R.I.P. Eddie Fatu (Umaga) [1973-2009]

Obviously, it's no wonder why Vince wanted him gone. He certainly wasn't going to have Umaga die on his watch due to his painkiller addiction.

To be honest, and I hate to say this, this is the thought that my father and I were having when I broke the news to him about Umaga's condition (and now death). It seems shady to say the least. How many ex-WWE guys have died within a couple years to just a few months after leaving? There's too much of a correlation for it to be accidental. It may be cold-hearted to even mention it right now, but it's a question that's got to be asked.

As for Umaga the performer, I really wasn't a big fan of his work until 2007. I even remember only liking his gimmick as Jamal in "3 Minute Warning" when they would just appear out of nowhere and squash some time consuming act. But when I saw the match he had with John Cena at the Royal Rumble, I began to enjoy Umaga's work a little more and appreciate it. The match that really put me over was the match he had with Jeff Hardy at The Great American Bash. It was a well executed, exciting match, and it made me a semi-fan of Umaga. From there, I really enjoyed Umaga's work and started to enjoy some of his earlier work as well.

This is such a shame not only for wrestling but for his family as well. Isn't he related to that same family that gave us Yokozuna? If so, this makes it that much more tragic. Put on top of that, Umaga's mother had passed away last year. Just so sad.

RIP Eddie "Umaga" Fatu. Another wrestler gone far before his time.
This has been posted on WWE.com:

WWE would like to express its deepest condolences to Mr. Fatu’s family, friends and fans on his tragic passing. Mr. Fatu was under contract with WWE at various time periods and most recently performed under the name "Umaga." Mr. Fatu's contract was terminated on June 11, 2009.

First off, RIP Umaga, and my condolences go out to Eddie's family. Secondly, what will be your memories of this superstar? I will always remember him as a great big-man with amazing agility and athleticism. His Last Man Standing Match with Cena at Royal Rumble 2007 will always be one of my favorites. It was brutal, and really made Umaga look like a monster with the finish in that he had to literally be choked out in order for Cena to win. RIP Umaga, you will be missed.
Of course they remember his first name cutishouse27, they're being formal

I can't think of another wrestler that passed where they said it formally like that, can you? It seems like they're trying to distance themselves as far away from him as they can with that statement. Do you think they did that when Eddie Guerrero, Owen Hart, Chris Benoit, Classy Freddie Blassie, or Gorilla Monsoon, etc. passed? I don't think so. It just seems heartless and cold to me.
Apparntly this thread was done before, Just did not know where to locate it.

I just hope they do a little tribute.
I never really cared for him in WWE but he was really great for his weight and well it is really sad.
RIP: Umaga/Eddie Fatu
Umaga was always one of my favourites. He had such a great flow, and his power and speed were a marvel. I was hoping and wishing that he would make his way back to the WWE one day, but now it seems that it cannot happen. I don't know what to say as this is such a shock. My heart goes out to his family and all his fans. I know I'll be one for life.
I can't think of another wrestler that passed where they said it formally like that, can you? It seems like they're trying to distance themselves as far away from him as they can with that statement. Do you think they did that when Eddie Guerrero, Owen Hart, Chris Benoit, Classy Freddie Blassie, or Gorilla Monsoon, etc. passed? I don't think so. It just seems heartless and cold to me.

Yeah, they want to distance themselves from this but not Benoit, I'm not going to argue with you on here, this isn't the right time or place, but I'm sure they know his first name.
Yeah, they want to distance themselves from this but not Benoit, I'm not going to argue with you on here, this isn't the right time or place, but I'm sure they know his first name.

I'm sure they do but it just seems very strange that his first name isn't mentioned and seems odd. You're right though...This isn't the right time. I'll be keeping his family in my prayers.
What a shame. I thought he was a talented guy who seemed to get along with everyone. My well wishes go out to his family and his other fans. I just can't say more than it is a damn shame another has left us far too soon.
Is it just me or does Sky Sports News really piss you off? I'm here watching it now and there hasn't been a word said about the passing of Eddie 'Umaga' Fatu. To me the treatment of WWE by SSN is pathetic, whenever a wrestler goes into the studio for an interview, you can tell they don't take wrestling seriously and they make it look pathetic.

