[OFFICIAL] Bret Hart is Raw's new General Manager Discussion

I would love to see Jim Ross as the Raw GM i think that it is a shame he is no longer on tv he is a great character and a wrestling commentary legend who would fit in well as GM due to his many years of experiance on tv and because how over he is with "The WWE Universe" and his keen eye for fresh talent it is just a shame that his talent contract expired and is now doing a backstage role.
So at this point, the discussion seems to be between Bret and Vicky. I can honestly say that I prefer Vicky over Bret because RAW needs a heel GM. With Cena (the ultimate face) as the headliner on RAW, there needs to be someone "in charge" to make things difficult for him I can't see the Hitman becoming a heel anytime soon, unless they have him turn on the Dynasty (would be awesome).

If I could pick a GM, I would go with Arn Anderson. He works for the "E" and has always been able to get a reaction. But, I'm not sure if he is even recognizable to today's younger crowd. I think that older fans would be able to appreciate him. Arn was a good heel back in his wrestling days. Maybe the WWE could capitalize on his "Enforcer" ways.
As much as I would love to see good ol JR as GM of raw I just don't see it happening. The two most obvious choices at this point would be Hart or Vickie. Either I will be happy as long as the whole guest host thing is over. Also another person that I would like to see be the new GM would be the coach Jonathan coachman, don't know what happened to that guy though, another good choice would be Shawn Michaels if his contract hasn't ended yet. Even William RegL would be awesome if he was GM again.
As much as I would love to see good ol JR as GM of raw I just don't see it happening. The two most obvious choices at this point would be Hart or Vickie. Either I will be happy as long as the whole guest host thing is over. Also another person that I would like to see be the new GM would be the coach Jonathan coachman, don't know what happened to that guy though, another good choice would be Shawn Michaels if his contract hasn't ended yet. Even William RegL would be awesome if he was GM again.

Jonathan Coachman now works for ESPN but i was a big fan of his and i think he would have made a great GM since he was once "The Interim General Manager " of Raw back in August 2007 i think he did a good job.
I have been wrestling for a decent amount of time and I never get to see Bret when he was in his prime. So for me I was excited to see what this guy was all about. But god he sucks balls. After that monstosity of a match with Vince I was hoping that he would be off TV. For good but hey can't win them all right. This is way out of left field but I think that Jericho would be the ultimate GM I could go without seeing his matches but he is the ultimate mouthpiece that can kick ass if he needs to. Plus he can be a face or heel gm as we can see he is excellent at both.
Vickie is a heat machine, and the way she gets her best heat is when she's in charge of something and you don't want to be. I still catch myself getting annoyed when she yells "excuse me!" in that nasal, shrill way of hers, and I can't even remember the last time a performer got real heat with me.

Her run as a GM figure isn't played out, because people aren't bored with her yet. They LOVE to hate Vickie. They want to see her come out on a losing, embarrassing end so badly, which is just what you want your heels to do.
I have been wrestling for a decent amount of time and I never get to see Bret when he was in his prime. So for me I was excited to see what this guy was all about. But god he sucks balls. After that monstosity of a match with Vince I was hoping that he would be off TV. For good but hey can't win them all right. This is way out of left field but I think that Jericho would be the ultimate GM I could go without seeing his matches but he is the ultimate mouthpiece that can kick ass if he needs to. Plus he can be a face or heel gm as we can see he is excellent at both.

If you watch Bret "Hit Man" Hart: The Best There Is, the Best There Was, the Best There Ever Will Be or Hart & Soul: The Hart Family Anthology or read his wikipedia page you will see just how legendary Bret Hart really was and that he does not "suck balls" to make such a comment when you haver never seen him at his best is ridiculous .

Chris Jericho has all the charisma, vocal skills, look and attitude to be a great GM after his wrestling career is over but since he is an active member of the roster unfortunenatley we are going to have to wait a few more years if this was to happen.
I was thinking about a couple of ideas, one idea prolly could never happen but what about Paul Heyman? He had a run as GM and was able to generate good heat, he could come in and bring Wade Barrett with him in a "Brock Lesnar" type of way.

