[OFFICIAL] Bret Hart is Raw's new General Manager Discussion

Would love to see the guest host announce next week that the new gm has made the Hart/Miz match no DQ.. During the match have HBK come down and take out the mix giving hart the win..

Then having Brett say his goodbye and thanking the NEW raw GM HBK for the chance to leave on a high note..

This would save HBK in Canada and also allow him to be on tv and work a really reduced schedule...
I swore all night up until the end that this was a swerve, and Vicki was actually allied with Orton, to get revenge on Edge...I did not expect her to resign as GM that quickly, nor did I expect her to back down from Orton like that. Her character previously would have been the first to point out that if a wrestler touched her, she could fire them on the spot, and if you noticed, she never actually said it. She always stopped right before getting to the "fired" part. Honestly, I found her resignation unbelievable, because it seemed like it was someone pretending to be Vicki Guerrero instead of the real one. She wasn't "tough enough" I guess. The Vicki from a year ago would have gotten right in Orton's face and told him what was what, and if he didn't like it, too bad. It seemed like an abnormal spot of weakness from Vicki.
She always stopped right before getting to the "fired" part. Honestly, I found her resignation unbelievable, because it seemed like it was someone pretending to be Vicki Guerrero instead of the real one. She wasn't "tough enough" I guess. The Vicki from a year ago would have gotten right in Orton's face and told him what was what, and if he didn't like it, too bad. It seemed like an abnormal spot of weakness from Vicki.

I think it still made sense. Guerrero never once attempted to simply 'fire' the Undertaker and look how many times she got Tombstoned.

Randy Orton is a man who punted Vince McMahon, owner of the company, while he was in the process of firing Orton, so to me, i think Vickie realised that she was going to get attacked just for being there, so why risk further danger by stepping in for a guy who's fucked you about twice in the last 2 years anyway? (Edge)

Personally i think it's about damn time that a permanent GM came back to Raw. How else are you going to do the 'talent v boss' angle if the boss changes every week? Now Kozlov, Santino and Carlito have someone they can pester every week instead of being humiliated by a random celebrity every week.

I just wish it wasn't Vickie Guerrero. It's gotten to the point now where i don't wish Eddie were still alive because he was a Legend, i wish he was still alive so that we'd have never been made to suffer through watching his wife on TV. Vickie G is one of the main reasons why i don't watch Raw or SD anymore. I just can't bare to sit and watch her do anything. I don't even get any enjoyment out of watching her get beaten up, because i know that the talent aren't intentionally trying to get her injured.

Why they haven't chosen Bret for this i don't understand. You have him on TV in a role where he's not going to get injured and will be featured prominently on the show, and can even offer advice to the younger talent like he's been doing with the Harts, and people will tune in to see the Hitman doing more on Raw.

Instead we get Vickie G spouting the same tired bullshit she has for the last 3 years and I find myself wondering 'when the fuck will this end?'

I'd be interested to see what happened to the ratings from the moment that Vickie was announced as the GM. I wouldn't be surprised if the numbers bombed immediately after she walked through the curtain.
I think it still made sense. Guerrero never once attempted to simply 'fire' the Undertaker and look how many times she got Tombstoned.

Randy Orton is a man who punted Vince McMahon, owner of the company, while he was in the process of firing Orton, so to me, i think Vickie realised that she was going to get attacked just for being there, so why risk further danger by stepping in for a guy who's fucked you about twice in the last 2 years anyway? (Edge)

Personally i think it's about damn time that a permanent GM came back to Raw. How else are you going to do the 'talent v boss' angle if the boss changes every week? Now Kozlov, Santino and Carlito have someone they can pester every week instead of being humiliated by a random celebrity every week.

I just wish it wasn't Vickie Guerrero. It's gotten to the point now where i don't wish Eddie were still alive because he was a Legend, i wish he was still alive so that we'd have never been made to suffer through watching his wife on TV. Vickie G is one of the main reasons why i don't watch Raw or SD anymore. I just can't bare to sit and watch her do anything. I don't even get any enjoyment out of watching her get beaten up, because i know that the talent aren't intentionally trying to get her injured.

Why they haven't chosen Bret for this i don't understand. You have him on TV in a role where he's not going to get injured and will be featured prominently on the show, and can even offer advice to the younger talent like he's been doing with the Harts, and people will tune in to see the Hitman doing more on Raw.

