Vickie Guerrero: Where Does She Go After Dolph Ziggler

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner

Vickie Guerrero has been a pretty influential in her role as a heel since joining up with the WWE following Eddie's death. She started as the catalyst for the Benoit/Chavo feud over the United States championship, and went on from their to manage Edge and La Familia. She took over Smackdown as the "Assistant General Manager", during which she put over LayCool. And eventually Edge would "cheat" on Vickie, turn face, and Vickie would align herself with Dolph Ziggler.

Personally I think she's done a great job as Ziggler's manager, and gave him the heat he needed to get over, eventually developing his own personality and character as things went on. But I also don't think their destinies are linked for a whole lot longer. In fact, if the Vickie/Ziggler ship hasn't sunk by the end of 2012, I will be really surprised...

Who here are my questions:
-How would you rate the Vickie/Ziggler partnership on a scale of 1-10 thus far?
-How does WWE go about separating Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero?
-Where should Vickie Guerrero go after her time with Ziggler is up? Should she continue being a manager on Raw, retire, move back over to Smackdown, stick with Swagger...? What does the future hold for Vickie Guerrero.
I honestly don't even remember how the whole Ziggler/Vickie thing even started it's been so long. I'd rate the relation ship at 9,just because im still not on the Ziggler bandwagon. I think Ziggler still has to stay heel but just flat out embarasses Vickie in the proccess. I think Vickie should just keep trying to latch herself on to young talent, kind of like a couger/forming her own stable of clients gimmick.
[Heel] Green Ranger;3704378 said:

Who here are my questions:
-How would you rate the Vickie/Ziggler partnership on a scale of 1-10 thus far?

I would rate this stint with Ziggler about an 8. He was already good in the ring to begin with so that has stuck with him throughout his time with her. His mic skills have only recently begun to mold into something great, in all honesty that was what Ziggler needed the most and took the longest duration of time to achieve. Vicky has been with Dolph since mid-2010 as I remember it almost 2 years now, and up until last December I did not notice any drastic changes other that the heat that inevitably accompanies Vicky. However it has been doing what it's purpose meant it for, Ziggler has better mic skills and is now more over than before.

-How does WWE go about separating Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero?

I can see them continuing what they alluded to with the Ziggler/Swagger altercations. Whether Ziggler goes face after he splits with her I can't predict but Swagger will most likely eventually feud with Ziggler. Who knows maybe WWE can make Ziggler a huge face by embarrassing or humiliating her in front of the crows.

-Where should Vickie Guerrero go after her time with Ziggler is up? Should she continue being a manager on Raw, retire, move back over to Smackdown, stick with Swagger...? What does the future hold for Vickie Guerrero.

I don't ever see her being GM again, it's just some weird feeling but I don't see it happening. I think one person that would need her more than Swagger is Alberto Del Rio. Ever since this guy set foot in the company they have been passionate on getting this man to the top in record time. They tried it and faltered due to Del Rio's lack of heat drawing that for some reason doesn't captivate the crowd. Vicky is a fucking heat magnet and there is no denying that she would be able to get ADR finally over. Whether his mic skills would improve or not I'm not sure, his character seems to restrict him to corny lines. Other than that I just see her continuing on Swagger until he either makes or breaks because of Vicky.​
[Heel] Green Ranger;3704378 said:
-How would you rate the Vickie/Ziggler partnership on a scale of 1-10 thus far?

I would rate it at least a 7, she has done well as a heel manager it suits her well and she is good at doing it, Dolph has gotten a bit of notoriety out of it as well, whether you love or hate her people pay attention to her, you have no choice sometimes with the excuse me!! Plus I think she is still somewhat still associated with Edge.

[Heel] Green Ranger;3704378 said:
-How does WWE go about separating Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero?

I don't see the need to separate them at all, even if he does end up winning the heavyweight belt he can still benefit from having a manager, Bobby Heenan managed world champions so why can't Vickie (although as good as she is she is NO Bobby Heenan). If the decision was made to seperate them then I think it would work best with a Ziggler face turn, keep Vickie as a heel, she is very effective in that roll.

[Heel] Green Ranger;3704378 said:
-Where should Vickie Guerrero go after her time with Ziggler is up? Should she continue being a manager on Raw, retire, move back over to Smackdown, stick with Swagger...? What does the future hold for Vickie Guerrero.