The most disgusting thing they do, or don't do, is completely ignore when a professional wrestler dies. I don't remember ever hearing news of a wrestler's death on SSN besides the whole Benoit saga. It's not much to ask to just have a strap running along the bottom informing us of Eddie Fatu's passing. I mean when Tiger Wood's gets a cut on his head, that's all we hear about for days for fucks sake. We are talking about a 36-year-old man passing away, they could at least acknowledge it.

Am I over-reacting or is just plain wrong?
I couldn't agree more man. It is pathetic.

The way they treat it is shocking, and they think it's not a true sport, but you still hear and see things like Kevin Jones, and unknown minor league amateur football player has went in for surgery because of a broken toe-nail. It takes 30 seconds to write something like, "Eddie Fatu also know as Umaga in WWE, has passed away."

They should at least acknowledge it.

Ur completely right mate, i was just watching Claire Tomlinson talking about the World Cup draw and I was shocked and disgusted that they couldn't at least write one sentence on the bottom of the screen acknowledging his death, as Umaga was a great man and great wrestler. And I know exactly what u mean about them making wrestling look pathetic and like a joke just look at their interview with Kane right before Summerslam, its just horrible.

Anyway RIP Eddie 'Umaga' Fatu!
Well you guys at least have your sport channels report on wrestling sometimes. ESPN would never interview a wrestler. The only things on wrestling they report on are deaths like Benoit and the Vince vs Nuggets feud. So you should be lucky with what you get.
I just dont know what to say....

The guy was great in the ring and was gaining momentum with Punk, he had all the tools to be an upper midcarder, now hes gone.

Too many are dying to young, rest in peace Umaga!
Man I wish he'd come back! He's so young... I hate how wrestlers die so young already Guerrero, Benoit, and now Fatu.. He was one of the greatest ever big men in the ring... For a guy his size he could entertain be a carnage and help make people's careers... He was such a great wrestler... Man I always wished he would one day just come right back and wrestle again.. I mean I liked the 3 Minute Warning and especially Umaga because he just was so quick and brutal.. Such a shame having passed away... I know this may offend some people but I just wonder who the next young superstar to pass away would be =(

RIP Eddie - thanks for all the great times in the ring, you will always be remembered... :sad:
well you say that but nearly every week in the UK smackdown is switched to sky sports extra or runs late. for someone who uses series link to record smackdown it's f***ing annoying. i mean seriously, there are more people wanting to watch smackdown that golf! sky sports is shit and always will be.
He was never my favorite, but I was a fan of his. A phenomonal big man wrestler who had it all really. Its very depressing to see how many wrestlers under the age of 40 have died over the years. From 3 Minute Warning to Umaga, he will never be forgotten.

R.I.P Eddie Fatu
Thanks for the Memories

I thought of this song while I was thinking about some memories of Eddie Fatu and Eddie Guerrero.
This really sucks. I do think that it may have been Deep Vein Thrombosis that caused his death if it is found to be that it was a couple of Heart Attacks that did it.
Whoever is moving all the Umaga threads to the spam zone deserves a pat on the back. An effort has been made for days to increase activity in the section, and nothing sets a forum ablaze like a dead wrestler. Kudos to the one who made this decision!

It's always sad to see someone who entertains you go when they have so much left to do. I've been saying since the start of the Umaga gimmick that this man had potential to be the top super-heavyweight of the decade. What a waste. But I shouldn't be surprised anymore. Putting one's faith in wrestlers is setting yourself up for a fall most of the time. I hope my cynicism is misguided and this was of natural causes, but I'll believe it when I see it.

To go from wrestling and completely healthy to dead. That's fucked up. Real fucked up. Umaga deserved to be pushed better in the WWE, but alas, that couldn't happen. He was the King Kong Bundy of his generation. Squashing guys, then facing the main man and getting beat down. But he did his job. And he died way too young.
When I heard the news that Eddie was dead, I was in shock. It's just awful for a man of 36 years of age, who was not only a truly gifted wrestler but in the prime of his career, to die just like that. I don't wanna get ahead of myself but in 5 years time or so, I can see Eddie Fatu getting a Hall of Fame induction. The guy could seriously move in the ring for someone of his size. He has to go down as one of the truly gifted super-heavyweights of recent times. My thoughts are with his family at this time. R.I.P Eddie "Umaga" Fatu. :(

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