Another idea would be for Ted DiBiase, Jr use his money and buy a GM for Raw, someone who is always looking for ways to make a buck...JBL!

A true long shot and will NEVER happen, just throwing the name out there to see what the response would be, Bill Goldberg!
I was thinking about a couple of ideas, one idea prolly could never happen but what about Paul Heyman? He had a run as GM and was able to generate good heat, he could come in and bring Wade Barrett with him in a "Brock Lesnar" type of way.

Another idea would be for Ted DiBiase, Jr use his money and buy a GM for Raw, someone who is always looking for ways to make a buck...JBL!

A true long shot and will NEVER happen, just throwing the name out there to see what the response would be, Bill Goldberg!

I like your ideas about JBL he can garner more heat then anyone with his gimmick he would make a great authoritive GM while playing heel and upseting the faces while helping the heels.

Ted DiBiase Jr. is an intresting choice but i was thinking more of his father "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase who in my own opinion is the greatest heel of all time due to the massive amounts of heat he obtains when he is on screen i know alot of people started cheering him due to his HOF induction which means he could be versitile as either a heel or a face and could ellivate his sons career to the next level.
The next permanent Raw GM needs to be a heel. It would be a nice contrast to Teddy Long on Smackdown. And also provide an authority figure to consistently screw the top faces, Cena and Orton. So...

Vickie Guerrero: Got a phenomenal amount of heat last week. Everyone loves to hate her. She seemed to really fit in well as Raw GM and can possibly ally with Edge again.

William Regal: Although he's a great technical wrestler, he doesn't get much ring time. Would be good as someone who always favoured the Brits and Europeans like Wade Barrett, Sheamus or Drew McIntyre (if he goes to Raw). Also, plays the heel role well and could wrestle occasionally.

Ted DiBiase: Well his son is getting a rather sizeable push. Could play the nepotistic GM and be a kind of manager to the 'Fortunate Sons' when they appear on Raw. Helping them get over in the process.
First off let me say IMO I am so glad that Vickie is not going to be the Raw GM. I couldn't stand her before and I can't stand her now. So, here are my thoughts on who the new general manager might be. I think it might be Shawn Michaels. He did a great job as commissioner and was hilarious in that role. It would allow him to be involved in wrestling without actually having to be in the ring. It takes a wrestler to know the wrestling business and it would make good sense to have someone with Shawn's star power in that role.
I'm terribly relieved that Vickie is not going to be the GM of Raw. Granted, her heel heat is VERY good for the business, especially during the live broadcast of their flagship show. But in reality, and I can't believe I'm about to say this, but she draws TOO MUCH heat for a live television show. The crowd just boos her so incessantly that she is unable to get her point across in a timely fashion. Therefore, she needs editing to be done on the show she works for.

But another reason I do not want her as the GM is because I'd really love to see a fresh face get in this position and drive the direction of the show. I'm thinking that Regal is at the helm of the pecking order for who is to fill this position due to his experience, but I'm hoping that he doesn't get it, as well. I'd love for the WWE to continue their current trend of incredible television and toss a completely fresh face at us to come into our living rooms and run the Raw broadcast each week.

NOTE: It has been announced that we will find out who the permanent GM is going to be on next week's edition of Raw. So, without stupid fantasy booking and personal preferences as to who you'd LIKE to be the permanent GM, who do you guys think SHOULD be the permanent GM of Raw? Of course, this requires reasoning behind your answers, otherwise warnings/infractions will be given.
(Well, i'm not very good at not spamming, but I'll give it a try)

I have a hunch, AND I believe, Jim Ross should be General Manager, since he knows what he's doing, he said, he wanted to do something to help the company.. I think he could play a neutral role as gm, which would eliminate getting booed too much, ha.
And I think, it would help the show overall.

And what big event would make J.R do this? :

Jim Ross has posted the following over at JRsBarBQ.com, noting that he will be closing his BBQ restaurant in Norman, OK.