Instead we get Vickie G spouting the same tired bullshit she has for the last 3 years and I find myself wondering 'when the fuck will this end?'

I'd be interested to see what happened to the ratings from the moment that Vickie was announced as the GM. I wouldn't be surprised if the numbers bombed immediately after she walked through the curtain.

Did you watch the entire show last night or read all of the reports? Vickie resigned, so you're not going to have to worry about her being the GM anymore.

But, I think this angle was put in place in order to ease into putting a new GM on Raw which, like I stated before, is a great idea. I understand that she was thrown in to push the storyline of electing a new GM into the right direction. Now, it's just a matter of who's going to permanently fill the spot.

I understand that Bret is a premier choice for this spot, but as I understand, he's working on limited time in his contract. And he's on the fence about re-signing and continuing to work for the company.

So, besides him, we'll just have to wonder about who will fill the void. An obvious choice is William Regal, of course. But I just hope they don't throw a stupid PG swerve at us and put someone like Hornswoggle in there.
Did you watch the entire show last night or read all of the reports? Vickie resigned, so you're not going to have to worry about her being the GM anymore.

But, I think this angle was put in place in order to ease into putting a new GM on Raw which, like I stated before, is a great idea. I understand that she was thrown in to push the storyline of electing a new GM into the right direction. Now, it's just a matter of who's going to permanently fill the spot.

I understand that Bret is a premier choice for this spot, but as I understand, he's working on limited time in his contract. And he's on the fence about re-signing and continuing to work for the company.

So, besides him, we'll just have to wonder about who will fill the void. An obvious choice is William Regal, of course. But I just hope they don't throw a stupid PG swerve at us and put someone like Hornswoggle in there.

Inorite? I do have to agree with everyone yelling for Regal as GM. It'd at least let him be useful. My pick for "oh God no!" would be....wait for it...SANTINO.

Here's a name that no one's seeing as the GM: H-H-H. Let's face it, it's almost time for Trips to retire from the ring and he's already pretty much an executive so why not?

Horny as GM would only work if he played off the McMahon thing he did but with a heel twist.
just when i though it was going good, vickie resigns

I dont care that she is leaving, but i do care that they started this vickie as gm angle and it looked to be a new "wrestler vs corporation" gimmick that could make Orton even bigger, and then they scrap it the same night, wtf?

They need to have a new gm step up next monday or else all they did was screw flava flav out of having "power" (which isnt really a bad thing tho lol)
All I can say is that Vickie Guerrero gets more heat than anyone I've ever seen in my life. I was at the Richmond, VA show (the draft) and she got more heat than anyone that night. I don't want her ass there either but she's gotta be given credit for her heat.
No one gave her any heat on Raw. If you took notice the WWE added most of the "heat". Just watch the show, it was dull boring and even Cena couldn't make the audience go wild. They just weren't in to it. You could even see Vicky do a shrug after saying excuse me. I doubt she'd do that if she was getting heat. After that segment the entire time Raw was airing the audience was dead. If they didn't make noise for Cena then they didn't make noise for Vicky.
No one gave her any heat on Raw. If you took notice the WWE added most of the "heat". Just watch the show, it was dull boring and even Cena couldn't make the audience go wild. They just weren't in to it. You could even see Vicky do a shrug after saying excuse me. I doubt she'd do that if she was getting heat. After that segment the entire time Raw was airing the audience was dead. If they didn't make noise for Cena then they didn't make noise for Vicky.

This is a joke, right? I sincerely hope so, since I hadn't heard that much heat from a crowd in probably over a decade.

One sure thing about Vickie is the fact that6 she is an instant heat magnet. The women could be involved in the most obscure segments, but once the words "EXCUSE ME" come out of her mouth, the crowd is off to the races.

While returning to the helm as the GM of Raw would've been a good idea, I like how the WWE is using it as a means to an end. We'll see a new GM take the spot, real soon.
No one gave her any heat on Raw. If you took notice the WWE added most of the "heat". Just watch the show, it was dull boring and even Cena couldn't make the audience go wild. They just weren't in to it. You could even see Vicky do a shrug after saying excuse me. I doubt she'd do that if she was getting heat. After that segment the entire time Raw was airing the audience was dead. If they didn't make noise for Cena then they didn't make noise for Vicky.

