Ideal Wrestling Game


Dark Match Winner
After playing WWE SVR-08, and being dissapointed with it, I was wondering what the communities ideal game would be...

I'll give a general idea to start...

Mainly, I actually like the gameplay in SVR-08, but my main problems come from the crappy roster. I also don't see why legends who were in 07 weren't included in 08. So, much like Guitar Hero lets you download songs, it would be awesome if there was a service from THQ (I think its THQ that publishes it) that would allow you to download for free and/or purchase additional offical models and CAW wrestlers. This would allow you to beef up the roster a bit and keep it up to date.

Next, I think what would be nice would be a feature that would allow you customize wrestlers. I know back in the X-Box days, with WWE-Raw 2, you could customize the wrestlers anyway you want. I converted the Hogan in my game into nWo Hogan, and even gave him music. I also imported music and gave him the nWo entrance music. Why can't we do the same in these games (I know you couldn't in 07, but I don't know about '08). I should be able to use saved music, or in the PS3's case, networked music for entrances (you might be able to, I don't have a PS3 so I wouldn't know.

Classic Wrestlers. Wouldn't it be great if over time, they went through tape libraries, cleaned up some audio, and brought some of the dead guys back to life? I'm sure they could do it, and playing Hennig, Rude, and countless others in career mode would be a blast. Even an impersonator would be awesome.

Old names. WWE owns the tape libraries for WCW and ECW. I'm not a legal expert, but doesn't that mean they could put guys like Sting, in one of their games? Throw in a WCW Legends section for guys like DDP, Sting and maybe a few others and give us the old feel back.

Those are just a few of my ideas, let me know what you think.
Shouldn't this be in the Computers & Video Games section.... ?

Well anyway I like this topic so I'll give my 2 cents.

My ideal WWE game would blow No Mercy for N64 away. I think the main improvements I would make are the essential ones that should of been made. They need to add a bigger roster and bigger move sets for the wrestlers. Some other modifications I would make includes being able to modify the WWE Superstars' appearance (like in WM 2000 & No Mercy) which IMO would be awesome. The game also needs new commentating. I also would rather beat the single career mode or whatever and earn trophies to earn Achievement points instead of playing the GM Mode.
After playing WWE SVR-08, and being dissapointed with it, I was wondering what the communities ideal game would be...

I'll give a general idea to start...

Mainly, I actually like the gameplay in SVR-08, but my main problems come from the crappy roster. I also don't see why legends who were in 07 weren't included in 08. So, much like Guitar Hero lets you download songs, it would be awesome if there was a service from THQ (I think its THQ that publishes it) that would allow you to download for free and/or purchase additional offical models and CAW wrestlers. This would allow you to beef up the roster a bit and keep it up to date.

Next, I think what would be nice would be a feature that would allow you customize wrestlers. I know back in the X-Box days, with WWE-Raw 2, you could customize the wrestlers anyway you want. I converted the Hogan in my game into nWo Hogan, and even gave him music. I also imported music and gave him the nWo entrance music. Why can't we do the same in these games (I know you couldn't in 07, but I don't know about '08). I should be able to use saved music, or in the PS3's case, networked music for entrances (you might be able to, I don't have a PS3 so I wouldn't know.

Classic Wrestlers. Wouldn't it be great if over time, they went through tape libraries, cleaned up some audio, and brought some of the dead guys back to life? I'm sure they could do it, and playing Hennig, Rude, and countless others in career mode would be a blast. Even an impersonator would be awesome.

Old names. WWE owns the tape libraries for WCW and ECW. I'm not a legal expert, but doesn't that mean they could put guys like Sting, in one of their games? Throw in a WCW Legends section for guys like DDP, Sting and maybe a few others and give us the old feel back.

Those are just a few of my ideas, let me know what you think.

well about the music on the x360 u can use ur own custom soundtracks for the created guys right? u cant change cenas music, but u can take some musics from ur mp3 ur pc, whatever, and put them as ur entrance music on ur created guy

SVR 08 is pretty fun... better than 06 and 07.. the ecw matches are awsome, flaming table man.. always wanted that in a SVR game

but i also think they need a bigger roster, and have more freedom in the arena, in SVR 05 u can set tables near the entrance ramp, i dont mean on top of the entrance ramp but on that lower part, that was awsome, cuz u could put a ladder on the enctrance ramp and do a huge spot jeff hardy like off of it lol, i dont know... they should just make a game where u have the freedom to do whatever the hell u want, put 10 tabels on top of each other, take the fight backstage, take the fight around the arena like actually through the crowds, that would be wicked...

PS: the TNA game looks pretty awsome so far...

PSS: ya this should have been in the games section.. o well...
Sorry for not adding it to the game station, guess it was too early for me to think properly :-P.

Anyway... I still want to be able to change wrestler's entrance themes from the game, like Cena, or redress characters and customize them so they can be more up to date, like you could in WWE Raw 2 for the Xbox...

