Reason behind Edge vs Taker

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The longer this fued plays out it actually seems the WWE is burying Edge to further push Vickie as the biggest heel in the WWE.
Rather then Edge using Vickie to make him a bigger heel.

Edge is great at drawing heat but this fued really has, IMO, been written to push Vickie. Every time Taker has won, Vickie screws him over, Taker is the biggest face on SD and the fans hate Vickie for it.

All I can say is I feel sorry for both Taker and Edge as this is really burying both of two of the top talents to further Vickie who has next to no talent
Sadly, this seems to be the way things are going.

Edge using Vickie would have propelled him further as the company's top heel. But Vickie is getting so much heat that it's gotten to the point where if Edge reveals that he was using her, I think Edge would turn Face. Did you hear the fan's hatred towards Vickie @ JD? It was deafening. She got more heat in those 10 minutes than Edge ever got.

WWE handled this feud poorly. Edge vs Taker matches have been great, but the feud isn't going anything but burying Edge. If he loses at ONS, that makes 4 consecutive loses against Taker.
Man i totally agree with this. Everytime we the fans, watch SD it does seem like this is happening. Taker is always tombstoning vicki and its like, my names vicki, you effed me up the week before but taker i dont care im still gonna make you go grrrr and yeah, i feel that edge really has no place in this feud anymore. it went from edge and taker to vicki and taker and edge is just there to wrestle for her cause hes the guy. im glad taker won the WHC at WM24 but i really would have wanted to see HBK take on edge for the WHC lol. i know that has nothing to do with this thread but i believe that taker should have feuded with Umaga because its fresh, two brands are battling for superiority and maybe this could have been, instead, taker vs michaels? yeah, the edge thing didnt work and it still isnt working. when will they end this?
I think the only way to save all of this would have to be have Edge go over at ONS and claim the vacant title. After winning on the following SD have edge host the cutting edge with vickie as his guest and then tell the world he only used her to get the title back, and thus cutting ties with this storyline which is burying him. This would in theory turn him face or tweener. It would tie off the Edge/Taker fued for now.

This could then lead to an actual fued between Taker/Vickie.... similar to the Taker/Heyman fued but replace brock with big show or umaga. Taker would eventually remove Vickie from TV

Taker would ultimately win the title back off who ever is holding the title, possibly Rey after he returns and fueds with Edge over him taking advantage of Eddie's name (wouldn't be a fan of this) or redo Edge and Taker properly.
There are only two reasons that Vickie is hated so much, as opposed to just having done her job and passing all the heat onto Edge (which is what should've happened):

1. She's just so goddamn awful to look at and listen to. The woman's voice is like nails on a chalkboard as she struggles to remember her dialogue (much less get through it with any inflection in her voice). She's become a total joke with the wheelchair gimmick, especially when she easily gets out of the chair with no help. I think a lot of the boos are coming from people that just don't feel like hearing it anymore, lol.

2. They've dragged this out far too long. If you would take into account the best parts of the storyline and condense it into half as much time, this would've been amazing. We've had to sit through some unfortunate byproducts of the storyline which did nothing to help Edge. This mainly includes Chavo Guerrero...someone who has zero charisma and can sap the energy out of the room whether he's on the mic or in the ring. Edge has had mini-feuds with Mysterio, Punk, and Batista in the process of this angle, as well. Unfortunate set of circumstances, but allowing Vickie to talk for this long, on top of how they keep writing her as the center point of La Familia (as opposed to Edge being the one that brought them all together), it transfers the heat slowly but surely, more and more every day.