I'm saying the same thing as D-Man pretty much, but with a little more added in there.

First of all WWE doesn't have to add heat to Vickie, trust me I've heard it live at the Elimination Chamber, she got more heat than Vince Freaking McMahon, that's hard to do. And to add on to the Cena pop it was intense last week, it was even noted in the LD.

I'm still pissed that Vickie resigned as GM so quickly but I already stated why in an earlier post. Hopefully this will be the beginning of the new Regal GM angle.
This is a joke, right? I sincerely hope so, since I hadn't heard that much heat from a crowd in probably over a decade.

One sure thing about Vickie is the fact that6 she is an instant heat magnet. The women could be involved in the most obscure segments, but once the words "EXCUSE ME" come out of her mouth, the crowd is off to the races.

While returning to the helm as the GM of Raw would've been a good idea, I like how the WWE is using it as a means to an end. We'll see a new GM take the spot, real soon.

I wish it was a joke because I hate the fact that WWE sucks right now, but no its not a joke. Its blatantly obvious. (I DVR Raw so I have time to check stuff like that) If you think it isn't true then kudos for the WWE for "marking" you.
I wish it was a joke because I hate the fact that WWE sucks right now, but no its not a joke. Its blatantly obvious. (I DVR Raw so I have time to check stuff like that) If you think it isn't true then kudos for the WWE for "marking" you.

Well then you're completely wrong. I've been at live events involving Vickie Guererro and she generates an immense amount of heat. Also, plenty of reports have indicated that the boos that you heard on Monday very 100% authentic. Therefore, I have no idea what show you're watching, but nothing was doctored or manufactured about the Raw crowd. Those boos were real.

And please do not turn this thread into a "WWE sucks" bashing fest.
Great heat magnet. Vickie Guerrero is good at that one thing. Not only is she good at it, she's one of the best at it. People can write it off as cheap heat or ''xpac'' heat, but she's getting booed because she is hated. The same reason any heel gets booed. That's what it comes down to, and the fact of the matter is that she does it better than your favorite heel wrestlers.

As much heat as she draws, I don't want to see her as a permanent GM for Raw. Nor do I think she will be mind you. Like reports have stated, it was a one night thing. It went well and helped to further one of the biggest storylines on Raw right now. Mission accomplished folks, move on. The main reason I wouldn't care to see it is because it's basically going to be the Smackdown of a couple years ago. It would be her and Edge manipulating and strong arming their way to the top. It was interesting a couple years ago when they did it. No reason to do it again. Especially when you have an interesting main event scene right now. You have a new face to the scene in Sheamus and and absent Triple H. No need to devolve and go back to something you've already done when you have the starts of a new beginning on your hands.
Raw's general manager was supposed to be Vickie Gurrero for one night, that is why she resigned almost instantly. I read that Raw's creative team was surprised by how much heat she got so they are considering her as the permanent GM. My question is who do you think would be a good GM for Raw? I think Vickie is a great GM, also Brett Hartwould be awesome.
Who do you think?
My First Thread, sorry if anything is wrong.:banghead:
Some people don't like Vickie Guerrero but I think she's one of the most interesting non-wrestling characters working in wrestling today. Nobody, but nobody can generate the same amount of heat that Vickie Guerrero has been able to generate in a long time.

I like the idea of Bret Hart being the Raw GM, but having two face GMs just doesn't interest me all that much. If Bret Hart were to turn heel, it would not only be unexpected but that might make him a more interesting character for use in that type of role. However, since I doubt that Bret Hart will be turned anytime soon, I think Vickie is the better choice.
Well, I don't like Vickie as the choice, but who in the blue hell is Brett Hartwould? I pick Bret Hart, because I hate Vickie and change the channel whenever she's on my TV, and I have no idea who Brett Hartwould is. I also think Bret would just make a fair GM, and do a fine job, unlike Vickie, who is going to end up in a love storyline with someone just to disgrace the memory of Eddie, and make Vickie look like Jenna Jameson in a cow suit. If Vickie becomes GM, all that's going to happen is she will get a lover, cheat for him, cheat on him, and resign or something like that. Brett Hartwould is a mystery. He could be good at it. But in all seriousness, Bret Hart is a good candidate for the job because I think you need a GM who is a powerful authority figure, and can kick some ass if he needs to.
Some people don't like Vickie Guerrero but I think she's one of the most interesting non-wrestling characters working in wrestling today. Nobody, but nobody can generate the same amount of heat that Vickie Guerrero has been able to generate in a long time.