"At the end of the day, our business plan could not handle the shift in the economy or the rising overhead that we encountered. We make no excuses... In the upcoming weeks, my professional schedule is likely to change significantly. I've realized that there is only so much that I can pile on my plate so perhaps this unfortunate turn of events is a blessing in disguise."
JR also noted that he intends to keep his online store open and continue selling his merchandise via the internet.
The best choice of General Manager would be the Million Dollar Man, Ted DiBiase Sr.

The last time DiBiase Sr. was on RAW, he set up a possible feud with his son. DiBiase showed when he guest hosted RAW that he still has what it takes to be a fantastic authority figure and the fact that he would be on the same brand as his son could lead to some great interactions between the two. Sr. could teach Jr. how to be a proper Million Dollar Man, or Jr. could blow off Sr.'s help and enter a feud that could really elevate him.

Sr. has the ability to be a face, heel, or neutral, and would make for some great interactions on RAW. This is why I think he would be the best choice.
(Well, i'm not very good at not spamming, but I'll give it a try)

I have a hunch, AND I believe, Jim Ross should be General Manager, since he knows what he's doing, he said, he wanted to do something to help the company.. I think he could play a neutral role as gm, which would eliminate getting booed too much, ha.
And I think, it would help the show overall.

And what big event would make J.R do this? :

Jim Ross has posted the following over at JRsBarBQ.com, noting that he will be closing his BBQ restaurant in Norman, OK.

"At the end of the day, our business plan could not handle the shift in the economy or the rising overhead that we encountered. We make no excuses... In the upcoming weeks, my professional schedule is likely to change significantly. I've realized that there is only so much that I can pile on my plate so perhaps this unfortunate turn of events is a blessing in disguise."
JR also noted that he intends to keep his online store open and continue selling his merchandise via the internet.

Jim Ross said his self he didn't want to become a "character" on WWE TV, or fill in the GM role either because he felt it had "run its course".
I think the Million Dollar Man. He can do things to favor his son winning, or be face and make Ted Jr. earn his spot,
Well, until they actually name someone other than Vickie I won`t count her out lol. No disrespect to her but I would like to see it be someone else. Dibiase Sr is a good choice as is Regal. Thought of JBL too, but he`s probably more of a long shot.
The GM really does need to be a heel, that's what's important.

For the majority of the past year most of the guest hosts have been faces, so that role is stale on RAW. A RAW GM is needed to stack the deck agaisnt Cena, just like Eric did, so more people get onto his side. Plus, a heel GM will nicely contrast agaisnt Teddy on Smackdown and lead into the chance of a much better build up for Bragging rights this year.

This is what I think of the current choices:

Bret/Ted Sr.: Two faces, but I can see the the WWE making one of these the GM. I wouldn't be too excited about either of these guys really, I don't think either one can add much more to the show. Bret will get in the face of Jericho and Heels and stack the deck just like Teddy, but with weaker promos, while Ted would just focus mainly on his son in some storyline, which I think he doesn't even need at the moment

Regal: I would enjoy Regal in the role, but I don't think he will be. I'd make the argument his last reign is still too fresh in people's minds, but who knows. If he did come into power this would be a great way to inject a heel Bryan Danielson into the show as his protege.

Shawn Micahaels:
I just can't see him returning any time soon, for that role, I think it would not be fuffiling for him

My dream pick: JBL He's been very quiet on both facebook and twitter April started. It's a loose thread, but I can hope. He would be amazing in the role, he's the perfect guy to play agaisnt Cena who in character he see's as his arch nemisis. JBL could even reform the cabinet, choose a protege, it would be amazing.
I'm not a fan of the General Manager gimmick, regardless who's doing it. I'm over it, I think it's terrible. I think the GM role has run it's course and should just be done away with. IMO, it's way worse than the guest hosts. Does anybody even like Hogan as the "GM" of TNA? That's awful too! Just book the matches and let the guys go at it.
I'm kind of glad Vickie is not going to be the new Raw GM. Vickie is a like a machine when it comes to getting heat, but her playing the GM role has been done to death. Vickie is probably the most logical choice to be a heel GM, but again, she has played the GM so many times, and I really don't know what WWE could've done with her this time that hasn't been before.

