RIP Kanyon

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How about your last post?

You're "disappointed" because, from your point of view, I'm not admitting I'm wrong about how I feel about suicidal drug addicts.

Either you have a knack for misinterpreting what I'm saying, or at this point you are purposely trying to twist my own words to support your argument.

Did I say I was disappointed in you for not feeling sympathy for Kanyon's death? No, I did not. I'm disappointed in you that you would insult and attack a person who did feel sympathy for Kanyon's death. That's why I'm so sorely disappointed in you.

So, according to you, unless we feel sorry for Kanyon, we can't post in this thread.

So now you're just being absolutely ridiculous Sly, and I hope you see that.

Do you understand what the term "direct quote" means? Clearly you don't. I'll let you know, a DIRECT quote would be me actually saying "No Sly you are not allowed to feel differently about this subject than I and Ricky do". So unless you can find a quote of me saying those exact words, no Sly, that is NOT a direct quote.

Why are you continuing this? You have to realize by now that you're only digging yourself further and further into your own hole.

By the way, it took me a while to find that quote. I knew it was there though.

It's just too bad that you couldn't actually read what I asked you to do, which was find me a direct quote. Nice try.

I'm suggesting that if your emotional attachment is so strong, you can't begin to accept the idea that someone else doesn't feel the same way you do about him/her, then there is a problem.

Would you like to show me any direct quote of me saying that I can't accept the idea of someone not feeling sympathy for Kanyon? I never said that. So here we have yet another case of what you've been doing all night long, which is making up things that I haven't said.

If you can't accept the fact I don't feel sympathy for Kanyon, just because he's your favorite wrestler (theoretically), then there's a problem with that, especially when it's all being done over a message board which ENCOURAGES opinions.

Here you are again, flat out lying. Pretty sad honestly, because again, I've said roughly about 20,000 times now that you can feel however you'd like about Kanyon.

I can't believe I had to post that again. Again, you resort to the insults when you're getting beat.

Where was I insulting you in relation to this comment? Here you go, AGAIN, lying.

You defended yourself? No you didn't. You attacked my thoughts on the subject, simply because YOU didn't agree with it.

So it appears along with not understanding what the term "direct quote" means, you also don't appear to understand what the definition of defending one's self is. I'll help you: said:
de·fense (d-fns)
1. The act of defending against attack, danger, or injury.

You attacked Dexter for having empathy for Kanyon's struggle. I defended him, and those that would feel empathy for Kanyon, by having this argument with you.

Are we done now? Do you want to just stop now before you lose more face here Sly?
I swear, you are arguably the most literal person on the forums.

Since when have I been "on the forums"? For crying out loud, Sly. How can I be "on" anything on the internet? Logged on? Maybe...but seriously stop assuming I'm "on the forums." am I more definitively a person than any of the other posters?

So now you're just being absolutely ridiculous Sly, and I hope you see that.

Do you understand what the term "direct quote" means? Clearly you don't. I'll let you know, a DIRECT quote would be me actually saying "No Sly you are not allowed to feel differently about this subject than I and Ricky do". So unless you can find a quote of me saying those exact words, no Sly, that is NOT a direct quote.

Why are you continuing this? You have to realize by now that you're only digging yourself further and further into your own hole.

You offer this bullshit explanation and say I'M being ridiculous? You just got your shit called out on...admit it you were wrong. I found a quote where you said that if someone doesn't feel like you do, then we should go somewhere else. You said it, you can't go back on it now.

But if you want to start playing the word games too, please go back and find where I said "Xfear, you're not allowed to feel sorry for Kanyon at all because he was a suicidal drug addict". Unless you can find where I say that, then your entire argument in this thread is rendered invalid.

That is, if we're going to play the word games. As for the rest of your post, if you can't find where I say the above quote, then there's no need for me to address any of the rest.

You offer this bullshit explanation and say I'M being ridiculous? You just got your shit called out on...admit it you were wrong. I found a quote where you said that if someone doesn't feel like you do, then we should go somewhere else. You said it, you can't go back on it now.

But that isn't what YOU said Sly, was it? No, you said this:

So, according to you, unless we feel sorry for Kanyon, we can't post in this thread.

Now, was my quote that you cited direct quote of me saying that anyone is barred from posting in this thread unless they feel sorry for Kanyon? It isn't Sly.