I would love for her to build up her stable like when she tried to recruit Mason Ryan, it's been a very long time since we have had a manager in the WWE and I think the time has come, Slick, Heenan, Mr Fuji all had a large number of clientele and were successful with it. The roll suits Vickie and she already has a proven track record. I think if nothing else as far as story-lines go once Dolph gets there she will focus on Swagger.
id like to see her add drew mcintyre in to her stable

he would benefit alot from it

time for ziggler and vickie to seperate but keep them both heels
How would you rate the Vickie/Ziggler partnership on a scale of 1-10 thus far?
I'd rank it somewhere around 8, she really is a terrific manager and she helped score Ziggler alot of heat while he established himself as a legit heel. Now he's broken out on his own and really isn't in need of her assistance, on top of that I havent seen them use her in quite some time for more than just walking to the ring with him and screaming during his matches. But the point here is on the subject of her doing what she needed for his character, she did an excellent job working with him and he is a better superstar now because of it.

How does WWE go about separating Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero?
They don't need to make a very big deal out of their separation, just have her try to step in and talk for him during interviews and have Dolph snap at her and say he can do it. Throw a few little things like that in over the period of a month at most and then give them a backstage scene where Dolph says he doesn't need her anymore and he never did, it'll add to his cocky gimmick and she'll be done working with him.

Where should Vickie Guerrero go after her time with Ziggler is up? Should she continue being a manager on Raw, retire, move back over to Smackdown, stick with Swagger...? What does the future hold for Vickie Guerrero.
Obviously it depends on where she is in life and if she wants to continue with the manager role or even stick around and do something behind the scenes, as long as she wants a job WWE will have one for her. Personally I would say that she should either stick with Swagger and attempt to use her magic to reinvent that dull SOB. Another would be Drew McIntyre, since there's talk of him in a Rick Rude type gimmick soon why not have her be one of his many admirers. Don't have her as his girlfriend like with Dolph but just someone who's got the hots for him and she walks him to the ring staring at him like he's a greek god. But only time will tell, I do hope she sticks around though because I appreciate that she's stayed in the business since Eddie passed and it's kindof a tribute to him.
-How would you rate the Vickie/Ziggler partnership on a scale of 1-10 thus far?
7/10. Vickie boosted Ziggler's heel status while also making her a credible manager heel. Honestly, I don't think Ziggler will ever achieve the place he is in now without him pairing with Vickie Guerrero,
-How does WWE go about separating Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero?
Perhaps, Vickie would invite more superstars on her stable and there will be an internal conflict. And that triggers Ziggler's face turn and leaving Vickie's stable.
-Where should Vickie Guerrero go after her time with Ziggler is up? Should she continue being a manager on Raw, retire, move back over to Smackdown, stick with Swagger...? What does the future hold for Vickie Guerrero.
She is a force to reckon with, considering that she produced 2 world champions (Edge and Ziggler), so I see her taking more superstars on her stable, or possibly managing another world champion in-the-making.
-How does WWE go about separating Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero?
They should tease their separation every now and then (like a love triangle with Jack swagger), just like they tease Cena's heel turn in every intense feud of his.
Or, Randy Orton breaking Vickie's neck would be just fine too, with Dolph Ziggler begging all her former lovers to help him in taking revenge. It would help Dolph in gaining some sympathy as well.

-Where should Vickie Guerrero go after her time with Ziggler is up? Should she continue being a manager on Raw, retire, move back over to Smackdown, stick with Swagger...? What does the future hold for Vickie Guerrero.
Helping another wrestler on the rooster like Jinder Mahal (or Drew McIntyre) in getting established or forming a heel stable on smackdown.
-How would you rate the Vickie/Ziggler partnership on a scale of 1-10 thus far?
In terms of the last 10 years of WWE, this partnership easily hits an 8, possibly 9 when Ziggler wins the big one, assuming he's still with Vickie by then. We havn't seen many, if not ANY good manager roles in the WWE in a LONG time, but Vickie is a VERY goood manager, and even better heat magnet. She's led a few others to titles, including Edge (who was already a former champion) If she can lead Ziggler from midcarding to the ME and eventually winning the big one, it would make the best wrestler/manager pairing in over a decade in WWE.

-How does WWE go about separating Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero?
I think it'll be as simple as the draft breaking them up. Keeps them both heal where they need to be, and if it is this years, they're both over enough to not need one another. Ziggler can go it himself, and Vickie can start helping someone else. Maybe send her and Swagger to Smackdown?

