Alberto del rio & Vickie Guerrero alliance


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ever since vickie has been on smackdown she has lost all my interest, vickie is pointless unless she is getting someone over a hump, vickie is a great gm when she plays favorite's, but that hadn't been happening instead vickie is just boring, and plain, is she heel? is she face? i can't tell i don't think she can tell, i would much rather see teddy long as smackdown gm and vickie to be a personal valet to a wrestler such as cesaro or even swagger to boost them up, but when i look at boring in the wwe i think of alberto del rio, vickie and alberto has been having a feud lately, but what if vickie and alberto joined together? this could make them a power couple, and could lead to a interesting storyline to have alberto and vickie together, with john cena and nikki bella could feud with vickie and alberto, it could help total diva's script! and would be interesting to see.
whats your thought's on alberto and vickie together?
and would cena/nikki vs alberto/vickie be a good feud?
I hope this doesn't happen, she is good in her roll as a cougar GM who favour her boyfriend at the time. She has done this with Edge and Ziggler and doing it again would be boring and unoriginal. But WWE are great Recyclers so it could happen but I would just prefer Maddox as both GMs as he is new and can play the corporate puppet very well
I hope this doesn't happen, she is good in her roll as a cougar GM who favour her boyfriend at the time. She has done this with Edge and Ziggler and doing it again would be boring and unoriginal. But WWE are great Recyclers so it could happen but I would just prefer Maddox as both GMs as he is new and can play the corporate puppet very well
I agree 100%. The Vickie-younger boyfriend thing has been done to death! Can the WWE just respect the late great Eddie Guerrero's legacy by not making his wife Vickie out to be this gutter-**** on national TV. First Eric Escobar (released) then Edge (retired) and after that Dolph Ziggler (in the doghouse with the WWE). It was hard enough watching Vickie & the Big Show go at it awhile ago on WWE TV prior to Wrestlemania 25. It made me wanna puke!
I'm not convinced I want to see Vickie in this role again, especially with Del Rio. It was good with Edge and Ziggler but a third (fourth including that other guy who's name escapes me) would be overkill. Del Rio is not going to become anything more than what he is so it would be a waste of what Vickie offers. Secondly, Vickie is fine in her role as a GM.

Also, there is no doubt in my mind that Vickie was made to work any of these storylines with Edge or Ziggler unwillingly. I can't imagine someone pitching that to her and reluctantly doing it, twice. The WWE probably wanted to give her a job and acting as the boyfriend of Edge/Ziggler was an option that both decided on.
Vickie and AJ, I swear. They were both used in the same stupid manner.

I like a show that remains consistent; if someone is depraved and only exercises their power for selfish purposes, they should remain that way unless something significant prompts a paradigm shift.

In Vickie's case, I honestly don't know what she's supposed to be. She spent a while being a horrible person, now she despises heel Alberto Del Rio for attempting to manipulate her. They did the same thing with AJ when she'd apparently snap and order someone to do something stupid and humiliating.

At this point, all they can really do is experiment. If they team Vickie up with Del Rio, it would have to be on behalf of a common enemy unto them. I only say that because considering her being annoyed with Del Rio, it would look stupid if they up and started being friends. But yeah, it's the WWE so who really knows. Next week she might be kayfabe pregnant by him.
I agree 100%. The Vickie-younger boyfriend thing has been done to death! Can the WWE just respect the late great Eddie Guerrero's legacy by not making his wife Vickie out to be this gutter-**** on national TV. First Eric Escobar (released) then Edge (retired) and after that Dolph Ziggler (in the doghouse with the WWE). It was hard enough watching Vickie & the Big Show go at it awhile ago on WWE TV prior to Wrestlemania 25. It made me wanna puke!

Vickie is a character for christs sake!!!!! She is playing the role of a **** which in turn draws some great heat. Eddie was portrayed as a lieing, cheating, stealing Mexican. Like he would give a fuck.

Nothing to do with respecting Eddie. Vickie is a CHARACTER!!!!!!!

Del Rio and Vickie would be an interesting partnership. Del Rio sometimes struggles to get heat so his association could hopefully help him out.
If Vickie and ADR unite over a common enemy, my money's on Ricardo. Especially since they're teasing that both Vickie and ADR are in some way involved with The Authority.

IF they go with this - and this is a BIG IF - they should have Vickie, acting on behalf of ADR, go to Triple-H and Stephanie with trying to get Ricardo back in ADR's corner. Trips and Steph go for it, even presenting Ricardo with a tux when he comes back and ordering him to go back to ADR.

And imagine their collective surprise when he SNAPS! on The Authority and says NO!

Could happen, may not happen, we'll just have to see.

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