What's this? By golly, it appears that you are incorrect about something Sly. You were wrong, and I've quite literally just proven that to you and everyone else with my above explanation. And here we are, you still cannot admit that you were wrong about something, that you could possibly even imagine being wrong about something. This is sad Sly, it really is.

But if you want to start playing the word games too, please go back and find where I said "Xfear, you're not allowed to feel sorry for Kanyon at all because he was a suicidal drug addict". Unless you can find where I say that, then your entire argument in this thread is rendered invalid.

Here we are again, you quite literally just lying now to me and everyone else in this thread, making up things I haven't said as you go along. I've said SEVERAL times now in my last few responses to you that the ONLY "point" in this argument I am trying to make is that you are wrong for trying to make others feel inferior because they disagree with your opinion on Kanyon, which is what you were doing. You attacked Dexter, and so Ricky and I decided to defend him and those who shared his viewpoint. The ONLY point I've been trying to make Sly is that you are incapable of admitting the possibility of you being wrong about something, and you've proven that to me and everyone else reading this thread in these last few responses.

That is, if we're going to play the word games. As for the rest of your post, if you can't find where I say the above quote, then there's no need for me to address any of the rest.

Sly, at this point, I really honestly wish you wouldn't respond further. Not because I think you're right, but because I don't think it reflects well of our forum to have an administrator who is incapable of admitting he could be wrong about something, and I don't want you to lose the respect of people here by you continuing this argument when you've lost it awhile ago.

Would you like to stop now?
But that isn't what YOU said Sly, was it? No, you said this:

Now, was my quote that you cited direct quote of me saying that anyone is barred from posting in this thread unless they feel sorry for Kanyon? It isn't Sly.

What's this? By golly, it appears that you are incorrect about something Sly. You were wrong, and I've quite literally just proven that to you and everyone else with my above explanation. And here we are, you still cannot admit that you were wrong about something, that you could possibly even imagine being wrong about something. This is sad Sly, it really is.

You're not making sense. Let's go back through it, in simplified manner:

You: Unless you can provide a direct quote of me saying you aren't allowed to have your own opinion

Me: *insert your post saying* You don't feel sorry for him, that's fine, go to another thread then.

Me, analyzing your posts: So, according to you, unless we feel sorry for Kanyon, we can't post in this thread.

How is that you NOT saying people shouldn't post in this thread if they don't feel sorry for Kanyon? When you keep saying "direct quote" are you saying you want proof of where you said specific words in a specific order?

Here we are again, you quite literally just lying now to me and everyone else in this thread, making up things I haven't said as you go along.
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you high right now?

I didn't say anything about you, you are seriously acting nuts right now. However, here's what you said:

Sly is shitting on us for daring to be empathetic.

So, unless you find a post of me saying, "Xfear, you're not allowed to feel sorry for Kanyon at all because he was a suicidal drug addict", then you are wrong, and you have just wasted your time all along.

Again, this is according to the rules YOU'VE set, as I understand them.

You're not making sense. Let's go back through it, in simplified manner:

You: Unless you can provide a direct quote of me saying you aren't allowed to have your own opinion

Me: *insert your post saying* You don't feel sorry for him, that's fine, go to another thread then

How is that you NOT saying people shouldn't post in this thread if they don't feel sorry for Kanyon? When you keep saying "direct quote" are you saying you want proof of where you said specific words in a specific order?

Here's where you've made your mistake. In that post of mine that you quoted, I did not say that you were not allowed to have your own opinion Sly. What I said was that you should leave this thread if you're only going to insult Kanyon and his choices in life. These two things are not one and the same. Saying that you should leave this thread if you don't agree with my or Ricky's opinion is NOT the same thing as saying that you are not ALLOWED to have that opinion. I'm really confused as to how you could think otherwise.

What the fuck are you talking about? Are you high right now?

No, I'm not Sly, and I don't see how that's even relevant.

I didn't say anything about you, you are seriously acting nuts right now. However, here's what you said:

Yes, now in that quote, read what I say again Sly. I say "Sly is shitting on us for daring to be empathetic". In what part of that quote did I say that my argument in this thread was that "You SHOULD feel sorry for Kanyon"?

I've said SEVERAL times now Sly, that my ONLY point in this argument is that you shouldn't make others try to feel inferior to you for having a differing opinion, which is what you did when you mocked Dexter for having sympathy for Kanyon's death. This is what I mean about you lying. I don't know whether you're trying to do this consciously or not, but you're accusing me of saying things I HAVE NOT said and presenting an argument that I HAVE NOT presented. That's why I'm saying that you're lying right now.

