2007 or 2009?


Pre-Show Stalwart
The 2009 version of WWE is really getting slammed of late but is it as bad as it was in 2007?

I'm really curious to get some answers on this one. What in your opinion is the better year for the WWE: 2007 or 2009? (Eliminate the Benoit tragedy and the steroid scandals from '07)

I'm gonna run down the PPV's and shows but all you need to do is just explain your answer.

Royal Rumble: 2007
Nothing beats The Undertaker winning it after last eliminating Micahels. Also, the Cena/Umaga LMS match was amazing. However, I did enjoy this years Rumble but it just doesn't measure up to the '07 version.

No Way Out: 2009
The 2009 No Way Out with two ****+ Elimination Chamber along with a great match between Orton and Shane O'Mac wins easily here. The '07 No Way Out was mediocre at best.

WrestleMania: 2007
I really disliked this year's 'Mania despite the awesome Michaels/'Taker match. In my opinion, WM 23 was one of the greatest WM's of all time with the Batista/'Taker match and the phenomenal Michaels/Cena match.

Backlash: Tie
I loved both shows, the '09 Backlash had an incredible LMS match between Cena and Edge while the '07 edition had an incredible LMS match as well with Batista and The Undertaker. I can't say which show was better here.

Judgment Day: 2009
Both shows were pretty bad but the '07 edition sucked monkey dick. I don't want to get into this one.

One Night Stand/Extreme Rules: 2009
Extreme Rules was a terrific show which featured an amazing Ladder match between Hardy and Edge as well as the beginning of the heel era for CM Punk! Extra points there.

Great American Bash/The Bash: 2009
Just like Judgment Day, both shows here were pretty bad but The Bash pulls this one out due to the ****3/4 match between Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho.

Night of Champions: 2009
Obvious reasons here. The '07 edition just brings up bad memories.

Summerslam: 2009
The '07 Summerslam was absolutely lackluster. I did enjoy the Orton/Cena match but everything else on that card blew. The '09 Summerslam had a great TLC match with Punk and Hardy and a great tag match with DX and Legacy.

Unforgiven/Breaking Point: 2009
The main event for Unforgiven '07 was Mark Henry vs. The Undertaker. Need I go on any further?


Raw: 2007
'07 was not a very good year for Raw but there were some really awesome moments in there. The '09 Raw has just been ridiculous with this guest host clusterfuck.

ECW: 2007
This was the year for the rise of John Morrison and CM Punk as they encountered in so many great matches. I'm really liking the '09 ECW but it just can't measure up to the greatness of the John Morrison/CM Punk feud in '07.

SmackDown: 2009
An easy choice here as the '09 SmackDown has been one of the best wrestling shows ever produced. I can't say the same for the '07 SmackDown.


While Raw and ECW were a lot better in 2007, the PPV's completely brought the year to a downfall. 2009 definitely isn't perfect but there really wasn't a PPV that was mind numbingly bad as opposed to 2007. Also, SmackDown and ECW are producing great shows week in and week out and for these two reasons, 2009 gets the nod.
Well I would have to say I am enjoying bits and pieces of each year. I can't really pick which year was better as I liked different aspects of the program back then as to now. I will say that Smackdown is so good right now though. The only complaint about 2009 that I have is that I feel the pay per views are too close together. Breaking Point was 2 weeks ago and it already is time for the next pay per view.

2007 was also good because there were no gimmick themed pay per views back then.

I suppose though if I had to pick a year I would pick 2007. Based off your statistics/ opinions 07 was the better year of the two.
I would say that 2009 is a little better. I mean 2007 had some really good matches like John cena/Bobby lashley and money in the bank and also some really cool and moments like undertaker winning the royal rumble and edge returning at survivor series and screwing the undertaker.But 2009 they have had some better quality matches on ppvs and on TV.

Also in 2007 most of the year was based on John Cena and Batista title reign and none of the upcoming rising stars never got pushed. While in 2009 you plenty of new stars getting pushed like the miz john Morrison legacy cryme tyme Dolph ziggler etc and some of the moments are really memorable for me anyway like when randy Orton punted the chairmen. Randy Orton winning the rumble. Cm punk cashing in money in the bank on jeff hardy.

