shattered dreams

sidenote: Did you really say Flair wasn't better than Lawler now when he was 40?

His 40s, his later 40s atleast. He was still great in '89 which was one of Flair's best years, but by the mid to late 90s he was pretty much done in the ring until his retirement run in WWE. Flair, and ESPECIALLY Hogan who is basically a slab of glass at this point can't take the same kind of bumps Lawler can presently though, which is why I have no problem with him in a feud if it makes sense booking-wise and he can still adequately work a match.

We absolutely realize its the exception, this of course doesn't make it invalid. Come on now shattered, I know you have to remember Sting getting a title shot last year.


Let me try to hypnotize X.

Ahhh, my favorite Blink song forever and always. Well, maybe tied with Josie. Maybe.

TNA obviously uses some older people but I have never figured out why older automatically means bad or why some people pretend that is all they use. Each idea is equally ridiculous.

It's not that older equals bad SD, it's just that most of TNA's old guys they pick up, apart from Sting's first run, are so far past their prime it was in a different century.
Hogan can't wrestle anymore? You don't say. Maybe that is why he hasn't had a match in 11 months. Or maybe that is why he has had two matches ever in TNA, both of which were tag matches.
You know damn well he would be if he wasn't for all of his surgeries and injuries.
It's not that older equals bad SD, it's just that most of TNA's old guys they pick up, apart from Sting's first run, are so far past their prime it was in a different century.

Yet pretty much everyone of these worthless pieces of shit worked for WWE this century. Some of them even reincarnate in the royal rumble and get more of a reaction than anyone on the roster.

You know damn well he would be if he wasn't for all of his surgeries and injuries.

In which case he would be a more popular Jerry Lawler so you would be fine with it, right?
You have valid points all the time. It's just when you get in an argument with people (mostly about WWE) and they start proving you wrong you turn into a sarcastic douche.
Yet pretty much everyone of these worthless pieces of shit worked for WWE this century. Some of them even reincarnate in the royal rumble and get more of a reaction than anyone on the roster.

Huge difference, notice how Booker T and Kevin Nash both lasted for barely a minute in the Rumble, and Booker was immediately put into a non-wrestling role? And Booker's not even that far gone in the ring, he could still work a good match if motivated. The most we'll see out of Nash is a match with the Big Show at Wrestlemania and then probably he'll be made a commentator as well. They aren't going to be given titles and huge singles pushes like in TNA, they won't be main eventing any PPVs.

No one at all wants Nash to return full-time to wrestling, but people aren't against a short nostalgic Hall of Fame run.

In which case he would be a more popular Jerry Lawler so you would be fine with it, right?

Huh? Where did I ever say a single thing about popularity? All I've been arguing is that Lawler is in remarkable shape for his age and can take bumps VERY few 60+ year olds can. Shit he worked a 20 minute match just a week or two ago in Memphis against his old rival Bill Dundee. Which, humorously enough, drew 1700+ in the same building that 2 months ago TNA only drew 1200 in.
The problem in TNA is simple. They think that it's an obligation to have a big name on TV under the belief that his namesake will garner notoriety. I don't think they can envision guys like Hogan and Bischoff strictly working backstage. Hell, Al Snow and D' Lo make cameos every freakin' week.
Will people quit throwing are need and doesn't need like it is some fact instead of your bullshit worthless opinion?

Cena never needs another title but to not give him one would be moronic. Get a new argument you pedophiles.

A) What the fuck did he just say?

B) Everyone who disagrees with Shattered and/or likes WWE over TNA is a pedophile, you guys. Just FYI
You know your argument is shit when you resort to inexplicably accusing the people you're arguing with of molesting children.

I actually like SD. I do. But holy shit his TNA markdom makes him the most annoying poster on here at times. TNA could execute an entire 5th grade class on a live edition of iMPACT! with Robbie E winning the world title and he would still defend them.
You know your argument is shit when you resort to inexplicably accusing the people you're arguing with of molesting children.
According to him us 'Smarks' have an infatuation with wanting to see young people on our wrestling program instead of peple with 1 foot in the grave.

Or something like that IDFK
I actually like SD. I do. But holy shit his TNA markdom makes him the most annoying poster on here at times. TNA could execute an entire 5th grade class on a live edition of iMPACT! with Robbie E winning the world title and he would still defend them.

That would be fantastic television.
People should really realise that SD is a great debater. He holds his views and NEVER admits to being wrong. His opinion, his rules. From what I've read of his posts he's just trying to be the anti-KB
People should really realise that SD is a great debater. He holds his views and NEVER admits to being wrong. His opinion, his rules. From what I've read of his posts he's just trying to be the anti-KB

He's a terrible debater and anyone with an understanding of how a healthy debate works would see that. He constantly changes the subject, resorts to name-calling, and he never backs up his claims. Oh and he constantly regurgitates whatever Gelgarin says in the LDs. None of these are signs of a good debater. Just because you like to argue constantly doesn't make you a good debater. I think anyone who's been involved in a debate team in school could tell you that.
He's a terrible debater and anyone with an understanding of how a healthy debate works would see that. He constantly changes the subject, resorts to name-calling, and he never backs up his claims. Oh and he constantly regurgitates whatever Gelgarin says in the LDs. None of these are signs of a good debater. Just because you like to argue constantly doesn't make you a good debater. I think anyone who's been involved in a debate team in school could tell you that.

Anyone with a working brain in their head could understand that.
He's a terrible debater and anyone with an understanding of how a healthy debate works would see that. He constantly changes the subject, resorts to name-calling, and he never backs up his claims. Oh and he constantly regurgitates whatever Gelgarin says in the LDs. None of these are signs of a good debater. Just because you like to argue constantly doesn't make you a good debater. I think anyone who's been involved in a debate team in school could tell you that.

Ok, I'm sorry.

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