Shattered Dreams

At least half this board doesn't know what <insert random word or term> is.
Then leave. If at least half the board is stuck at the mental level of your average vegatable and is clearly not worth the time and effort it takes to engage in discussion, don't fucking bother, don't grace us with your higher order thinking, and certainly don't try to reason with us. Play nice and accept our limitations or fuck off and save yourself the time because we aren't worth it. Simple as. There are other boards out there which I'm sure will meet your ridiculous standards. Go find them.

In that case it was. In general, even if there are a lot of idiots that doesn't mean that there are not people worth discussing things with around here.
Do everyone a favor and stick to discussing things with those people so we don't have to tolerate your insufferable bitching about the rest. Thanks. Bye.
You don't annoy me when you aren't bitching about people. If I could censor those posts, I would.
Remix can be in consideration but I remember nothing about him other than the name. I think he is one of those people I get confused with at least three other people. As far as Habs goes I think I will challenge him to a discussion about the relative merits of the ratings TNA gets tomorrow.
Not really sure how I made my way into this conversation. I have absolutely no problem with Shattered Dreams and I have said so on multiple occasions. Granted, I disagree with him about 99% of the time, but at least you can have a sensible discussion with him. These forums are all about expressing different opinions. I mean, I disagree with IDR, JGKY, Killjoy, and several other guys as well about TNA all the time, yet these guys are among my favorite posters on here. I don't see SD putting me on the ignore list anytime soon.

Frankly, I would not mind it at all if certain other unnamed posters practiced what they preached and did put me on ignore. Plus, you don't need to click an ignore button to consistently tune certain guys out anyway. I do this with certain simians all the time.

Regarding my comments elsewhere about TNA ratings, frankly I feel these ratings mean very little. All I am saying is that TNA's ratings have stagnated regardless if the quality of any particular episode of the show. If they put out a quality show, they tend to jump to 1.3. If they put out a more lackluster effort, they slip back to the low 1.0's or possible even slightly below the Mendoza line. You cannot judge the quality of the show based upon ratings, that was the only point I was making. Regarding next week's show, not sure if it has been recorded yet, if so I don't know what happened because I don't read spoilers. Either way, whether it is a good or a bad show, you can count on it hovering somewhere around 1.2, and that is all I am saying, nothing more, nothing less.

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