I wouldn't mind seeing Regal as the GM again. Regal was an outstanding GM. He did a very good job at playing the evil boss, and the power trip he went on towards the end was just great. While I would like to see Regal as the new GM, I don't think it will happen again. Regal seems to be on his way with reunion with Kozlov, and I think those two will remain a tag team for a while.

Ted DiBiase Sr. would be a good choice. The Million Dollar man is good on the mic, and he can still be a good bad guy. This would also be a great way to help get Ted over, because while I do like DiBiase, I think he's going to need all the help he can get.
I have an idea for Raw GM, he has been hinting at a "heel" turn lately and it would be quite surprising, I am speaking of none other than Michael Cole!

He could come out and either demand that Bret wrestle to defend or be stripped of the title and then give it back to the Miz. Maybe have Bret say he already went to WWE HQ and a tournament is set up, a tournament that includes Bryan Danielson. So Cole could make it his goal to screw DB only to have DB win the title against the Miz.
I don't know if anyone's mentioned him as a potential pick yet, but my money is on the long-odds horse in this race: Triple H. He's a natural heelish face that has authority and excellent mic skills, but he is deteroirating (no spell check on the phone :p) ring skill-wise.

Having HHH as GM would get him on the screen in a good capacity and he could put a lot of people over, whie not burying people with his dominating mannerisms in the ring. I think he's the one.
I have a feeling the new GM will either be Bret Hart, Michael Cole, or Abraham Washington. Bret Hart, because he's simply getting old. And if he changes his mind and wants to keep his current run going, he's gonna have to get out of the ring. He could easily drop the U.S. Title and become the new GM.

Michael Cole has been building up as a heel announcer for the past few weeks, if not, months, especially on NXT. And with Daniel Bryan Danielson attacking him, I think he's almost finished with the transformation and he could pretty easily slide into the GM role. But, of coarse, that means WWE scrambling like mad men for another replacement announcer.

And then there's Abraham Washington. It may seem like this name was picked out of the blue, but remember, Washington has been a General Manager for FCW recently, so it's not like WWE would be conducting another experiment that fails horribly. I honestly don't see this happening, but anything can change within a matter of hours with this creative staff.
I didn't think of Abe, RobbyH259. Good call.

So, yeah one of my guesses goes to Abe. He drew heel heat pretty well with his Abe Washington show, fairly good mic skills, and with Teddy as a face GM Raw needs to counter that like they have done in the past, think only Austin and Bischoff, for a short while, were the only face GMs of Raw.

Stephanie McMahon is a possibility but with her being pregnant might be a bit of a road block but she could still pull it off.

Michael Cole as GM would be a surprise, but again there'd be the commentator mix up unless JR returns to broadcasting which would be immense.

Bret Hart certainly is a possiblity as well, he could drop the Title and call a US Title tournament, Miz could face none other than Danielson either in the beginning or the end.

Triple H is a wild card, I don't see it happening since he isn't at a point where he's badly injured and needs to take a long time off but if it does happen I can see him making life hell for Sheamus or if he's heel and if Batista stays with WWE (Last I heard its being kept under wraps) the two could make some sort of an alignment.

What about Byron Saxton, former ECW commentator? He had a slightly heelish thing going on towards the end of ECW so I'd say that hes a possibility as well.
I like the Abraham Washington call. From what I did see of him, I liked.

I am "praying" it's not Cole. He just doesn't have "it" to be a heel. The stuff he was saying while Danielson was talking sounded forced to me. Of course, I didn't watch much of NXT beforehand, so i don't know how cole was prior. but I really hope they don't decide to give him the GM job,

Of course, if it meant JR would come back, then i would be all for it.

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