant wait for this game this year, but i am mad that some superstars that truly deserve to be in it arent like London and Kendrick. The roster is going to be outdated once again but its always been like that. the new fighting styles seem interesting especially with all the things you can do. I hope there are going to be a lot of things you can download and i read that you can add songs for entrances. But all in all they need to focus on other things because there commentating is still bad, I saw a video of Lashley doing the spear and King so Oh my god the unprettier. All in all though i think it will be a good game.

If you look at these pics of the WWE title(spinner) you will notice it is the size of a kiddy belt. I hope they will still give you the option of the former WWE title, but then again it probably has the same outline and size of the spinner belt like in previous games, or it probably will not even be an option since Cena has remained the champ for so long. This was one of the problems I had with previous games where the midcard titles are twice the the size of the World titles and not to mention the Hardcore title being big enough to reach the wrestlers chests. Is it that hard to model the titles correctly? Oh, I forgot, Cena has 97 points overall! Good thing Kurt Angle isn't in the WWE anymore because he would surpass the 99 point limit lol(If Cena is 97, Kurt should be 127).
I was watching them this morning. How come Cena's entrance looks worse than this years PS2 version? Aren't they supposed to improve the graphics for a higher spec model? Wish I'd kept my PS2 now.
I was watching them this morning. How come Cena's entrance looks worse than this years PS2 version? Aren't they supposed to improve the graphics for a higher spec model? Wish I'd kept my PS2 now.

I heard they were but according to that Cory Ledesma person he says its a working project. I think it is crock, i just think thq is to lazy to reanimate everything and actually make it look like a good game, but that will not happen because they have no competition. Some of the Graphics though in my viewing though especially on some look a lot better than what they do on the ps2, but i havent checked out the Cena ratings yet or videos.

From what i saw especially with MVP his entrance on the ps3 look a lot better than the ps2. Also the Play maker looks a little but different. I believe some animation on certain things have improved.But who knows?
anyone have any idea on whether you'll be able to have more then 6 guys in the ring for a royal rumble??? or if u can actually do 4 on 4 and 5 on 5 elimination matches yet?? having a max of 6 guys always pissed me off more then anything.
anyone have any idea on whether you'll be able to have more then 6 guys in the ring for a royal rumble??? or if u can actually do 4 on 4 and 5 on 5 elimination matches yet?? having a max of 6 guys always pissed me off more then anything.

In the debut Smackdown! game for PS2 they had 8 men allowed in the ring, with a ref. (9 all together) They pulled that, as it was slowing the game down in several parts due to too many "polygones" or whatever. I doubt they'll ever break away from 6 men, as its running fairly decent for them.

I know your frustration, however, as I playout storylines & it always pisses me off come Survivor Series when I have to do 3 on 3 elimination matches. It ruins continual gameplay, that way. But I'll always love the franchise game for what it is. Like a cruel mistress, it offers both great & poor qualities.
OMG, OMG, OMG this games looks so damn good it has everything I ever wanted in a wrestling game (except a few things) 8 different fighting styles ECW FLAMING FREAKIN' TABLES

ok true story
I went to my local game shop the other day and there it was WWE smackdown VS raw 2008 just sitting there a whole rack full, tears of join ran down my eyes it was finally out i went up to the counter and asked for the game the retart emplyee said "sorry only out in november" I was shocked flabbergasted i couldnt think of words to decribe it i ran the store screaming then i came here and went on
Alt attires have been confirmed. I thought as much considering I'd seen Rey Mysterio in Black & Red on an advert. Hopefully it's proper attire and not suits. Although I'm not holding my breath.

It would be good if some wrestlers alt attires were old school ones. Rey, Taker, HBK(Rocker), HHH etc.
Alt attires have been confirmed. I thought as much considering I'd seen Rey Mysterio in Black & Red on an advert. Hopefully it's proper attire and not suits. Although I'm not holding my breath.

It would be good if some wrestlers alt attires were old school ones. Rey, Taker, HBK(Rocker), HHH etc.

It still won't be as good as No Mercy, & Wrestlemania 2000 for the N64. They had 4, changeable, alt. attires. I remember a SD franchise game in the past having selective wrestlers with 3-4 alt. attires, while others didn't have any. I wonder if that'll be what this is too.

Rey Mysterio with 1-2 alt., Triple H. w/ suit, Kane w/ mask, Taker w/ old school. I wonder if Batista & Orton would have alt. attires, or suits? Honestly, I think this will be a slight letdown, but at least SOME get extra attires.