So yeah in my opinion 2009 was better but not by much
I actually really enjoyed WWE during 2007. One of the most important reasons why is because almost every midcarder had some type of gimmick. 2009 seems to have generic faces and heels ... the current midcarders who people see as being the 'future' are Swagger, Ted, Cody, Evan Bourne, etc. All of which have no real character other than an amateur wrestling background or the fact that they are second generation.
2007 or 2009???

2009, only in some parts. the PPV are also bad, but not that bad.
But, 2009 or 2007 or 2005?? 2005, without a doubt
Eh. 2007 was good in that they were at least TRYING stuff. Some of the stuff worked, some didn't.

2009...eh...It's nice to see some of the younger talent getting pushed. The PPVs have been a hit and miss. Royal Rumble was Awesome, but WM was a little lackluster, save for Shawn/Taker.

WWE seems lost this year though..what with the guest host thing and all the changes to the PPVs. I'm going to go with 2007.
I am actually enjoying 2009 - I am loving Legacy, Ortons title reign, the rebirth of smackdown, the dawn of a heel CM Punk, the Taker Michaels match at mania, the RR was fun, Cena winning the world title actually got me to mark out which is hard to do when Cena is involved, rumors of Brett Harts return, a decent ECW show, RAWs midcard turning into something that is at least somewhat worth watching, the return of tag team wrestling.

Really this year has been good to me, although there were some bad booking decisions I can really see the upside for this year.

However I really don't remember much about 07' specifically, although the Taker Batista feud was fun...
Oh and Jeff Hardy holding numerous WWE titles, Jack Swagger winning the ECW title, Christian returning, Edge taking some time off (Injury) which in my opinion will make his character less stale and increase his longevity.

Triple H temporarily moving on from the main event scene, the ECW new talent initiative and Ricky Ortiz getting fired all receive a special mention aswell.
im going to do the same thing you did and at the end tell what was the better year

Royal Rumble: 2007
The undercard was much better than the one at 2009 it had a great LMS between cena and umaga and the royal rumble match was better

No Way Out: 2009
This is probably the best ppv of this year with 2 ****1\4 Elimination Chamber and a great Orton vs Shane match the one at 2007 was absolute crap.

WrestleMania: 2007
This years wrestlemania underdelivered despite the awesome Taker vs HBK match. The one at 07 had the 2 Best MITB and 2 **** star matches the HBK vs Cena and the Undertaker vs Batista

Backlash: 2007
Despite the 2009 Backlash had a ****1\2 LMS the one in 07 every thing worked from the lower card to the main event, even though the LMS wasnt as good as the one in 09 it was still **** stars but it had the best 4 way in WWE History.

Judgment Day: 2009
I Thought JD 09 was pretty good the Orton vs Batista to me was good as well as the CM Punk vs Umaga and it had 2 ***3\4 star matches the Edge vs Jeff and the Rey vs Jericho.

One Night Stand/Extreme Rules: 2009
Both Shows were pretty bad but what makes the 2009 better are the ladder match and the no holds barred match.

Great American Bash/The Bash: 2009
But were very bad the 2007 bash had a **** star match between Cena and Lashley but the 09 version had a ****1\2 star match between Rey and Jericho so 09 was better

Night of Champions: 2009
Good show all around very good 3 way and a good main event and the rest of the card was solid the 07 version it only had a very good 5 way.

Summerslam: 2009
Event though the Cena vs Orton match was **** stars the rest of the show sucked the 09 version had a very good opener and very good match between Legacy and DX and a great TLC match.

Unforgiven/Breaking Point: 2009
They both sucked except the Orton vs Cena I Quit match was fantastic.


Raw: 2007
07 raw was a good show not great but good and ocassionaly you got to see some really, really good matches like the Cena vs HBK before Backlash 07 and the Orton vs Edge after Backlash 07.

ECW: 2009
Mainly because the show had better matches in it.

SmackDown: 2009
This year smackdown remindes me alot of 02 smackdown, great booking, great matches in the show and where stars get elevated.

So 09 win by much the ppy's in 07 really brought down that year and smackdown also brought down that year

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