Smackdown vs Raw 2009

I'm personally pleasantly surprised at just how up to date the rosters already were when i first fired up 2009. The music is all pretty up to date as well with a couple of exceptions. If they could change Kane's music to his current tune which he started using AFTER the draft, why is Brain Kendrick still using his tag music with London? As Miz and Morrison have been a tag team for well over a year now, why do they just walk down the aisle talking to each other instead of doing their signature taunts together on the rampway like they pretty much always have done?

CAF is also very disappointing . I tried to make Koslov's scoop into a reverse DDT and there was only options to keep doing lots of stupid twists and strikes before executing a neckbreaker or somekind of slam and nothing else. WTF?

Also, if the rosters were that up to date, then why the fuck is Coach still the SD commentator? I dare not play CM Punk's RTW for fear that i'll have to listen to f'n Adamle call the match.

Graphics are a lot smoother but otherwise this game is missing something that was the only thing that kept me playing '08 for a year and that was GM mode. I used to love trying to beat the other 2 shows, because the computer blatently cheats to beat you in GM mode. (They'd have Raw/ECWs with 2 empty slots and ME's that were tag matches featuring divas, and despite having the most popular superstars and managing my fueds properly, but still the other shows got better ratings. How does that work exactly?)

Gameplay is a lot smoother, most of the game is upto date, the new features are cool for their first attempt i guess, but replay value has decreased expedentially now that GM mode is gone.
I played this round my mate's house over the weekend and thought the game was very decent. The Road To Wrestlemania mode is very good and from what I've seen from the Career Mode it looks quite good.

What I don't like is that it won't take long to complete everything on the game so I'm not really sure if I will buy the game
I bought the game for the Playstation 2, not able to afford a next-gen console. But yeah, it's a definite improvement over last year. I too was actually surprised by the rosters accuracy.. like, the fact that the included the Draft switches and shit in it. I like the RtW storylines too. I just finished Cena's and it was pretty cool. Create-A-Finisher is actually pretty badass. I've done Christopher Daniels "Angel Wings" um, a alternative pedigree for HHH, a canadian destroyer, some dumb complex move that takes forever to execute, and some weird ass blackhole slam into facebuster type deal.. It's a definite buy from me. Better then TNA's game by far, and surpasses 08 with ease.
I also got the ps2 version, gone through the Jericho and Batista/Rey Mysterio Road to Wrestlemania's. Both were good (100% better compared to the past 4 years). Disappointed Kendrick is still in his Kendrick Days. Also don't like the fact theres no Bourne/DiBiase for ps2. Gameplay is great and loving tag team matches.

Another positive, The switching brands and face/heel alignment for exhibition is brilliant, been wanting this since i bought shut your mouth. I still have not figured out how attributes are raised on CAW's. ehhh Got to go now.

What shall i say last, this game is 100% better then all the other smackdown vs raw games.
I'm enjoying what I've played so far in the new game. I've been playing through Triple H's story in RtW and finding it to be a good story all together and overall every new week has been entertaining. Looking forward to the rest of the stories and also replaying Triple H's for the alternate path it offers. All in all I'm enjoying the game a lot so far.
I've heard a lot of good things about this. Except for on this site. But then again everyone is a critic whilst they are on the internet I guess. Looking forward to the Create a finisher mode, and also the Road to Wrestlemania. I like the fact that the rosters are customizable and that from what I have heard the PS3 has the capabilities to now add custom entrance music. I will definitely be getting this game tomorrow and after I play it I plan on doing a small review on it. But until then Im just pumped to get it tomorrow.
K finished Jericho, Batista/Rey and Triple H roads to wrestlemania.
I found them all entertaining

Spoilers of what happens in each mode
This is what happens when you win all the matches (I'm assuming there are numerous storylines per RTWM since if you lose some matches something else would happen instead)

Jericho's Storyline was amusing, I won all my matches. It started off with a win over Jeff hardy, it let me into a fatal four #1 contender ship match next week which I won. From what I remember either after the Jeff Hardy win ofatal 4 way Jericho's titatron came up with some message saying Jericho would lose. The next 2 weeks focused on Jericho attacking finlay over the messages. At the Royal Rumble Just as your about to win a "Masked Man" comes out and attacks either Jericho or Cena making the match a DQ win.