I like the idea of Bret Hart being the Raw GM, but having two face GMs just doesn't interest me all that much. If Bret Hart were to turn heel, it would not only be unexpected but that might make him a more interesting character for use in that type of role. However, since I doubt that Bret Hart will be turned anytime soon, I think Vickie is the better choice.

I agree no one gets heat like Vickie and I think she's entertaining, but her as Gm has been played out. I think Bret would be good as GM, and it work. I see what your saying about having to face GM, and I agree with that too. With the storyline on Smackdown involving Long and Drew McIntyre may end with Long getting replaced with Vickie. Thus giving Hart or another Face being Raw GM.
Vickey Guerrero is one WWE on-screen employee that has generated a lotta heat over the past few years...more then the top heel superstars of the company....the possibility of vickey guerrero as the new GM of RAW is very little she did held the position in the past...she is doing a good job in SD trying to lift the WWE DIVAS division...nd it should continue the way it is being programed...i would like to see SD have CO-GM's like RAW did in the past with AUSIN nd BISCHOFF....long vs guerrero would b fun

The idea of BRET HART as the RAW GM is not ......as bret doesn't have the best of microphone skills....nd bret did mention that this monday will be his last RAW so considering that fact bret wouldn't be the best person for this position....
if talking about a perfect GM for RAW,a heel who can generate a lotta heat nd has good microphone skills....there is only superstar that comes in my mind nd thatz JBL....most of u might not agree with me....but JBL has gud mic skills,he can generate a lotta heat nd a segment between him nd Mr McMahon where the show JBL gettin sum share in the RAW franchise.....i would wish JBL to portray the gimmick he had on SD as a lousy,over-confident,loud-mouth,bragging self made-millionaire nd not the one he had in RAW...his segments in SD were always fun to watch but the time he went to raw in was made boring...a lousy,loud-mouth,red neck millionaire as RAW GM....HELLL YEAAHHHHH
Honestly I would like to see William Regal come back as Raw GM. He was great palying a derrranged power hungry GM. And with NXT wrapping up here soon, he could have Wade Barrett (A Brit just like Regal) become his enforcer. If Teddy Long does come back as Smackdown GM then Regal would be the heel GM that everyone is looking for. Honestly I am tired of Vickie Guerrero. EXCUSE ME!..... I hate that so much. She draws heat big time but I think her time is about up.

Throwing a wild card out there, but another idea for GM of RAW is Jim Ross. It probably wont happen but think about it. Beginning of RAW, Orton is out bragging about how he got Vickie to resign and is talking then all of a sudden Edge tells him in a sarcastic way that he did great, he got guerrero to resign and he is asking who is in charge now? Cause if no one he is going to beat the holy hell out of Orton, then all of a sudden the Oklahoma Fight Song plays and out comes Jim Ross as the new GM of RAW.
Vickie generates more heat from the crowd then most heel superstars I see in wrestling today. She has a gift I think.

I say keep her on; otherwise get a veteran in there. Business goes up and fans will buy tickets even if it's just to see the likes of Ted Dibiase Sr. or some other well-known oldie calling the shots.

I mention Ted because he is my second choice. I think it would work wonders for Jr. and make him a prominent heel. He'll get enough heat perhaps to even pass Vickie if done right. Keep in mind I think Sr. would make a good GM, not Jr. I fear an idiot may take this the wrong way.
Bret Hart would definately be a great choice and to keep him around in a non-wrestling role. We need something new, a big star and Bret would be refreshing than picking Vickie. Vickie can be a heel as consultant on SD! no need for her on Raw.

Also, speaking of big names returning for non wrestling roles I'd like HBK to be GM as he was Commissioner of the WWE before when he was out 4 years (not all 4 but I remember him being Commissioner)

Also the fans would love seeing him back in any form.