-Where should Vickie Guerrero go after her time with Ziggler is up? Should she continue being a manager on Raw, retire, move back over to Smackdown, stick with Swagger...? What does the future hold for Vickie Guerrero.
As mentioned above and by everyone else, I wanna see Vickie stick around and manage someone else. It seems with the exception of Eric Escobar, everyone she's managed has eventually reached WWE Gold of some sort. Use her on someone like Drew McIntyre or someone who could use the push.
[Heel] Green Ranger;3704378 said:
-How would you rate the Vickie/Ziggler partnership on a scale of 1-10 thus far?

10. Vickie is doing a great job and Ziggler is taking full advantage of it.

[Heel] Green Ranger;3704378 said:
-How does WWE go about separating Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero?

I’m not sure how, only because I don’t think they should be separated. If anything, they should do the exact opposite.

[Heel] Green Ranger;3704378 said:
-Where should Vickie Guerrero go after her time with Ziggler is up? Should she continue being a manager on Raw, retire, move back over to Smackdown, stick with Swagger...? What does the future hold for Vickie Guerrero.

In my WWE 12 Universe, I have Vickie on the NXT roster. She’s the only person on the NXT roster. The NXT roster is not active on any day of the week. What I’m thinking may or may not be original, but I think, because of the Raw Super Smackdown Show / Talent Exchange 2011 – 12, Vickie should try to expand her clientele to both shows. I’m sure there are Heels on both Raw and Smackdown that need someone to voice their opinions. What I mean by this, is there are a lot of SuperStars right now that have little to no mic skills and are getting little to no reaction from the crowd. I say give her Cody Rhodes and Wade Barrett. Then shortly after that, give her a Tag Team, any Tag Team. She has history with Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder. Just an idea.
Vicky will always have a place as long as she wants it. She gets one of the biggest heel reactions in the entire WWE next to Michael Cole. As fas as her role, i think she does a pefect job as a manager, which is really a dying piece of wrestling. WIth so many great managers over the years like Bobby Heenan, Jimmy Hart. Mr. Fiji, Slick and others, i think she gets an even better crowd reaction then some of them.

ANd i think she will be in the WWE Hall of Fame one day as a manager.
i think they should put her with ted dibiase, they dropped the ball with him big time, i think she could get him some good heat, fast. And i just really wanna see Ted back in a role that actually means something again.
-How would you rate the Vickie/Ziggler partnership on a scale of 1-10 thus far?
9. Not perfect, but damn near.

-How does WWE go about separating Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero?
Have Ziggler get over cocky and sy he don't need her anymore.
Have Ziggler win the WWE Championship/ WHC and the Vickie tell him she is moving on to help the next person reach a world title.

-Where should Vickie Guerrero go after her time with Ziggler is up? Should she continue being a manager on Raw, retire, move back over to Smackdown, stick with Swagger...? What does the future hold for Vickie Guerrero.

I think she definently needs to continue being a manager. Have her stable grow would be my choice. Add guys like Hawkins, Rek, McIntyre, etc.
I wouldn't mind seeing her go a face role somehow.. I mean she is the late wife of Eddie.. she could get a face reaction if she tried.. I am actually surprised she was ever boo'd to begin with knowing that fact!
Ziggler has made some damn good progress within the last couple of months. He's always been near the top of my favorites list but I always knew he should be no where near the WWE Championship unless he developed character. With in the last couple of months, he's started to develop a showoff character and guess what; he did all of that without Vickie. Theoretically, he didn't need Vickie Guerrero to get over. He needed to dust off some of that charisma, develop and tone his personality. He's did that. He managed to get and remain over without Vickie. True, Vickie probably helped him as a crutch from being future endeavored, but he shined through the Raw roster on his own merit. So through all of that, I'd give Vickie Guerrero and Dolph's history with one another a nice 6.