After the Rumbel Jericho spends the 4 weeks leading to No Way Out trying to figure out who was the "Masked man". Involving matches with who ever you suspect (I chose Kennedy, Hardy and Orton) and with a match with Umaga also. At No Way Out I had a choice to call out Orton or Kennedy. I chose Orton. As Orton was about to have a title match, instead you fight the "Masked Man". You almost tear the mask off but he gets away with the help of Shane McMahon, Umaga and Snitsky.

The weeks leading up to WM24 "Masked man" beats up Cena 1 week, You finally unmask him and it turns out its Orton. The next week Cena loses in a squash mato Orton. The next week you have to beat 5 Masked Men in a battle Royal for a match a Wm24. After winning its Jericho vs Orton no DQ at WM24 for the WWE Championship. At WM24 Jericho wins the big one.

Batista/Rey Rey was pretty good. I played 1 player and chose Batista (Theres a choice to change when ever you feel like). For this I started off beating the Miz, followed by teaming with Rey Rey to beat Curt Hawkings and Zack Ryder, the following week it was Batista/619 vs Kane/Taker. After winning these 3 matches we finally got a Title shot against Miz n Morrison. We defeated them and were the new tag team champions. At the royal rumble Batista entered #27, Rey Rey #29. We were the last 2 in the ring with me as Batista eliminating Rey.

After the Rumble Batista/Rey/Edge (the WHC) were forced to team to fight Cena/HHH/HBK over the rumble win. After the 6 man win edge speared Batista. After weeks of Edge attacks Rey got a World Title match for No Way Out where he was succesful

The weeks leading up to WM24 were great. Batista got a win over (forgot who), Rey beat Edge again making the WM24 Main Event Batista vs Rey. During the weeks leading up to Wm24 Batista/Rey had to defend the tag gold against various teams (including Kane/Taker in a Tables Match). at WM24 I had batista beat rey for the big gold. The storyline ended with the 2 shaking hands in the ring and Batista posing to the crowd

The Triple H Storyline was amusing. Started off with a #1 contender Triple Threat win over Edge/Kennedy followed by beating the pair ion a handicap match. The following week it was Triple H vs Orton for the WWE Title. Edge interfered causing the DQ. Kennedy came out and both started attacking Trips. Just as it looked like Orton was gona hit Trips he hit Kennedy and Edge instead. The following week Orton challenged Edge/Kennedy to a tag team match at the Royal Rumble with Trips as his partner. A win at the rumble, With ric flair also coming now wanting a Evolution Reunion.

After the rumble i defeated Kennedy. The following week HBK came up and proposed a DX reunion instead, with Orton and flair siting for a Evolution Reunion. The next week DX beat Cade n Murdoch. The following week saw Trips and Randy Beat Londrick. After the match Batistacame down to the ring and speared Londrick showing that Orton/Batista/Flair all wanted a reunion. Bad blood brewed between Orton and HBK on Trips Decision. So bad it turned into a wwe title match at No Way Out between the two with Trips as the Special Quest referee. This is where I had the choice, let HBK or RKO. Who ever i let get the pinfall i would join that group. I ultimately chose HBK causing a DX reunion with HBK as the champ.

I beleive there was a #1 Contender match Making the WM24 main event Trips vs HBK. During the hussel and fussel there was a Trips vs Randy/Batista Handicap, a Dx vs Evoultion 2on3 handicap and and dx vs evolution (batista/orton) Tables match. DX actually had some entertaining segments during this time as well (the 1 leading to the tables match was great). At WM Trips went over HBK. After the match HBK looked like he was gona hit Trips with the belt but instead put it around his waste. They hugged and the DX music plays. All the DX stuff is now available to use.

There were a bunch of things unlocked in these 3 RTWM Storylines, I cant remember much besides the DX crap and a 619 Costume change.

I honestly think this game is better then any other on PS2. Defiantly better then the past 4 years SvR Games.
I noticed nobody has played the game online yet on either Xbox 360 or PS3. Well, despite my Xbox Live Gold subscribtion expiring a few weeks ago, over the weekend I could play online for some reason. So the online features give you the option to either play in a ranked match or a player match. You can view the rank ladder from around the world to see how good you are compared to others. I am currently ranked about 2,500 out of well... the entire world that's playing on Xbox Live.

You can also view Highlight Reels from around the world and you can upload a video of your own for everyone to see. I had a few lag problems when I was wrestling another player. I disconnected about 5 times in 15 matches which wasn't good at all considering this is the first game in which I have disconnected completely. But overall it is fun facing off against others from all over the world. Too many people chose Randy Orton and The Undertaker though since they are the best superstars on the game.