OH, if H.B.K. has an alt. I'm sure it'd be his heart tights, before it'd be his Rocker ones. W.W.E. isn't (for whatever reason) focusing on that part of his career any longer. And the best thing for this, would be to allow CAW to have 2 selectable attires. That'd be awesome.
Something I've been wanting THQ to bring back isthe only season mode. I'm talking about the style that was in Here Comes The Pain a few years back. It does not look like I'm going to get my wish this year as it looks like the character voices are still in the game which eliminates all chances of that happening. SVR 07's storylines to me were so dull and poor I never finished it. I'm just hoping that the story mode is better, and it's a nice touch to haver the ECW guys in the game as well
what really pisses me off with 2007 is when you have a tag team match, and the team is in a stable, it'll say the name of the first guy, like in mine, i have a team with Gus, his real name is Michael, and he's in the stable before i am, ill tag with him, and the announcer will say,
from Nevada, Michael
and thats it, hopefully they fix that
The above is a perfect example of why I just don't understand Smackdown 2007. IMO, Smackdown 2006 was the pinnacle of the series. They did nearly everything right... and there were little, to no, bugs.

Suddenly, in 07, you have tag teams introduced incorrectly, chair shots being called Stunners... I mean, it's nearly the same game, how do you break the game you already made? Plus, they completely dumbed down the difficulty. Once you're demolishing opponents in the hardest setting in the game, it ceases to be fun. On a personal level, I was also not a fan of what they did to GM mode, but that's beside the point.

I try to get into 07, I really do. But when I really want to sit down and play a wrestling game from last-gen, it's 2006 everytime.
I finally saw why the roster is so small and it pisses me off.

A guy from THQ did an interview where fans asked questions and someone asked why Londrick isn't in the game.

The answer "we were asked to leave them off"

so the wwe is picking who goes on games and Londrick gets screwed again
no shelton benjamin?
no vitoria for the women's division?

why would the wwe not want these people on there?
that's dumb
From Wrestlezone:

Tommy Dreamer will be featured as a “Legend” in the new SmackDown vs. RAW 2008 video game. However, unlike legends like The Rock, Sabu, and Terry Funk, gamers will be able to play as Dreamer without unlocking him.

Ok that's fine with me since he is sort of a legend for ECW but Sabu isn't. While I'm excited to have him in the game I don't see why he is a legend, unless all of the ECW roster are legends (the original ones). Sabu is nowhere near legendary status. I'd prefer it if they had Ultimate Warrior as a legend.
I think Sabu is more of a Legend than Dreamer. He's certainly better know globally. He's not my sort of wrestler, I'm not much of a fan of that Barb Wire shit. But he's certainly had more entertaining matches than Dreamer.

I don't get why Dreamer's a Legend though. In the game that is. He's on the main roster so it seems pointless.

It would be a good freature if you could change superstars brands. That way when wrestlers switch shows they wont all be out of date. Pointless, but it would be a nice touch.
From Wrestlezone:

Ok that's fine with me since he is sort of a legend for ECW but Sabu isn't. While I'm excited to have him in the game I don't see why he is a legend, unless all of the ECW roster are legends (the original ones). Sabu is nowhere near legendary status. I'd prefer it if they had Ultimate Warrior as a legend.

I dont really have a problem with him being a legend either because he is an ECW original. It is clear that there are two different types of legends, ECW and WWE. The ECW legends would be that of Sabu, Dreamer, and Funk. I think that Sabu is more known though because of his style of wrestling, and probably better known throughout the world like Jake said. The only fault i see is why is Dreamer a legend? He is still on the active roster and IMO defeats the Purpose of being a legend. But on the other side he is an ECW original which would make him a legend in its own mean. I am just happy you don't need to unlock him. BTW he has a new reanimated DDT.
So yeah I got my free demo of this from The Sun today. Not much I could do on it but it does seem too similar to last year's game. Even the commentary is the same, JBL just uses Tazz's lines and Joey Styles uses Cole's lines. The only matches I can do are singles or hardcore (which is apparently different from Extreme rules). There's no weapon wheel on hardcore matches and the weapons are exactly the same as last year's. I couldn't use any hardcore superstars either, so I couldn't test out the flaming tables and what not.

Will I stilll buy the game? Of course, it has too much potential for me not to.
I think Sabu is more of a Legend than Dreamer. He's certainly better know globally. He's not my sort of wrestler, I'm not much of a fan of that Barb Wire shit. But he's certainly had more entertaining matches than Dreamer.

I don't get why Dreamer's a Legend though. In the game that is. He's on the main roster so it seems pointless.

It would be a good freature if you could change superstars brands. That way when wrestlers switch shows they wont all be out of date. Pointless, but it would be a nice touch.