Like I said, during his feud with Punk, Vickie was completely irrelevant. It's time for him to drop her while he's still hot. He doesn't need to change his character or turn face; he just started this new showoff gimmick and that character is best suited to be a heel. Ziggler just has to break his ties with Vickie and continue on. It's really that simple. No complicated storyline. No face turn. Just break apart. Pass Vickie off to some other heel that could use her as a crutch for the next couple of years. Notable names: Jack Swagger and/or Drew McIntyre. Hell, pair her up with Cody Rhodes as he needs a bit of heat. Ziggler got over on his own within the last couple of weeks. He doesn't need Vickie anymore. These superstars however, could benefit from her for a while.
I wouldn't mind seeing her go a face role somehow.. I mean she is the late wife of Eddie.. she could get a face reaction if she tried.. I am actually surprised she was ever boo'd to begin with knowing that fact!
I wouldn't mind a face turn. But she's best suited for a heel managerial role. She could use her heat to get some of the very un-over talent on Raw and Smackdown over. She's a little too valuable as a heel to turn face.
Overall I would rate the Ziggler/Vickie partnership around an 8 out 10. It started off great and was a major help for Ziggler. Their partnership has outlived its purpose though and Ziggler no longer needs Vickie. He hasn't for a long time. Ziggler should head out on his own while Vickie manages Swagger instead, he needs it much more than Ziggler does. The main problem WWE would face with separating Ziggler from Vickie right now is the fact that telling Vickie off would instantly turn Ziggler face, and if he's going to feud with CM Punk for the WWE Championship then he needs to be a heel.

I could see Swagger returning to Smackdown after having told Vickie off. Vickie should keep managing Swagger so that he can develop more momentum, something he has been lacking ever since a year ago with the Cole angle. They need to get Swagger back to where he was as World Champion before bad booking ruined everything. Vickie's management will be a big help. Other than sticking with Swagger once Ziggler inevitably leaves her, I don't see much else going on for Vickie in the future really. She could go back to being GM but much like Long she would overstay her welcome in that role fairly quickly. Remaining a manager to help struggling heels is where she belongs now since anyone associated with her can feed off the large amounts of heel heat she gets just for grabbing a mic.
Overall I would rate the Ziggler/Vickie partnership around an 8 out 10. It started off great and was a major help for Ziggler. Their partnership has outlived its purpose though and Ziggler no longer needs Vickie. He hasn't for a long time. Ziggler should head out on his own while Vickie manages Swagger instead, he needs it much more than Ziggler does. The main problem WWE would face with separating Ziggler from Vickie right now is the fact that telling Vickie off would instantly turn Ziggler face, and if he's going to feud with CM Punk for the WWE Championship then he needs to be a heel.

I don't exactly agree with you here. I think the Ziggler/Vickie partnership is still VERY useful for Dolph. There's nothing wrong with a heel, who's still fairly unestablished in the main event, to have a manager aid him. She's only helping him get more heat, but on top of that, for a younger guy like Ziggler, it just offers an air of importance to have manager there. Plus, it's very unlikely that Ziggler wins the WWE Championship here, so taking Vickie from him would only make him another one of the bunch once he's forced to take a backseat to Punk and Jericho, or whoever. Vickie offers something different for Dolph, something nobody else in his position has -- no need to cut that out.

Also, if we're going to talk about the eventual split, I'd think they could actually use that as a way to even advance his heel persona even more. While Vickie is absolutely a heat magnet, they could probably still try to generate some sympathy for her if he began to treat her like trash. I mean, I'd definitely agree it's an easy path to making Ziggler a face, but I wouldn't dismiss the possibility of this furthering him as a heel, either. I can see Dolph completely ignoring her and continuing to be a heel to other members of the roster, while they made Vickie look pathetic -- but not humorously -- and garnering extra heat for Ziggler. Either way though, it'd be simpler to make him a face through that, but there's a lot of different possibilities.
Let me first say that I am not really a divas fan. That being said, I can see a move towards her trying to get the divas division a little stronger this year. Tamina is still new, but she is actually a very good competitor. Vickie/Eddies daughter will undoubtedly come out of fcw this year, and I can see her aligning herself with her daughter in a heel role and having an epic feud with Tamina at some point this year.
Vickie Guerrero has done a fantastic job with Dolph Ziggler. She's helped Ziggler develop himself as a character and was able to draw massive heat for Ziggler when he couldn't do it himself. Now that Ziggler is drawing great heat on his own, I look for WWE to find another young heel to pair Vickie up with because Dolph doesn't really need her now.