You can choose from a singles match, a two on two match, a 3 way match or a 4 way match. Gimmick matches are indeed played online too. No online Royal Rumble though which I think sucks. No money in the bank either. The horrible lag issues I had while playing, have kind of turned me off from renewing my subscribtion. I heard from reviewers that the Road to Wrestlemania mode is one of the best storyline mode in a long time. Coincidently, thats the only thing I haven't done yet. I'm glad they introduced Co-op play for the Batista/Rey Mysterio storyline.
I think the game is pretty good. It's way better than last years game and is probably the best wrestling game since Smackdown vs Raw 2006. I enjoyed the Road to Wrestlemania mode. Almost all of the RTW's storylines are interesting. I personaly like the new career mode in the game. It kinda reminds me of other sports games career modes.(Meaning that their is no story lines. Your only goal is to win titles) I'm a bit disappointed that they tossed out GM mode and the Buried Alive match , but i can live without those. I've found that the gameplay is much smoother and is overall much more fun to play than SvR 2008. I would recommend this game to anyone who likes wrestling. It's definantly worth the $40 i paid for it.
Anybody have this for PSP? I have SvR 2006 and I still play it to this day, even though the season mode gets a bit repetituous. The GM mode is pretty good in that version, too bad its not included in 2009. I also like the create-a-belt mode in 2006.

I wouldn't mind getting the 2009 version though, just for the updated rosters.
I purchased this game two days ago and it was the first game I purchased in over a year because of school and other stuff in my way, I treated myself to it for finishing school and it was well worth the $50. I get addicted when I play it. It's leaps and bounds better than previous SmackDown vs RAW games.

The Road To WrestleMania mode has been critisised a lot on different websites I have been on but it's not that bad, a bit of fun and I'm just lucky that my faveourite wrestler has a RTWM story (Chris Jericho). His story was actually pretty good, I think they could have saved that for a real life storyline.

The Create-A-Finisher mode is awesome aswell for your created superstar. I made the Canadian Destroyer so far for my created superstar, haven't made any others yet but it's a really good mode. I was disapointed at first about the lack of Create-A-Championship, but I'm over that now.

I love it how you can also use Evolution's music in this game aswell if you unlock it when you go down the Evolution path in Triple H's RTWM and DX if you go down the DX path.

The alternative Chris Jericho is one of my faveourite parts of the roster, it's the Chris Jericho from SmackDown vs RAW 2006 I believe, or similar atleast.

The roster is pretty good aswell, so is the sound track.

One thing I have to complain about is the comentating....again. Was playing TLC and despite the fact that you don't climb the ladder in the video game TLC, JR still says something along the lines you have to climb the ladder to win the match.
Has anyone noticed that in RTW the commentary in the Raw storylines was a lot more involved and complex than the SD/ECW commentating? For example, so far i've only played Jericho's story (which was great, i wonder if Kennedy would have been the masked man if i'd called him out at NWO instead of Orton....), but on several occassions, JR and King made passing mentions about the new Diva search and also talked about other matches that have nothing to do with your storyline!! They hyped a JBL IC title match that was totally irrelevant to Jericho's story, and then when i actually faced JBL 2 weeks later they mentioned how he lost the title at the PPV, and on top of that they had text voting from the fans like WWE always does. SD and ECW ONLY talked about Taker/Batista/Rey/Punk's fueds and nothing else. Also, Tazz and Coach say veeeeeerrrrryyy little compared to the King during the matches in RTW.

Is this the same during HHH and Cena's stories?
TheOneBigWill's Smackdown vs. Raw (feat. E.C.W.) 2009 Review:

WARNING: This review CONTAINS SPOILERS! If you don't wish to be spoiled on anything regarding the game, DO NOT read on.

Opening Thoughts: I honestly didn't think that they'd have to try hard to improve upon last year's seeming flop. Out of all the Franchise series games from the Smackdown collection, I barely touched 2008, and the funny thing is.. I had others to play GM Mode with, and it was still like "pulling teeth" to get me to even pick up a controller. So again, I didn't feel they had to try super hard to improve upon last year's version.

This year's big additions will be the "Road to Wrestlemania", "Create-a-Finisher", extra Tag Team moves, expanded rosters, downloadable content, and the "Inferno" Match. Seems like a nice list of things to add on, and improve upon.. at least on the outside looking in. However, when I first started the game, I realized one very big gaming option that'd been deleted and taken out; G.M. Mode!

Apparently the Legend's weren't the only thing that'd ran their course in the SD series. In my opinion this is the first major mistake that THQ and the W.W.E. did. The G.M. Mode was the source of replay value, without it it lacks major replay ability, short of having a big imagination.

