Fastlane LD - Sprinting towards Wrestlemania 32!

I don't care about Reigns one way or the other.

That's not a good thing for the guy you're pushing as the face of the company.
Reality is NONE of the fans in that arena wanted him to win. So why are you bitching at the forum? The fans don't want him, but WWE is hellbent on him. It is what it is.

Listen to the crowd, if they aren't outright booing him, it is a mixed reaction. He's been pushed since the Rumble last year. I don't remember anyone get this kind of a sustained push, not in recent memory anyway. Maybe spend some time pushing others on the roster and people will stop bitching.

The live crowds hardly dictate what actually works in wrestling. John Cena gets a mixed reaction in most WWE arenas he goes in, and he's by far the best thing the WWE has had to offer since The Rock. The fact of the matter is that Roman Reigns has put on great matches for over a year now and people are still so stubborn about not admitting he's a fantastic wrestler that they are letting their prejudice get in the way of common sense.
Cena was overwhelmingly cheered for over a year before he got the title and had a rap album that make it to #15 on the Billboard chart. Reigns on the other hand has never gotten really over as a face. I don't necessarily think it's his fault but it ain't the fans fault either. Reigns has done very well in the last year but when you're booked to be the top dog before you actually do something don't question why the fans aren't accepting him because quite frankly it's very easy to see why.
He took the kimura lock and like 5 chair shots, and then got right up and hit the spear for a win! SMH. They really don't get it.

And that's better than Lesnar going through 2 tables and recovering like it's nothing? And don't give me "He's the Beast and he's supposed to be that way." Maybe Roman is supposed to be Super Roman and is supposed to do the things that he does.
And that's better than Lesnar going through 2 tables and recovering like it's nothing? And don't give me "He's the Beast and he's supposed to be that way." Maybe Roman is supposed to be Super Roman and is supposed to do the things that he does.

Lesnar was down for MINUTES. That makes sense.

Reigns was in the Kimura lock, took 5 chair shots, and literally SECONDS later he's hitting the spear for the win.
The live crowds hardly dictate what actually works in wrestling. John Cena gets a mixed reaction in most WWE arenas he goes in, and he's by far the best thing the WWE has had to offer since The Rock. The fact of the matter is that Roman Reigns has put on great matches for over a year now and people are still so stubborn about not admitting he's a fantastic wrestler that they are letting their prejudice get in the way of common sense.

Yes I agree about Cena, and he is the best thing that happened in the last decade. But you can't compare him to Reigns. Cena worked his ass off in the beginning and has earned every opportunity he has received. The guy is not only great in the ring, he's a pro on the mic, and his charity work is unsurpassed. Reigns has the look, but he's not as good in the ring, his mic skills are coming along, and while they all do charity work, none of them can touch what Cena does.

Listen I'm a fan of Reigns, was a Shield mark as well, but even I'm getting a little tired of this. Like I said, even before the 2015 Rumble the guy was being pushed to the moon, and the fans where turning on him. It's got nothing to do with him as a person, his skills in the ring, or really even his mic work. They are just tired of seeing him constantly in the main event.
Lesnar was down for MINUTES. That makes sense.

Reigns was in the Kimura lock, took 5 chair shots, and literally SECONDS later he's hitting the spear for the win.

No, it would have made sense if he were out for good or a huge majority of the match. Going through not one but two tables. Instead he just seemingly nips back up and double suplexes two men with no effort. If I can buy something like that from Lesnar then I can buy into Super Roman.
I like Reigns. A lot.

I love the guys he ran through tonight.

What does Reigns need to do to please me? I don't know and I don't care.
The live crowds hardly dictate what actually works in wrestling. John Cena gets a mixed reaction in most WWE arenas he goes in, and he's by far the best thing the WWE has had to offer since The Rock. The fact of the matter is that Roman Reigns has put on great matches for over a year now and people are still so stubborn about not admitting he's a fantastic wrestler that they are letting their prejudice get in the way of common sense.
I've honestly had e-fucking-nuff of this being the prevailing common sense.

Lord only knows what could have been accomplished over the last ten years if WWE didn't feel the need to force the issue on Cena.

He drew plenty of money. Yeah. But this tedium has become exhausting. The spotlight a performer is allotted matters. I'm sick of pretending Cena is head and shoulders above his peers on merit alone.

Cornette face.
But hey, Triple H and Roman are going to set an indoor attendance record or some shit. The brand wins.

Millionaire who should be a billionaire.

Not sure I can circle my jerk fast enough.
WWE has taken a chiselled super athlete and has done everything in their power to turn him into a plucky underdog. And failed to a comical degree.
I like Roman and am pissed beyond belief at an obvious result that I saw coming.

I, who has spent years championing Cena. I, who has in earnest championed just trying to enjoy the show.

This isn't how it's supposed to be.
Dolph Ziggler has to be the biggest idiot in pro wrestling.

"Imma tune up the band after 3 Superkicks".

I wanted to kill JBL after he did the Superkick Party line.
I was having a nice time getting piss drunk and doing the obvious superkick party freakout during that match.

And then JBL said it.

I wanted to kill myself.
I love how people pretend Reigns doesn't work hard. They all work hard. They all earn it. And by it, I mean the paycheck. Saying he hasn't earned it as much as so and so is idiotic.
Reigns has worked plenty hard and is plenty good.

I'm so cold to all of it.

If Dolph had been pushed in Cena's place for the last ten years, you'd all be slobbing his knob and knocking John for not knowing how to work.
I hope the main event at Mania is a 15 Stages of Hell match. Give them three hours. Not only would it be the greatest match anyone has ever seen, but the largest mass suicide in human history.
Triple H is working Vince into an abysmal show that gets overshadowed by his baby. We're watching a coup. Either that or Vince is showing ass to throw some shine on Hunter before he hands off the reigns.

If we're not seeing either of those absurd scenarios, I'll eat the first bullet.

Big if true.
The fact this was so blatantly obvious and there is still outrage all throughout the land is a solid referendum on the biz right now. Everyone remember Survivor Series?

Listen to the audience? Creativity? Intruiging television?

Nah. and Don't forget Total Divas at 9!

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