With the talk of an "arrogant playboy" character for Drew McIntyre, I think pairing him with Vickie would do a lot to help get McIntyre's character over. Vickie's greatest contribution is helping young heels get over and there's nobody in wrestling that does a better job of doing that then her. Vickie draws heat like very few people can and fans love to boo her. It's a talent that WWE has made the most of and if a young heel can't get over with Vickie by his side, then it's probably best to future endeavor the guy.
I don't exactly agree with you here. I think the Ziggler/Vickie partnership is still VERY useful for Dolph. There's nothing wrong with a heel, who's still fairly unestablished in the main event, to have a manager aid him. She's only helping him get more heat, but on top of that, for a younger guy like Ziggler, it just offers an air of importance to have manager there. Plus, it's very unlikely that Ziggler wins the WWE Championship here, so taking Vickie from him would only make him another one of the bunch once he's forced to take a backseat to Punk and Jericho, or whoever. Vickie offers something different for Dolph, something nobody else in his position has -- no need to cut that out.

This is why he may be better off going back to Smackdown. If they have them split up then Punk would probably destroy him in promo's and would still have the upper hand in a match. They want Punk to become the new top face, so Ziggler has to remain a heel, and if he stays on Raw that could make things difficult for him. The thing is.... There is only so much Vickie can do to help him. He's improved to the point where he is ready to main event. The moment Punk finishes feuding with Jericho, that #1 contendership belongs to Ziggler. Vickie needs to help Swagger too, and I wouldn't want Swagger to get swept under the rug for not being as important as Ziggler. He needs Vickie's help far more than Dolph does at this point.

Also, if we're going to talk about the eventual split, I'd think they could actually use that as a way to even advance his heel persona even more. While Vickie is absolutely a heat magnet, they could probably still try to generate some sympathy for her if he began to treat her like trash. I mean, I'd definitely agree it's an easy path to making Ziggler a face, but I wouldn't dismiss the possibility of this furthering him as a heel, either. I can see Dolph completely ignoring her and continuing to be a heel to other members of the roster, while they made Vickie look pathetic -- but not humorously -- and garnering extra heat for Ziggler. Either way though, it'd be simpler to make him a face through that, but there's a lot of different possibilities.

You make an interesting argument here, but sympathy will not get Vickie any support. Dolph will get a face reaction for treating her badly. He could lock her in a submission hold for the simple purpose of inflicting pain on her, and he'd get cheered for it. This is the woman who gets boo'ed out of the building any time she as much as grabs a microphone. It's pretty safe to say she will not get any fan support again anytime soon. Its a compliated situation and that may very well be why Ziggler is still under Vickie's management. The moment they split he loses a heel heat source. It's coming though, with him having one foot inside the door as far as main eventing and with Swagger needing Vickie much more now.
I love Vickie!! She helped Dolph a lot, and I believe he is ready to go on his own to main event now..
I think she could create a bigger stable, with one more young heel, maybe a heel diva too.. and then Dolph could say that he is too good to be with all those people and leave.

Anyway.. I just hope to hear 'EXCUSE ME' for a very long time, followed by a lot of heat!! =)
-How would you rate the Vickie/Ziggler partnership on a scale of 1-10 thus far?
Rating 8 because she's taken a major step back and started to let Ziggler take control of his destiny. Ziggler's now the focus of their pairing which is nice. She's been managing Ziggler for at least the past 2 years, she's helped him win several titles in the time frame, and she's expanded her stable by adding Swagger.

-How does WWE go about separating Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero?
She needs to cost him a title match, he's been pushed towards the title so hard recently and in order to split the two up they would need her to do some serious damage to him. If could be a situation where Ziggler goes face, or remains heel but takes that next deep step into the super heel area.

-Where should Vickie Guerrero go after her time with Ziggler is up? Should she continue being a manager on Raw, retire, move back over to Smackdown, stick with Swagger...?
She should continue to manage, she should have already been giving a tag team to manage. She's needed her stable size increased for the past 6 months. The addition of Swagger was nice, but she should be managing more people. She's a heat magnet and should be used and abused to help get over young and up and coming superstars.

What does the future hold for Vickie Guerrero
Hopefully its bright and full of interesting story lines and angles. She's been a great asset to the company and should continue to be utilized.
I would rate their relationship a 8.5. Mainly because she has done so much for Dolph. And let's face it. Their is no way Ziggler could have gotten to where he is today if it wasn't for her.

I think the way they should separate is Dolph getting his ego so high that he fires her because he believes he can go on by himself.

After that she should turn face and still manage Swagger. And Swagger also turn face, That way she will get Swagger to face against Dolph in the near future.

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