Road To Wrestlemania: So, like all the SD games there are unlockables, and like most of the previous games, you unlock them via storyline mode. This would be that area. In this mode, you get to choose from 7 different Superstars. John Cena, Triple H., The Undertaker, Chris Jericho, C.M. Punk, Batista and Rey Mysterio. (Batista/Mysterio come packaged together, as a team.)

Each Superstar has their own unique storyline building from the beginning of the year, to Wrestlemania where everything ends. While I thought the Undertaker, Triple H., and Chris Jericho storylines were fun.. the Punk, Batista/Rey and Cena storylines were boring and dull as crap. Now it has no barring on my like or dislike for them, the shear fact is.. the Punk storyline was all about him chasing a title he never lost. The Batista/Rey storyline was all about them trying to remain good friends, yet constantly being put up in situations that one would win and the other would lose, and the Cena storyline was just all over the place in general..

I loved the Undertaker storyline, dispite being utterly corny and stupid, because it actually gave great character to the Boogeyman. They made him a heel, that had Undertaker-like abilities and powers, and challenged that of the Undertaker. Outside of having Finlay and Santino as scapegoats, I thought the storyline was amazing.

The Chris Jericho storyline played a lot on his return. In his story, they had mysterious "coded-messages" playing after his matches, stating that Jericho would be "terminated". Once the code counted down to it's due-date, Jericho was taken out by a masked individual and you had to play "who did it" building up to Mania.

Triple H's storyline played off his former faction days, having both Evolution (Orton, Flair & Batista) as well as D-X (Shawn Michaels) lobbing for his return to glory days. In this storyline, it's replay ability is at least twice, because you can choose both sides. The D-X storyline is funny and well worth the comic bits, while the Evolution storyline is rather stupid.. mainly because two weeks into "joining them" he turns on them. hahaha (So nothing really changed)

In the end, the Road to Wrestlemania storylines will become annoying and boring once you realize you have to replay certain stories to unlock everything. (I have everything unlocked and ways around playing the entire stories multiple times, if anyone wishes to get ahold of me for the answers.) I DO NOT see this as being the best part of the game, infact it's barely worth being IN the game.

Career Mode: This is a feature that wasn't even announced as being in the game, and I kinda found it odd because the Road to Wrestlemania feature was their "storyline" based portion of the game, so it was major overkill to find out Career mode is a secondary version.. only for "Created Superstars".

You can take anyone into Career mode, and it's the only way you'll unlock the Hardcore Championship (if you so desire) as well as building attributes up on your CAWs. (yes, you can no longer buy them, you have to actually EARN them.) So this is the portion of the game they figured you'd be spending hours upon hours playing.. if you create all 30 CAWs and want them to have decent strength's. BORING!

In career mode, there is ZERO story. It's just an achievement type issue. You start out picking a Championship path. Once selected, you are told how many stars you must gain, to get a #1 contender's match, then a Championship match. Each regular match you wrestle, you get a star rating for that match. (5 being the highest) Now the catch is.. spending about 4-5 minutes per match, hitting every type of move imaginable. Top rope moves, rope moves, ground moves, front and back moves, turnbuckle moves.. cheer to the fans, hit the official, grab a weapon (don't get DQ'd).. etc, etc, etc.. if you do this, you'll get a 5 star rating almost everytime.

The catch is, there is "no difficulty" setting. The more into it you get, the harder it becomes, that includes the amount of stars you can unlock and how much the cpu reverses EVERYTHING!

Now, the fun little in-mode add-on is you can unlock 6 different "abilities" for your CAW (or regular Superstar) to use. Stuff like "Ref Shield," "Move Theft," "Steal Taunt," "KO," "Hardcore Resurrection," "Dirty Pin," etc, etc, etc. It's stuff like that, that can make playing the game with your created Superstar more fun and interesting because it adds a uniqueness to the game.

That counts for everything, considering if you want a uniqueness to your Superstars you'll have to personally give them that. Each wrestler has seemingly the EXACT SAME MOVE-SET.. minus "signature moves" and "finishers". (which are now two special move selections to themselves. You get 2 sig. moves and 2 finishers.)

Career mode sucks due to lack of personality and all it is, is mindless matches with little meaning. But it's a MUST if you expect your CAWs to not move like snails or have the health of a life-support victim.