So, unless you find a post of me saying, "Xfear, you're not allowed to feel sorry for Kanyon at all because he was a suicidal drug addict", then you are wrong, and you have just wasted your time all along.

Again, this is according to the rules YOU'VE set, as I understand them.

I'm going to say this, again Sly, even though I've already said it a hundred times and I even said it already in this very response to you. The ONLY point or argument I was trying to make was that you shouldn't make others try to feel inferior to you for having a different opinion, which you DID do when you mocked Dexter for feeling sympathy for Kanyon.

Do you still want to continue this Sly?
Here's where you've made your mistake. In that post of mine that you quoted, I did not say that you were not allowed to have your own opinion Sly. What I said was that you should leave this thread if you're only going to insult Kanyon and his choices in life. These two things are not one and the same. Saying that you should leave this thread if you don't agree with my or Ricky's opinion is NOT the same thing as saying that you are not ALLOWED to have that opinion. I'm really confused as to how you could think otherwise.
On a message board, not allowing the expression of an opinion IS not allowing a person their opinion.

You can't tell someone on a message board, that just because they don't think like you, they're not allowed to express their opinion. That's what I've been trying to get across. And thus, saying someone is not allowed to discuss a thread because they don't agree with you, is essentially the same as saying they're not allowed their opinion.

Does that make sense?

Yes, now in that quote, read what I say again Sly. I say "Sly is shitting on us for daring to be empathetic". In what part of that quote did I say that my argument in this thread was that "You SHOULD feel sorry for Kanyon"?
Not what my point was about. My point is that you're saying you never told people they can't have an opinion, and I'm pointing out I never said you couldn't have one either.

Just like you have said I should allow people to feel empathy for Kanyon's situation, I said people shouldn't have empathy for Kanyon. It's the same thing, from opposite sides of the fence.

The ONLY point or argument I was trying to make was that you shouldn't make others try to feel inferior to you for having a different opinion, which you DID do when you mocked Dexter for feeling sympathy for Kanyon.
Except I didn't do that, as I pointed out earlier when The Brain brought it up.

That post is NOT saying anything about feeling bad for Kanyon, what it IS, however, is a statement in which I want people to consider the values for which they stand for, while at the same time expressing the conditions for which I express my sympathy.

Do you still want to continue this Sly?
You keep asking that. You must be desperate to end this.
Oh, and as a side note, aside from the stupid clubs and games, this is the most posted in thread in this forum.

Nothing like a good pissing match to make history.
Now is the time that someone else will swoop in, marginally agree with Sly or do something to feast on his teets, and then they will both ridicule X (and perhaps me) in some fashion or another.

It's very cyclical.
Now is the time that someone else will swoop in, marginally agree with Sly or do something to feast on his teets, and then they will both ridicule X (and perhaps me) in some fashion or another.

It's very cyclical.

If I were them, I'd mention how bad your breath smells. Just sayin'.
Wait. Let me try to get this straight.

KB and Sly, if a person with extreme depression tried to kill themselves because of their psychosis, would you feel bad for them?

Fuck the drug use, fuck the millions of dollars. A man is going to a psychiatrist and taking his medication. But it's not helping because he has Bi-Polar Disorder, not the PTSD that his psychiatrist thinks he has. He is taking the wrong medication and it is not helping with his suicidal and depressive thoughts, which are what he went to the psychiatrist to get help for.

He didn't get better despite his call for help from the psychologist, and he killed himself. I dunno, by overdosing on his PTSD medication.

Do we feel sorry for him then? I'm just trying to figure out if the entire argument is over the drug use or the mental illness.
Or someone else interjects him or herself into the discussion, and Sly redirects his assault toward him or her. I forgot that possibility. Thanks for reminding me, Razor.
I'm done with this thread for tonight, I've said all that I could really. If Sly wants to go another round tomorrow I'll have no problem with that, but quite frankly I think most people who read this thread will agree that Sly is the one in the wrong here, and not myself or Ricky. We never meant to make anyone feel bad or inferior or wrong for having a different opinion about Kanyon's personal demons and decisions and drug use, but Sly was wrong to have mocked Dexter (and than myself and Ricky after we defended Dexter) in the first place.