HOPEFULLY this doesn't mean that they'll assume she's doing a good job and keep her as the General Manager. I do not feel like seeing Vickie in this role as I haven't felt like seeing her for the past few months now. Edge will be able to regain heat on his own, but he needs to get away from this feud as he's just being buried in the process by losing so handily so often to the Undertaker. The way they've been booking this, the only way for Edge to win is if he cheats. He essentially has no shot at being Taker if there isn't a screwjob, distraction, or double/triple/quadruple team effort. That is certainly a good way for a heel to stop obtaining the correct fuel.
Here's what needs to happen: Edge can win the TLC match at ONS and Taker can be fired. Also on the same card HHH can Lose the WWE title to Randy. The next night on Raw they can have the draft and WOW whats this, Undertaker is the first pick for Raw. Then Hunter can be the first pick for Smackdown thus moving both superstars to different shows which will allow WWE to create new feuds and angles.
i agree that taker will lose at ons and get fired to move to raw..theres more options with edge as champ on SD and Punk has a better option of stayin on sd/ecw and winning the belt..takers options in terms of feuds are better on raw..and quite frankly the wwe is all about ratings. i for one would love to see a HHH/Taker feud or another orton/Taker the Hardy/Taker matches were good too...Takers been on SD for a long time and its time for him to move
Remember that Edge screwed taker out of the title three times in the beginning. Once on Smackdown during the Batista fued, then again in HIAC and then again during the triple threat match, so the fact that Taker has won 3 times now simply makes them even. I know TLC is supposed to b Edges speciality, but surely the whole 'lose and you're fired' stipulation screams that Taker is blatantly going to win. If Taker left SD, they'd have NO veterans on that show at all (by veterans i mean guys who have been in the ME spot for 10 years or more like Taker or HBK, HHH to a lesser extent), and HHH isn't going to move because he's been drafted to Smackdown twice in the past and both times went back to Raw. + we'd immediately b thrust into Edge v Batista or Edge v Rey AGAIN! I also think that everyone needs to give up on the dream of there being a draft this year. The only thing i've read is that Umaga will go to SD! (funnily enough, to fued with the Undertaker for the title) and nothing else. Edge shud get chokeslammed off the ladder to the outside through godknows how many tables and b off tv for a while, so that we can have some fresh challengers.

This angle needs to end NOW. Not the vacant title angle, if anything somebody shud run down and take the title while both opponents are down and run off with it, leaving no winner, they get apprehended by someone else, and we're forced to have more guys get involved in the title hunt like in the Deadly Games tournament in '98. I mean the Vickie angle. She's JPT in my view and i can't bear to look at her let alone listen to what she has to say. If you're going to keep this wheelchair thing up, STAY IN THE F'N THING! When Kurt Angle was in a wheelchair he was never seen out of it until he was revealed to b the masked guy trying to screw Eddie. When Vince McMahon was in a wheelchair, he never left it and when he suddenly did, you never saw him in a wheelchair again.
Edge doesn't even seem to do the promos anymore! It's all Vickie and that just makes the staleness of this fued even more unbearable. I know they're trying to make Taker look unbeatable and the true champ, and make Edge look like the ultimate asshole, but instead it's making us, the audience think, 'why the fuck do i continue to watch this show?'
It would be great if they could do a storyline revolving around the undertaker becoming fired from the wwe by vicky. Then after a week or two later, vicky could organize an over-the-top battle royal to determine the next world heavy weight champion. Everyone becomes thrown out except for kalhi and the big show. The match could go on for about 5 minutes and finally as both wrestlers become tired edge runs into the ring with a steel chair slamming it on big show's and kalhi's head. Next he would eliminate them to become the new world heavy weight champion. But suddenly as vicky goes up to edge to give him the title, the lights got out and everyone thinks the undertakers back. Suddenly the lights go back on and for a few minutes edge and vicky sigh relief. Suddenly, kane's pyro goes off at the titatron but it's the old kane music as the mask kane walks down to the ring. He walks straight in chokeslams edge and then tombstones vicky to close off the show. On the next show, vicky and edge are in the ring on the mic, saying that they are shocked and angry that kane chokeslammed them as they believe that it was the normal kane who did it but was under a mask. So vicky decides to put kane in a match against la familia in a hadicap match. As kane struggles to beat them down, suddenly the pyro hits again and in walks the masked kane. He takes out the whole la familia by chokeslamming them all. The next scene shows the masked kane face to face with the normal kane. But as the normal looks into the eyes of the masked kane, he begins to do his evil smile as he knows who it is. After a few weeks later, probably at a ppv the masked kane teams up with the normal kane to face la familia but this time vicky bans the masked kane from entering the ring. After the match goes on for a while, the lights go out and standing in the ring is the masked kane with the whole of la familia lying on the ring mat. Suddenly vicky comes out and says if the mask kane doesn't reveal who he is, then she will be forced to throw him out of the arena. The masked kane slowly removes his mask and underneath it is the undertaker with his eyes rolled back. This would end the ppv. What do you guys think?
In all honesty, you don't know what I think of that. I failed my intelligence test trying to understand it about halfway through. Sentence structure for crying out loud.

That aside, no. Just, no. It's a bad Idea. And holes. So many holes.

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