Create-a-Finisher: Quite possibly the biggest addition to any SD game, the one thing everyone has been craving and asking for since CAW was invented. I will give this feature over half create just because it's the first of it's kind. (in this game, anyways) However it's still very basic and bland. You can only create finisher's from a front standing position. NO Submissions, NO top rope or ground moves.

Basically I found that you could create the following TNA moves. Christopher Daniel's "Angel's Wings", A.J. Styles' "Styles' Clash", Chris Saban's "Cradle Shock", James Storm's Spinning Razor's Edge, (forgot the name) Kurt Angle's "Angle Slam", (yes, literally) Abyss' "Shock Treatment", Sting's "Scorpion Death Drop", (it flips them upside down) & Jerry Lynn's "Cradle Piledriver.

The one move seemingly EVERYONE wanted to create (Petey William's Canadian Destroyer) is already in the game as much as it's ever going to be. It's Trevor Murdoch's "hick version" called "Ace of Spades".

You can do the kick to the gut, set the person up and do a taunt all as if it's going to come out right, but the only move it gives you next in line, is the Ace of Spades, which is NOT the Destroyer.

As far as unique finisher's go, I haven't really invested much time into it. You get 10 slots, and very limited set-ups. I messed with it for a couple hours for the hell of it, but all I ended up with was a guy spinning his opponent from a Oklahoma position, into a tombstone piledriver position, into a powerbomb position, and back to the Oklahoma position. Unless my attempted finisher was designed to make the guy motion sick, I don't think it'll win any awards.

So in the end, CAF is fun, but will definately need a tune-up come next year. Hopefully the ability to do top rope moves, or expanded stuff other than just from a front grab position.

Downloadable Content/Unlockables: I haven't heard much from the Downloadable content side of things, outside of seeing there is ONE slot for a downloadable wrestler that will remain "locked" until that individual is released by THQ.. everyone is assuming and speculating that it'll be Ted DiBiase Jr.

Outside of that, I'm unsure what type of DLC (downloadable content) there could possibly be. I'm guessing perhaps more "RTW" (Road to Wrestlemania) stories, this time involving maybe Shawn Michaels, Edge, Randy Orton & possibly the Hardys.

As far as unlockable wrestlers that are already IN the game.. the list is enough to make you laugh in the face of THQ, because a lot of people won't even BOTHER unlocking them. This is that list. Ric Flair, Mr. McMahon, Tazz, Boogeyman, Snitsky, Layla, Jillian, Hawkins & Ryder, "Masked Man", "Tony", (no, not Atlas) "Zombie Santino/Finlay" (yes, Zombie version's of them) and Hornswoggle as a manager ONLY.

You will also have to unlock the "Tribute to the Troops" and "Saturday Night's Main Event" arenas. All the others are already unlocked. And finally, you have 3 movesets to unlock, that will hold roughly 1/4 the game's entire moves LOCKED until you do so.

On top of that, you can unlock a couple Alt. costumes for Chris Jericho, (2005 attire) C.M. Punk, H.B.K., H.H.H., (D-X) & Rey Mysterio. (blue)

And the stupid unlockables are a jeep entrance, D-X & Evolution theme songs & videos, the Brother's of Destruction entrance, (not as great as you'd think) the masked man's jericho-like code videos, the old-school WCW Heavyweight title, the ability to make someone a "WCW wrestler", (more on that in a moment) and finally the lockerroom area and a gauntlet match. (3 against 1, but 1 vs. 1 at a time)

All in all, I like the gauntlet match, and I'll unlock any arena to play in it.. but the character's you have to unlock almost don't seem worth the effort. Hawkins and Ryder, for the shear fact they're new. Tazz because he's Tazz, Flair because he's Flair, McMahon possibly, but beyond that.. Jillian and Layla? Really? Snitsky?! What the shit?! Boogeyman? I didn't play him when he was in, why would unlocking him make a difference. Zombie version's of Santino and Finlay that look utterly corny, stupid and worthless to even waste space on, and two character's that are just.. almost unusable to practically anyone without an imagination. (Tony - "Cena's Army friend" and Masked Man, who's in camo and a mask - it's Daivari's return!) I joke, of course.. Daivari has more sense than that. And finally, Hornswoggle.. but ONLY as a manager that hides under the ring and brings you a weapon from time to time.

Now, before I move on, it is important to know that with each game, you get 5 unlockable codes for Wrestler's. It could be any 5 of the 14 locked. I got Layla, Snitsky, Boogeyman, Tazz and Mr. McMahon.