The TNA game... eh... I can't get into TNA. That's for another thread though.
I changed the name to of the thread to "ideal wrestling game", even though it won't make much of a difference. Of course, an alternative to a WWE wrestling game is high up on my list.

The one thing that I crave for a wrestling game is a good roster. I mean, it doesn't even have to be up-to-date, within reason, I just want the best wrestlers of the recent few years on it and the ability to play as them. I mean, mid-carders aren't too bad either - and it does add some extra satisfaction when you can tame main eventers with them.

A decent story mode wouldn't be too bad. I mean, just something simple. The occasional cutscene while playing a bunch of different matches would be good enough for me. It'd also be nice if winning a match didn't mean a cutscene of you getting beat down immediately afterwards. And some alternative routes, particularly when it comes to choosing a tag partner and stuff like that, would be quite nice. I'd also like it to last at least two years, with midcard and tag titles being up for grabs during that time and only getting a world title shot, at earliest, at the beginning of year two.

Some decent tag teams to choose from. I don't think I've ever seen this in a wrestling game. The TNA game looks fairly promising with LAX, AMW, Styles & Daniels and, dare I say it, 3D available, but I'd like to see even more, like MCMG. I mean, why isn't Shelley in the game anyway? There are always massive downpoints like that. Some more opportunities to use double team moves would be pretty damn fine.

Other than that, just additional customability really. The options to customise existing belts so they have their own personal touch should be in there, create-an-entrance should be more in-depth and I'd like to see a Create-a-move mode. Of course, the obvious stuff like changing wrestler outfits should also be in there.
I changed the name to of the thread to "ideal wrestling game", even though it won't make much of a difference. Of course, an alternative to a WWE wrestling game is high up on my list.

The one thing that I crave for a wrestling game is a good roster. I mean, it doesn't even have to be up-to-date, within reason, I just want the best wrestlers of the recent few years on it and the ability to play as them. I mean, mid-carders aren't too bad either - and it does add some extra satisfaction when you can tame main eventers with them.

A decent story mode wouldn't be too bad. I mean, just something simple. The occasional cutscene while playing a bunch of different matches would be good enough for me. It'd also be nice if winning a match didn't mean a cutscene of you getting beat down immediately afterwards. And some alternative routes, particularly when it comes to choosing a tag partner and stuff like that, would be quite nice. I'd also like it to last at least two years, with midcard and tag titles being up for grabs during that time and only getting a world title shot, at earliest, at the beginning of year two.

Some decent tag teams to choose from. I don't think I've ever seen this in a wrestling game. The TNA game looks fairly promising with LAX, AMW, Styles & Daniels and, dare I say it, 3D available, but I'd like to see even more, like MCMG. I mean, why isn't Shelley in the game anyway? There are always massive downpoints like that. Some more opportunities to use double team moves would be pretty damn fine.

Other than that, just additional customability really. The options to customise existing belts so they have their own personal touch should be in there, create-an-entrance should be more in-depth and I'd like to see a Create-a-move mode. Of course, the obvious stuff like changing wrestler outfits should also be in there.

yo u had a simple obvious idea that i never thought of, but really liked, im talking about the one where u could go for the tag titles or start with IC or US belts... it would be much cooler, if im not mistaken pretty much every wrestling game u just keep winning until u get ur title shot.. wich comes really quick

it would be much cooler if u were a nobody, then the first belt u had to win would be some crap like a tv title, then move up to a hardcore belt, then move up to a IC os US belt, and then choose if u wanted to go for the tag belts or just try and move up to the heavyweight scene, cuz even though i would love to be tag champs in the game, many ppl dont care for that so u should be able to choose

oh and dont they have a thing where u can customize the belts already? and i think the make ur entrance thing is very well done, they could add some more stuff but its still really good IMO... as for the create-a-move ive thought of that myself and i think it would be sick but i think it would be a hard thing to pull off... i just dont see how they could make a decent way for u to make ur move.. but hey thats their problem lol

as for the TNA game, i agree.. why the hell not put MCMG in it? they are so over with the TNA fans right now, and pretty much the only ppl buying the game will be TNA fans.. sooo why not put them on the game? but they do have some other great wrestler on it, and the game is still in the making, its gotta long way to go b4 realeased.. they could still ad MCMG on it, but what looks cool on the game is the moves.. it looks much more... real.. i guess that would be the right word.. i saw that gameplay video of sting vs kurt angle.. and even though there are still many bugs to be fixed i was already hooked on the game, it looked like so much fun, the animation of the moves and everything was exellent.. who knew midway could make a decent let alone great wrestling game (by what ive seen), cant wait to play it...

and EtherBoo... regardless of what u feel about TNA u should take a look at the game, if u enjoy wrestling games in general i think u would have fun pulling off the crazy moves this game is gonna have.. and the wrestling just looks far superior to SVR in every way...

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