My argument about whether or not you should feel sorry for Kanyon or whether or not Kanyon was responsible for his own fate is not what I have been arguing with you about tonight Sly, what I have been arguing with you about is you feeling it was okay for you to try to mock Dexter and others for feeling sympathy for Kanyon. It was disrespectful, a bit childish, and some of us really (clearly) did not appreciate it.

Good night on this topic for now.
I don't give sympathy for Suicide cases, but I feel bad and sorry that something drove him to doing it. No one should ever be put into a situation where they believe they have to take their own lives.

Chris Kanyon was a damn fine Wrestler and a very under-appreciated one at that. He was the stunt-man in many video games throughout Pro Wrestling, and even helped with the moves in the 'Ready to Rumble' movie. He never had a huge push in Wrestling because he didn't have the "it" factor, or the so-called "look" to get himself over.

Regardless of all of that, I enjoyed his matches and I could care less how many people love guys like Hulk Hogan, or Andre the Giant. Chris Kanyon could do moves inside a Wrestling ring that kept you entertained the likes of which neither of those two could do. (not saying they couldn't electrify a crowd, simply saying through moves they couldn't touch him.)

I enjoyed his matches in WCW against Saturn, Raven and Diamond Dallas Page. Hell, even Glacier. In WWE he was made to look more like a joke and never got even a remote push beyond being "given" the US Championship, only to drop it randomly to Tajiri I believe.

I had hope that Kanyon may re-surface in TNA, because there his in-ring abilities would be shown through. But unfortunately that, to my knowledge, never happened. Thank God, for video recordings that will seal his better moments in history.
I haven't posted in here in a while as I seem to be confused on what we're actually arguing here. I started off siding with Sly and I beleive we made some damn good points, even ones that I felt weren't properly countered by X or Ricky. Once people started being attacked for mourning someone they had a connection with, that's when I stepped aside. Not sure if Sly meant to come across like that, but it seemed that way. I have to side with X and Ricky regarding personal mourning and how people choose to react to death, just not the issues regarding addicts.
I've had the privilege to see Chris wrestle live at one of the local feds recently and saw him wrestle DDP. The chemestry between those two really showed that time.

Fuck all to the people who said he sucks and deserves to die. That is disrespectful.
I know you aren't this stupid KB, so I'm really curious as to what you're getting at here.

You ACTUALLY believe that anyone with a mental illness should be imprisoned because they MIGHT do something in the FUTURE that MIGHT cause harm to another person? KB, do I seriously need to explain why that statement is so foolish?

No but you seriously need to pay attention when I said it was intentional hyperbole.
Ok, to clarify everything that I've said in this whole thing since it didn't go the way I was hoping it would mainly due to me not articulating it properly, here you go.

It's sad that Kanyon died. It's sad that he reached the point where he saw no other way out. Based on what I understand about this, that's what happened. He more or less gave up on life. That is indeed sad. However, to me there is no blaming anyone but him. He started taking the drugs in the first place. He took the overdose that killed him. Never once have I believed the argument that there is no way out. Things can change. They always can.

As for the round them up theory, no I do not mean that literally. My point was that from what I understood (and could very well be wrong), Ricky and X were saying Kanyon couldn't help himself. My point was if someone couldn't help themselves, someone should do it for them. I took it to an extreme intentionally.
Ok, to clarify everything that I've said in this whole thing since it didn't go the way I was hoping it would mainly due to me not articulating it properly, here you go.

It's sad that Kanyon died. It's sad that he reached the point where he saw no other way out. Based on what I understand about this, that's what happened. He more or less gave up on life. That is indeed sad. However, to me there is no blaming anyone but him. He started taking the drugs in the first place. He took the overdose that killed him. Never once have I believed the argument that there is no way out. Things can change. They always can.

As for the round them up theory, no I do not mean that literally. My point was that from what I understood (and could very well be wrong), Ricky and X were saying Kanyon couldn't help himself. My point was if someone couldn't help themselves, someone should do it for them. I took it to an extreme intentionally.

Do you suffer from manic depression/bi-polar disorder, know someone who does or are medically qualified to give an informed opinion about it?
Yes actually I do.

Ok but I don’t agree that you are 100% correct in your belief in that there is no such thing as no way out. Especially with so many suffering with manic depression taking the same option Kanyon did. Many people who commit suicide spent their entire lives in the medical system seeking treatment without being able get on top of their mental illness. Yes you can say perhaps they aren’t receiving the right treatment but on the hand a case can made that the right treatment doesn’t currently exist.
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