Roster Editor/Highlight Reel: This is a two-part breakdown. First, the roster editor. Here you can change which show/company any of the unlocked wrestler's are connected with. Smackdown, Raw, E.C.W., W.C.W., (hints from earlier) Legend, or Free Agent.

You also have the ability to strip the Champions, and reassign the titles to whomever you wish, as you please. They DO keep records of all transactions. It's constantly on the loading screens and in Career mode. Finally, you can change whether each wrestler is a face, or a heel.

Now, with the "Highlight Reel" you have the option to make your own videos. I'm unsure (thus far, haven't checked) if you can use them as a titan tron or not. But I do know you can upload them on the cpu for everyone else to see. (lame) Basically, during a match you pause the game and click "Highlight Reel" from there, you can rewind (kinda like replay in football) a slight moment of what JUST happened and save it.

From there, you can cut it up, crop it down, add sound FXs, music, or even random sayings from the announcers. (it's hilarious when you have say.. Cena locking in the STFU on say.. Kelly Kelly.. and you add in the commentary of J.R., saying "He's really locked it in there.") I'm sure you can do much worse, but I haven't yet got bored enough to waste that amount of time on it.. yet.

Matches & Moves & More: The Inferno match is this year's newly added match. You can play it in any arena, and it's corny to beat hell. You don't have the metal rails that hold the flames, they're just randomly ON the apron of the ring. Lame. In order to burn your opponent, you first have to get the flames to 300 degrees (hit a finisher, they instantly go up) and then grapple and pull your opponent to them. Then you "struggle" with trying to push him into the fire, and when you finally do.. flames almost overtake their body.. yet no sign's of skin damage.. hmmm...

They took out Triple Threat Tag Team matches. (you could do them in hardcore and ladder matches, but not anymore.) The Elimination Chamber is still ONLY playable at one arena.. this time it's No Way Out.

The "Hot Tag" feature in Tag matches is a blast, but it's timing and correct button pressing, otherwise your "Hot Tag" turns into a mistake. The great thing is, once you hit a finisher, your partner understands it and rushes in to attack your opponent. However, if you go for a cover/submission, and the opponent makes it into the ring, they don't have to be anywhere NEAR you.. to stop the cover/submission.. it's a bit annoying, but fun.

They don't have many new Tag Team moves, outside of the Hardy Boys entire moveset, the Snap-shot, the high/low that Murdoch & Cade used to do, and Cryme Tyme's finisher. They gave Miz/Morrison a hurricanrana into a powerbomb.

They did away with being able to fight into the crowd, unless I'm just stupid and haven't figured out which match is specific in getting over the guardrails. You can still only do Extreme Rules matches on the ECW TV set. Ladder matches are a bit more fun, they added a flipping powerbomb to the things you can do.. that's it. Table matches allow you to hit almost any finisher on a table, and they break better. I think they took some of the special interactive grapples away, that allowed you to go around ringside and interact. I know you have none or almost none in the lockerroom/backstage arenas.

They took out the parking lot arena. The Tribute to the Troops arena would be more fun, if you could interact with the fans. The HD sets, even in HD on my 360 don't look like they do in real life. You don't get the video graphics that the normal HD set's run. They also still have the ability to create your own Tournaments, with the same options as last time.

Final Thoughts: All in all, thus far I do like this year's game better than last year's, but the mistake of leaving out G.M. mode was bad on their end. That was the whole purpose some people even bought the games. I love how many tag teams are in the game, it slightly makes you believe the W.W.E. has a division. Sadly it's broken down into 3 brands.

"RTW" gets more annoying then fun after the 2nd-3rd storyline. Not because they're all the same, but because you're following the same exact road. You know each guy will have 'x' amount of matches, and have two set-ups at the Rumble and No Way Out, before getting to Mania. It's boring because of how unoriginal that aspect is. But that's also digging to find something annoying about it, instead of just enjoying it for what it is.

The fact that I'll have to spend an unknown amount of endless hours building up attributes for 30 different CAWs through Career mode is pissing me off majorly just thinking about it. I haven't yet tried copying one Superstar who's got an 80 overall to see if they'd all have it.. but even if they did, then they'd all have the same "special abilities" which I wouldn't like either.

IF you can copy and have the same guy's have the same attributes, I guess I'll have to do Career mode with one Heavyweight, one Cruiserweight, and one midcard Tag Team guy. Just to cover all my bases. I won't be making any females, and if I do.. they can stay at 30/40 overall.

