Shattered Dreams

Quote from you:

Is absolute garbage. You people that spend all your time in there and do nothing but make threads about how this person sucks or that person sucks need to get lives and FAST. I never thought I'd say this but you guys make the TM bar room look awesome.
Anything with his name on it blows. His posts, his threads, my sig quote....hell, even threads about him blow. Yeah yeah yeah, fuck this guy, blah blah blah, thinks TNA getting sued is the best thing for them. We all know this already; call me when he gets here.
Taking a strong position doesn't bother me, but being completely blind about something does. This guy, and Zeven_Zion (or however the fuck it's spelled) are about as blind as they come.
How many hate threads of this type have been created about this guy? I think this is about the third one in the last little while.

I'm not exactly the president of the Shattered Dreams fan club by no means. He's as blind as they come. But out of all of the blind TNA marks, he's far from the worst. I actually don't mind him nearly as much as I used to. Unlike some of the TNA marks on here, on occasion he has something of value to say and he's not totally incoherent in saying it. There are 2-3 other guys who are worse than he is in my opinion.
Am I supposed to get all mopey because some people on the internet don't like me?

Hell, I consider it almost brag worthy that kb did something he normally wouldn't just because of me.
Shat, you're not helping our cause. At all. Me, IDR and the others spend every non-spam post here trying to fight though the hate people have for TNA. But all you do it stir the pot to point of spiling it all over the fucking kitchen. There is nothing wrong with favoring TNA. But sometimes your views are more outragous than Super Cena. You need to learn to analyse instead of jumping to conclusions for the sake of TNA.

Either shape up, or you'll end up like the guy in your sig. Looking like an idiot for everyone's displeasure. Because for now... You're an embarrassment to the iMPACT! Players.
Zeven Zion originally had a sig that was about 800 pixels long. To be a nice guy, I PMed him telling him if he didn't get his sig below 500 long (The width was about 300 already so he'd be set) he was going to get an infraction. He reassures me that he'll fix it, and about 20 minutes later, the width had indeed changed; to about 650.

A week later he had just a block of text that said "Screw sigs!"
What is it I do so wrong Riaku? You do realize the reason they have such a strong response to me is because I do not back down to the things they swear everyone knows like TNA sucks. I call them out on the things they say that do not make sense and do not let them off the hook. I think we could use a little more pot stirring and a little less play nice with the people trashing the product in misguided ways. I also pretty much guarantee you should not be speaking for IDR there.

I still like you bro, don't let them trick you into turning on me. Sig is still great work. If anyone does not like TNA specifically because of me I would be shocked and admittedly a little bit amused. If that is their reason they were not going to watch anyway.
What is it I do so wrong Riaku? You do realize the reason they have such a strong response to me is because I do not back down to the things they swear everyone knows like TNA sucks. I call them out on the things they say that do not make sense and do not let them off the hook. I think we could use a little more pot stirring and a little less play nice with the people trashing the product. I also pretty much guarantee you should not be speaking for IDR there.

I still like you bro, don't let them trick you into turning on me. Sig is still great work.
Ever wonder how we are both storngly in favor of TNA and defend it all day long, but yet people like me and dislike you? You're going wrong somewhere. That's what you need to fix. Not your pro-TNA attitude.

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