SmackDown LD - 20/09/2016 - The Cenation enters the Ambrose Asylum

This. Slater/Rhyno were hot but we got the pay off. The WWE wants AA over but right now the Usos are freaking money

Pretty much. I actually am surprised Heath & Rhyno have lasted this long as TAG Champs. I honestly expected them to get a Zack Ryder IC title- like reign and drop the belts the night after Backlash to a hot heel Uso team.
Seeing Swagger appear on Smackdown was like watching Lex Luger walk into Nitro

*holds back uncontrollable laughter*
Smackdown wrestlers show so much passion. Everyone on SD actually. Miz, Ziggler, Ambrose, Cena, Styles, the tag teams.
I can feel the emotion when watching Smackdown. RAW feels cheesy.

Shane & D-Bry do get segments on SD, but it never feels as though they are trying to get themselves over. Rather, they highlight the superstars on the show and add that with the storytelling and character-building that is happening, it is no surprise SmackDown is much more enjoyable from top to bottom at this point.
Usos come off so naturally as heels. They remind me the classic stereotype foreigner/Mexican/Black bad guy that all series display. I never thought they were so charismatic.

This heel run of theirs is exactly why I want to see Roman Reigns as a heel. I think he would excel. The Rock is beyond their level without doubt but even he was a douche who was well-loved. It seems to run in their blood.
Title matches like the IC title should main event the show, even over Cena/Ambrose.

Don't agree.
Cena/Ambrose are top contenders for the top title, thus they are higher up on the card than those in the midcard IC title picture and thus should main event the show.
This heel run of theirs is exactly why I want to see Roman Reigns as a heel. I think he would excel. The Rock is beyond their level without doubt but even he was a douche who was well-loved. It seems to run in their blood.

Roman is a douche even as a face. Such smart ass, cocky, smirky, over-confident. Imagine what he would do as a heel.
Well what was the reason for why people cared for them in NXT?

We saw how they came to be. How they went from a reluctant pairing that worked surprisingly well to forming a friendship and becoming an unstoppable force. NXT fans got to see them evolve and thus had reason to care about them.

On the main roster we're just told that we should like AA because they're great. Obviously they can't just redo their entire origin again, but some more vignettes with them would help given Gable's Angle-esque goofy charm is complimented by Jordan's cool guy straight man routine.
There's a story behind this match. Last week's Talking Smack, Bryan made a case that Corbin should beat Crews instead of attacking him from behind and if he can do it he doesn't need excuses.

I meant that it's like the 3rd match they've had in 2 weeks.

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