I'll give this game a 5 outta 10, and that's ONLY because I love the extra added regular wrestler's. (No, not the Masked guy or Tony) I was never a fan of the Legend's, because I don't use them much.. so having guy's like Snitsky, Jimmy Wang Yang, and Hardcore Holly will come in useful to me. Even if they'll job like crazy.
I have all my created guy's abilities filled in, but does anyone know if you can exchange one for another that's unlocked? Say..submission for springboard? :o
Nope. Sorry, once you've got an ability, you can't change it unless you start a new Career mode path with the same CAW, which resets the stats and abilities, allowing you to get all abilities you want if you know how to get them.

The patch coming out next year is gonna allow you to change your abilities and stats to your own liking though. Better than nothing, but lots of flaws and annoying stuff with Career mode and stat building for me.
Overall I really enjoyed this years version a lot better than I did last years. The Road To Wrestlemania's are fun but have limited replay value. Create A Finisher is decent but can be improved upon. I dont mind the career mode for Created Superstars, but am annoyed that you have to go through it with each created superstar. The huge roster is definitely a plus. The Tag Team features are sweet as hell. The only thing I really dislike is the new camera view for when you are outside of the ring. You can hardly see anything and depth perception is a bitch. Other than that its a huge improvement. But that damn GM mode better be back next year.
Last year, the game upset me so bad, I decided not to buy this year. This year, everyone talked about how great it was, and it was so much better then last, so I bought it. I wish I hadn't. While I find alot of the new features quite fun, and love the fact that I an use music from my PS3, it just feels that I could have continued playing 08 without seeing a difference. I think the thing I hate the most are the controls, and the fact that you can't control them. I HATE holding L1 to run, I hate that they changed X and O around. And I expesially hate that I can't change those controls to the way I would like them.

But since I bought it, I'll give it a go anyways.
I have been playing Smackdown vs RAW for the Wii system. Everyhere I look I read people say that there aren't any legends in this game other than Ric Flair. However you can create them or from what I hear import the legends from the Legends of Wrestlemania when it comes out. I found dozens of pages with the same cheat codes to unlock certai wrestlers like Tazz, Hawkins, Ryder, and Hornswoggle. But there are theme songs on the song list that say locked. There are quite a few of them. There is one that starts with S that is locked that I am assuming would be Stone Cold Steve Austin's theme. Does anybody know how to unlock the entrances and themes that say locked in the game?
I haven't played this game for the Wii but I have for the 360 & I think you have to like win some type of matches or something to unlock the theme songs but im not 100% sure though.
Does anybody know how to unlock the entrances and themes that say locked in the game?

Unlockable How to Unlock
Brothers of Destruction entrance Complete Undertaker's Road to Wrestlemania

CAS Moveset 1 In Batista/Rey's RTWM have Batista win the Rumble, Rey lose to Edge at NWO, and then have Rey lose the tag titles against Morrison and Miz.

CAS Moveset 2 In Batista/Rey's RTWM have Rey win the Rumble, Batista lose to Edge at NWO, and then have Batista lose the tag titles against Morrison and Miz.

Cena and Tony's Military Vehicle entrance Complete Cena's Road to Wrestlemania

CM Punk's Attire B Put Elijah Burke through a table in Road to Wrestlemania Mode.

D-Generation X attires, entrance music, video and animations. Beat HHH's RTWM

Finlay's Zombie attire Have Undertaker help Rey beat Finlay in his Raod to Wrestlemania

Gauntlet Match Finish John Cena's RTWM.

Hornswoggle (Non-Playable Manager) Defeat Santino Marella in Undertaker's Road to Wrestlemania, then defeat Finlay in a faster time.

Layla Defeat Big Daddy V at the No Way Out PPV in under 2.5 minutes during CM Punk's Road to WrestleMania

Masked Man Complete Chris Jericho's Road to Wrestlemania

More moves for Create-A-Move Set Mode Pin Edge in Triple H's first match in Road to Wrestlemania

Mr McMahon Finish Rey & Batista's RTWM.

Santino Marella's Zombie attire Have Undertaker help Rey beat Santino in his Raod to Wrestlemania

Tazz Finish CM Punk's RTWM.

The Boogeyman Completed The Undertakers RTW Story

Tony Give both Umaga and Regal an 'FU' during Cena's RTWM Storyline

Tribute to the Troops Arena. Defeat MVP via submission in John Cena's RTWM.