I agree, Tommy Dreamer should not be a legend on this game, he is an active superstar. Also, when people say that he is an ECW Original and will be a legend someday anyway wouldn't that make HBK a legend? The Undertaker? Triple H? Ric Flair?! My point is that if they made Dreamer a legend just because he will be considered one when he retires, that would be applied to the likes of HBK, HHH, Taker, and Flair, so they should also have legend status on the game. Oh well, it is not that big of deal to me, I am use to the silly little mistakes that Yukes and THQ does to the SvR franchise.

I also would like to be able to change Superstar's Brands because it makes it easier to keep up with the current events in the WWE and feels more fresh. I go along with the WWE's events on my SvR 2007 game, for example: when Orton won the WWE title at No Mercy, I won the title with him on the game. Orton is a SD superstar on SvR 2007, so it looks stupid to me that a SD guy has a RAW title hence the reason to change Superstar's Brands. It is not that big of a deal, but I am a bit of a perfectionist so even the smallest details bother me lol.

I am also hoping that they will let you change those awful Overall stats of the Superstars for exhibition mode too(or at least GM Mode like they did with SvR2007). MVP and Kenny Dykstra both have 85's overall, so THQ and Yukes is saying that MVP is in the same league as Dykstra? I did not know that MVP was a jobber these days lol. And John Cena's 97 Overall is just ridiculous(he will be lucky to get at least 90 if I can change it Muhahaha), although it is pretty accurate if you are looking at it in a kayfabe way.

Tournament mode looks awesome. I've wanted that to return for years. It saves me trying to make up my own now. All I need now is the return of Hardcore Time Limit and I'll be happy.

I think the HOF bit is just a challenge mode. Can't say I'm bothered about that. There usually more frustrating than anything. There usually really hard and just add losses to my record which pisses me off.
Yea the small roster is pissing me off too, and I must say the legends roster is absolute shit this year. I dont understand why we cant have all the badass guys all at once, they take legends away, I wish there were more. why can we have ted dibiase, Mr.Perfect AND rick rude??? they take one step forward, and one step back. Although I am very happy with the additions of Terry Funk and Rude, I will miss Mr. Perfect, dusty rhodes, and never even GOT Dibiase, becuase winning that whole challenge mode was fucking impossible. Not impossible I guess, but it would be ridiculously time consuming.

I read that the feature of using custom soundtrack music would return for the xbox 360, but I read it on one of the initial reports, and havent seen mention of it sense...does anybody know anything about it? I was very excited becuase I love that feature, but im getting worried it wont be there, becuase of the lack of attention...what does everyone think of the new wwe 24/7 and GM overhaul?

Personally, I like to put two players in GM mode, but jus play them both, so I can book both shows, and with the synergy of wwe 24/7 and the gm mode ill have a lot of work to do lol
God I love wrestling. God I love Video games!!
But everybody is right. I would love the SD vs RAW presentation, animation and graphics with the No Mercy engine running.
You could reverse and rereverse every move in a realistic looking way, and little touches like ring apron moves were sweet. I remember the 1st game I played was the first WCW vs the world on N64, and when I saw the moves Ultimo Dragon, Eddie Guerrero etc. could do, I wet myself. Literally.
I am a bit eager to give Fire Pro a whizz, but dunno if I would like the basic 2d graphics. Any opinions??
hey does anyone know if the new tournaments will be able to be incorparated into gm mode? it woud be fuckin sweet to have a tournament at your ppv or something like that...I figure it kinda has to be, or what the fuck is the point ya know? anyone who ha seen anything please do tell....
Out of everything in this game I really just hope that THQ takes the time to actually finish fixing bugs and glitches in the game. The roster being small pisses me off as well and I'd like to know why it's so small. I have an idea that may be the reason. Possibly the fact that they couldn't get them to do voice overs? Then again they could have just had them non playable through season. Meh all I can do is sit and hold my breath for a much more enjoyable game then 07. The new features like tournament mode and flaming tables looks awsome.
Out of everything in this game I really just hope that THQ takes the time to actually finish fixing bugs and glitches in the game.

yeah there were some weird glitches in last years game I remember when announcers would yell "STONE CLOD STUNNER!!!" and my favorite one was when I was wrestling with Edge the announcers would be calling a Batista match and not an Edge match. overall it was a good game though and Im hoping for 08 to be alot better with no glitches like the others
If you have played the demo have you noticed how much little work has been done for the commentary? Ugh! Yuke's was very lazy it seems with this years SD Vs RAW I know the new gameplay additions will be awesome but content wise isn't looking that great.

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