Shane would be a nice surprise, but I feel his return to wrestling will be in 2011 and it wont be with WWE

My all time favorite pick would have to be Stephanie McMahon Helmsley, though unrealistic for the near future even though she could travel with the kids on the tour bus, I loved Steph as GM of SD! and Raw.

It's good to see a McMahon on TV and Steph is not only hot and great to look at, but she's great to watch as character with a good personality. I'd love to see her back. It'd be better to have her back than seeing guests hosts every week. I want a sexy GM again. Steph knows what she's doing after all. But my ultimate hope is she comes back when they go TV-14 and runs the show with Hunter in a new Helmsley-McMahon Era type thing. Maybe when Vince is out of the picture for good.

I love the idea of JR being the GM. Because if you think about it he wouldn't have to return to the announce booth (as much as I would personally LOVE to hear him calling play by play with the king) and he could be on WWE TV. JR is one of the most beloved people. Hell he gets a standing ovation in TEXAS when the Oklahoma fight song plays!

However Vickie does an awesome job at generating so much heat anyone she is linked to automatically develops that much more heat. She's the first person I can remember in AGES getting so much heat you couldn't HEAR her in a MICROPHONE.

So if I had to choose.
JR first
Vickie 2nd

As weird as this sounds...

JJ Dillon would also be on my list of people I'd like to see in charge of Raw. May sound crazy but JJ has a knowledge of the industry that could be useful for that particular role. When he was "in charge" of WCW he did an outstanding job IMO. He stayed out of the spotlight as much as possible and when he was in the spotlight they weren't (for the most part) boring segments!
I would love to see Regal return as GM, I loved his work back before he got suspended.
I also like the ideas of JBL and Shawn Michaels, but if I had my choice, and boy is it a stretch, i would choose another former commissioner...Mick Foley. I love Foley in talking roles, he isn't the greatest wrestler anymore, but he has great promo skills. It would be a perfect time for him to return too because of his history with Edge
I don't like Vicky but we all know she's a great gm, the matches she call are interesting.. And she will do whatever Randy orton wants her to do cuz she fears him lol I think Vicky .. Plus I'm tired of seeing old ass Bret hart .
I know Vickie gets an incredible amount of heat. But I think she is very very boring. I dont think she gets the right kind of heat. I think she gets the, "Aw fuck not Vickie Guerrero" kind of heat rather than I want to see someone beat this guy/girl up. Well, I know this is unrealistic but mu ultimate choice would be Stone Cold. Stunners for everyone !! But a more realistic point of veiw, I want the celebrity guest hosts to stay right now, not because I love watching them fuck up when they come on the show thinking they are going to be loved and pretending to be all-time fans, I do though, but until The Rock has come and gone. I cant wait for that !!

Thereafter, I would certainly NOT pick JR as someone suggested. Are you joking ?? JR is a good commentator but his mic skills would be no where near the level you would need for someone in this role. And as a heel ?? No chance he could pull that off. I think people would eventually get bored of him. Critisize all you want, it's the truth.
The truth ?? Hmmm. R-Truth ?? Nah lol probably not.

A long shot but still worth mentioning I think would be Abraham Washington. No ?? He was pretty good on ECW although the crowd were always dead they were most the night. And it would be good to see if he could generate some good heat, which I htink he could. Give him his chance I say. I wouldnt like Stephanie or Vince to take charge because they have done SOOO much in the past involving them in charge of the show and its been done to death. William Regal did do a great job but they didnt let it last long enough and now he has faded away. I cant beleive someone above me actually wrote Regal should get Wade Barrett because he is british. When will this end people wanting other to team up because they are from the same place. Anyhow, to conclude I would like someone who is new(not been in charge much or just a change in general) and probably a heel or tweer would be good. I recall Micky Foley was GM a while ago with Eric Bicshoff andI didnt like Foley as much as I did when he was in that role(face GM). I serisiulsy think though that Abraham Washington should be given his chance. He can play a good heel, is lively and he is also a wrestler so he could participate with storylines in the ring.

Also, someone mentioned HBK and I just imagined in a few years time when hopefully Triple H takes a part time wrestling role and is in charge of the WWE with probably Stephanie, if Triple H was running one show and Shawn Michaels the other, that would be immense !! They could both crossover into the other show alot and it would be a big moment in WWE history.

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