WCW Heavyweight Belt and WCW Faction Pin Finlay in Week 3 of Chris Jericho's Road to Wrestlemania

Zombie Santino Marella Complete Undertakers MOTW

There are also codes to unlock specific individuals. (Tazz, Snitsky, Mr. McMahon, Jillian or Layla, The Boogeyman) I found this on my Create-a-Wrestler website -

Also, I'd like to point out for those that still care.

Downloadable Content:

Playstation3: Apparently their DLC is now available, and it's free. It contains Ted DiBiase Jr., Charlie Haas, Super Crazy, Evan Bourne & unlockable attires for Chris Jericho, M.V.P. & Edge. (I could be wrong in this though)

Xbox 360: The DLC for the 360 is apparently just, Ted DiBiase Jr., Evan Bourne & Charlie Haas. With an alt. attire for Chris Jericho. What's worse is, apparently everything else mentioned in the PS part is PS exclusive. Not to mention, the xbox 360 DLC is NOT free.
I think they replaced Super Crazy with Masked Kane on the PS3. I was also under the impression that it cost money, but not as much, although I am unsure. Is the content now available on the Xbox 360?
The PS3 DLC costs five dollars.

I've had this game since Christmas, and I love it. Maybe that just goes to show I have low standards, or maybe it's a fun game *shrug*. It probably also has to do with the fact that I play games in short bursts.
I love CAW. I always love CAW. It's much fun having an R-Truth vs. Kizarny vs. Ted DiBiase match.

The My WWE mode is pretty good. I enjoy it. IT's simple but it's a good way to track roster edits and such.
RtWM is a blast. I love the stories.

I have a complaint about entrance music. Why dos KAne have his new theme, yet Regal and Kennedy have their old themes? I'm not complaining that Finlay has his old theme, though.
SvR09 for 360.

I've had the game about 3 months and overall it's great. Haven't been playing it that much but I have formed some opinions. First the gameplay is better than last year, although it's quite similar as last year. Tag teaming is way much better, you can move around, break pin with good animation and so on. The only bad is the "hot tags", really don't undestand this. You make a hot tag and then your partner gets full momentum and gets a free pin after he drops the other opponent from the side??.

Haven't tried the caw mode yet, cause I've been reading that the attributes stuff is bad. But they should release update for this (now when that comes cause I haven't seen it yet). So I don't know does caws look good in this version, I hope. I would make some of those who are out of the game, like R-Truth, Jack Swagger, Golddust and Christian if he makes his return.

I'm also waiting for the DLC, so I could get DiBiase to legacy! (still waiting that also). I usually play exhipition games. I tried the road to WM and it's good but it doesn't let you lose matches. Now what's that all about. It is common that wrestlers lose some times and not win every match. Overall it is better than last year and after updates, I don't think I'll buy next years version.
The My WWE mode is pretty good. I enjoy it. IT's simple but it's a good way to track roster edits and such.
RtWM is a blast. I love the stories.

If you have a big imagination, and create stories for your SDvRaw09 game.. you should join in on writing about them, in the Book This! thread for it. (I started it a while back, and am still to my knowledge the only person using it, but it's open to everyone -- just don't spam)

I have a complaint about entrance music. Why dos KAne have his new theme, yet Regal and Kennedy have their old themes? I'm not complaining that Finlay has his old theme, though.

Kane doesn't have his new theme music in. He has his very old, original theme music in. And that's because the W.W.E. likely either didn't want to pay Finger Eleven to use Kane's last song anymore, or because they knew ahead of time he would be switching back to a more tortured version of himself.. so they just gave him his very first theme.

Meanwhile, I think I'm the only person who has never paid attention to Finlay having two different themes. I always thought it was the same, unless one is Hornswoggle's.

If you have the game for the 360, then you can just upload music and change the theme songs anyways. That's what I do. I can't stand the music that comes w/ the game for CAWs, so I just upload my own themes.
Kane doesn't have his new theme music in. He has his very old, original theme music in. And that's because the W.W.E. likely either didn't want to pay Finger Eleven to use Kane's last song anymore, or because they knew ahead of time he would be switching back to a more tortured version of himself.. so they just gave him his very first theme.

Meanwhile, I think I'm the only person who has never paid attention to Finlay having two different themes. I always thought it was the same, unless one is Hornswoggle's.

Ah, I see. I don't get to watch RAW as it comes on at a bad time for me, and it sounded similar to his new theme, so I just assumed...

I always thought the Irish Jig was Hornswoggle's theme, but recently I've realized that they've changed it to Finlay's normal theme now that he's face...

You can upload music on the PS3 as well, so that's what I'll probably do for Regal, if I can find his new theme.

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